811 research outputs found

    Effects of surface chemistry on hot corrosion life

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    Burner rig tests were conducted under the following conditions: 900 C, hourly thermal cycling, 0.5 ppm sodium as NaCl in the gas stream, and Mach 0.3 velocity. The alloys tested were Udimet 700 (U700) and Rene 80, uncoated and with RT21, Codep, or NiCoCrAlY coatings. The tests, up to 1000 hours, included specimens in the as-processed condition and after aging at 1100 C in oxidizing or inert environments for up to 600 hours. Coil-inductance changes were measured for periodic nondestructive inspection of speciments and found useful in the following course of corrosion. Typical sulfidation observed in all cases was similar to that observed in service-run turbine components. Aging at 1100 C caused severe decrease in the hot corrosion life of RT21 and Codep coatings and a significant but lesser decrease in the life of NiCoCrAlY coatings. The extent of these decreases was much greater for all three coatings on U700 than on Rene substrates. A coating hot corrosion life-predicitin model was proposed. The model requires time/temperature information for a turbine component at takeoff conditions as well as environmental contaminant information

    Effects of surface chemistry on hot corrosion life

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    Hot corrosion life prediction methodology based on a combination of laboratory test data and field service turbine components, which show evidence of hot corrosion, were examined. Components were evaluated by optical metallography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electron micropulse (EMP) examination

    Effects of surface chemistry on hot corrosion life

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    This program has its primary objective: the development of hot corrosion life prediction methodology based on a combination of laboratory test data and evaluation of field service turbine components which show evidence of hot corrosion. The laboratory program comprises burner rig testing by TRW. A summary of results is given for two series of burner rig tests. The life prediction methodology parameters to be appraised in a final campaign of burner rig tests are outlined

    Effects of surface chemistry on hot corrosion life

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    Baseline burner rig hot corrosion with Udimet 700, Rene' 80; uncoated and with RT21, Codep, or NiCoCrAlY coatings were tested. Test conditions are: 900C, hourly thermal cycling, 0.5 ppm sodium as NaCl in the gas stream, velocity 0.3 Mach. The uncoated alloys exhibited substantial typical sulfidation in the range of 140 to 170 hours. The aluminide coatings show initial visual evidence of hot corrosion at about 400 hours, however, there is no such visual evidence for the NiCoCrAlY coatings. The turbine components show sulfidation. The extent of this distress appeared to be inversely related to the average length of mission which may, reflect greater percentage of operating time near ground level or greater percentage of operation time at takeoff conditions (higher temperatures). In some cases, however, the location of maximum distress did not exhibit the structural features of hot corrosion

    Effects of surface chemistry on hot corrosion life

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    Burner rig tests were conducted under the following conditions: 900 C, hourly thermal cycling, 0.5 ppm sodium as MaCl in the gas stream, velocity 0.3 Mach. The alloys are Udiment 700, Rene 80, uncoated and with RT21, Codep, or NiCoCrAlY coatings. These tests were completed for specimens in the as-processed condition and after aging at 1100 C in oxidizing or inert evnivronments for time up to 600 hours. Coil inductance changes used for periodic nondestructive inspection of specimens were useful in following the course of corrosion. Typical sulfidation was observed in all cases, structurally similar to that observed for service-run turbine components. Aging at cuased a severe decrease in hot corrosion life of RT21 and Codep coatings and a significant but less decrease in the life of the NiCoCrAlY coating. The extent of these decreases was much greater for all three coatings on U700 substrates than on Rene 80 substrates. Coating/substrate interdiffusion rather than by surface oxidation

    Measurement of the permeability of tungsten to hydrogen and to oxygen Final report

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    Permeation rate measurements of hydrogen and oxygen through tungsten at elevated temperature


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    Mapping on islands covered by rain forest presents challenges due to the extremely limited exposure of bedrock. In general, exposures are limited to road cuts, quarries, and sea cliffs. While the first two are easily accessible, the last one provides the most reliable series of exposures for most islands, and generally forms the largest exposures. However, these outcrops are frequently difficult to impossible to reach from land, due to a lack of roads and/or strong surf right to the bases of the cliffs. Therefore, in July 2007, we chartered a boat to circumnavigate the island of Dominica in the Lesser Antilles to map and photograph the sea cliffs all around the island. The results provide modifications to the published geological map of the island and hitherto unknown details on the geology of the Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene-to-Recent volcanic centers. For example, an area previously mapped as part of the oldest sequence on the island (Miocene), has been identified as a megabreccia that is part of the Pleistocene sequence of the Grande Soufriere Hills volcanic center, and is now identified as much more extensive than was known from exposures accessible from land. Detailed stratigraphic sections of selected sequences will be presented to illustrate the effectiveness of this technique

    From the warm magnetized atomic medium to molecular clouds

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    {It has recently been proposed that giant molecular complexes form at the sites where streams of diffuse warm atomic gas collide at transonic velocities.} {We study the global statistics of molecular clouds formed by large scale colliding flows of warm neutral atomic interstellar gas under ideal MHD conditions. The flows deliver material as well as kinetic energy and trigger thermal instability leading eventually to gravitational collapse.} {We perform adaptive mesh refinement MHD simulations which, for the first time in this context, treat self-consistently cooling and self-gravity.} {The clouds formed in the simulations develop a highly inhomogeneous density and temperature structure, with cold dense filaments and clumps condensing from converging flows of warm atomic gas. In the clouds, the column density probability density distribution (PDF) peaks at \sim 2 \times 10^{21} \psc and decays rapidly at higher values; the magnetic intensity correlates weakly with density from n0.1n \sim 0.1 to 10^4 \pcc, and then varies roughly as n1/2n^{1/2} for higher densities.} {The global statistical properties of such molecular clouds are reasonably consistent with observational determinations. Our numerical simulations suggest that molecular clouds formed by the moderately supersonic collision of warm atomic gas streams.}Comment: submitted to A&

    Proton-Rich Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium

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    Proton-rich material in a state of nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) is one of the least studied regimes of nucleosynthesis. One reason for this is that after hydrogen burning, stellar evolution proceeds at conditions of equal number of neutrons and protons or at a slight degree of neutron-richness. Proton-rich nucleosynthesis in stars tends to occur only when hydrogen-rich material that accretes onto a white dwarf or neutron star explodes, or when neutrino interactions in the winds from a nascent proto-neutron star or collapsar-disk drive the matter proton-rich prior to or during the nucleosynthesis. In this paper we solve the NSE equations for a range of proton-rich thermodynamic conditions. We show that cold proton-rich NSE is qualitatively different from neutron-rich NSE. Instead of being dominated by the Fe-peak nuclei with the largest binding energy per nucleon that have a proton to nucleon ratio close to the prescribed electron fraction, NSE for proton-rich material near freeze-out temperature is mainly composed of Ni56 and free protons. Previous results of nuclear reaction network calculations rely on this non-intuitive high proton abundance, which this paper will explain. We show how the differences and especially the large fraction of free protons arises from the minimization of the free energy as a result of a delicate competition between the entropy and the nuclear binding energy.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure