320 research outputs found

    Making a better home: modulation of plant defensive response by brevipalpus mites.

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    False-spider mites of the genus Brevipalpus are highly polyphagous pests that attack hundreds of plant species of distinct families worldwide. Besides causing direct damage, these mites may also act as vectors of many plant viruses that threaten high-value ornamental plants like orchids and economically important crops such as citrus and coffee. To better understand the molecular mechanisms behind plant-mite interaction we used an RNA-Seq approach to assess the global response of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) plants along the course of the infestation with Brevipalpus yothersi, the main vector species within the genus. Mite infestation triggered a drastic transcriptome reprogramming soon at the beginning of the interaction and throughout the time course, deregulating 1755, 3069 and 2680 genes at 6 hours after infestation (hai), 2 days after infestation (dai), and 6 dai, respectively. Gene set enrichment analysis revealed a clear modulation of processes related to the plant immune system. Co-expressed genes correlated with specific classes of transcription factors regulating defense pathways and developmental processes. Up-regulation of defensive responses correlated with the down-regulation of growth-related processes, suggesting the triggering of the growthdefense crosstalk to optimize plant fitness. Biological processes (BPs) enriched at all time points were markedly related to defense against herbivores and other biotic stresses involving the defense hormones salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA). Levels of both hormones were higher in plants challenged with mites than in the noninfested ones, supporting the simultaneous induction of genes from both pathways. To further clarify the functional relevance of the plant hormonal pathways on the interaction, we evaluated the mite performance on Arabidopsis mutants impaired in SA- or JAmediated response. Mite oviposition was lower on mutants defective in SA biosynthesis (sid2) and signaling (npr1), showing a function for SA pathway in improving the mite reproduction, an unusual mechanism compared to closely-related spider mites. Here we provide the first report on the global and dynamic plant transcriptome triggered by Brevipalpus feeding, extending our knowledge on plant-mite interaction. Furthermore, our results suggest that Brevipalpus mites manipulate the plant defensive response to render the plant more susceptible to their colonization by inducing the SA-mediated pathway

    Metric studies of information in journals indexed at SciELO: visibility and impact at Scopus and Web of Science

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    Objetiva analisar a visibilidade dos periódicos que publicam pesquisas sobre estudos métricos da informação, a partir de indicadores de impacto presentes nas bases indexadoras Scopus e Web Of Science (WOS). Os periódicos selecionados representam o domínio de estudos métricos da informação na base SciELO e estão presentes nas outras referidas bases, das quais foram extraídos seus respectivos indicadores de citação. Identifica o número total de publicações de cada periódico e o número total de suas publicações relacionadas aos estudos métricos (EMI) no período de 2009 a 2013, e o número total de citações recebidas por cada periódico e suas citações aos artigos de EMI na janela temporal 2009-2016, evidenciando a média de citação por periódicos, áreas e países, na temática e geral. Logo após, compara as medidas de citação desses artigos, dadas pelo Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) da Scopus e pelo Journal Citation Reports (JCR) da WOS, apontando as revistas, áreas e países com maior impacto na temática e no geral. Conclui-se que, a maioria das revistas obtiveram maior quantidade de citações na Scopus em detrimento á WOS, sugerindo maior visibilidade na primeira para os artigos que tratam de estudos métricos. Situação semelhante ocorre quando se considera toda a produção científica das revistas e suas citações recebidas, em relação ao impacto geral que apresentam. Em termos relativos, observa-se que, em ambas as bases, as revistas de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas apresentam o maior percentual de artigos sobre EMI em detrimento ás revistas de outras disciplinas. Por fim, considera que as políticas de indexação na base Scopus são responsáveis por sua cobertura mais ampla e pela maior visibilidade de seus periódicos, que estão disponíveis em diferentes idiomas.This study aims to analyze the visibility of the journals that publish research on metric studies (MS) by using the impact indicators of these journals, present at the databases Scopus and Web of Science (WOS). The selected journals represent the domain metric studies in the SciELO database and are present in the other databases, which were taken from their citation indicators. The study identifies the total number of each journal and the total number of publications related to metric studies in the 2009-2013 period, and the total number of citations received by each journal and his quote to MS articles in the time window 2009-2016, showing the average quotation by journal, areas and countries in the thematic and in their general publication. Soon after, it compares the citation measures given by the SJR of Scopus and the JCR WOS, pointing journals, areas and countries with the greatest impact on the theme and overall. It concludes that the majority of the journals have a higher number of citations in Scopus over the WOS, suggesting greater visibility in the first database to the articles about with metric studies. A similar situation occurs when considering any scientific journal and their citations received in relation to their overall impact. In relative terms, it observes that, in both databases, the Applied Social Sciences journals presents the highest percentage of articles on EMI in detriment to the other disciplines journals. Finally, it considers that Scopus indexing policies are responsible for their wider coverage and greater visibility of their journals, which are available in different languages.Referencia de los artículos analizados, organizados por revista: http://www.palabraclave.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/PCe021/8128Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Heteropterys Tomentosa (a. Juss.) Infusion Counteracts Cyclosporin A Side Effects On The Ventral Prostate.

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    Cyclosporin A (CsA) is an immunosuppressive drug widely used in treatment of auto-immune diseases or after organ transplants. However, several side effects are commonly associated with CsA long term intake, some regarding to loss of reproductive organ function due to oxidative damage. Considering that phytotherapy is an important tool often used against oxidative stress, we would like to describe the beneficial effects of Heteropterys tomentosa intake to minimize the damage caused by CsA to the ventral prostate tissue of Wistar rats under laboratorial conditions. Thirty adult Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were divided into: control group (water); CsA group (Cyclosporin A); Ht group (H. tomentosa infusion) and CsA + Ht group (CsA and H. tomentosa infusion). Plasmic levels of hepatotoxicity markers, triglycerides, cholesterol and glucose were quantified. The ventral prostate tissue was analyzed under light microscopy, using stereological, morphometrical and immunohistochemical techniques. H. tomentosa did not cause any alterations either of the plasmic parameters or of the ventral prostate structure. CsA caused alterations of GOT, total and indirect bilirubin, cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose levels in the plasma; CsA-treated rats showed alterations of the ventral prostate tissue. There were no alterations regarding the plasma levels of GOT, triglycerides and glucose of CsA + Ht animals. The same group also showed normalization of most of the parameters analyzed on the ventral prostate tissue when compared to the CsA group. The treatments did not alter the pattern of AR expression or the apoptotic index of the ventral prostate epithelium. The results suggest a protective action of the H. tomentosa infusion against the side effects of CsA on the ventral prostate tissue, which could also be observed with plasmic biochemical parameters.133

    Metric studies of information in journals indexed at SciELO: visibility and impact at Scopus and Web of Science

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    Objetiva analisar a visibilidade dos periódicos que publicam pesquisas sobre estudos métricos da informação, a partir de indicadores de impacto presentes nas bases indexadoras Scopus e Web Of Science (WOS). Os periódicos selecionados representam o domínio de estudos métricos da informação na base SciELO e estão presentes nas outras referidas bases, das quais foram extraídos seus respectivos indicadores de citação. Identifica o número total de publicações de cada periódico e o número total de suas publicações relacionadas aos estudos métricos (EMI) no período de 2009 a 2013, e o número total de citações recebidas por cada periódico e suas citações aos artigos de EMI na janela temporal 2009-2016, evidenciando a média de citação por periódicos, áreas e países, na temática e geral. Logo após, compara as medidas de citação desses artigos, dadas pelo Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) da Scopus e pelo Journal Citation Reports (JCR) da WOS, apontando as revistas, áreas e países com maior impacto na temática e no geral. Conclui-se que, a maioria das revistas obtiveram maior quantidade de citações na Scopus em detrimento á WOS, sugerindo maior visibilidade na primeira para os artigos que tratam de estudos métricos. Situação semelhante ocorre quando se considera toda a produção científica das revistas e suas citações recebidas, em relação ao impacto geral que apresentam. Em termos relativos, observa-se que, em ambas as bases, as revistas de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas apresentam o maior percentual de artigos sobre EMI em detrimento ás revistas de outras disciplinas. Por fim, considera que as políticas de indexação na base Scopus são responsáveis por sua cobertura mais ampla e pela maior visibilidade de seus periódicos, que estão disponíveis em diferentes idiomas.This study aims to analyze the visibility of the journals that publish research on metric studies (MS) by using the impact indicators of these journals, present at the databases Scopus and Web of Science (WOS). The selected journals represent the domain metric studies in the SciELO database and are present in the other databases, which were taken from their citation indicators. The study identifies the total number of each journal and the total number of publications related to metric studies in the 2009-2013 period, and the total number of citations received by each journal and his quote to MS articles in the time window 2009-2016, showing the average quotation by journal, areas and countries in the thematic and in their general publication. Soon after, it compares the citation measures given by the SJR of Scopus and the JCR WOS, pointing journals, areas and countries with the greatest impact on the theme and overall. It concludes that the majority of the journals have a higher number of citations in Scopus over the WOS, suggesting greater visibility in the first database to the articles about with metric studies. A similar situation occurs when considering any scientific journal and their citations received in relation to their overall impact. In relative terms, it observes that, in both databases, the Applied Social Sciences journals presents the highest percentage of articles on EMI in detriment to the other disciplines journals. Finally, it considers that Scopus indexing policies are responsible for their wider coverage and greater visibility of their journals, which are available in different languages.Referencia de los artículos analizados, organizados por revista: http://www.palabraclave.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/PCe021/8128Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Discussing newborn and family care in the kangaroo mother method

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    A permanência de recém-nascidos prematuros ou com muito baixo peso por tempo prolongado nas unidades neonatais até alcançarem o peso ideal para alta hospitalar caracteriza uma situação que pode trazer implicações para a saúde da puérpera e de seu bebê, tais como desestímulo ao aleitamento materno; rompimento do vínculo afetivo, e risco aumentado para infecções. Com o Método Mãe-Canguru (MMC), os RN prematuros e de baixo peso passam a ter contato direto com a mãe, desde o momento em que apresentem condições clínicas estáveis. Com o desenvolvimento e a estabilidade clínica do recém-nascido, o contato pele a pele é iniciado e o bebê permanece junto à mãe numa bolsa semelhante à de um canguru. Dentro do processo de implementação do Método Mãe-Canguru no Brasil, a enfermagem tem contribuído para o sucesso deste programa a partir de uma assistência pautada no envolvimento, dedicação e humanização do cuidado, proporcionando maior aproximação entre a família, o bebê prematuro e a equipe de saúde. Este artigo discute o cuidado de enfermagem ao recém-nascido e sua família no MMC e as dificuldades encontradas na prática para inserção da mãe e seu filho neste método de assistência, com base na experiência de um serviço. Tem a finalidade de promover uma reflexão sobre o papel da enfermagem no MMC, assim como apontar algumas dificuldades encontradas na aplicação do método.The permanence of premature or very low weight newborn babies for a long time in neonatal units until they reach the ideal weight for hospital discharge characterizes a situation that can bring implications for the mother's and her baby's health, such as breastfeeding discouragement, breaking of the affective bond and increased risk of infections. With the Kangaroo Mother Method (KMM), the premature newborn and the low weight babies have direct contact with their mothers as soon as they present stabilized clinical conditions. The skin-to-skin contact is initiated, and the baby stays close to the mother in a bag similar to that of a kangaroo. In the implementation process of the Kangaroo Mother Method in Brazil, the nursing sector has been contributing for the success of the program providing assistance based on involvement, dedication, and care humanization, thus bringing more proximity between family, premature baby and health staff. This article discusses the nursing care given to the newborn and the family in the KMM, and the difficulties found in the insertion of mother and child in this assistance method. The present study also intends to reflect on the importance of the nursing professionals' performance in the KMM program, as well as to point out some difficulties in the application of the method

    Effect of Different Numbers of Interset Antagonist Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching on the Total Number of Repetitions for the Agonists

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(4): 498-506, 2022. Recent studies have observed that stretching applied to antagonist muscles can promote improvement in agonist muscle performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different numbers of interset proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching for the antagonists on the total number of repetitions completed for the agonists (quadriceps) in the leg extension exercise. Fourteen physically active individuals (age: 29.35 ± 10.5 years; body mass: 79.1 ± 11.34 kg; height: 170.4 ± 8.7 cm) participated in this study. The following experimental protocols were performed: 1) Traditional protocol (Traditional) – without previous stretching; 2) PNF with lesser duration (PNF1—3 sets of 20 secs.); 3) PNF with greater duration (PNF2—3 sets of 30 secs.). Within the experimental protocols (PNF1 and PNF2), stretching exercises for the antagonists were performed before and between the four sets of the unilateral leg extension exercise. All tests were performed on the dominant limb only. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the total number of repetitions for the PNF2 protocol versus the Traditional protocol (p = 0.026). However, there was no significant difference between the PNF1 protocol versus the Traditional protocol (p = 0.577). In conclusion, in the leg extension exercise, an extended duration of interset PNF stretching for the hamstrings, promoted greater contractile performance for the quadriceps as demonstrated by significantly greater total repetitions over four sets

    Citrus leprosis virus C infection results in hypersensitive-like response, suppression of the JA/ET plant defense pathway and promotion of the colonization of its mite vector

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    Leprosis is a serious disease of citrus caused by Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C, genus Cilevirus) whose transmission is mediated by false spider mites of the genus Brevipalpus. CiLV-C infection does not systemically spread in any of its known host plants, thus remaining restricted to local lesions around the feeding sites of viruliferous mites. To get insight into this unusual pathosystem, we evaluated the expression profiles of genes involved in defense mechanisms of Arabidopsis thaliana and Citrus sinensis upon infestation with non-viruliferous and viruliferous mites by using reverse-transcription qPCR. These results were analyzed together with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the appearance of dead cells as assessed by histochemical assays. After interaction with non-viruliferous mites, plants locally accumulated ROS and triggered the salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonate/ethylene (JA/ET) pathways. ERE branch of the JA/ET pathways was highly activated. In contrast, JA pathway genes were markedly suppressed upon the CiLV-C infection mediated by viruliferous mites. Viral infection also intensified the ROS burst and cell death, and enhanced the expression of genes involved in the RNA silencing mechanism and SA pathway. After 13 days of infestation of two sets of Arabidopsis plants with non-viruliferous and viruliferous mites, the number of mites in the CiLV-C infected Arabidopsis plants was significantly higher than in those infested with the non-viruliferous ones. Oviposition of the viruliferous mites occurred preferentially in the CiLV-C infected leaves. Based on these results, we postulated the first model of plant/Brevipalpus mite/cilevirus interaction in which cells surrounding the feeding sites of viruliferous mites typify the outcome of a hypersensitive-like response, whereas viral infection induces changes in the behavior of its vector7CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP573848/08-4; 375843/2012-42012/18771- 0; 2014/00366-8; 2008/57909-2; 2014/08458-


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    Os acidentes são eventos danosos e inesperados que ocorrem de forma não premeditada. No Brasil, eles são as maiores causas de mortes de crianças entre 1 e 14 anos. A infância, portanto, é considerada uma faixa etária com maior risco para esses eventos

    Lunasin and Bowman-Birk Protease Inhibitor Concentrations of Protein Extracts from Enzyme-Assisted Aqueous Extraction of Soybeans

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    Lunasin and Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor (BBI) are two soybean peptides to which health-promoting properties have been attributed. Concentrations of these peptides were determined in skim fractions produced by enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction processing (EAEP) of extruded full-fat soybean flakes (an alternative to extracting oil from soybeans with hexane) and compared with similar extracts from hexane-defatted soybean meal. Oil and protein were extracted by using countercurrent twostage EAEP of soybeans at 1:6 solids-to-liquid ratio, 50C, pH 9.0, and 120 rpm for 1 h. Protein-rich skim fractions were produced from extruded full-fat soybean flakes using different enzyme strategies in EAEP: 0.5% protease (wt/g extruded flakes) used in both extraction stages; 0.5% protease used only in the second extraction stage; no enzyme used in either extraction stage. Countercurrent two-stage protein extraction of air-desolventized, hexane-defatted soybean flakes was used as a control. Protein extraction yields increased from 66% to 89-96% when using countercurrent two-stage EAEP with extruded full-fat flakes compared to 85% when using countercurrent two-stage protein extraction of air-desolventized, hexane-defatted soybean flakes. Extruding full-fat soybean flakes reduced BBI activity. Enzymatic hydrolysis reduced BBI contents of EAEP skims. Lunasin, however, was more resistant to both enzymatic hydrolysis and heat denaturation. Although using enzymes in both EAEP extraction stages yielded the highest protein and oil extractions, reducing enzyme use to only the second stage preserved much of the BBI and Lunasin