864 research outputs found

    Microbiology and atmospheric processes: Biological, physical and chemical characterization of aerosol particles

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    The interest in bioaerosols has traditionally been linked to health hazards for humans, animals and plants. However, several components of bioaerosols exhibit physical properties of great significance for cloud processes, such as ice nucleation and cloud condensation. To gain a better understanding of their influence on climate, it is therefore important to determine the composition, concentration, seasonal fluctuation, regional diversity and evolution of bioaerosols. In this paper, we will review briefly the existing techniques for detection, quantification, physical and chemical analysis of biological particles, attempting to bridge physical, chemical and biological methods for analysis of biological particles and integrate them with aerosol sampling techniques. We will also explore some emerging spectroscopy techniques for bulk and single-particle analysis that have potential for in-situ physical and chemical analysis. Lastly, we will outline open questions and further desired capabilities (e. g., in-situ, sensitive, both broad and selective, on-line, time-resolved, rapid, versatile, cost-effective techniques) required prior to comprehensive understanding of chemical and physical characterization of bioaerosols

    2D Conformal Field Theories and Holography

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    It is known that the chiral part of any 2d conformal field theory defines a 3d topological quantum field theory: quantum states of this TQFT are the CFT conformal blocks. The main aim of this paper is to show that a similar CFT/TQFT relation exists also for the full CFT. The 3d topological theory that arises is a certain ``square'' of the chiral TQFT. Such topological theories were studied by Turaev and Viro; they are related to 3d gravity. We establish an operator/state correspondence in which operators in the chiral TQFT correspond to states in the Turaev-Viro theory. We use this correspondence to interpret CFT correlation functions as particular quantum states of the Turaev-Viro theory. We compute the components of these states in the basis in the Turaev-Viro Hilbert space given by colored 3-valent graphs. The formula we obtain is a generalization of the Verlinde formula. The later is obtained from our expression for a zero colored graph. Our results give an interesting ``holographic'' perspective on conformal field theories in 2 dimensions.Comment: 29+1 pages, many figure

    Relativistic point dynamics and Einstein formula as a property of localized solutions of a nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation

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    Einstein's relation E=Mc^2 between the energy E and the mass M is the cornerstone of the relativity theory. This relation is often derived in a context of the relativistic theory for closed systems which do not accelerate. By contrast, Newtonian approach to the mass is based on an accelerated motion. We study here a particular neoclassical field model of a particle governed by a nonlinear Klein-Gordon (KG) field equation. We prove that if a solution to the nonlinear KG equation and its energy density concentrate at a trajectory, then this trajectory and the energy must satisfy the relativistic version of Newton's law with the mass satisfying Einstein's relation. Therefore the internal energy of a localized wave affects its acceleration in an external field as the inertial mass does in Newtonian mechanics. We demonstrate that the "concentration" assumptions hold for a wide class of rectilinear accelerating motions

    Topological Mechanism of Superconductivity

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    We outline the basic ideas of the topological mechanisms of superconductivity. A gauged model of correlated electronic system where a topological fluid is formed as a result of a strong interaction is discussed.Comment: 38 pages, latex, no figure

    It is Hobbes, not Rousseau:an experiment on voting and redistribution

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    We perform an experiment which provides a laboratory replica of some important features of the welfare state. In the experiment, all individuals in a group decide whether to make a costly effort, which produces a random (independent) outcome for each one of them. The group members then vote on whether to redistribute the resulting and commonly known total sum of earnings equally amongst themselves. This game has two equilibria, if played once. In one of them, all players make effort and there is little redistribution. In the other one, there is no effort and nothingWe thank Iris Bohnet, Tim Cason, David Cooper, John Duffy, Maia Guell, John Van Huyck and Robin Mason for helpful conversations and encouragement. The comments of the Editor and two referees helped improve the paper. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation under grants CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 CSD2006-0016 (all authors), ECO2009-10531 (Cabrales), ECO2008-01768 (Nagel) and the Comunidad de Madrid under grant Excelecon (Cabrales), the Generalitat de Catalunya and the CREA program (Nagel), and project SEJ2007-64340 of Spain’s Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Rodríguez Mora).Publicad

    Long-Term Changes in Lower Tropospheric Baseline Ozone Concentrations:

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    Two recent papers have quantified long-term ozone (O3) changes observed at northernmidlatitude sites that are believed to represent baseline (here understood as representative of continental to hemispheric scales) conditions. Three chemistry-climate models (NCAR CAM-chem, GFDL-CM3, and GISS-E2-R) have calculated retrospective tropospheric O3 concentrations as part of the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project and Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 model intercomparisons. We present an approach for quantitative comparisons of model results with measurements for seasonally averaged O3 concentrations. There is considerable qualitative agreement between the measurements and the models, but there are also substantial and consistent quantitative disagreements. Most notably, models (1) overestimate absolute O3 mixing ratios, on average by approximately 5 to 17 ppbv in the year 2000, (2) capture only approximately 50% of O3 changes observed over the past five to six decades, and little of observed seasonal differences, and (3) capture approximately 25 to 45% of the rate of change of the long-term changes. These disagreements are significant enough to indicate that only limited confidence can be placed on estimates of present-day radiative forcing of tropospheric O3 derived from modeled historic concentration changes and on predicted future O3 concentrations. Evidently our understanding of tropospheric O3, or the incorporation of chemistry and transport processes into current chemical climate models, is incomplete. Modeled O3 trends approximately parallel estimated trends in anthropogenic emissions of NO(sub x), an important O3 precursor, while measured O3 changes increase more rapidly than these emission estimates

    Liquid-Solid Transition of Hard Spheres Under Gravity

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    We investigate the liquid-solid transition of two dimensional hard spheres in the presence of gravity. We determine the transition temperature and the fraction of particles in the solid regime as a function of temperature via Even-Driven molecular dynamics simulations and compare them with the theoretical predictions. We then examine the configurational statistics of a vibrating bed from the view point of the liquid-solid transition by explicitly determining the transition temperature and the effective temperature, T, of the bed, and present a relation between T and the vibration strength.Comment: 14 total pages, 4 figure

    Fermionic Chern-Simons theory for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Bilayers

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    We generalize the fermion Chern-Simons theory for the Fractional Hall Effect (FQHE) which we developed before, to the case of bilayer systems. We study the complete dynamic response of these systems and predict the experimentally accessible optical properties. In general, for the so called (m,m,n)(m, m, n) states, we find that the spectrum of collective excitations has a gap, and the wave function has the Jastrow-Slater form, with the exponents determined by the coefficients mm, and nn. We also find that the (m,m,m)(m,m,m) states, {\it i.~e.~}, those states whose filling fraction is 1m1\over m, have a gapless mode which may be related with the spontaneous appearance of the interlayer coherence. Our results also indicate that the gapless mode makes a contribution to the wave function of the (m,m,m)(m,m,m) states analogous to the phonon contribution to the wave function of superfluid He4\rm{He}_4. We calculate the Hall conductance, and the charge and statistics of the quasiparticles. We also present an SU(2)SU(2) generalization of this theory relevant to spin unpolarized or partially polarized single layers.Comment: 55 pages, Urbana Prepin

    Two-Loop Analysis of Non-abelian Chern-Simons Theory

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    Perturbative renormalization of a non-Abelian Chern-Simons gauge theory is examined. It is demonstrated by explicit calculation that, in the pure Chern-Simons theory, the beta-function for the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term vanishes to three loop order. Both dimensional regularization and regularization by introducing a conventional Yang-Mills component in the action are used. It is shown that dimensional regularization is not gauge invariant at two loops. A variant of this procedure, similar to regularization by dimensional reduction used in supersymmetric field theories is shown to obey the Slavnov-Taylor identity to two loops and gives no renormalization of the Chern-Simons term. Regularization with Yang-Mills term yields a finite integer-valued renormalization of the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term at one loop, and we conjecture no renormalization at higher order. We also examine the renormalization of Chern-Simons theory coupled to matter. We show that in the non-abelian case the Chern-Simons gauge field as well as the matter fields require infinite renormalization at two loops and therefore obtain nontrivial anomalous dimensions. We show that the beta function for the gauge coupling constant is zero to two-loop order, consistent with the topological quantization condition for this constant.Comment: 48 pages, UU/HEP/91/12; file format changed to standard Latex to solve the problem with printin