207 research outputs found

    Quenched Lyapunov exponent for the parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment

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    We continue our study of the parabolic Anderson equation u/t=κΔu+γξu\partial u/\partial t = \kappa\Delta u + \gamma\xi u for the space-time field u ⁣:Zd×[0,)Ru\colon\,\Z^d\times [0,\infty)\to\R, where κ[0,)\kappa \in [0,\infty) is the diffusion constant, Δ\Delta is the discrete Laplacian, γ(0,)\gamma\in (0,\infty) is the coupling constant, and ξ ⁣:Zd×[0,)R\xi\colon\,\Z^d\times [0,\infty)\to\R is a space-time random environment that drives the equation. The solution of this equation describes the evolution of a "reactant" uu under the influence of a "catalyst" ξ\xi, both living on Zd\Z^d. In earlier work we considered three choices for ξ\xi: independent simple random walks, the symmetric exclusion process, and the symmetric voter model, all in equilibrium at a given density. We analyzed the \emph{annealed} Lyapunov exponents, i.e., the exponential growth rates of the successive moments of uu w.r.t.\ ξ\xi, and showed that these exponents display an interesting dependence on the diffusion constant κ\kappa, with qualitatively different behavior in different dimensions dd. In the present paper we focus on the \emph{quenched} Lyapunov exponent, i.e., the exponential growth rate of uu conditional on ξ\xi. We first prove existence and derive some qualitative properties of the quenched Lyapunov exponent for a general ξ\xi that is stationary and ergodic w.r.t.\ translations in Zd\Z^d and satisfies certain noisiness conditions. After that we focus on the three particular choices for ξ\xi mentioned above and derive some more detailed properties. We close by formulating a number of open problems.Comment: In honour of J\"urgen G\"artner on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 33 pages. Final revised versio

    The protein import receptor MOM19 of yeast mitochondria

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    AbstractWe have identified the protein import receptor MOM19 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria. MOM19 is exposed on the outer membrane surface and present in the mitochondrial receptor complex. Antibodies raised against MOM19 strongly inhibited the import of preproteins into isolated yeast mitochondria. Fab fragments prepared from the antibodies showed the same inhibitory effect. By using mutant mitochondria, which lacked the second import receptor MOM72, we found that the import of preproteins via MOM19 did not require the presence of MOM72. We conclude that MOM19 is required for preprotein translocation across the yeast mitochondrial outer membrane and is able to function independently of the receptor MOM72

    Formelle Designentscheidungen

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    Das klassische Arbeiten in Unternehmen unterliegt einer Transformation – dies ist seit der im Frühjahr 2020 in Deutschland angekommenen Corona-Pandemie für die breite Bevölkerung spürbar. Aus einer oftmals vorhandenen Möglichkeit des Arbeitens von Zuhause wird plötzlich eine verbindliche Phase des Rückzugs ins Homeoffice. Aus dieser Situation heraus stellt sich vermehrt die Frage, wie sich diese Lage während und nach der Pandemie weiter entwickeln wird. Um die Innovationskraft in Unternehmen zu erhalten und zu steigern, ist eine effiziente Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Disziplinen essentiell. Das im folgenden Artikel vorgestellte Forschungsvorhaben entsteht im Rahmen des globalen Innovationsmanagements der Robert Bosch GmbH am Campus für Forschung und Vorausentwicklung in Renningen. Ziel ist die Übersetzung eines regulären Coworking Space in einen sogenannten Corporate Coworking Space innerhalb eines Unternehmens. Durch eine ganzheitliche Gestaltung und Bewertung soll aufgezeigt werden, ob ein solches Vorhaben die disziplinübergreifende Zusammenarbeit unterstützen kann

    Modell zur Unterstützung von Designentscheidungen auf strategischer Unternehmensebene im Industrial Design

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    Entscheidungen im Industrial Design werden vorrangig auf Basis vorab gestalteter Designentwürfe auf der gehobenen Management- und auf Geschäftsführerebene getroffen. In diesen Unternehmensebenen finden sich nur wenige im gestalterischen Bereich ausgebildete Führungskräfte (Schoenberger 2011). Die Entscheidungen über kreative Bereiche der Produktentwicklung werden daher meist von Personen designferner Disziplinen getroffen. Dieser Umstand beinhaltet zum einen eine große Unsicherheit in Bezug auf die richtige Designentscheidung im unternehmerischen Sinne und zum anderen führt es zu zögerlichen und weniger abgesicherten Entscheidungen bei gestalterischen Fragestellungen. Die Subjektivität, die bei diesen Entscheidungen eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle spielt, erschwert eine sachliche Bewertung und Folgenabschätzung einer Designentscheidung. Diese haben jedoch im weiteren Produktentwicklungsprozess (PEP) und vor allem bei dessen Endergebnis einen großen Einfluss auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit eines Produkts und dessen möglichen Erfolg auf dem Markt. Im klassischen Innovationsmanagement werden die Designkriterien nicht oder nur unzureichend berücksichtigt. So weist beispielsweise die Innovationscheckliste nach Hauschildt/Salomo kein einziges Designkriterium auf, wenn es um die Bewertung einer möglichen Innovation geht (Hauschildt und Salomo 2011)

    Using of polypropylene fibers for cleaning of industrial waste water from the fat-soluble organic pollutants

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    The paper shows the perspective of using methods of ion implantation and microwave irradiation for modifying polypropylene fiber by iron (II), lanthanum (II) and iron metal ions. It was shown that this method is very useful in order to obtain a material with a high photocatalytic activity for extracting liposoluble dyes from non-aqueous media under UV and visible light

    Исследование зон усталостного разрушения шнеков

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    Шнек - основной рабочий орган машин для переработки отходов - экструдеров. От качества его изготовления зависит производительность цеха и целостность корпуса машины. При переработке многокомпонентного сырья, которым является Refuse Derived Fuel - это общее название альтернативных видов топлива, получаемых при переработке отходов. В качестве сырья используется практически любой органический материал: целлюлоза, резина, пластик, кожа, дерево, пищевые заменители. В исследовании использован пример на базе работы с RDF-сырьем Мусороперерабатывающего комбината "Янино", Ленинградская область. Именно при работе с такими высокоабразивными отходами возникает необходимость многократно повышать ресурс шнеков за счет использования новых технологий обработки металлов, так как в составе данного сырья могут встречаться металлические компоненты и трудно размалываемые силикаты.Screw - the main working organ of machines for processing waste - extruders. From the quality of its production depends the productivity of the shop and the integrity of the machine body. When refining a multicomponent raw material, which is Refuse Derived Fuel - this is the general name for alternative fuels obtained from recycling. As raw material, almost any organic material is used: cellulose, rubber, plastic, leather, its substitutes. The study used an example based on work with RDF-raw materials of the Janino Refuse Processing Plant. Leningrad region. It is when working with such highly abrasive waste that it becomes necessary to increase the service life of screw augmentedly by using new processing technologies, since metal components and hard-to-break silicates can occur in the composition of this raw material

    Democratizing glacier data – maturity of worldwide datasets and future ambitions

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    The creation and curation of environmental data present numerous challenges and rewards. In this study, we reflect on the increasing amount of freely available glacier data (inventories and changes), as well as on related demands by data providers, data users, and data repositories in-between. The amount of glacier data has increased significantly over the last two decades as remote sensing techniques have improved and free data access is much more common. The portfolio of observed parameters has increased as well, which presents new challenges for international data centers, and fosters new expectations from users. We focus here on the service of the Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G) as the central organization for standardized data on glacier distribution and change. Within GTN-G, different glacier datasets are consolidated under one umbrella, and the glaciological community supports this service by actively contributing their datasets and by providing strategic guidance via an Advisory Board. To assess each GTN-G dataset, we present a maturity matrix and summarize achievements, challenges, and ambitions. The challenges and ambitions in the democratization of glacier data are discussed in more detail, as they are key to providing an even better service for glacier data in the future. Most challenges can only be overcome in a financially secure setting for data services and with the help of international standardization as, for example, provided by the CoreTrustSeal. Therefore, dedicated financial support for and organizational long-term commitment to certified data repositories build the basis for the successful democratization of data. In the field of glacier data, this balancing act has so far been successfully achieved through joint collaboration between data repository institutions, data providers, and data users. However, we also note an unequal allotment of funds for data creation and projects using the data, and data curation. Considering the importance of glacier data to answering numerous key societal questions (from local and regional water availability to global sea-level rise), this imbalance needs to be adjusted. In order to guarantee the continuation and success of GTN-G in the future, regular evaluations are required and adaptation measures have to be implemented

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) as salvage treatment for pulmonary Echinococcus granulosus infection with acute cyst rupture

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    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has been used successfully for the treatment of patients with respiratory failure due to severe infections. Although rare, parasites can also cause severe pulmonary disease. Tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus give rise to the development of cystic structures in the liver, lungs, and other organs. Acute cyst rupture leads to potentially life-threatening infection, and affected patients may deteriorate rapidly. The case of a young woman from Bulgaria who was admitted to hospital with severe dyspnoea, progressive chest pain, and haemoptysis is described. Computed tomography of the chest was pathognomonic for cystic echinococcosis with acute cyst rupture. Following deterioration on mechanical ventilation, she was cannulated for veno-venous ECMO. The patient's condition improved considerably, and she was weaned successfully from ECMO and mechanical ventilation. Following lobectomy of the affected left lower lobe, the patient was discharged home in good condition. This appears to be the first report of the successful use of ECMO as salvage treatment for a severe manifestation of a helminthic disease. Due to recent migration to Western Europe, the number of patients presenting with respiratory failure due to pulmonary echinococcosis with cyst rupture is likely to increase