542 research outputs found

    I\u27ll Do The Same For You

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    Forbedrede udearealer i økologisk Ìgproduktion

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    Med henblik på at styrke forsknings- og udviklingsindsatsen inden for økologisk fjerkræproduktion, blev det muligt med finansiering fra Direktoratet for FødevareErhverv, i 2001 at påbegynde udviklingsprojektet ”Fjerkræets udearealer ved økologisk produktion”. Projektet tog udgangspunkt i en række interessetilkendegivelser fra fjerkræproducenter og andre interesserede indenfor økologisk fjerkræproduktion, og projektet blev planlagt i et samarbejde mellem • Brancheforeningen for Økologiske Æg- og Fjerkræproducenter • Dansk Erhvervsfjerkræ • Landsforeningen for Økologisk Jordbrug • Landskontoret for Fjerkrærådgivning og • Danmarks JordbrugsForskning som koordinerende partner Det var en grundlæggende ide i projektet at tage udgangspunkt i de medvirkende producenters allerede opbyggede erfaringsgrundlag og idéer til videre udvikling. En del af projektet tog udgangspunkt i en interessetilkendegivelse fra en gruppe ægproducenter, ”Hønsegården” A.m.b.a., der havde et samarbejde om videndeling og afsætning. Producenterne havde i samarbejde med Landskontoret for Fjerkrærådgivning identificeret udearealerne (hønsegårdene) som et centralt område, hvor der var behov for yderligere viden om den mest hensigtsmæssige indretning og drift i forhold til såvel hønernes produktivitet og velfærd som miljøeffekter. Rapporten beskriver de opnåede resultater fra denne del af projektet og på grundlag heraf gives anbefalinger til, hvorledes udearealerne mest hensigtsmæssigt bør indrettes

    Febrile Convulsions as a Problem in Waiting Times

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    A simple hypothesis on the occurrence of febrile convulsions is posed. This is (1) that certain children are genetically predisposed, and (2) that for such children, the probability of the first attack occurring in year 1, 2, etc., is essentially constant up to the end of the period during which the attacks can take place. These assumptions lead to a probability model which agrees well with data on age at first attack in the Town of Tecumseh, Mich. It appears that susceptibility does not gradually diminish, but rather disappears abruptly. The calculation yields an estimate of the proportion of children, among those susceptible, who will have at least one attack before they exceed the age of suceptibility. Penetrance of the condition, measured in this way, is nearly complete: 93.8% will have manifested the condition by age 7. The population frequency of the susceptible type of child is found to be 3.90%. If one assumes the simple dominant mode of inheritance of Frantzen et al. to be correct, this estimate of population frequency leads to an estimate of the gene frequency. This is approximately p = 0.02. The homozygote would therefore have a frequency of 4 per 10,000. Some speculations on verifying this theory of inheritance by identifying the homozygote are given. RÉSUMÉ On Émet une hypothÈse simple sur la survenue des convulsions fÉbriles, À savoir (1) que certains enfants sont gÉnÉtiquement prÉdisposÉs et (2) que pour ces enfants la probabilitÉ d'apparition de la premiÈre crise dans la premiÈre, la seconde annÉe, etc. est essentiellement constante jusqu'À la fin de la pÉriode pendant laquelle les crises peuvent survenir. De telles suppositions conduisent ÀÉtablir un modÈle de probabilite qui concorde bien avec les donnÉes sur l'Âge de la premiÈre crise, dans la ville de Techumseh, dans le Michigan. Il en ressort que cette prÉdisposition ne diminue pas progressivement, mais au contraire, disparaÎt brusquement. Les calculs permettent d'estimer la proportion d'enfants prÉdisposÉs qui auront au moins une crise, avant d'avoir dÉpassÉ l'Âge limite de la prÉdisposition. La pÉnÉtrance de cette condition, ainsi ÉvaluÉe, est presque complÈte: 93.8% des enfants auront manifestÉ cette condition À l'Âge de 7 ans. La frÉquence des enfants prÉdisposÉs dans la population est de 3.90%. Si l'on considÈre que le mode d'hÉrÉditÉ dominante simple de Frantzen est valable, cette estimation de la frÉquence dans la population conduit À une Évaluation de la frÉquence du gÈne. Celle-ci est approximativement de p = 0.02; l'homozygote aurait done une frÉquence de 4/10.000. Les possibilitÉs de vÉrifier cette thÉorie des modalitÉs hÉrÉditaires par l'identification de l'homozygote sont discutÉes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65705/1/j.1528-1157.1972.tb05265.x.pd

    Machine-Readable Privacy Certificates for Services

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    Privacy-aware processing of personal data on the web of services requires managing a number of issues arising both from the technical and the legal domain. Several approaches have been proposed to matching privacy requirements (on the clients side) and privacy guarantees (on the service provider side). Still, the assurance of effective data protection (when possible) relies on substantial human effort and exposes organizations to significant (non-)compliance risks. In this paper we put forward the idea that a privacy certification scheme producing and managing machine-readable artifacts in the form of privacy certificates can play an important role towards the solution of this problem. Digital privacy certificates represent the reasons why a privacy property holds for a service and describe the privacy measures supporting it. Also, privacy certificates can be used to automatically select services whose certificates match the client policies (privacy requirements). Our proposal relies on an evolution of the conceptual model developed in the Assert4Soa project and on a certificate format specifically tailored to represent privacy properties. To validate our approach, we present a worked-out instance showing how privacy property Retention-based unlinkability can be certified for a banking financial service.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Effects of the sea lice bath treatment pharmaceuticals hydrogen peroxide, azamethiphos and deltamethrin on egg-carrying shrimp (Pandalus borealis)

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    This study investigated effects of sea lice pharmaceuticals on egg-bearing deep-water shrimp (Pandalus borealis). Both mortality and sub-lethal effects (behavior, embryo development, and reproductive output) were studied for each of three pharmaceuticals alone and in different sequential combinations. The most severe effect was observed for deltamethrin where 2 h exposure to 330 times diluted treatment dose (alone and in sequential application with hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos) induced almost 100% mortality within a few days after exposure. Similar effects were not observed for hydrogen peroxide or azamethiphos. However, sequential treatment of hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos (2 h exposure to each pharmaceutical; 500 times dilution) resulted in >40% mortality during the first week following treatment. No sub-lethal effects or loss of eggs in female shrimp could be related to exposure to the bath treatments. Future studies should investigate potential sub-lethal effects at exposure concentrations close to the no-effect concentration

    Combined effects of crude oil exposure and warming on eggs and larvae of an arctic forage fish

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    Climate change, along with environmental pollution, can act synergistically on an organism to amplify adverse effects of exposure. The Arctic is undergoing profound climatic change and an increase in human activity, resulting in a heightened risk of accidental oil spills. Embryos and larvae of polar cod (Boreogadus saida), a key Arctic forage fish species, were exposed to low levels of crude oil concurrently with a 2.3 °C increase in water temperature. Here we show synergistic adverse effects of increased temperature and crude oil exposure on early life stages documented by an increased prevalence of malformations and mortality in exposed larvae. The combined effects of these stressors were most prevalent in the first feeding larval stages despite embryonic exposure, highlighting potential long-term consequences of exposure for survival, growth, and reproduction. Our findings suggest that a warmer Arctic with greater human activity will adversely impact early life stages of this circumpolar forage fish
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