870 research outputs found

    Igualdade e Normas de Igualdade

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    A. Sobre os caminhos a percorrer para ser malquisto. B. A igualdade dos cidadãos/burgueses (der Bürger) e a igualdade dos outros. C. Artigo Três ou: Nada de novo no Ocidente

    El Derecho de Creación Judicial - formulado desde el punto de vista de la Teoría Estructurante del Derecho

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    TÍTULO ORIGINAL: «Richterecht – rechtstheoretisch formuliert», en: Richterliche Rechtsfortbildung, Festschrift der Juristischen Fakultät zur 600-Jahr-Feier der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, C.F. Müller, Heidelberg, 1986, págs.65 a 84.TRADUCCIÓN: LUIS-QUINTÍN VILLACORTA MANCEBO, Catedrático acreditado de Derecho Constitucional - Universidad de Cantabria - España.RESUMO:Por la posición jurídica «Derecho de creación judicial», en la práctica y en la teoría, se entiende la «evolución del Derecho a cargo del juez»; brevemente dicho: «la actividad en Derecho de creación judicial no regulada por una ley». No hace falta documentar una vez más que el Derecho de creación judicial existe, de facto, en el ámbito dela Ley Fundamental.El Tribunal Constitucional Federal lo valora como «algo absolutamente imprescindible en el Estado moderno». La actividad judicial, sin apoyo en una ley, se comprende como la realización «de un Derecho que está antes que el Estado», como «el centro de la justicia que, por su esencia, sólo es accesible para el juez»; el juez, se dice, es dueño de un «poder originario creador de Derecho».Ante esto, llama la atención «lo poco resuelto que, en el fondo, está este problema desde el punto de vista teórico». La reflexión sobre los procesos de creación judicial está subdesarrollada. Cien años después de que Oskar Bülow iniciara la discusión, se pueden encontrar toda clase de variantes interpretativas. El Derecho de creación judicial se rechaza como ilegal, se clasifica como legal aunque con limitaciones; y también se le supraordena tanto al Derecho positivo como Derecho natural. El Derecho de creación judicial se considera como un problema de las fuentes de derecho o separado de la teoría de las fuentes de derecho. Generalmente, se le suele ampliar o bien restringir al caso respectivo. La actuación en el Derecho de creación judicial se convierte en una cuestión de metodología jurídica, o se la declara independiente de las reflexiones de ésta última. Ante tal confusión,la Teoría del Derecho debería empezar por describir, de una manera realista, el proceso de la evolución jurídica del mismo, para que continúe únicamente la parte fructífera del debate. El planteamiento de las cuestiones lógicas es la única vía para obtener una respuesta defendible en orden a la problemática de la legitimidad del Derecho de creación judicial, que sigue sin aclararse pese a la cantidad de argumentos esgrimidos

    Approximating the least hypervolume contributor: NP-hard in general, but fast in practice

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    The hypervolume indicator is an increasingly popular set measure to compare the quality of two Pareto sets. The basic ingredient of most hypervolume indicator based optimization algorithms is the calculation of the hypervolume contribution of single solutions regarding a Pareto set. We show that exact calculation of the hypervolume contribution is #P-hard while its approximation is NP-hard. The same holds for the calculation of the minimal contribution. We also prove that it is NP-hard to decide whether a solution has the least hypervolume contribution. Even deciding whether the contribution of a solution is at most (1+\eps) times the minimal contribution is NP-hard. This implies that it is neither possible to efficiently find the least contributing solution (unless P=NPP = NP) nor to approximate it (unless NP=BPPNP = BPP). Nevertheless, in the second part of the paper we present a fast approximation algorithm for this problem. We prove that for arbitrarily given \eps,\delta>0 it calculates a solution with contribution at most (1+\eps) times the minimal contribution with probability at least (1δ)(1-\delta). Though it cannot run in polynomial time for all instances, it performs extremely fast on various benchmark datasets. The algorithm solves very large problem instances which are intractable for exact algorithms (e.g., 10000 solutions in 100 dimensions) within a few seconds.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in Theoretical Computer Scienc

    Prognosen auf Agrarmärkten: Prediction Markets - eine innovative Prognosemethode auch für die Landwirtschaft?

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    Seit geraumer Zeit haben "Prediction Markets", auch "Prognosemärkte" oder "InformationsMärkte" genannt, ihre Nützlichkeit bei der Prognose von Wahlergebnissen, der Vorhersage von Absatzzahlen, von Abschlussterminen von Entwicklungsprojekten und vielen anderen Ereignissen und Entwicklungen bewiesen. Die Vorhersage zukünftiger Entwicklungen in der Land und Ernährungswirtschaft hat mit der zunehmenden Integration der EUMärkte in die Weltmärkte zugenommen. Nach einer kurzen Darstellung des Vorhersagebedarfs im Agribusiness wird anschließend das Funktionsprinzip eines "Prediction Markets" dargestellt und am Beispiel eines Prototyps zur Vorhersage von Milchquotenpreisen in Deutschland veranschaulicht. Die Prognose von Milchquotenpreisen ist insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der spezifischen Handelsregelungen (Preiskorridor) für die Akteure auf diesem Markt von Bedeutung. Die theoretischen Hintergründe der Informationsaggregationsleistung von werden neben den Voraussetzungen und offenen Problemen von "Prediction Markets" im Ablauf noch kurz dargestellt und diskutiert.Agribusiness, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Prognosemärkte, Prognosemethoden, Agribusiness,

    Reduction of neutrophil activity decreases early microvascular injury after subarachnoid haemorrhage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) elicits rapid pathological changes in the structure and function of parenchymal vessels (≤ 100 μm). The role of neutrophils in these changes has not been determined. This study investigates the role of neutrophils in early microvascular changes after SAH</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Rats were either untreated, treated with vinblastine or anti-polymorphonuclear (PMN) serum, which depletes neutrophils, or treated with pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC), which limits neutrophil activity. SAH was induced by endovascular perforation. Neutrophil infiltration and the integrity of vascular endothelium and basement membrane were assessed immunohistochemically. Vascular collagenase activity was assessed by <it>in situ </it>zymography.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Vinblastine and anti-PMN serum reduced post-SAH accumulation of neutrophils in cerebral vessels and in brain parenchyma. PDTC increased the neutrophil accumulation in cerebral vessels and decreased accumulation in brain parenchyma. In addition, each of the three agents decreased vascular collagenase activity and post-SAH loss of vascular endothelial and basement membrane immunostaining.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results implicate neutrophils in early microvascular injury after SAH and indicate that treatments which reduce neutrophil activity can be beneficial in limiting microvascular injury and increasing survival after SAH.</p

    Local and Global Analytic Solutions for a Class of Characteristic Problems of the Einstein Vacuum Equations in the "Double Null Foliation Gauge"

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    The main goal of this work consists in showing that the analytic solutions for a class of characteristic problems for the Einstein vacuum equations have an existence region larger than the one provided by the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem due to the intrinsic hyperbolicity of the Einstein equations. To prove this result we first describe a geometric way of writing the vacuum Einstein equations for the characteristic problems we are considering, in a gauge characterized by the introduction of a double null cone foliation of the spacetime. Then we prove that the existence region for the analytic solutions can be extended to a larger region which depends only on the validity of the apriori estimates for the Weyl equations, associated to the "Bel-Robinson norms". In particular if the initial data are sufficiently small we show that the analytic solution is global. Before showing how to extend the existence region we describe the same result in the case of the Burger equation, which, even if much simpler, nevertheless requires analogous logical steps required for the general proof. Due to length of this work, in this paper we mainly concentrate on the definition of the gauge we use and on writing in a "geometric" way the Einstein equations, then we show how the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem is adapted to the characteristic problem for the Einstein equations and we describe how the existence region can be extended in the case of the Burger equation. Finally we describe the structure of the extension proof in the case of the Einstein equations. The technical parts of this last result is the content of a second paper.Comment: 68 page

    Seroprevalence of Measles-, Mumps-, and Rubella-specific antibodies in the German adult population – cross-sectional analysis of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1)

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    Background: The WHO European Region targets the elimination of measles, rubella, and the congenital rubella syndrome and welcomes mumps elimination via the joint MMR vaccine. In a push towards this elimination goal, Germany introduced a recommendation on MMR vaccination for adults in 2010 to prevent increasing numbers of measles cases among adults and to strengthen herd immunity. Methods: The prevalence of anti-measles, -mumps, and -rubella IgG antibodies was analysed in 7,115 participants between the ages of 18 and 79 years in the German Health Interview and Examination Survey. Risk factors of seronegativity of adults born 1970 or later were determined. Findings: The seroprevalence of anti-measles IgG antibodies was more than 97% in adults born before 1965 and less than 90% in adults born afterwards. Prevalence and GMTs declined with later years of birth. Seronegativity was associated with two-sided migration background and region of residence in East Germany. For anti-mumps IgG antibodies, the seroprevalence was less than 90% in almost all age groups. Prevalence and GMTs declined with later years of birth. Seronegativity was not associated with any socio-demographic factor. Anti-rubella IgG seropositivity was found in more than 90% of adults born before 1985. GMTs declined in younger age groups. Seronegativity was associated with birth between 1980 and 1993 and male gender. High socio-economic status lowered the odds of being seronegative. Interpretation: These data reinforce the implementation of the vaccination recommendation for adults and provide the basis for further evaluation of this measure. Funding: The Federal Ministry of Health, Germany.Peer Reviewe

    Análise quantitativa da remoção de esmalte dental durante a técnica de microabrasão

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    Objetivo: Quantificar, por meio de perfilometria, a profundidade de esmalte dental removido durante o emprego de uma técnica de microabrasão utilizando-se ácido clorídrico e abrasão manual com espátula plástica. Método: Trinta e seis espécimes obtidos de terceiros molares humanos foram polidos, para obtenção de superfícies planas, e divididos em 3 grupos (n = 12) de acordo com os diferentes tratamentos recebidos: tratamento placebo com água deionizada, como controle negativo (CG); microabrasão com ácido clorídrico a 6.6%, OpalustreTM (G1); e ácido clorídrico a 6%, Whiteness RMTM (G2). A microabrasão foi realizada, de forma padronizada, submetendo os espécimes a 4 ciclos de 10 segundos cada e abrasão manual utilizando-se uma espátula plástica com carga de 200 g. A perda da superfície de esmalte foi medida após cada um dos ciclos de tratamento por meio de perfilômetro de contato. Resultados: Após os primeiros 10 segundos de abrasão, já foi encontrada perda de esmalte em ambos os grupos tratados (G1 e G2). Nos grupos G1 e G2, a cada ciclo de 10 segundos, foi observado um aumento significativo na perda de esmalte (p ≤ 0.05). Após 4 abrasões de 10 segundos cada, as médias de perda de esmalte nos grupos tratados foram 46.04 μm (G1) e 54.65 μm (G2). Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre G1 e G2 com relação à perda de esmalte após 30 e 40 segundos de microabrasão. Relevância: Os resultados deste estudo fornecem referências para a realização do procedimento de microabrasão em esmalte dental com segurança, utilizando-se ácido clorídrico e abrasão manual com espátula plástica.Objective: To quantify, by means of profi lometry, the removal of dental enamel during the use of a microabrasion technique involving the use of hydrochloric acid and manual abrasion with a plastic spatula. Method: Thirty six specimens obtained from human third molars were polished to obtain fl at surfaces and divided into 3 groups (n = 12) according to the different treatments received: A placebo treatment with deionized water as a negative control (CG); microabrasion with 6.6% hydrochloric acid, OpalustreTM (G1); and microabrasion with 6% hydrochloric acid, Whiteness RMTM (G2). The microabrasion was performed in a standardized manner by submitting the specimens to 4 cycles of 10 seconds each and manual abrasion using a plastic spatula (200 g load). The loss of enamel surface was measured after each cycle of treatment by contact profi lometry. Results: Enamel loss was already observed after the fi rst 10 seconds of abrasion with hydrochloric acid in both treated groups (G1 and G2). After 4 abrasions of 10 seconds each, the average fi nal enamel losses in the treated groups were 46.04 μm (G1) and 54.65 μm (G2). In the G1 and G2 groups, a signifi cant increase in enamel wear was detected in each cycle in comparison to the control group (p ≤ 0.05). A signifi cant difference in enamel loss between G1 and G2 was found after 30 and 40 seconds of microabrasion. Relevance: The results of this study provide objective data for safely performing the microabrasion technique on dental enamel using hydrochloric acid and manual abrasion using a plastic spatula

    Measurements of the \gamma * p --> \Delta(1232) reaction at low Q2

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    We report new p(e,ep)π(\vec{e},e^\prime p)\pi^\circ measurements in the Δ+(1232)\Delta^{+}(1232) resonance at the low momentum transfer region utilizing the magnetic spectrometers of the A1 Collaboration at MAMI. The mesonic cloud dynamics are predicted to be dominant and appreciably changing in this region while the momentum transfer is sufficiently low to be able to test chiral effective calculations. The results disagree with predictions of constituent quark models and are in reasonable agreement with dynamical calculations with pion cloud effects, chiral effective field theory and lattice calculations. The reported measurements suggest that improvement is required to the theoretical calculations and provide valuable input that will allow their refinements