283 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Statistical Analysis of Defect Emission in hBN: Revealing Spectral Families and Influence of Flakes Morphology

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    Quantum emitters in two-dimensional layered hexagonal boron nitride are quickly emerging as a highly promising platform for next-generation quantum technologies. However, precise identification and control of defects are key parameters to achieve the next step in their development. We conducted a comprehensive study by analyzing over 10,000 photoluminescence emission lines, revealing 11 distinct defect families within the 1.6 to 2.2 eV energy range. This challenges hypotheses of a random energy distribution. We also reported averaged defect parameters, including emission linewidths, spatial density, phonon side bands, and the Debye-Waller factors. These findings provide valuable insights to decipher the microscopic origin of emitters in hBN hosts. We also explored the influence of hBN host morphology on defect family formation, demonstrating its crucial impact. By tuning flake size and arrangement we achieve selective control of defect types while maintaining high spatial density. This offers a scalable approach to defect emission control, diverging from costly engineering methods. It highlights the importance of investigating flake morphological control to gain deeper insights into the origins of defects and to expand the spectral tailoring capabilities of defects in hBN

    Spin Textures of Polariton Condensates in a Tunable Microcavity with Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction

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    We report an extended family of spin textures in coexisting modes of zero-dimensional polariton condensates spatially confined in tunable open microcavity structures. The coupling between photon spin and angular momentum, which is enhanced in the open cavity structures, leads to new eigenstates of the polariton condensates carrying quantised spin vortices. Depending on the strength and anisotropy of the cavity confinement potential and the strength of the spin-orbit coupling, which can be tuned via the excitonic/photonic fractions, the condensate emissions exhibit either spin-vortex-like patterns or linear polarization, in good agreement with theoretical modelling

    Effect of increasing lignin in isoenergetic diets at two soluble fibre levels on digestion, performance and carcass quality of growing rabbits

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    [EN] To assess the effect of increasing dietary lignin in isoenergetic diets at two soluble fibre (SF) levels on digestion, performance and carcass quality of growing rabbits, four diets were formulated according a 2 x 2 factorial design: low SF-low lignin (LSF/LL), low SF-high lignin (LSF/HL), high SF-low lignin (HSF/LL) and high SF-high lignin (HSF/HL). On average, in HSF diets SF was increased by 49 g/kg DM, mainly replacing starch ( - 53 g/kg DM), and in HL diets lignin was increased by 40 g/kg, mainly reducing starch (-78 g/kg DM), with increasing EE ( + 31 g/kg DM). Two hundred and sixty crossbred weaned rabbits (35 days old) were assigned to the experimental diets, individually housed and fed ad libitum until 63 days of age. Digestibility (from 49 to 53 days old), growth performance (from 35 to 63 days old), carcass quality (at 63 days old) and caecal environment (at 63 days old) were studied in 12, 65, 45 and 16 rabbits per diet, respectively. High SF diets showed higher CTTAD of fibrous fractions ( + 0.206 +/- 0.011, + 0.207 +/- 0.015, + 0.214 +/- 0.011 and + 0.167 +/- 0.015 for aNDFom, ADFom, hemicelluloses and cellulose, respectively, P < 0.001), OM ( + 0.042 +/- 0.004, P < 0.001) and GE ( + 0.055 +/- 0.005, P < 0.001), resulting in high DE content (10.6 vs. 9.30 MJ/kg DM). In contrast, CTTAD of CP was lower ( - 0.023 +/- 0.009, P = 0.013), as well as the DP content (96.9 vs. 103 g/kg DM). This dietary variation reduced the DM content of caecal digesta ( - 28 +/- 3 g/kg, P < 0.001), besides increasing its VFA concentration ( + 18.0 +/- 4.0 mmol/L, P < 0.001) and reducing its pH ( - 0.28 +/- 0.05, P < 0.001). Feed intake and LW gain decreased, with an improvement of feed to gain ratio ( -13.8 %, - 4.7 %, - 9.4 %, respectively; P < 0.001). The proportion of gastrointestinal tract was increased, with a subsequent reduction in dressing out ( + 19 +/- 2 g/kg LW and -15 +/- 2 g chilled carcass weight/kg LW, respectively, P < 0.001). High lignin diets showed lower CTTAD of OM (-0.055 +/- 0.004, P < 0.001) and GE ( - 0.034 +/- 0.005, P < 0.001) without affecting DE and DP contents. This dietary variation increased DM content of caecal digesta ( +21 +/- 3 g/kg, P < 0.001), but did not affect the other caecal digesta traits. Feed intake was higher ( + 4.9 %, P < 0.001), although differences were dependent on the growth phase and the SF level (maximum difference at 35-49 days with low SF diets, + 11.0 %, P < 0.001; minimum difference at 49-63 days with high SF diets, + 1.0 %, P = 0.689), but did not affect LW gain and consequently impaired the feed to gain ratio ( + 5.1 %, P < 0.001). No effect was observed on dressing out, but the dissectible fat proportion increased ( + 6.7 +/- 1.1 g/kg reference carcass weight, P < 0.001).Financial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Project AGL2006-07596).Caisin, L.; Martinez-Paredes, E.; Ródenas Martínez, L.; Moya, V.; Pascual Amorós, JJ.; Cervera Fras, MC.; Blas Ferrer, E.... (2020). Effect of increasing lignin in isoenergetic diets at two soluble fibre levels on digestion, performance and carcass quality of growing rabbits. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 262:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114396S19262Batey, I. L. (1982). Starch Analysis Using Thermostable alpha-Amylases. Starch - Stärke, 34(4), 125-128. doi:10.1002/star.19820340407Delgado, R., Nicodemus, N., Abad-Guamán, R., Sastre, J., Menoyo, D., Carabaño, R., & García, J. (2018). Effect of dietary soluble fibre and n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio on growth performance and nitrogen and energy retention efficiency in growing rabbits. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 239, 44-54. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2018.03.006Delgado, R., Menoyo, D., Abad-Guamán, R., Nicodemus, N., Carabaño, R., & García, J. (2019). Effect of dietary soluble fibre level and n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio on digestion and health in growing rabbits. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 255, 114222. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2019.114222Fernández, C., & Fraga, M. J. (1996). The effect of dietary fat inclusion on growth, carcass characteristics, and chemical composition of rabbits. Journal of Animal Science, 74(9), 2088. doi:10.2527/1996.7492088xGarcía, J., Gidenne, T., Luisa Falcao-e-Cunha, & de Blas, C. (2002). Identification of the main factors that influence caecal fermentation traits in growing rabbits. Animal Research, 51(2), 165-173. doi:10.1051/animres:2002011Gidenne, T. (2015). Dietary fibres in the nutrition of the growing rabbit and recommendations to preserve digestive health: a review. Animal, 9(2), 227-242. doi:10.1017/s1751731114002729Gidenne, T., Perez, J., Lapanouse, A., & Ségura, M. (1994). Apports de lignines et alimentation du lapin en croissance. I. Conséquences sur la digestion et le transit. Annales de Zootechnie, 43(4), 313-322. doi:10.1051/animres:19940401Gidenne, T., Arveux, P., & Madec, O. (2001). The effect of the quality of dietary lignocellulose on digestion, zootechnical performance and health of the growing rabbit. Animal Science, 73(1), 97-104. doi:10.1017/s1357729800058094Grueso, I., De Blas, J. C., Cachaldora, P., Mendez, J., Losada, B., & García-Rebollar, P. (2013). Combined effects of supplementation of diets with hops and of a substitution of starch with soluble fiber on feed efficiency and prevention of digestive disorders in rabbits. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 180(1-4), 92-100. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2013.01.009Martínez-Vallespín, B., Martínez-Paredes, E., Ródenas, L., Cervera, C., Pascual, J. J., & Blas, E. (2011). Combined feeding of rabbit female and young: Partial replacement of starch with acid detergent fibre or/and neutral detergent soluble fibre at two protein levels. Livestock Science, 141(2-3), 155-165. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2011.05.014Martínez-Vallespín, B., Martínez-Paredes, E., Ródenas, L., Moya, V. J., Cervera, C., Pascual, J. J., & Blas, E. (2013). Partial replacement of starch with acid detergent fibre and/or neutral detergent soluble fibre at two protein levels: Effects on ileal apparent digestibility and caecal environment of growing rabbits. Livestock Science, 154(1-3), 123-130. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2013.02.012Nicodemus, N., Carabaño, R., Garcı́a, J., Méndez, J., & de Blas, C. (1999). Performance response of lactating and growing rabbits to dietary lignin content. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 80(1), 43-54. doi:10.1016/s0377-8401(99)00042-5Ocasio-Vega, C., Delgado, R., Abad-Guamán, R., Carabaño, R., Carro, M. D., Menoyo, D., & García, J. (2018). The effect of cellobiose on the health status of growing rabbits depends on the dietary level of soluble fiber. Journal of Animal Science, 96(5), 1806-1817. doi:10.1093/jas/sky106Pascual, M., Soler, M. D., Cervera, C., Pla, M., Pascual, J. J., & Blas, E. (2014). Feeding programmes based on highly-digestible fibre weaning diets: Effects on health, growth performance and carcass and meat quality in rabbits. Livestock Science, 169, 88-95. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2014.07.007Trocino, A., García Alonso, J., Carabaño, R., & Xiccato, G. (2013). A meta-analysis on the role of soluble fibre in diets for growing rabbits. World Rabbit Science, 21(1). doi:10.4995/wrs.2013.1285Trocino, A., Fragkiadakis, M., Majolini, D., Tazzoli, M., Radaelli, G., & Xiccato, G. (2013). Soluble fibre, starch and protein level in diets for growing rabbits: Effects on digestive efficiency and productive traits. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 180(1-4), 73-82. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2013.01.007Van Soest, P. J., Robertson, J. B., & Lewis, B. A. (1991). Methods for Dietary Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber, and Nonstarch Polysaccharides in Relation to Animal Nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science, 74(10), 3583-3597. doi:10.3168/jds.s0022-0302(91)78551-2Xiccato, G., Trocino, A., Majolini, D., Fragkiadakis, M., & Tazzoli, M. (2011). Effect of decreasing dietary protein level and replacing starch with soluble fibre on digestive physiology and performance of growing rabbits. Animal, 5(8), 1179-1187. doi:10.1017/s175173111100024

    Effect of different housing systems (single and group penning) on the health and welfare of commercial female rabbits

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    [EN] In recent decades, concern about rabbit welfare and sustainability has increased. The housing system is a very important factor for animal welfare. However, information about how different available housing types for female rabbits affect their health status is scarce, but this is an important factor for their welfare. Hence, the objective of this study was to evaluate the health status of female rabbits in five common housing systems: three different single-housing systems with distinct available surfaces and heights; a single-housing system with a platform; a collective system. Female rabbits in the collective and platform cages had greater cortisol concentrations in hair than those in the single-housing system with no platform. Haptoglobin concentrations and kit mortality rates during lactation were greater for the collective-cage female rabbits. The collective group had more culled females and more lesions than in the other groups. The main reasons for culling in all the groups were reproduction problems and presence of abscesses, and the collective group of females was the most affected. In conclusion, it appears that keeping females together in collective systems negatively affects their health status and welfare, while single-housing systems imply lower kit mortality rates during lactation and cortisol concentrations, and fewer lesions in female rabbits.This study was supported by the INIA-INTERCUN Project (CUN2014-00001-00-00) and by Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera (INDI16/07, INDI17/07, INDI18/08). Grants for Sara Perez Fuentes, Asuncion Munoz Silvestre and Elena Moreno Grua from Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera, and also for Sara Perez Fuentes from Generalitat Valenciana and FSE (ACIF/2016/085), and for Elena Moreno Grua from Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte (FPU17/02708) are also gratefully acknowledged.Pérez-Fuentes, S.; Muñoz-Silvestre, A.; Moreno Grua, E.; Martinez-Paredes, E.; Viana, D.; Selva, L.; Villagrá, A.... (2020). Effect of different housing systems (single and group penning) on the health and welfare of commercial female rabbits. Animal. 14(6):1270-1277. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731119003379S12701277146Archetti I, Tittarelli C, Cerioli M, Brivio R, Grilli G and Lavazza A 2008. Serum chemistry and hematology values in commercial rabbits: preliminary data from industrial farms in northern Italy. In Proceedings of the 9th World Rabbit Congress, 10–13 June 2008, Verone, Italy, pp. 1147–1152.Argente, M.-J., García, M. de la L., Birlanga, V., & Muelas, R. (2014). Relationship between cortisol and acute phase protein concentrations in female rabbits. The Veterinary Journal, 202(1), 172-175. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.07.020Cervera C, Martínez-Paredes E, Machado L and Villagrá A 2017. Producción de conejas en sistemas de alojamiento individual o colectivo en semigrupo. In Proceedings of the XLII Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU, 11–12 May 2017, Murcia, Spain, pp. 107–110.Dal Bosco, A., Mugnai, C., Martino, M., Szendrő, Z., Mattioli, S., Cambiotti, V., … Castellini, C. (2019). Housing Rabbit Does in a Combi System with Removable Walls: Effect on Behaviour and Reproductive Performance. Animals, 9(8), 528. doi:10.3390/ani9080528Dalle Zotte, A., Princz, Z., Matics, Z., Gerencsér, Z., Metzger, S., & Szendrő, Z. (2009). Rabbit preference for cages and pens with or without mirrors. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 116(2-4), 273-278. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2008.08.011Machado L, Cervera C, Martínez-Paredes E, Paragliola F and Cano C 2016. Comportamiento y manejo de conejas en sistemas de cría colectiva. In Proceedings of the XLI Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU, 12–13 May 2016, Hondarribia, Spain, pp. 134–137.Maertens L and Buijs S 2016. Impact of housing system (cage vs. part-time housing) and floor type on rabbit doe welfare. In Proceedings of the 11th World Rabbit Congress, 15–18 June 2016, Qingdao, China, pp. 707–710.Marai, I. F. ., Habeeb, A. A. ., & Gad, A. . (2002). Rabbits’ productive, reproductive and physiological performance traits as affected by heat stress: a review. Livestock Production Science, 78(2), 71-90. doi:10.1016/s0301-6226(02)00091-xMarcato PS and Rosmini R 1986. Mammary glands. In Pathology of the rabbit and hare (eds. PS Marcato and R Rosmini ), pp. 179–186. Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna, Italy.Masthoff, T., & Hoy, S. (2019). Investigations on the Influence of Floor Design on Dirtiness and Foot Pad Lesions in Growing Rabbits. Animals, 9(6), 354. doi:10.3390/ani9060354Mugnai, C., Dal Bosco, A., & Castellini, C. (2009). Effect of different rearing systems and pre-kindling handling on behaviour and performance of rabbit does. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 118(1-2), 91-100. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2009.02.007Petersen, H. H., Nielsen, J. P., & Heegaard, P. M. H. (2004). Application of acute phase protein measurements in veterinary clinical chemistry. Veterinary Research, 35(2), 163-187. doi:10.1051/vetres:2004002Rödel, H. G., Starkloff, A., Bautista, A., Friedrich, A.-C., & Von Holst, D. (2008). Infanticide and Maternal Offspring Defence in European Rabbits under Natural Breeding Conditions. Ethology, 114(1), 22-31. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2007.01447.xRödel, H. G., Starkloff, A., Seltmann, M. W., Prager, G., & von Holst, D. (2009). Causes and predictors of nest mortality in a European rabbit population. Mammalian Biology, 74(3), 198-209. doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2008.04.003Rommers, J. M., Boiti, C., De Jong, I., & Brecchia, G. (2006). Performance and behaviour of rabbit does in a group-housing system with natural mating or artificial insemination. Reproduction Nutrition Development, 46(6), 677-687. doi:10.1051/rnd:2006038Rommers, J., & De Greef, K. H. (2018). Are combi parks just as useful as regular parks for fatteners for part-time group housing of rabbit does? World Rabbit Science, 26(4), 299. doi:10.4995/wrs.2018.9587Rosell J and De La Fuente L 2008. Health and body condition of rabbit does on commercial farms. In Proceedings of the 9th World Rabbit Congress, 10–13 June 2008, Verone, Italy, pp. 1065–1069.Rosell, J., & de la Fuente, L. (2013). Assessing Ulcerative Pododermatitis of Breeding Rabbits. Animals, 3(2), 318-326. doi:10.3390/ani3020318Sánchez, J. P., de la Fuente, L. F., & Rosell, J. M. (2012). Health and body condition of lactating females on rabbit farms1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(7), 2353-2361. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4065Segura, P., Martinez, J., Peris, B., Selva, L., Viana, D., Penades, J. R., & Corpa, J. M. (2007). Staphylococcal infections in rabbit does on two industrial farms. Veterinary Record, 160(25), 869-872. doi:10.1136/vr.160.25.869Siemsen DW, Malachowa N, Schepetkin IA, Whitney AR, Kirpotina LN, Lei B, DeLeo FR and Quinn MT 2014. Neutrophil isolation from nonhuman species. In Neutrophil methods and protocols (eds. MT Quinn and FR De Leo ), pp. 19–37. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USASzendrő, Z., & McNitt, J. I. (2012). Housing of rabbit does: Group and individual systems: A review. Livestock Science, 150(1-3), 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2012.09.017Szendrő, Z., Mikó, A., Odermatt, M., Gerencsér, Z., Radnai, I., Dezséry, B., … Matics, Z. (2013). Comparison of performance and welfare of single-caged and group-housed rabbit does. Animal, 7(3), 463-468. doi:10.1017/s1751731112001760Szendrő, Z., Trocino, A., Hoy, S., Xiccato, G., Villagrá, A., & Maertens, L. (2019). A review of recent research outcomes on the housing of farmed domestic rabbits: reproducing does. World Rabbit Science, 27(1), 1. doi:10.4995/wrs.2019.10599Tallo-Parra, O., Manteca, X., Sabes-Alsina, M., Carbajal, A., & Lopez-Bejar, M. (2015). Hair cortisol detection in dairy cattle by using EIA: protocol validation and correlation with faecal cortisol metabolites. Animal, 9(6), 1059-1064. doi:10.1017/s1751731115000294Viana, D., Selva, L., Segura, P., Penadés, J. R., & Corpa, J. M. (2007). Genotypic characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from rabbit lesions. Veterinary Microbiology, 121(3-4), 288-298. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2006.12.003Zomeño, C., Birolo, M., Gratta, F., Zuffellato, A., Xiccato, G., & Trocino, A. (2018). Effects of group housing system, pen floor type, and lactation management on performance and behaviour in rabbit does. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 203, 55-63. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2018.03.00

    A comparison between padding and bath exhaustion to apply microcapsules onto cotton

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10570-015-0600-8[EN] The use of Microcapsules has increased in the textile sector. They have been applied as a possible means of introducing new products to textiles, such as insect repellents, antibiotics, skin moisturizers, etc. Microencapsulation technology has improved the fragrance durability on fabrics. Historically, the durability of the fragrance was poor, especially once the fabric had been washed. Microcapsules have been used in textiles for many years, however their previous characterization, adhesion behaviour and permanence on the fabrics are not well known. Nowadays the majority of textile industries are not able to characterize commercial products, or to study the process of adhering the microcapsule to the fibre's surface nor their functionality. Thus, the characterization of microencapsulated fabrics with different active core and the knowledge of the various application processes becomes a major challenge in the field of microcapsules use. There are various industrial processes to apply microcapsules, but determining optimal amounts of products, temperature, conditions and other process variables are an important challenge for the textile sector in order to achieve the highest depositions and retention of microcapsules. This work is focused on determining and quantifying presence fragrance microcapsules when applied onto fabrics by padding and by bath exhaustion and determining which method is the most effective. Consequently, diverse analysis techniques such as microscopy (SEM), spectroscopy FTIR and XPS have been used. We concluded that proposed techniques seem to be useful to compare fabrics treated with microcapsules. Results demonstrate that padding application gives better yields than bath exhaustion.Bonet Aracil, MA.; Monllor Pérez, P.; Capablanca Francés, L.; Gisbert Paya, J.; Díaz-García, P.; Montava Seguí, IJ. (2015). A comparison between padding and bath exhaustion to apply microcapsules onto cotton. Cellulose. 22(3):2117-2127. doi:10.1007/s10570-015-0600-8S21172127223Bonet M, Quijada C, Muñoz S, Cases F (2004) Characterization of ethylcellulose with different degrees of substitution (DS): a diffuse-reflectance infrared study. Can J Anal Sci Spectrosc 49(4):234–239Bonet M, Capablanca L, Monllor P, Díaz P, Montava I (2012) Studying bath exhaust as a method to apply microcapsules on fabrics. J Text Inst 103(6):629–635Buchert J, Pere LS, Johanson JM, Campbell J (2001) Analysis of surface chemistry of linen and cotton fabrics. Text Res J 71:626–629Fras L, Johanson LS, Stenius P, Laine P, Stana-Kleinscheck K, Ribitsch V (2005) Analysis of theoxidation of cellulosefibresbytitration and XPS. Colloids Surf A 260:101–108Gisbert G, Ibañez F, Bonet M, Monllor P, Díaz P, Montava I (2009) Increasing hydration of the epidermis by microcapsules in sterilized products. J Appl Polym Sci 113(4):2282–2286Hong K, Park S (1999) Melamine resin microcapsules containing fragant oil: synthesis and characterization. J Appl Polym Sci 58:128–131Jing HU, Zuobing X, Rujun Z, Shuangshuang M, Mingxi W, Zhen L (2011) Properties of aroma sustained-release cotton fabric with rose fragrance nanocapsule. Chin J Chem Eng 19(3):523–528Kokot S, Czarnik-Matusewicz C, Ozaki Y (2002) Two- dimensional correlation spectroscopy and principal component analysis studies of temperature-dependent IR spectra of cotton-cellulose. Biopolymers 67:456–469Kondo T, Sawatari C, Manley RJ, Gray DG (1994) Characterization of hydrogen bonding in cellulose synthetic polymer blend systems with regioselectively substituted methylcellulose. Macromolecules 27(1):210–215Miró Specos MM, Escobar G, Marino P, Puggia C, Defain Tesoriero MV, Hermida L (2010) Aroma finishing of cotton fabrics by means of microencapsulation techniques. J Ind Text 40(1):13–32Monllor P, Bonet M, Cases F (2007) Characterization of the behaviour of flavour microcapsules in cotton fabrics. Eur Polym J 43:2481–2490Monllor P, Bonet M, Sánchez L, Cases F (2009) Thermal behaviour of microencapsulated flavours when applied to cellulose fabrics. Text Res J 79(4):365–380Monllor P, Capablanca L, Gisbert J, Díaz P, Bonet M (2010) Improvement of microcapsule adhesion to fabrics. Text Res J 80(7):631–635Nelson G (1991) Microencapsulates in textile coloration and finishing. Rev Prog Color Relat Top 21:72–85Nelson G (2001) Microencapsulation in textile finishing. Rev Prog Color Relat Top 321:57–64Nelson G (2002) Application of microencapsulation in textiles. Int J Pharm 242:55–62Rodrigues SN, Fernandes I, Martins IM, Mata VG, Barreiro F, Rodrigues AE (2008) Microencapsulation of limonene for textiles application. Ind Eng Chem Res 47:4142–4147Rodrigues SN, Martins, IM, Fernades IP, Gomes PB, Mata VG, Barreiro MF, Rodrigues AE (2009) Scentfashion®: microencapsulated perfumes for textile application. Chem Eng J 149(1–3):463–472. ISSN:1385-8947Sócrates G (1997) In: Infrared characteristic group frequencies. Tables and charts, 2nd ednTopalovic T, Nierstrasz VA, Bautista L, Jocic D, Navarro A, Warmoeskerken MMCG (2007) XPS and contact angle study of cotton surface oxidation by catalytic bleaching. Colloids Surf A 296:76–85Wilson RC, Pfhol WF (2000) Study of crosslinking reactions of melamine/formaldehyde resin with hydroxyl functional polyester by generalized 2-D infrared spectroscopy. 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    Patients with coronary artery disease and diabetes need improved management: a report from the EUROASPIRE IV survey: a registry from the EuroObservational Research Programme of the European Society of Cardiology

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    Background: In order to influence every day clinical practice professional organisations issue management guidelines. Cross-sectional surveys are used to evaluate the implementation of such guidelines. The present survey investigated screening for glucose perturbations in people with coronary artery disease and compared patients with known and newly detected type 2 diabetes with those without diabetes in terms of their life-style and pharmacological risk factor management in relation to contemporary European guidelines. Methods: A total of 6187 patients (18–80 years) with coronary artery disease and known glycaemic status based on a self reported history of diabetes (previously known diabetes) or the results of an oral glucose tolerance test and HbA1c (no diabetes or newly diagnosed diabetes) were investigated in EUROASPIRE IV including patients in 24 European countries 2012–2013. The patients were interviewed and investigated in order to enable a comparison between their actual risk factor control with that recommended in current European management guidelines and the outcome in previously conducted surveys. Results: A total of 2846 (46%) patients had no diabetes, 1158 (19%) newly diagnosed diabetes and 2183 (35 %) previously known diabetes. The combined use of all four cardioprotective drugs in these groups was 53, 55 and 60%, respectively. A blood pressure target of 9.0% (>75 mmol/mol). Of the patients with diabetes 69% reported on low physical activity. The proportion of patients participating in cardiac rehabilitation programmes was low (≈40%) and only 27% of those with diabetes had attended diabetes schools. Compared with data from previous surveys the use of cardioprotective drugs had increased and more patients were achieving the risk factor treatment targets. Conclusions: Despite advances in patient management there is further potential to improve both the detection and management of patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease

    Pancreatic cancer and depression: myth and truth

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various studies reported remarkable high incidence rates of depression in cancer patients compared with the general population. Pancreatic cancer is still one of the malignancies with the worst prognosis and therefore it seems quite logical that it is one of the malignancies with the highest incidence rates of major depression.</p> <p>However, what about the scientific background of this relationship? Is depression in patients suffering from pancreatic cancer just due to the confrontation with a life threatening disease and its somatic symptoms or is depression in this particular group of patients a feature of pancreatic cancer per se?</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Several studies provide evidence of depression to precede the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and some studies even blame it for its detrimental influence on survival. The immense impact of emotional distress on quality of life of cancer patients enhances the need for its early diagnosis and adequate treatment. Knowledge about underlying pathophysiological mechanisms is required to provide the optimal therapy.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>A review of the literature on this issue should reveal which are the facts and what is myth.</p