73 research outputs found

    The Integration Processes of Migrants and Refugees in Germany

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    In dieser Dissertation untersuche ich verschiedene Aspekte des Integrationsprozesses von Migranten und Flüchtlingen, insbesondere wie sich ihre Präsenz auf die Protestaktivitäten und Einstellungen von Einheimischen auswirkt. Die vier Kapitel bauen auf der bestehenden Literatur auf und zielen darauf ab, diese in mehreren Aspekten zu ergänzen. Das erste und das zweite Kapitel verbessern unser Verständnis der kausalen Auswirkungen der Bedingungen im Heimatland auf die Rückkehrabsichten und die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migranten im Zielland sowie das Verständnis der Auswirkungen traumatischer Erfahrungen während der Flucht auf die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen. Das dritte Kapitel befasst sich mit der soziokulturellen Integration von Familienmigranten in einem Land, das nicht ihre erste Wahl darstellt. Das vierte Kapitel untersucht die Auswirkungen der Anwesenheit von Ausländern auf die Protestaktivität einer bestimmten Gruppe von Einheimischen und wie sich diese Proteste auf die Besorgnis über Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Intoleranz auf nationaler Ebene auswirken. Die Ergebnisse der Dissertation sollen die politischen Entscheidungsträger über die potenziellen Nebenwirkungen der Migrationspolitik informieren und empirische Erkenntnisse liefern, die zur Verbesserung bestehender und zur besseren Gestaltung künftiger politischer Maßnahmen beitragen.In this PhD thesis, I look at different aspects of the integration process of migrants and refugees, and how their presence affects the protest activity and attitudes of natives. The four chapters build on and aim to extend the existing literature along several dimensions. The first and second chapters improve our understanding of the causal effect of home country conditions on migrants' return intentions and labour market outcomes at destination and of the effect of traumatizing experiences along the journey on refugees' labour market integration. The third chapter explores the socio-cultural integration of family migrants in a country that was not their primary choice, while the fourth chapter examines the effect of the presence of foreigners on the protest activity of a particular group of natives and how these protests affect worries about xenophobia and intolerance at the national level. The findings in the dissertation aim to inform policymakers on the potential side-effect of migration policies and to provide empirical evidence that help improve existing policies and better design future ones.eral dimensions

    Barriers to humanitarian migration, victimisation and integration outcomes: evidence from Germany

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    In this paper, we link the peril of asylum seekers’ migratory journey to economically quantifiable outcomes in the destination country using refugee survey data from Germany collected in the aftermath of the 2015 refugee crisis. We start by showing that, accounting for selection effects, physical victimisation during the journey to Germany is strongly associated with significantly lower mental well-being and general health upon arrival in the destination. The physical victimisation experience severely distorts the human capital investment decision by leading affected refugees to favour joining the labour force and engaging in part-time and marginal employment over pursuing host-country education. We place our findings into both the psychiatric and experimental economic literature, which suggest that experiencing physical trauma in vulnerable situations results in a "loss of future directedness" or "impatience" among the victimised, leading them to discount future payoffs more heavily

    Local far-right demonstrations and nationwide public attitudes toward migration

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    One of the primary objectives of protests and demonstrations is to bring social, political, or economic issues to the attention of politicians and the wider population. While protests can have a mobilizing and persuading effect, they may reduce support for their cause if they are perceived as a threat to public order. In this study, we look at how local or spontaneously organised xenophobic demonstrations affect concerns about hostility towards foreigners and worries about immigration among natives in Germany. We use a regression discontinuity design to compare the attitudes of individuals interviewed in the days immediately before a large far-right demonstration and individuals interviewed in the days immediately after that demonstration. Our results show that large right-wing demonstrations lead to a substantial increase in worries about hostility towards foreigners of 13.7% of a standard deviation. In contrast, worries about immigration are not affected by the demonstrations, indicating that the protesters are not successful in swaying public opinion in their favour. In the heterogeneity analyses, we uncover some polarisation in the population: While worries about hostility against foreigners increase and worries about immigration decrease in left-leaning regions, both types of worries increase in districts where centre-right parties are more successful. Lastly, we also show that people become more politically interested in response to protests, mainly benefiting left-wing parties, and are more likely to wish to donate money to help refugees

    An ordered probit analysis of social mobility in Portugal

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    Mestrado em Econometria Aplicada e PrevisãoEste estudo propõe o uso de um modelo probit ordenado para analisar a mobilidade de rendimento no setor privado em Portugal, utilizando a base de dados Quadros do Pessoal. A abordagem utilizada neste estudo fornece uma metodologia para avaliar a mobilidade das classes de rendimento e quantificar como certas características ou eventos impactam a probabilidade de os individuis se moverem entre diferentes classes sociais.This study proposes the use of an ordered probit model to analyse income mobility in the private sector in Portugal using Quadros do Pessoal dataset. The approach used in this study provides a methodology to evaluate income class mobility and to quantify how certain characteristics or events impact the probability of moving up across the different social classes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Das perceções à intervenção educativa : estratégias neurodidáticas na formação inicial de professores

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    As investigações recentes da neuroeducação têm evidenciado resultados positivos e benéficos relativamente ao processo de aprendizagem, nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos alunos com dificuldades e/ou com baixo rendimento escolar, apesar desta área não apresentar uma nova pedagogia; ao invés, a neuroeducação ajuda a fundamentar a prática pedagógica, para além de se apresentar como uma perspetiva orientadora na intervenção educativa, demonstrando que existem estratégias de ensino que respeitam a forma como o cérebro aprende ou como as redes de construção de conhecimento são estabelecidas. Neste âmbito, consideramos que a formação inicial de professores é uma etapa importante, na qual a criticidade inerente ao processo de construção do conhecimento profissional – nos domínios do conhecimento, da essência e da ação – se deverá assumir como eixo central na apropriação do seu exercício profissional. Sem deixar de admitir que há, neste processo, numerosos constrangimentos de diversas origens (desde logo, a estrutura rígida dos planos de estudo da formação de professores), afigurasse-nos fundamental apresentar as perceções dos futuros docentes que frequentam cursos de habilitação para a docência numa instituição de ensino superior acerca do contributo da neuroeducação no processo de aprendizagem dos alunos, bem como na (re)configuração do processo de ensino. Neste contexto, foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário a 41 estudantes - em formação inicial de professores, em ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e/ou 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico – com os seguintes objetivos específicos: conhecer a perceção dos futuros professores quanto às contribuições da neuroeducação nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem; equacionar as possibilidades de concretização de uma pedagogia diferenciada/diversificada a partir do conhecimento da neuroeducação; apresentar estratégias neurodidáticas utilizadas em contexto de sala de aula. Os dados recolhidos permitiram efetuar uma análise descritiva e inferencial, facilitando o desenho de uma proposta de intervenção educativa consentânea com a promoção do desenvolvimento integral dos alunos, tendo em conta as suas facilidades/dificuldades na disciplina de História e Geografia de Portugal do 5.º ano de escolaridade. Apresentar-se-ão as vantagens e as limitações desta estratégia de ensino a partir das reflexões sobre a prática pedagógica das estudantes em formação e da avaliação realizada pelos seus alunos.Recent investigations of neuroeducation have shown positive and beneficial results in relation to the learning process, especially in the case of students with difficulties and/or poor school performance, although this area does not present a new pedagogy; on the contrary, neuroeducation helps to inform pedagogical practice, as well as presenting itself as a guiding perspective in the educational intervention, demonstrating that there are teaching strategies that respect the way the brain learns or how the networks of knowledge construction are established. In this context, we consider that initial teacher training is an important step in which the criticality inherent in the process of building professional knowledge - in the domains of knowledge, essence and action - should be taken as the central axis in the appropriation of its exercise professional. While admitting that there are numerous constraints in this process (from the very outset, the rigid structure of teacher training curricula), it would seem fundamental to present the perceptions of future teachers who attend teaching qualification courses in an institution of higher education about the contribution of neuroeducation in the learning process of the students, as well as in the (re) configuration of the teaching process. In this context, a questionnaire survey was applied to 41 students - in initial teacher education, in the 1st cycle of Basic Education and/or 2nd Cycle of Basic Education - with the following specific objectives: to know the perception of the future teachers about the contributions of neuroeducation in the teaching-learning processes;to equate the possibilities of the realization of a differentiated / diversified pedagogy based on the knowledge of neuroeducation; neurodidatic strategies used in the classroom context. The collected data allowed to carry out a descriptive and inferential analysis, facilitating the design of a proposal of educational intervention in line with the promotion of the integral development of the students,taking into account their facilities / difficulties in the discipline of History and Geography of Portugal of the 5th grade. We will present the advantages and limitations of this teaching strategy based on the reflections on the pedagogical practice of the students in formation and the evaluation carried out by their students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ao encontro da ciência: análise reflexiva sobre uma experiência interdisciplinar

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    Na formação de professores do 1.º/2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico entendemos que devem ser desenvolvidas práticas pedagógicas que contribuam para tornar a Ciência mais próxima dos interesses dos alunos. Realizaram-se oficinas em quatro turmas, que proporcionaram uma reflexão aos futuros professores sobre o conhecimento da Ciência e a sua contribuição para uma cidadania consciente e ativa, a formação em contexto não formal e o Ensino Experimental.  

    Perfil criminal das mulheres presas que trabalham em uma Cooperativa no Centro de Recuperação Feminino do município de Ananindeua-Pará

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    UID/SOC/04647/2019Importância: A vida em sociedade requer que as regras sociais sejam aceitas e cumpridas pelos indivíduos. Com isso, resta ao sistema penitenciário a complexidade de exercer o controle social dos desviantes e depois reintegrá-los socialmente. Objetivo: nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o perfil das mulheres encarceradas que voluntariamente estão inseridas em atividades laborativas na Cooperativa Social de Trabalho Arte Feminina Empreendora, e as principais práticas criminosas que as levaram à prisão. A Cooperativa está sediada dentro do Centro de Recuperação Feminino no município de Ananindeua-Pará, região metropolitana de Belém, e é a primeira cooperativa formada exclusivamente por mulheres presas no Brasil. Metodologia: Para tanto, utilizou-se um estudo exploratório e descritivo com abordagem quantitativa para análise e exposição dos dados de todas as vinte e três mulheres que trabalham na cooperativa, disponibilizados pela Superintendência do Sistema Penitenciário do estado do Pará. Resultados: Observou-se como principais resultados que as internas possuem em média 37 anos de idade, são da cor/etnia parda, a maior parte são naturais do interior do estado e cometeram o crime de tráfico de entorpecentes. Conclusão: Sendo possível concluir, com base nos resultados observados e na bibliografia estudada que o tipo de trabalho prisional, voltado para a autogestão na obtenção de renda, pode se tornar uma oportunidade para essas mulheres recomeçarem a vida pós-cárcere e serem inseridas no mercado de trabalho após o cumprimento da pena.publishersversionpublishe

    Pediatric Thyroidectomy: Experience From a Portuguese Hospital

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    Background and objective Pediatric thyroid disease requiring surgery is rare. Thyroid nodules are a frequent indication for surgery and are mostly benign. However, up to 25% of cases can be malignant. In this study, we aimed to describe our center's experience with regard to pediatric thyroid surgery. Methods This was a retrospective transverse study involving pediatric patients who underwent thyroid surgery at a tertiary hospital between January 2010 and December 2021. Results A total of 14 patients underwent 15 surgeries. The main reason for referral to pediatric endocrinology was thyroid nodules (n=10). Thirteen fine needle aspirations (FNAs) were performed, with follicular tumor (n=6) being the most common finding. The median age of patients at surgery was 15.9 years [interquartile range (IQR): 14.0-16.8]. The most common surgical indications were the presence of a follicular tumor on FNA (n=5) and thyroid nodule size causing symptoms (n=5). There was one case of prophylactic thyroidectomy due to the identification of a multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A) mutation. The most frequently described histopathology results were follicular adenoma (n=6) and colloid nodular goiter (n=6). Three postoperative complications were observed in three different patients: bilateral lesion of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, cervical hematoma, and transient hypoparathyroidism with hypocalcemia. Conclusion In our study, the most frequent surgical indication was a follicular tumor. A good correlation was found between FNA cytology and final histopathology results, which is in accordance with previous studies. This reinforces the importance of FNA in diagnosis and surgical planning. The rate of complications in our study is comparable to that in larger single-center series in the literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio