12 research outputs found

    Estrutura das comunidades de macroinvertebrados em corredeiras de um riacho cårstico Neotropical nas estaçÔes seca e chuvosa

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    AIM: Our study evaluated the effects of physical and chemical variables and seasonality on diversity and structure of the macroinvertebrate fauna in riffles of a Neotropical chalk stream; METHODS: Sampling was performed during the dry (September 2003) and rainy (March 2004) seasons, in five sites. Five samples were taken at each point with a Surber sampler. Physical and chemical variables were also evaluated; RESULTS: Temperature, pH, orthophosphate and total nitrogen were very similar for both seasons, while riffle length, conductivity, alkalinity, ammonia, phosphorus and leaf litter had different values. The total number of organisms collected was 25114 belonging to at least 50 families. Insects dominated in the samples. The highest abundance was found for the dry period. Temporary stretches were sampled in rainy season in order to complement the faunal inventory; CONCLUSIONS: The environmental seasonality was an important factor for structuring the macroinvertebrate fauna, with a significant difference between the invertebrate compositions in the sampling periods. The results of this study demonstrate the influences of seasonality on the temporal variation of communities.OBJETIVOS: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das variĂĄveis quĂ­micas e fĂ­sicas e da sazonalidade na diversidade e estrutura da fauna de macroinvertebrados em corredeiras de um riacho cĂĄrstico Neotropical; MÉTODOS: As coletas foram realizadas durante as estaçÔes seca (Setembro 2003) e chuvosa (Março 2004), em cinco pontos de amostragem. Em cada ponto foram coletadas cinco unidades amostrais utilizando um amostrador Surber. VariĂĄveis quĂ­micas e fĂ­sicas tambĂ©m foram avaliadas; RESULTADOS: Temperatura, pH, ortofosfato e nitrogĂȘnio total foram muito similares entre as estaçÔes, enquanto os valores de comprimento da corredeira, condutividade, alcalinidade, amĂŽnia, fĂłsforo total e a quantidade de folhiço variaram. O nĂșmero total de organismos coletado foi 25114 pertencentes, a pelo menos, 50 famĂ­lias. Insetos constituĂ­ram o grupo dominante nas amostras. Trechos temporĂĄrios foram amostrados na estação chuvosa, com o intuito de complementar o inventĂĄrio faunĂ­stico; CONCLUSÕES: A sazonalidade ambiental foi um fator importante na estruturação da fauna de macroinvertebrados, onde uma diferença significativa entre a composição dos macroinvertebrados aquĂĄticos nos perĂ­odos amostrados foi observada. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram a influĂȘncia da sazonalidade na variação temporal da comunidade.Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - Programa de PĂłs-Gradução em Tecnologias Ambientai

    Design and validation of a multi-task, multi-context protocol for real-world gait simulation

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    Background: Measuring mobility in daily life entails dealing with confounding factors arising from multiple sources, including pathological characteristics, patient specific walking strategies, environment/context, and purpose of the task. The primary aim of this study is to propose and validate a protocol for simulating real-world gait accounting for all these factors within a single set of observations, while ensuring minimisation of participant burden and safety. Methods: The protocol included eight motor tasks at varying speed, incline/steps, surface, path shape, cognitive demand, and included postures that may abruptly alter the participants’ strategy of walking. It was deployed in a convenience sample of 108 participants recruited from six cohorts that included older healthy adults (HA) and participants with potentially altered mobility due to Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS), proximal femoral fracture (PFF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or congestive heart failure (CHF). A novelty introduced in the protocol was the tiered approach to increase difficulty both within the same task (e.g., by allowing use of aids or armrests) and across tasks. Results: The protocol proved to be safe and feasible (all participants could complete it and no adverse events were recorded) and the addition of the more complex tasks allowed a much greater spread in walking speeds to be achieved compared to standard straight walking trials. Furthermore, it allowed a representation of a variety of daily life relevant mobility aspects and can therefore be used for the validation of monitoring devices used in real life. Conclusions: The protocol allowed for measuring gait in a variety of pathological conditions suggests that it can also be used to detect changes in gait due to, for example, the onset or progression of a disease, or due to therapy. Trial registration: ISRCTN—12246987

    The CMS Phase-1 pixel detector upgrade

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    The CMS detector at the CERN LHC features a silicon pixel detector as its innermost subdetector. The original CMS pixel detector has been replaced with an upgraded pixel system (CMS Phase-1 pixel detector) in the extended year-end technical stop of the LHC in 2016/2017. The upgraded CMS pixel detector is designed to cope with the higher instantaneous luminosities that have been achieved by the LHC after the upgrades to the accelerator during the first long shutdown in 2013–2014. Compared to the original pixel detector, the upgraded detector has a better tracking performance and lower mass with four barrel layers and three endcap disks on each side to provide hit coverage up to an absolute value of pseudorapidity of 2.5. This paper describes the design and construction of the CMS Phase-1 pixel detector as well as its performance from commissioning to early operation in collision data-taking.Peer reviewe

    Oligosarcus perdido Ribeiro, Cavallaro & Froehlich, 2007, new species

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    Oligosarcus perdido, new species Fig. 1 Holotype: MZUSP 94691, 97.8 mm SL, bridge over the Rio Perdido, Harmonia farm, municipality area of Porto Murtinho, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (21 Âș 17 ’07”S 56 Âș 41 ’ 45 ”W), Froehlich, O., Cavallaro, M. R., Pomini, E. & I. S. Escote, 22 October 2005. Paratypes: LIRP 5890, 2, 85.8–91.1 mm SL, collected with holotype. The following tree lots were collected at type locality: LIRP 5891, 1, 80,1 mm SL, Froehlich, O., 0 9 September 2005; LIRP 5894, 2, 41,5– 43,2 mm SL, Froehlich, O., Cavallaro, M. R., Vilela, M. J. A., Almeida, N. V. A., Forster, O. C. & Vargas, R. D., December 2005; LIRP 5896, 5, 39,9–57,7 mm SL, 2 (c&s), 57,7 and 53,4 mm SL, Froehlich, O., Cavallaro, M. R., Vilela, M. J. A., Almeida, N. V. A., Forster, O. C. & Vargas, R. D., December 2005; LIRP 5893, 1, 25,3mm SL, Rio Perdido, upper to its underground section (21 Âș05’ 42 ”S / 56 Âș 48 ’ 25 ”W), municipality area of Bonito, MS, Brazil, Froehlich, O., Cavallaro, M. R., Vilela, M. J. A., Almeida, N. V. A., Forster, O. C. & Vargas, R. D., December 2005. Non type material: LIRP 5474, 1, 33.0 mm SL, bridge over CĂłrrego SeputĂĄ, a tributary of Rio Perdido at road MS- 382 (21 Âș03’ 52 ”S / 56 Âș 44 ’ 27 ”), municipality of Bonito, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Castro et al., 30 November 2004. Diagnosis. The new species can be distinguished by the number of lateral-line scales (61–63) from O. argenteus (44–48), O. bolivianus (49–55), O. brevioris (47–55), O. longirostris (47–51), O. macrolepis (44– 46), O. menesezi (40–48), O. oligolepis (71–81), O. paranensis (47–54), O. pintoi (36–40), O. planaltinae (38–40), O. robustus, (75–85) O. schindleri (45–54), and O. solitarius (48–55). It differs in number of scales around the caudal peduncle (15–20) from O. jenynsi (21–23) and O. hepsetus (23–28). It differs from O. acutirostris by the absence of the enlarged foramen on the premaxila that accommodates the largest dentary tooth when mouth is closed. Description. Morphometrics and meristics in table 1. Body fusiform, completely covered by cycloid scales. Greatest body depth approximately at mid-point between supraoccipital and dorsal-fin origin. Smaller body depth at caudal peduncle. Dorsal profile of head straight from snout tip to posterior terminus of supraoccipital. Slightly convex to almost straight from that point to dorsal-fin origin, between dorsal and adipose fin and slightly concave from adipose fin to caudal-fin base. Ventral profile of body slightly convex from the anteriormost region of dentary tip to pelvic-fin origin, straight from this point to anal-fin origin, slightly convex along anal-fin base, and concave at caudal peduncle (Fig. 1). Percentage of SL to be continued. Meristics Holotype Paratypes Gill rakers on hypobranchial and ceratobranchial of firsth 14 14–17 14 13 branchial arch Vertebrae* 39 39 39 2 Head triangular in lateral view with laterally placed eyes. Mouth terminal with flat anterior profile. Premaxilla overlapping dentary when mouth is closed. Nares located immediately anteriorly to eyes. Adpressed pectoral fin reaching to or extending slightly beyond the origin of pelvic fin in larger specimens and distinctly short in specimens smaller then 40 mm SL. Adpressed pelvic fin extending posteriorly to anus, but not reaching origin of anal-fin. Dorsal fin inserted at vertical located posteriorly to pelvic-fin origin, just anterior to anus. Origin of anal-fin at vertical located at posterior terminus of dorsal-fin base. Orbital ring consisting of six infraorbitals with third infraorbital much bigger than remaining elements (Fig. 2 A). Anterior orbital margins formed by lateral ethmoid; superior orbital margin formed by frontal; supraorbital absent. Antorbital lying immediately anterior to lateral ethmoid. Mesethmoid pointed anteriorly, contacting frontals immediately posterior to the posterior tip of nasals. Well-developed frontal and parietal fontanelles. Premaxilla boomerang-shaped, having a single row of conical teeth (Fig. 2 B). Some teeth with vestigial cusps. First and sixth tooth bigger than remaining premaxillary teeth. Anterior border of the elongate nasal bone extending over posterior border of premaxilla. Maxilla narrow anteriorly and wide posteriorly (Fig. 2 B). Tip of anterior maxillary process bulbous. Maxillary with conical to slightly tricuspid teeth with about same size throughout. Dentary narrow anteriorly and wide posteriorly (Fig. 2 C). Dentary with four larger anteriormost conical teeth, followed by much smaller posterior teeth, which decrease in size gradually and varying in shape from slightly tricuspid to conical. Anguloarticular forked, with a long forward extension lying against the medial surface of dentary and a short extension, projected upward and slightly forward, which delineates the posterior margin of mandible. Retroarticular small and trapezoid-shaped, located over posterior corner of anguloarticular. Palatine small, cartilaginous anteriorly, reaching the second ectopterigoid tooth posteriorly (Fig. 2 C). Ectopterygoid with slightly tricuspid to conical teeth (Fig. 2 C). Ectopterygoid dentition extending posteriorly to slightly anterior to a vertical at last dentary tooth. Posterior terminus of ectopterygoid overlapping antero-superior process of quadrate. Mesopterigoid extending from a vertical through third ectoperigoid tooth to immediately anterior to metapterigoid channel (Fig. 2 C). Major mesopterigoid depth at its posterior portion. Metapterygoid strangulated at mid-point in the region of the metapterigoid canal (Fig. 2 C). Posterodorsal margin of metapterigoid projecting over anterior hyomandibular margin along its whole extension. Metapterygoid articulation with quadrate immediately ventral to posterior notch of metapterygoid. Anterior, upward projecting extension of quadrate wider then the posterior, horizontal extension. Symplectic elongated. Broad cartilaginous contacts between suspensorial elements. (Fig. 2 C). Hyomandibular wide dorsally, narrow ventrally, with a cartilaginous area of contact with skull along its antero-dorsal corner (Fig. 2 C). Hyomandibular articulates with skull via both sphenotic (anteriorly) and pterotic (posteriorly). Preopercle “L” shaped, wider at ventral region (Fig. 2 C). Preopercular canal ossified at dorsal aspect of preopercle. Interopercle ellipsoid, slightly wider posteriorly. Opercle longer on dorso-ventral axis, with straight anterior outline, and posterior outline slightly convex ventrally and concave dorsally (Fig. 2 C). Hyoid arch supporting four branchiostegal rays; three at anterior ceratohyal and one at posterior ceratohyal (Fig. 3 A). Dorsal hypohyal slightly smaller than ventral hypohyal. Anterior ceratohyal very narrow at mid-point and much wider posteriorly than anteriorly. Interhyal connected at posterodorsal corner of posterior ceratohyal (Fig. 3 A). Hyoid arch elements connected to each other by broad cartilages (Fig. 3 A). Branchial arch floor composed of four basibranchials and interconnecting cartilages (Fig. 3 B). Three large hypobranchials between three anteriormost basibranchials and ceratobranchials. Fourth and fifth ceratobranchials connected to basibranchials via broad cartilages. Well-developed tooth plates on fifth ceratobranchial (Fig. 3 C). Upper pharyngeal teeth below and anterior to the fourth epibranchial (Fig. 3 D). Three suspensory pharyngeals attaching branchial arches to skull (Fig. 3 D). Coracoid, cleithrum, supracleithrum and posttemporal aligned in a “C”-shaped outline (Fig. 4 A). Postcleithrum 1 located immediately posterior to the overlapping area between supracleithrum and cleithrum. Postcleithrum 2 and 3 at posteroventral corner of cleithrum. Broad cartilaginous contact between cleithrum, scapula, coracoid and mesocoracoid (Fig. 4 B). Scapular and coracoid foramen well-developed. Seven supraneurals anterior to dorsal-fin insertion. Dorsal-fin insertion at a vertical between pelvic and anal-fins, between neural spines of 13 th to 21 st vertebrae. Pelvic-fin insertion about half of distance between pectoral and anal-fin bases, between the third and seventh pleural rib. Adpressed pelvic fin not reaching analfin base. Anal fin inserted between haemal spines of the 20 th and 32 nd vertebrae. Upper caudal-fin procurrent rays inserted posterior to the 32 nd vertebra. Lower procurrent rays inserted porterior to 33 rd vertebra. Dorsal caudal-fin lobe with two epurals, one unoreural and four hypurals (3–6). Ventral caudal-fin lobe with two hypurals (1–2). Urostyle forked, with anterior process longer than posterior one (Fig. 4 C). Color in alcohol. Background color yellowish to tan. Conspicuous triangular-shaped humeral spot. Flank crossed by a dark lateral stripe extending posteriorly from humeral spot, where it is more diffuse, to caudal-fin membrane. Lateral stripe enlarged at the caudal-peduncle. A dark dorsal stripe extending from tip of supraoccipital to caudal-fin base. Scales of dorsal flanks dark pigmented below lateral strip, increasingly more pigmented towards dorsum. Flank below lateral strip almost unpigmented. Fins mostly hyaline. Dark-pigmented caudal-fin membrane between the five central-most caudal-fin rays. Membrane of dorsal and pelvic fins with dark chromatophores along anterior margins of fin rays. Distribution. Know only from the Rio Perdido, a tributary of Rio Apa, in the upper Paraguai basin (Fig. 5) and one of its tributaries, the SeputĂĄ stream. Ecological notes. The upper part of the Rio Perdido is situated on a carbonate plateau of about 68 km long located at the southern margin of the Brazilian Pantanal Wetland denominated Serra da Bodoquena (Bodoquena Ridge). This river drains a carstic region and has a 2 to 3 km long underground section. In the plateau, the river is dammed by calcareous tufa deposits, which form 1 to 6 meter tall sequences of waterfalls. The dammed section can be as deep as 12 meters, with vertical rock banks and very slow flow. The substrate has many logs, branches and whole trees lying on whitish calcareous clay. During the rainy season, the augmented flow disturbs the clay and the water transparency, which is usually great, is significantly reduced. Specimens were collected in stretches with sluggish to still waters. Underwater observations were made while collecting, for a total of some 20 hours of scuba diving by two of the authors (MRC and OF) and two helpers. The species seems to be present in low densities, with only a few adult individuals observed at any time. Active adult individuals were observed from dusk to around 21:00, from near the surface to a depth of 2 meters, and always alone. After this time they could be seen resting along the vertical rocky banks. During daylight hours they remain hidden and were not seen. Young specimens, at least up to 50 mm SL, were observed in activity during the day on two occasions, in small groups (5–6), mingled with schools of Jupiaba acanthogaster (Characiformes: Characidae). Etymology. The specific epithet “ perdido ” is Portuguese for “lost”. This is the name of the river basin where the new species was collected. It is a noun in apposition. Comparative material. Oligosarcus acutirostris, MZUSP 27573, Paratype, 1 (c&s), Brasil, EspĂ­rito Santo, Rio SĂŁo JosĂ© das torres, road BR- 101 between Campos and Cacheiro do Itapemirim. Oligosarcus argenteus, MZUSP 36584, 2 (c&s), SL, Brasil, Minas Gerais, Viçosa, lake at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Oligosarcus bolivianus, MZUSP 26386, 0 1 exe. BolĂ­via, Tarija, Rio Tomolosa. Oligosarcus brevioris, MZUSP 36489, Parataype, 1 (c&s), Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul, Vacaria, Arroio Cachoeirinha, Rio Pelotas basin, road between Vacaria end Bom Jesus. Oligosarcus hepsetus MZUSP 53493, 2 (c&s) Brasil, SĂŁo Paulo, Jacupiranga, stream at road BR- 116, Km 470, near Jacupiranga. Oligosarcus jenynsii, MZUSP 42370, 2 (c&s), Argentina, Buenos Aires, Laguna dos Lobos. Oligosarcus longirostris, MZUSP 35957, 1 (c&s), Brasil, ParanĂĄ, Rio Piraquara, Rio Iguaçu basin. Oligosarcus macrolepis, MZUSP 37255, 2 (c&s), Brasil, Minas Gerais, marginal lagoon of Rio Jequitinhonha, road between Salto da Divisa – Jacinto. Oligosarcus menezesi MZUSP 48130, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Laguna del Monte ProvĂ­ncia. Oligosarcus oligolepis, MZUSP 42368, 2 (c&s), Argentina, Buenos Aires, Berisso Los Talas. Oligosarcus paranensis MZUSP 25833, 2 (c&s). Brasil, SĂŁo Paulo, municĂ­pio de SalesĂłpolis, Rio Paraitinga, tributĂĄrio do rio TietĂȘ, road between SalesĂłpolis a Caraguatatuba. Oligosarcus planaltinae, MZUSP 38083, 2 (c&s), Brasil, BrasĂ­lia, cĂłrrego Taboca, Ri SĂŁo Bartolomeu basin. Oligosarcus pintoi, LIRP 1605, Brasil, SĂŁo Paulo, Teodoro Sampaio, CĂłrrego SĂŁo Paulo, Morro do Diabo Park, Rio ParanĂĄ basin. Oligosarcus robustus, MZUSP 19876, 2 (c&s), Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul, BelĂ©m Novo, Arroio ChapĂ©u Virado. Oligosarcus schindleri, MZUSP 27923, 2 (c&s), BolĂ­via, Represa MĂ©xico, 17 km, south of Cochabamba. Oligosarcus solitarius, MZUSP 36644, 2 (c&s), Brasil, Minas Gerais, Lago Carioca, Rio Doce basin.Published as part of Ribeiro, Alexandre C., Cavallaro, Marcel R. & Froehlich, OtĂĄvio, 2007, Oligosarcus perdido (Characiformes, Characidae), a new species of freshwater fish from Serra da Bodoquena, upper Rio Paraguai basin, Brazil, pp. 43-53 in Zootaxa 1560 on pages 44-52, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.27389

    Comparison of optical coherence tomography and high frequency ultrasound imaging in mice for the assessment of skin morphology and intradermal volumes

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and high-frequency ultrasound (HFUS), two established imaging modalities in the field of dermatology, were evaluated and compared regarding their applicability for visualization of skin tissue morphology and quantification of murine intradermal structures. The accuracy and reproducibility of both methods were assessed ex vivo and in vivo using a standardized model for intradermal volumes based on injected soft tissue fillers. OCT revealed greater detail in skin morphology, allowing for detection of single layers due to the superior resolution. Volumetric data measured by OCT (7.9 ± 0.3 Όl) and HFUS (7.7 ± 0.5 Όl) were in good agreement and revealed a high accuracy when compared to the injected volume of 7.98 ± 0.8 ”l. In vivo, OCT provided a higher precision (relative SD: 26% OCT vs. 42% HFUS) for the quantification of intradermal structures, whereas HFUS offered increased penetration depth enabling the visualization of deeper structures. A combination of both imaging technologies might be valuable for tumor assessments or other dermal pathologies in clinical settings.Published versio

    Assessing real-world gait with digital technology? Validation, insights and recommendations from the Mobilise-D consortium.

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    Although digital mobility outcomes (DMOs) can be readily calculated from real-world data collected with wearable devices and ad-hoc algorithms, technical validation is still required. The aim of this paper is to comparatively assess and validate DMOs estimated using real-world gait data from six different cohorts, focusing on gait sequence detection, foot initial contact detection (ICD), cadence (CAD) and stride length (SL) estimates.Twenty healthy older adults, 20 people with Parkinson's disease, 20 with multiple sclerosis, 19 with proximal femoral fracture, 17 with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 12 with congestive heart failure were monitored for 2.5 h in the real-world, using a single wearable device worn on the lower back. A reference system combining inertial modules with distance sensors and pressure insoles was used for comparison of DMOs from the single wearable device. We assessed and validated three algorithms for gait sequence detection, four for ICD, three for CAD and four for SL by concurrently comparing their performances (e.g., accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, absolute and relative errors). Additionally, the effects of walking bout (WB) speed and duration on algorithm performance were investigated.We identified two cohort-specific top performing algorithms for gait sequence detection and CAD, and a single best for ICD and SL. Best gait sequence detection algorithms showed good performances (sensitivity > 0.73, positive predictive values > 0.75, specificity > 0.95, accuracy > 0.94). ICD and CAD algorithms presented excellent results, with sensitivity > 0.79, positive predictive values > 0.89 and relative errors < 11% for ICD and < 8.5% for CAD. The best identified SL algorithm showed lower performances than other DMOs (absolute error < 0.21 m). Lower performances across all DMOs were found for the cohort with most severe gait impairments (proximal femoral fracture). Algorithms' performances were lower for short walking bouts; slower gait speeds (< 0.5 m/s) resulted in reduced performance of the CAD and SL algorithms.Overall, the identified algorithms enabled a robust estimation of key DMOs. Our findings showed that the choice of algorithm for estimation of gait sequence detection and CAD should be cohort-specific (e.g., slow walkers and with gait impairments). Short walking bout length and slow walking speed worsened algorithms' performances. Trial registration ISRCTN - 12246987