15 research outputs found
Attitudes towards arts education as an interdisciplinary study element for elementary school teachers
ZugĂ€nge zu kulturell-Ă€sthetischen ErfahrungsrĂ€umen sind stark von soziodemografischen Hintergrundmerkmalen beeinflusst. Schule und Unterricht kommt daher eine besondere Bedeutung zu, Gelegenheiten der Begegnung mit Ă€sthetischer Praxis zu schaffen. Im Rahmen der Lehramtsausbildung werden Studierende jedoch unterschiedlich fĂŒr diesen Bereich professionalisiert. Der Beitrag stellt Teilergebnisse einer Studie vor, in der u. a. Haltungen von Grundschullehramtsstudierenden am Standort Kassel untersucht werden. Wie sich zeigt, erkennen Studierende den Wert Ă€sthetischer Bildung an und sehen sich selbst nach Absolvierung eines entsprechenden Moduls in der Verantwortung, Ă€sthetisches Lernen zu fördern. (DIPF/Orig.)Participation in - and experiences with - the Arts are strongly determined by socioeconomic background characteristics. Therefore, educational institutions bear great responsibilities in order to create opportunities for young people to get in touch with the Arts. However, teachers are usually poorly professionalized for this field, as there is no comprehensive understanding on how to implement it in teacher training studies. The paper reports on a study that asks about attitudes towards Arts education. After finishing the corresponding study element students value Arts education and feel responsible for fostering their students in this field. (DIPF/Orig.
Transformationsprozesse im Hochschulsystem in Richtung nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung ("Empirische Illustrationen")
Der Beitrag beleuchtet Transformationsprozesse in Richtung nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung an ausgewĂ€hlten Hochschulen in Deutschland und Ăsterreich. Mittels vier Fallstudien (UniversitĂ€t Augsburg, Albert-Ludwigs-UniversitĂ€t Freiburg, Johannes Kepler UniversitĂ€t Linz und Hochschule Darmstadt) wird illustriert, welche organisatorisch-institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen die Hochschulen geprĂ€gt haben, wer sich mit welcher Motivation engagiert hat und worin die BeitrĂ€ge der Hochschule fĂŒr eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung bestehen. WĂ€hrend die Hochschule Darmstadt explizit als "change agent" auftritt, sind die Transformationsprozesse an den ĂŒbrigen Hochschulen gebunden an "windows of opportunity", das hohe Engagement einzelner Hochschulangehöriger sowie die Bereitschaft und kognitive Basis fĂŒr das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in der Region. Der regionale Transitionspfad lĂ€sst sich daher als fallspezifisches und einmaliges Wechselspiel der Hochschule mit dem zivilgesellschaftlich und politisch engagierten Umfeld verstehen.This chapter focuses on the transformation processes towards sustainable development of selected Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Germany and Austria. By means of four case studies (University Augsburg, University of Freiburg, Johannes Kepler University Linz and the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt) it is illustrated which organizational-institutional framework conditions shape HEIs, what the different motivations are as well as what kind of contributions HEIs can make for sustainable regional development. The University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt is the only one, which appears as "change agent". In the other investigated HEIs the transformation processes are dependent on "windows of opportunity", the high engagement of individual employees as well as the readiness of the regional environment for sustainability issues. It is concluded that the regional transition path is case-specific and states a unique interplay of the HEIs and the societal and politically engaged environment
Hochschulen als Agenten des Wandels fĂŒr eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung? Hochschulen und nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung aus der Transition-Perspektive
In diesem Beitrag werden Hochschulen als Agenten des Wandels fĂŒr eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung konzeptionell aus Perspektive der Transition-Forschung und der Multi-Level-Perspektive gefasst. Der Beitrag setzt sich zunĂ€chst mit der Zieldimension der nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung in Bezug auf Hochschulen und ihre Teilsysteme auseinander. Danach wird die Frage behandelt, was die Transition-Forschung zum VerstĂ€ndnis von Wandlungsprozessen in Hochschulen und Hochschulsystemen beitragen kann. SchlieĂlich werden hochschulbezogene Herausforderungen bei der UnterstĂŒtzung von nachhaltigen regionalen Entwicklungsprozessen mit Fokus auf der Third Mission diskutiert. Der Beitrag kommt zum Fazit, dass die Nachhaltigkeitstransformation in Wechselwirkung mit dem jeweils spezifischen regionalen Kontext der Hochschule gestaltet werden sollte. Regionale Strategien zur Einbindung von Hochschulen sollten diese daher sowohl als Agenten des Wandels als auch als Objekt der Transformation betrachten.In this article, universities are conceptualized as agents of change for sustainable regional development from the perspective of transition research and the multi-level perspective. The contribution first deals with the target dimension of sustainable regional development in relation to universities and their subsystems. It then addresses the question of what transition research can contribute to understanding change processes in universities and higher education systems. Finally, university-related challenges in supporting sustainable regional development processes with a focus on the Third Mission will be discussed. The paper concludes that sustainability transformation should be designed in interaction with the specific regional context of the university. Regional strategies for integrating higher education institutions should therefore regard them both as agents of change and as objects of transformation
Hochschulen als Agenten des Wandels fĂŒr eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung? Hochschulen und nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung aus der Transition-Perspektive
In diesem Beitrag werden Hochschulen als Agenten des Wandels fĂŒr eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung konzeptionell aus Perspektive der Transition-Forschung und der Multi-Level-Perspektive gefasst. Der Beitrag setzt sich zunĂ€chst mit der Zieldimension der nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung in Bezug auf Hochschulen und ihre Teilsysteme auseinander. Danach wird die Frage behandelt, was die Transition-Forschung zum VerstĂ€ndnis von Wandlungsprozessen in Hochschulen und Hochschulsystemen beitragen kann. SchlieĂlich werden hochschulbezogene Herausforderungen bei der UnterstĂŒtzung von nachhaltigen regionalen Entwicklungsprozessen mit Fokus auf der Third Mission diskutiert. Der Beitrag kommt zum Fazit, dass die Nachhaltigkeitstransformation in Wechselwirkung mit dem jeweils spezifischen regionalen Kontext der Hochschule gestaltet werden sollte. Regionale Strategien zur Einbindung von Hochschulen sollten diese daher sowohl als Agenten des Wandels als auch als Objekt der Transformation betrachten.In this article, universities are conceptualized as agents of change for sustainable regional development from the perspective of transition research and the multi-level perspective. The contribution first deals with the target dimension of sustainable regional development in relation to universities and their subsystems. It then addresses the question of what transition research can contribute to understanding change processes in universities and higher education systems. Finally, university-related challenges in supporting sustainable regional development processes with a focus on the Third Mission will be discussed. The paper concludes that sustainability transformation should be designed in interaction with the specific regional context of the university. Regional strategies for integrating higher education institutions should therefore regard them both as agents of change and as objects of transformation
Analysis of shared common genetic risk between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy
Because hyper-excitability has been shown to be a shared pathophysiological mechanism, we used the latest and largest genome-wide studies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (n = 36,052) and epilepsy (n = 38,349) to determine genetic overlap between these conditions. First, we showed no significant genetic correlation, also when binned on minor allele frequency. Second, we confirmed the absence of polygenic overlap using genomic risk score analysis. Finally, we did not identify pleiotropic variants in meta-analyses of the 2 diseases. Our findings indicate that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy do not share common genetic risk, showing that hyper-excitability in both disorders has distinct origins
InterdisziplinaritĂ€t als Chance: Ăsthetisch-kĂŒnstlerische Praxis in Musik, Tanz und bildender Kunst erproben und reflektieren
Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags möchten wir zum Nachdenken ĂŒber Potenziale und Herausforderungen interdisziplinĂ€rer Seminarsettings anregen. Wir stellen ein Projekt vor, in dem die Fachgebiete MusikpĂ€dagogik, KunstpĂ€dagogik, SportpĂ€dagogik (Tanz) und Ăsthetische Bildung (Grundschullehramt) gemeinsam ein Seminarkonzept entwickelt haben, das Studierende des Lehramts auf die Initiierung und Begleitung Ă€sthetisch-kĂŒnstlerischer Gestaltungsprozesse vorbereiten soll. Der Schwerpunkt des Artikels liegt auf der Darstellung und Diskussion von Evaluationsergebnissen, die uns zur Weiterentwicklung des Seminarkonzepts angeregt haben
The interaction between anti-PF4 antibodies and anticoagulants in vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia
Life threatening thrombotic events at unusual sites have been reported after vector-based vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2. This phenomenon is now termed as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). Pathophysiology of VITT is similar to that of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), and associated with platelet-activating antibodies against platelet factor 4 (PF4). Therefore, current guidelines suggest non-heparin anticoagulants to treat VITT patients. In this study, we investigated the interactions of heparin, danaparoid, fondaparinux and argatroban with VITT-Ab/PF4 complexes using ex vivo model for thrombus formation as well as in vitro assays to analyze antibody binding and platelet activation. We found that IgGs from VITT patients induce increased adherent platelets/thrombus formation in comparison to IgGs from healthy controls. In this ex vivo flow-based model, the procoagulant activity of VITT IgGs was effectively inhibited with danaparoid, argatroban but also by heparin. Interestingly, heparin and danaparoid not only inhibited IgG binding to PF4 but were also able to effectively dissociate the preformed PF4/IgG complexes. Fondaparinux reduced the in vitro generation of procoagulant platelets and thrombus formation, however it did not affect platelet aggregation. In contrast, argatroban showed no effect on procoagulant platelets and aggregation, but significantly inhibited VITT-mediated thrombus formation. Taken together, our data indicate that negatively charged anticoagulants can disrupt VITT-Ab/PF4 interactions, which might serve as an approach to reduce antibody-mediated complications in VITT. Our results should be confirmed, however, in a clinical setting before a recommendation regarding the selection of anticoagulants in VITT patients could be made
Analysis of shared common genetic risk between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy
Because hyper-excitability has been shown to be a shared pathophysiological mechanism, we used the latest and largest genome-wide studies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (n = 36,052) and epilepsy (n = 38,349) to determine genetic overlap between these conditions. First, we showed no significant genetic correlation, also when binned on minor allele frequency. Second, we confirmed the absence of polygenic overlap using genomic risk score analysis. Finally, we did not identify pleiotropic variants in meta-analyses of the 2 diseases. Our findings indicate that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy do not share common genetic risk, showing that hyper-excitability in both disorders has distinct origins
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Shared genetic basis between genetic generalized epilepsy and background electroencephalographic oscillations
ObjectiveParoxysmal epileptiform abnormalities on electroencephalography (EEG) are the hallmark of epilepsies, but it is uncertain to what extent epilepsy and background EEG oscillations share neurobiological underpinnings. Here, we aimed to assess the genetic correlation between epilepsy and background EEG oscillations.MethodsConfounding factors, including the heterogeneous etiology of epilepsies and medication effects, hamper studies on background brain activity in people with epilepsy. To overcome this limitation, we compared genetic data from a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on epilepsy (n = 12 803 people with epilepsy and 24 218 controls) with that from a GWAS on background EEG (n = 8425 subjects without epilepsy), in which background EEG oscillation power was quantified in four different frequency bands: alpha, beta, delta, and theta. We replicated our findings in an independent epilepsy replication dataset (n = 4851 people with epilepsy and 20 428 controls). To assess the genetic overlap between these phenotypes, we performed genetic correlation analyses using linkage disequilibrium score regression, polygenic risk scores, and Mendelian randomization analyses.ResultsOur analyses show strong genetic correlations of genetic generalized epilepsy (GGE) with background EEG oscillations, primarily in the beta frequency band. Furthermore, we show that subjects with higher beta and theta polygenic risk scores have a significantly higher risk of having generalized epilepsy. Mendelian randomization analyses suggest a causal effect of GGE genetic liability on beta oscillations.SignificanceOur results point to shared biological mechanisms underlying background EEG oscillations and the susceptibility for GGE, opening avenues to investigate the clinical utility of background EEG oscillations in the diagnostic workup of epilepsy