13 research outputs found

    Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes. 1. Beitrag. Bericht über den Verlauf der Reise.

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    Die Autoren legen einen Bericht über die vom 9. Mai bis 16. August 1961 durchgeführte entomologische Sammelreise nach Albanien vor. Es wird in einem allgemein gehaltenen Kapitel ein Überblick über Geschichte, Bevölkerung, Geographie, Geologie, Klima, Vegetation und Tierwelt (exclusive Insekten) des Landes gegeben. Es folgen ein geschichtlicher Abriß der entomologischen Erforschung Albaniens, Bemerkungen zur Ausrüstung sowie über Sammelmethoden, Präparation bzw. Konservierung und Transport des Insektenmaterials. Der Verlauf der Reise und die aufgesuchten Orte werden beschrieben. Für die Sammellokalitäten werden geographische, geologische, klimatologische, vegetationskundliche und faunistische Mitteilungen gemacht. Insgesamt wurden über 41.000 Insekten gesammelt. Die wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung des Materials durch verschiedene Spezialisten wird in zwangloser Folge in dieser Zeitschrift veröffentlicht.The authors present a general report on their entomological expedition to Albania (9.5.-16.8. 1961). There are given in a general part details on history, population, geography, geology, climatology, vegetation and fauna (exclusive insects) of the country. The history of the entomological investigation of Albania is discussed. Further chapters deal with the equipment, the collecting methods, preparation, conservation and carriage of the material. The course of the expedition and the collecting places are described as to their geography, geology, climate, vegetation, and fauna. A total of more than 41.000 specimens of insects were collected. A detailed scientific investigation of this material by specialists is to be published at times in this periodical

    Deutsche Mediziner in Japan—ein Beitrag zum Wissenstransfer in der Edo-Zeit

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    Fever and hypothermia represent two populations of sepsis patients and are associated with outside temperature

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    Background!#!Fever and hypothermia have been observed in septic patients. Their influence on prognosis is subject to ongoing debates.!##!Methods!#!We did a secondary analysis of a large clinical dataset from a quality improvement trial. A binary logistic regression model was calculated to assess the association of the thermal response with outcome and a multinomial regression model to assess factors associated with fever or hypothermia.!##!Results!#!With 6542 analyzable cases we observed a bimodal temperature response characterized by fever or hypothermia, normothermia was rare. Hypothermia and high fever were both associated with higher lactate values. Hypothermia was associated with higher mortality, but this association was reduced after adjustment for other risk factors. Age, community-acquired sepsis, lower BMI and lower outside temperatures were associated with hypothermia while bacteremia and higher procalcitonin values were associated with high fever.!##!Conclusions!#!Septic patients show either a hypothermic or a fever response. Whether hypothermia is a maladaptive response, as indicated by the higher mortality in hypothermic patients, or an adaptive response in patients with limited metabolic reserves under colder environmental conditions, remains an open question. Trial registration The original trial whose dataset was analyzed was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01187134) on August 23, 2010, the first patient was included on July 1, 2011

    Taxation and Corporate Governance

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