102 research outputs found

    Estudio de los factores psicosociales asociados con la hipertensión arterial primaria

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    Se ha realizado un estudio epidemiológico, retrospectivo del tipo caso/control para identificar los factores asociados a la enfermedad hipertensiva primaria o esencial. En total se han estudiado 258 y 258 controles pareados por edad, sexo, área de salud (Pilar I ,II,III) del Barrio del Pilar (MADRID) entre pacientes entre 25-59 años. El análisis de represión logística basado en los índices y variables del estudio de la siguiente secuencia: antecedente familiar, tensión laboral inestabilidad familiar insatisfacción en el trabajo, inestabilidad laboral, sobrecarga psicológica en el trabajo e insomnio en cuanto al orden de importancia de los factores psicosociales asociados a hipertensión arterial primaria

    The organization of urban areas and expansion of kala-azar

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    OBJETIVOS: verificar determinados processos que estão relacionados com a ocupação do espaço urbano e que contribuem para a ocorrência e expansão do calazar em um município de médio porte com acentuado fluxo migratório e em expansão econômica. MÉTODOS: trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, de corte transversal, no qual se realizou a investigação domiciliar dos casos registrados em 8 bairros e respectivos setores censitários, no município de Petrolina, Pernambuco, no período de 1992 a 1997. Está subsidiado por elementos da pesquisa laboratorial, considerando o transmissor e o reservatório. Utilizamos o modelo explicativo da determinação social do processo saúde-doença a esta situação endêmica-epidêmica. RESULTADOS: observa-se uma concentração de casos de calazar na periferia da zona urbana do município de Petrolina, em áreas de invasão e expansão, onde o saneamento básico é precário, há a presença de animais e do vetor no peridomicílio e a população apresenta um baixo grau de instrução. O sexo masculino e a faixa etária de 0-4 anos são os mais acometidos. CONCLUSÕES: os achados sugerem o estabelecimento de um novo padrão epidemiológico para o calazar em Petrolina, onde a ocorrência dessa endemia se dá em um espaço altamente modificado pela população. Tal situação caracteriza um processo de ruralização das áreas periurbanas endêmicas nas grandes cidades.________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTOBJECTIVES: the aim of this study was to verify certain processes that are related to the occupation of urban areas and which contribute to the occurrence and expansion of kala-azar in a medium-sized town undergoing economic growth with a high influx of migrants. METHODS: the study is an epidemiological cross-section, in which house-to-house investigation was conducted concerning cases registered in 8 districts and their respective census areas, all in the municipality of Petrolina, Pernambuco state, Brazil, from 1992 to 1997. The study was backed up by laboratory research, taking into consideration both the transmitter and animal reservoir. An explanatory social determination model for the health-illness process of this endemic-epidemic situation was used. RESULTS: a concentration of kala-azar cases was observed in the urban periphery of the town of Petrolina, in areas of squatter settlement and growth, where basic sanitation was precarious, in which animals and the vector were present around the household and the population had a low level of schooling. Males and the 0-4 age group were the most affected. CONCLUSIONS: the findings suggest the establishment of a new epidemiological pattern for kala-azar in Petrolina, where this endemic occurs in areas that have been highly modified by the population. Such a situation characterises the ruralisation process of the urban peripheries endemic in large cities

    Vitamin D e diabetes melito: uma atualização 2013

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    Vitamin D deficiency and diabetes mellitus are two common conditions and they are widely prevalent across all ages, races, geographical regions, and socioeconomic conditions. Epidemiologic studies have shown association of vitamin D deficiency and increased risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes mellitus. The identification of 1,25(OH)2D receptors and 1-α-hydroxilase expression in pancreatic beta cells, in cells of the immune system, and in various others tissues, besides the bone system support the role of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Observational studies have revealed an association between 25(OH) D deficiency and the prevalence of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents. This review will focus on the concept of vitamin D deficiency, its prevalence, and its role in the pathogenesis and risk of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.A deficiência de vitamina D e o diabetes melito são enfermidades comuns na população e são altamente prevalentes em todas as raças, idades, regiões geográficas e situação socioeconômica. Estudos epidemiológicos mostram uma associação entre hipovitaminose D com o aumento do risco de doenças crônicas, tais como câncer, doença cardiovascular, diabetes melito do tipo 2 e doenças autoimunes como a esclerose múltipla e o diabetes mellitus do tipo 1. A identificação de receptores da 1,25(OH)2 D e da expressão da 1 α-hidroxilase nas células betapancreáticas, em células do sistema imunológico e em uma variedade de células do organismo além do tecido ósseo, suporta o papel da vitamina D na patogênese do diabetes tipo 2 e do tipo 1. Esta revisão apresenta e discute o conceito de deficiência de vitamina D, sua prevalência e seu papel na patogênese e no risco de desenvolvimento do diabetes melito e doenças cardiovasculares.Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Endocrinology, Diabetes and Bone Diseases Division of Agamenon Magalhães HospitalUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Endocrinology Division and Diabetes CenterUFPE Public Health and Epidemiology DivisionUNIFESP, Endocrinology Division and Diabetes CenterSciEL

    Fatores associados ao controle glicêmico em pessoas com diabetes na Estratégia Saúde da Família em Pernambuco

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    OBJETIVO Identificar los factores asociados con el control glucémico en personas con Diabetes Mellitus (DM) tipo 2 registradas en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF) en Pernambuco, Brasil. MÉTODO Fueron investigadas, por regresión múltiple, las asociaciones entre el control glucémico (hemoglobina A glicosilada menor o mayor o igual al 7%) presentado por las personas con DM y variables relacionadas con condiciones sociodemográficas, hábitos de vida, características de la diabetes, de su tratamiento y seguimiento de los pacientes por los servicios sanitarios. RESULTADOS Más del 65% de los participantes presentaron control glucémico inadecuado, especialmente aquellos de menos edad, duración de la enfermedad más larga, más contactos anuales con la ESF y régimen terapéutico complejo. Personas con DM sin derivaciones a especialistas presentaron un mayor descontrol glucémico. Asociaciones con escolaridad y obesidad no permanecieron significativas en el modelo multivariado. CONCLUSIÓN La evolución de la diabetes dificulta el control adecuado. Sin embargo, la atención a las personas con DM más jóvenes y las derivaciones a especialistas son factores susceptibles de mejora del control glucémico.OBJETIVO Identificar fatores associados ao controle glicêmico em pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus (DM) tipo 2 cadastradas na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) em Pernambuco, Brasil. MÉTODO Foram investigadas, por regressão múltipla, as associações entre o controle glicêmico (hemoglobina A glicosilada menor ou maior ou igual a 7%) apresentado pelas pessoas com DM e variáveis relacionadas com condições sociodemográficas, hábitos de vida, características do diabetes, de seu tratamento e acompanhamento dos pacientes pelos serviços de saúde. RESULTADOS Mais de 65% dos participantes apresentaram controle glicêmico inadequado, principalmente aqueles com idade menor, duração da doença mais longa, mais contatos anuais com a ESF e regime terapêutico complexo. Pessoas com DM sem encaminhamentos para especialistas apresentaram um maior descontrole glicêmico. Associações com escolaridade e obesidade não permaneceram significativas no modelo multivariado. CONCLUSÃO A evolução do diabetes dificulta o controle adequado, todavia, a atenção às pessoas com DM mais jovens e os encaminhamentos para especialistas são fatores suscetíveis de melhora do controle glicêmico.OBJECTIVE Identifying factors associated with glycemic control in people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) registered in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Pernambuco, Brazil. METHOD Associations between glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin A lower or equal to 7%) presented by people with DM and variables related to sociodemographic conditions, lifestyle, characteristics of diabetes, treatment and follow-up of patients by health services were investigated by multiple regression. RESULTS More than 65% of the participants presented inadequate glycemic control, especially those with lower age, longer illness duration, more annual contacts with FHS and complex therapeutic regimen. People with DM without referrals to specialists presented greater glycemic control. Associations with education level and obesity did not remain significant in the multivariate model. CONCLUSION The evolution of diabetes hinders adequate control, however, attention to younger people with DM and referrals to specialists are factors that can improve glycemic control

    Decomposition and nutrient release of leguminous plants in coffee agroforestry systems.

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    Leguminous plants used as green manure are an important nutrient source for coffee plantations, especially for soils with low nutrient levels. Field experiments were conducted in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais State, Brazil to evaluate the decomposition and nutrient release rates of four leguminous species used as green manures (Arachis pintoi, Calopogonium mucunoides, Stizolobium aterrimum and Stylosanthes guianensis) in a coffee agroforestry system under two different climate conditions. The initial N contents in plant residues varied from 25.7 to 37.0 g kg-1 and P from 2.4 to 3.0 g kg-1. The lignin/N, lignin/polyphenol and(lignin+polyphenol)/N ratios were low in all residues studied. Mass loss rates were highest in the first 15 days, when 25 % of the residues were decomposed. From 15 to 30 days, the decomposition rate decreased on both farms. On the farm in Pedra Dourada (PD), the decomposition constant k increased in the order C. mucunoides < S. aterrimum < S. guianensis < A. pintoi. On the farm in Araponga (ARA), there was no difference in the decomposition rate among leguminous plants. The N release rates varied from 0.0036 to 0.0096 d-1. Around 32 % of the total N content in the plant material was released in the first 15 days. In ARA, the N concentration in the S. aterrimum residues was always significantly higher than in the other residues. At the end of 360 days, the N released was 78 % in ARA and 89 % in PD of the initial content. Phosphorus was the most rapidly released nutrient (k values from 0.0165 to 0.0394 d-1). Residue decomposition and nutrient release did not correlate with initial residue chemistry and biochemistry, but differences in climatic conditions between the two study sites modified the decomposition rate constants

    Spectral analysis-based risk score enables early prediction of mortality and cerebral performance in patients undergoing therapeutic hypothermia for ventricular fibrillation and comatose status

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    Background: Early prognosis in comatose survivors after cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation (VF) is unreliable, especially in patients undergoing mild hypothermia. We aimed at developing a reliable risk-score to enable early prediction of cerebral performance and survival. Methods: Sixty-one out of 239 consecutive patients undergoing mild hypothermia after cardiac arrest, with eventual return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), and comatose status on admission fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Background clinical variables, VF time and frequency domain fundamental variables were considered. The primary and secondary outcomes were a favorable neurological performance (FNP) during hospitalization and survival to hospital discharge, respectively. The predictive model was developed in a retrospective cohort (n = 32; September 2006 September 2011, 48.5 ± 10.5 months of follow-up) and further validated in a prospective cohort (n = 29; October 2011 July 2013, 5 ± 1.8 months of follow-up). Results: FNP was present in 16 (50.0%) and 21 patients (72.4%) in the retrospective and prospective cohorts, respectively. Seventeen (53.1%) and 21 patients (72.4%), respectively, survived to hospital discharge. Both outcomes were significantly associated (p &lt; 0.001). Retrospective multivariate analysis provided a prediction model (sensitivity = 0.94, specificity = 1) that included spectral dominant frequency, derived power density and peak ratios between high and low frequency bands, and the number of shocks delivered before ROSC. Validation on the prospective cohort showed sensitivity = 0.88 and specificity = 0.91. A model-derived risk-score properly predicted 93% of FNP. Testing the model on follow-up showed a c-statistic &#8805; 0.89. Conclusions: A spectral analysis-based model reliably correlates time-dependent VF spectral changes with acute cerebral injury in comatose survivors undergoing mild hypothermia after cardiac arrest.the CNIC is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Pro-CNIC Foundation.Filgueiras-Rama, D.; Calvo Saiz, CJ.; Salvador-Montañés, Ó.; Cádenas, R.; Ruiz-Cantador, J.; Armada, E.; Rey, JR.... (2015). Spectral analysis-based risk score enables early prediction of mortality and cerebral performance in patients undergoing therapeutic hypothermia for ventricular fibrillation and comatose status. International Journal of Cardiology. 186:250-258. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.03.074S25025818

    Description of a Prospective 17DD Yellow Fever Vaccine Cohort in Recife, Brazil

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    From September 2005 to March 2007, 238 individuals being vaccinated for the first time with the yellow fever (YF) -17DD vaccine were enrolled in a cohort established in Recife, Brazil. A prospective study indicated that, after immunization, anti-YF immunoglobulin M (IgM) and anti-YF IgG were present in 70.6% (IgM) and 98.3% (IgG) of the vaccinated subjects. All vaccinees developed protective immunity, which was detected by the plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) with a geometric mean titer of 892. Of the 238 individuals, 86.6% had IgG antibodies to dengue virus; however, the presence of anti-dengue IgG did not interfere significantly with the development of anti-YF neutralizing antibodies. In a separate retrospective study of individuals immunized with the 17DD vaccine, the PRNT values at 5 and 10 years post-vaccination remained positive but showed a significant decrease in neutralization titer (25% with PRNT titers < 100 after 5 years and 35% after 10 years)