912 research outputs found

    Comparación de las tasas de progresión de la maculopatía miópica entre población caucásica y asiática

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    Describir el patrón y calcular la tasa de progresión de la Maculopatía Miópica en una serie española de pacientes con Miopía Patológica y comparar los resultados con los de una serie japonesa. El diseño del estudio es un estudio observacional retrospectivo unicéntrico. La población de estudio fueron pacientes con Alta Miopía que fueron seguidos durante 5 años o más mediante retinografías. Las variables analizadas incluyeron edad, sexo, Agudeza Visual (AV), error refractivo (ER), tiempo de seguimiento, y presencia de atrofia peripapilar. Las características funduscópicas de la mácula se clasificaron de acuerdo con el metanálisis de Miopía Patológica (META-PM).(1) Se calculó la tasa de progresión, y se hizo un análisis de regresión logística y un estudio multivariante. Resultados. El estudio incluyó 220 ojos de 122 pacientes, 85 mujeres (69.67%) y 37 varones (30.33%), edad media de 48.18±14.1 años y un seguimiento medio de 12.11±4.62 años. La tasa de progresión de maculopatía miópica fue de 32.21 por 1000 ojos-año. Dentro del grupo con maculopatía miópica (n=138 ojos), la progresión de la maculopatía miópica (MM) se asoció con el género femenino (odds ratio [OR], 3.407; p=0.0047) y un ER mayor (OR, 1.078; p=0.047). Del grupo de ojos miopes sin maculopatía miópica al inicio del estudio (n=82 ojos), la progresión fue asociada con tener atrofia peripapilar (OR, 19.93; p=0.009), y como factor de protección tener un menor ER inicial (OR, 0.746; p=0.0038). La pérdida de AV fue asociada principalmente con tener atrofia peripapilar (OR, 3.6905; p=0.0465). El mejor modelo multivariante que explica la progresión de la maculopatía miópica es aquel que considera las variables de sexo, ER y AV inicial (AIC [Criterio de Información de Akaike] de 148.95). La tasa de progresión obtenida en pacientes miopes caucásicos es menor a la obtenida en el estudio de la serie japonesa Fang et al(2). Los principales factores de riesgo para la progresión en ojos con MM fueron el sexo femenino y mayor ER inicial. Y en los ojos sin MM al inicio fue la atrofia parapapilar. La AV disminuye a mayor progresión de la enfermedad, identificándose la atrofia parapapilar como principal factor de riesgo de esa pérdida de visión.Grado en Medicin

    Relaciones de género en el Partido Pantera Negra (1966-1982)

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    Dentro de las organizaciones que formaron el Movimiento del Poder Negro en Estados Unidos durante los años sesenta y setenta, el Partido Pantera Negra fue el que mayor protagonismo y propaganda otorgó a la figura de la mujer. Sin embargo, esta particularidad dentro de una sociedad y un movimiento con notables problemas de género invita a analizar los diferentes discursos que desarrolló el partido durante sus años más activos para comprender si esta visión fue una estrategia o una realidad. La adopción de unos valores e imágenes altamente masculinizadas para la época generó una contradicción que algunos de sus miembros e historiadores han señalado en diversas ocasiones. Un estudio de la labor de las mujeres en el seno de la organización y diversos ensayos de sus miembros nos facilita encontrar una respuesta a esa visible imagen de paridad dentro del Partido Pantera NegraAmong the organisations that constituted the Black Power Movement in the United States during the sixties and seventies, the Black Panther Party was the one which gave more prominence and promotion to the women’s image. Nevertheless, this particularity within a society and a movement with notably gender issues facilitates to analyse the different discourses developed by the Party to understand whether this vision was real or just a strategy. The assumption of highly male values and images generated a contradiction that has been recognized by some of its members and historians in more than one time. The research of the women’s roles in the Party and numerous essays of the members help us to find an answer to this clear image of parity in the Black Panther Part

    The geodesic completeness of compact Lorentzian manifolds admitting a timelike Killing vector field revisited: two new proofs

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    Compact Lorentzian manifolds admitting a timelike Killing vector field are shown to be complete by means of two different proofs to the original one.Spanish MINECO and ERDF project MTM2014-52232-

    Environmental and Climate Justice Movements. Theoretical Virtues and Limits.

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    Since their emergence, Environmental Justice Movements have become increasingly influential in national and international governance systems. Their leaders claim they create bridges between civil society and institutions – either international organizations, nation states or local governments – thereby enhancing public deliberation. This claim had drawn some political theorists’ attention, contending these grassroots movements have a remarkable cognitive potential which includes playing an avant-garde role by integrating and redefining political concepts. Since climate change has become established as the preeminent environmental issue, these movements have evolved into climate justice movements and have begun to pose new challenges to national and international governance systems and institutions. Do contributions made by both waves fit the cognitive requirements to think properly about an ecological era shaped by humans? By applying the Anthropocene framework, my claim is they do not. After analyzing two key concepts endorsed by these movements - global justice and environmental sustainability – I argue they should not be considered preeminent theoretical agents as their defenders argue. That is because they lack an open and dynamic conception of sustainability, as well as enough awareness of outcomes’ uncertainty in their conception of international justice.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Some more twisted Hilbert spaces

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    [EN] We provide three new examples of twisted Hilbert spaces by considering prop-erties that are "close" to Hilbert. We denote them Z(J), Z(S2) and Z(Ts2). The first space is asymptotically Hilbertian but not weak Hilbert. On the opposite side, Z(S2) and Z(Ts2) are not asymptotically Hilbertian. Moreover, the space Z(Ts2) is a HAPpy space and the technique to prove it gives a "twisted" version of a theorem of Johnson and Szankowski (Ann. of Math. 176:1987-2001, 2012). This is, we can construct a nontrivial twisted Hilbert space such that the isomorphism con-stant from its n-dimensional subspaces to ln2 grows to infinity as slowly as we wish when n -> infinity.SIMinisterio de economía, industria y competitividad ( MTM2016-76958-C2-1-P)Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónThe first author was supported by the grant BES-2017-079901 of the project MTM2016-76958-C2-1-P. The second author was supported in part by projects MTM2016-76958-C2-1-P, PID2019-103961GB-C21 and IB16056. This is part of the thesis of first named author under the supervision of Jesús M. F. Castillo and the second named author

    Editor’s Note

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    This special issue, Special Issue on Multisensor user tracking and analytics to improve education and other application fields, concentrates on the practical and experimental use of data mining and analytics techniques, specially focusing on the educational area. The selected papers deal with the most relevant issues in the field, such as the integration of data from different sources, the identification of data suitable for the problem analysis, and the validation of the analytics techniques as support in the decision making process. The application fields of the analytics techniques presented in this paper have a clear focus on the educational area (where Learning Analytics has emerged as a buzzword in the recent years) but not restricted to it. The result is a collection of use cases, experimental validations and analytics systems with a clear contribution to the state of the art

    Infinitesimal relative position vector fields for observers in a reference frame and applications to conformally stationary spacetimes

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    We introduce and analyze the concept of in nitesimal relative position vector eld between \in nitesimally nearby" observers, showing the equivalence between di erent de nitions. Through the Fermi-Walker derivative of in nitesimal relative position vector elds along an observer in a reference frame, we characterize spacetimes admitting an umbilic foliation. Su cient and necessary conditions for those spacetimes to be a conformally stationary spacetime are given. Finally, the important class of cosmological models known as generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes is characterize