283 research outputs found

    A forensic geoscience framework and practice

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    Appropriate and correct collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of geoforensic evidence are contingent upon understanding the specific context of the particular forensic investigation undertaken. To achieve this, the role of experimental studies in forensic geoscience must not be underestimated. In this article, we present two experimental studies that assess the spatial distribution of pollen in a living room and the nature of subsequent transfer of pollen onto clothing. The presence of cut flowers in a living room are shown to lead to a distribution of pollen grains onto all types of surface in that room that exhibits a distance–decay pattern with the greatest numbers of grains found in close proximity to the flowers. Once the transfer of pollen grains from a source location onto clothing has taken place, our second study demonstrates the nature of the persistence of that evidence for dry and damp clothing under active and inactive conditions. The level of activity after transfer is shown to have far more influence upon the persistence of this form of geoforensic evidence in comparison to the damp or dry conditions of the garment. We argue that these findings have implications for all stages of the forensic investigation–from sampling protocols to the interpretation of the presence/absence of geoforensic evidence. Whilst every contact does indeed leave a trace, it is imperative that there is an appreciation of the context of each forensic investigation, meaningful science take place and accurate and helpful crime reconstructions to be achieved

    The relevance of the evolution of experimental studies for the interpretation and evaluation of some trace physical evidence

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    In order for trace evidence to have a high evidential value, experimental studies which mimic the forensic reality are of fundamental importance. Such primary level experimentation is crucial to establish a coherent body of theory concerning the generation, transfer and persistence of different forms of trace physical evidence. We contend that the forensic context, at whatever scale, will be specific to each individual forensic case and this context in which a crime takes place will influence the properties of trace evidence. it will, therefore, be necessary in many forensic cases to undertake secondary level experimental studies that incorporate specific variables pertinent to a particular case and supplement the established theory presented in the published literature. Such studies enable a better understanding of the specific forensic context and thus allow More accurate collection, analysis and interpretation of the trace physical evidence to be achieved. This paper presents two cases where the findings of secondary level experimental studies undertaken to address specific issues particular to two forensic investigations proved to be important. Specific pre-, syn- and post-forensic event factors were incorporated into the experimental design and proved to be invaluable in the recovery, analysis and in achieving accurate interpretations of both soil evidence from footwear and glass trace evidence from a broken window.These Studies demonstrate that a fuller understanding of the specific context within which trace physical evidence is generated and subsequently collected, as well as an understanding of the behaviour of certain forms of trace physical evidence under specific conditions, can add evidentiary weight to the analysis and interpretation of that evidence and thus help a court with greater certainty where resources (time and cost) permit

    Brain states analysis for direct brain-computer communication

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    In order to permit a brain computer efficient communication, it is important to dispose of an efficient algorithm to decode the brain electrical activity. We will focus our attention on an algorithm based on microstates segmentation of the brain electrical activity. First of all, we are going to use electroencephalogram measurements (EEG, 10/20 international system) to collect the electrical activity of the brain. Each sixteen electrodes of the EEG will sample the data at the same rate, forming a matrix of measures. The algorithm is based on the hypothesis that a particular mental activity will generate momentary detectable potential scalp maps (Event Related Potentials, ERP). A mental activity can therefore be seen as a sequential organization of scalp maps, called microstates. To find the best microstates representing a particular mental activity is an exiting challenge. We are going to express the sets of data obtained through EEG as time series of nonoverlapping microstates with different intensities. The algorithm will then converge to a set of microstates representing the data with minimum error. Another inherent problem is that of the ideal number of microstate. How many scalp maps should we use to represent our set of data? The cross validation method is the more adequate for resolving this kind of problems. Applying this method to the data will give us an approximate number of states with a certain error. Improvements of the algorithm are also introduced. There were necessary to guarantee better results and more efficiency. Results are presented in the Comparison section, in which the qualities of the algorithm are underlined by some results analysis. We also compute its complexity and have created an indicator to improve our utilisation of the algorithm. The appendix provides the mathematical demonstrations of the algorithm formulas and focuses its attention on trying to explain all the difficult to understand concepts

    Live-cell imaging of alkyne-tagged small biomolecules by stimulated Raman scattering

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    Sensitive and specific visualization of small biomolecules in living systems is highly challenging. We report stimulated Raman-scattering imaging of alkyne tags as a general strategy for studying a broad spectrum of small biomolecules in live cells and animals. We demonstrate this technique by tracking alkyne-bearing drugs in mouse tissues and visualizing de novo synthesis of DNA, RNA, proteins, phospholipids and triglycerides through metabolic incorporation of alkyne-tagged small precursors

    New limits on nucleon decays into invisible channels with the BOREXINO Counting Test Facility

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    The results of background measurements with the second version of the BOREXINO Counting Test Facility (CTF-II), installed in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory, were used to obtain limits on the instability of nucleons, bounded in nuclei, for decays into invisible channels (invinv): disappearance, decays to neutrinos, etc. The approach consisted of a search for decays of unstable nuclides resulting from NN and NNNN decays of parents 12^{12}C, 13^{13}C and 16^{16}O nuclei in the liquid scintillator and the water shield of the CTF. Due to the extremely low background and the large mass (4.2 ton) of the CTF detector, the most stringent (or competitive) up-to-date experimental bounds have been established: τ(n→inv)>1.8⋅1025\tau(n \to inv) > 1.8 \cdot 10^{25} y, τ(p→inv)>1.1⋅1026\tau(p \to inv) > 1.1 \cdot 10^{26} y, τ(nn→inv)>4.9⋅1025\tau(nn \to inv) > 4.9 \cdot 10^{25} y and τ(pp→inv)>5.0⋅1025\tau(pp \to inv) > 5.0 \cdot 10^{25} y, all at 90% C.L.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures,submitted to Phys.Lett.

    New results on solar neutrino fluxes from 192 days of Borexino data

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    We report the direct measurement of the ^7Be solar neutrino signal rate performed with the Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. The interaction rate of the 0.862 MeV ^7Be neutrinos is 49+-3(stat)+-4(syst) counts/(day * 100ton). The hypothesis of no oscillation for ^7Be solar neutrinos is inconsistent with our measurement at the 4sigma level. Our result is the first direct measurement of the survival probability for solar nu_e in the transition region between matter-enhanced and vacuum-driven oscillations. The measurement improves the experimental determination of the flux of ^7Be, pp, and CNO solar nu_e, and the limit on the magnetic moment of neutrinos
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