39 research outputs found

    Representative volume elements for the simulation of isotropic composites highly lled with monosized spheres

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    A method is proposed for generating reliable representative volume elements (RVEs) that allows reducing the statistical analysis required for the simulation of the mechanical behavior of isotropic composites highly filled with monosized spheres. The method combines (i) an algorithm inspired from molecular dynamics and associated with an analytical equation of state, and (ii) a geometrical analysis using the two-point correlation function and a nearest-neighbor distribution function. A restrictive selection process is defined, which leads to microstructures reasonably close to randomness and isotropy. The pertinence of the proposed generation and selection of RVEs is confirmed by the simulation of their elastic behavior with the nite element method. In particular, it is shown how the selection procedure allows reducing the computational e ort required to reach reliable elastic moduli by operating on a limited number of suitable RVEs. The results are in good agreement with the generalized self-consistent model and with original experimental data obtained on a composite where an acrylate matrix was reinforced by sifted glass beads.ANR contrat ANR-10-EQPX-37, Délégation Générale de l'Armement (DGA) et ArianeGroup

    Comparison of the finite strain macroscopic behavior and local damage of a soft matrix highly reinforced by spherical or polyhedral particles

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    Motivated by the different uniaxial responses of two actual materials filled with either sifted glass beads or sifted glass grits, the influence of the fillers shape on the finite strain behavior of highly filled composites (>50%) is examined through micromechanical finite element simulations accounting for matrix/filler debonding with a cohesive-zone model. Three-dimensional matrix cells filled with 64 monosized spherical particles are compared to cells filled with the same number of monosized polyhedra. For this purpose, an original generation process was developed to obtain periodic cells with random dispersions of non-regular polyhedra. Finite element simulations of uniaxial tensile tests on the periodic cells allow studying the influence of the fillers shape on the macroscopic behavior and on the local damage at the matrix/filler interfaces. Actually, the presence of sharp edges and apexes for polyhedral particles seems to have a second order impact compared to the cohesive-zone parameters. The damage fields demonstrate the same trends for both particles shapes. The different behaviors observed on actual composites are rather due to different adhesion properties between fillers and matrix than to the shape of particles

    Relationship between local damage and macroscopic response of soft materials highly reinforced by monodispersed particles

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    A rubberlike matrix highly filled with spherical micrometric glass beads is submitted to uniaxial tension tests until break. X-ray tomography imaging performed on the material while submitted to uniaxial tension reveals early debonding at the matrix/filler interfaces at the poles of the particles followed by void coalescence creating damage localization. The latter causes a downturn of the macroscopic stress-strain response. These phenomena are analyzed further with three-dimensional finite element simulations, where 64 spherical beads are distributed randomly in a periodic cell. A simple version of the Tvergaard-Hutchinson cohesive-zone model allows to reproduce all the experimental trends well. The effects of the three parameters involved are analyzed, and three different types of macroscopic behaviors are observed corresponding to three different microstructure damages. The value of the initial stiffness of the interface, limited by numerical convergence, has little effect on how the local damage evolves but has a significant impact on the overall macroscopic stress values. The local damage is strongly dependent on the critical strength and the separation failure displacement, and the adhesion energy may be considered as a resulting parameter of the two previous ones. The interfacial critical strength appears to have a significant impact on the damage initiation, either spread across the structure for low values, or localized for high values. Increasing the interface separation failure displacement delays the possible loss of adhesion to a higher strain and preserves the integrity of the composite material

    Use of a micromechanical approach to understand the mechanical behavior of solid propellants

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    The development of new generations of propellants with better energetic properties may be hampered by unsatisfactory mechanical behaviors in terms of strength and toughness. A micromechanical approach is adopted to provide a better understanding of the existing links between the constitutive phase behaviors and the local damage, and the macroscopic mechanical behavior of these materials. Three model materials have been made and tested in uniaxial tension. The stress-strain responses were recorded while monitoring their volume changes that quantify the macroscopic damage. A qualitative description of the local damage was obtained thanks to scanning electron microscopy images of samples under loading. The micromechanical approach consists in finite elements analyses on periodic microstructures of non-regular polyhedral particles embedded in a soft matrix. An original microstructure generation tool has been developed specifically in order to obtain highly filled isotropic microstructures. Debonding at the matrix/filler interface was taken into account with a cohesive-zone model (CZM). The impact of the CZM parameters is discussed, in an effort to make the link between the CZM parameters and how the local damage appears and develops, and between the cohesive behavior and the shape of the macroscopic stress-stretch responses of the heterogeneous materials.This work was supported by the ANR (France) under contract num-ber ANR-10-EQPX- 37, and the authors thank the Délégation Générale de l’Armement (DGA) and ArianeGroup, Vert-le-Petit (France), for their financial supports

    An experimental analysis on the evolution of the transient tip penetration in reacting Diesel sprays

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    Schlieren imaging has helped deeply characterize the behavior of Diesel spray when injected into an oxygen-free ambient. However, when considering the transient penetration of the reacting spray after autoignition, i.e. the Diesel flame, few studies have been found in literature. Differences among optical setups as well as among experimental conditions have not allowed clear conclusions to be drawn on this issue. Furthermore, soot radiation may have a strong effect on the image quality, which cannot be neglected. The present paper reports an investigation on the transient evolution of Diesel flame based upon schlieren imaging. Experimental conditions have spanned values of injection pressure, ambient temperature and density for typical Diesel engine conditions. An optimized optical setup has been used, which makes it possible to obtain results without soot interference. Based on observations for a long injection event (4 ms Energizing Time), the analysis has resorted to extensive comparison of inert and reacting sprays parameters, which have made it possible to define different phases after autoignition. Shortly after autoignition, axial and radial expansion of the spray have been observed in terms of tip penetration and radial cone angle. After that, during a stabilization phase, the reacting spray penetrates at a similar rate as the inert one. Later, the reacting spray undergoes an acceleration period, where it penetrates at a faster rate than the inert one. Finally, the flame enters a quasi-steady penetration phase, where the ratio of reacting and inert penetration stabilizes at a nearly constant value. The duration of the reacting spray penetration stages shows modifications when varying engine parameters such as air temperature, air density, injection pressure, and nozzle diameter. However, the proportionality between reacting and inert penetration has been observed to depend mainly on temperature, in agreement with observed reductions in entrainment when shifting from inert to reacting conditions. (C) 2014 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the "EFFICIENT AND CLEAN COMBUSTION IN COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINES USING THE DUAL-FUEL CONCEPT" Project (TRA2011-26359). Mr. Francisco J. Briceno wishes to acknowledge financial support through a PhD studies Grant (AP2008-02231) also sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Last, but not least, authors would like to express their gratitude to Jose Enrique del Rey for his enthusiasm, proactiveness and help during data acquisition.Desantes Fernández, JM.; Pastor, JV.; García Oliver, JM.; Briceño Sánchez, FJ. (2014). An experimental analysis on the evolution of the transient tip penetration in reacting Diesel sprays. Combustion and Flame. 161(8):2137-2150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.01.022S21372150161

    Application of optical diagnostics to the quantification of soot in n-alkane flames under diesel conditions

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    The present work pursues a twofold objective. On the one hand, the effect of fuel properties on soot formation has been analysed, under different engine operating conditions. On the other hand, sensitivity and performance of the three optical techniques has been evaluated, identifying their main advantages and drawbacks in the framework of the current study. LEM has been considered as the reference technique, as the measurement principle can be implemented without important limitations associated to the other two. Results highlight that larger molecules produce more soot than the smaller ones, with both reactivity and soot formation changing with the proportion of the heavier fraction. Despite describing similar trends, LEM and 2C do not provide the same KL values, with the pyrometry reaching some sort of saturation when increasing flame soot. A detailed analysis confirms that 2-Colar measurements are strongly biased by soot and temperature distribution inside the flame. Nevertheless, it could still be a good option for low sooting conditions. On the other hand, an attempt to calibrate LII signal by means of LEM measurements has been reported. This approach should make it possible to obtain additional information on the soot spatial distribution. However, inconsistencies have been identified which stem from the inherent limitations of LII technique in highly sooting conditions. (c) 2015 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Authors wold like to acknowledge that part of this work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through project TRA2011-26359 and grant BES-2012-059721. Some other parts of this works were financially supported by "COMET K2 - Competence Centres for Excellent Technologies Programme" (project B03T02). In addition, the authors acknowledge that some equipment used in this work has been partially supported by FEDER project funds (FEDER-ICTS-2012-06)", framed in the operational program of unique scientific and technical infrastructure of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain.Pastor Soriano, JV.; García Oliver, JM.; García Martínez, A.; Micó Reche, C.; Möller, S. (2016). Application of optical diagnostics to the quantification of soot in n-alkane flames under diesel conditions. Combustion and Flame. 164:212-223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.11.018S21222316

    Constructing a transnational timber legality assurance regime: Architecture, accomplishments, challenges

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    The emerging transnational timber legality assurance regime comprises a set of interrelated policy instruments, both public and private, aimed at controlling trade in illegally logged wood and wood products. The potentially productive interactions among these instruments in the emerging forestry regime create prospects for engendering learning, stimulating cross-fertilization, and enhancing accountability. In this article, we analyze the EU's Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) initiative, interacting with public legal timber regulations and private certification schemes, as the core of an emerging transnational experimentalist regime. An experimentalist regime of this type may provide a promising approach to addressing contentious transnational environmental issues like forest governance where there is no global hegemon to impose a single set of rules. However, experience with FLEGT implementation suggests that there are also a number of outstanding challenges to constructing an effective timber legality assurance regime, which if unresolved could undermine its promise. The argument proceeds in three steps, based on an exhaustive analysis of recent developments. First, we outline the architecture and promise of the emerging timber legality assurance regime. Then, we review key accomplishments to date. Finally, we examine the ongoing challenges facing this innovative regime as it moves forward, and consider how they might be overcome through the adoption of a more consistent experimentalist approach

    Molecular allergen profiling in horses by microarray reveals Fag e 2 from buckwheat as a frequent sensitizer.

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    BACKGROUND Companion animals are also affected by IgE-mediated allergies, but the eliciting molecules are largely unknown. We aimed at refining an allergen microarray to explore sensitization in horses and compare it to the human IgE reactivity profiles. METHODS Custom-designed allergen microarray was produced on the basis of the ImmunoCAP ISAC technology containing 131 allergens. Sera from 51 horses derived from Europe or Japan were tested for specific IgE reactivity. The included horse patients were diagnosed for eczema due to insect bite hypersensitivity, chronic coughing, recurrent airway obstruction and urticaria or were clinically asymptomatic. RESULTS Horses showed individual IgE-binding patterns irrespective of their health status, indicating sensitization. In contrast to European and Japanese human sensitization patterns, frequently recognized allergens were Aln g 1 from alder and Cyn d 1 from Bermuda grass, likely due to specific respiratory exposure around paddocks and near the ground. The most prevalent allergen for 72.5% of the tested horses (37/51) was the 2S-albumin Fag e 2 from buckwheat, which recently gained importance not only in human but also in horse diet. CONCLUSION In line with the One Health concept, covering human health, animal health and environmental health, allergen microarrays provide novel information on the allergen sensitization patterns of the companion animals around us, which may form a basis for allergen-specific preventive and therapeutic concepts

    Micromechanical study of the link between local damage and macroscopic behavior of solid propellants.

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    L'objectif de ce projet de recherche est le développement de simulations numériques de l'endommagement de propergols solides, qui sont dédiés à la propulsion anaérobique, afin d'identifier quelles propriétés affectent leur comportement. Pour étudier l'effet de la géométrie des différentes particules énergétiques, des microstructures 3D sont générées avec une dispersion aléatoire d'inclusions monomodales, sphériques ou polyédriques, à très forte fraction volumique (55%). Dans le cas des sphères, les propriétés élastiques des volumes élémentaires représentatifs (VER) sont confrontées à un modèle analytique et à des caractérisations expérimentales de composites modèles, démontrant une cohérence remarquable entre les trois approches. Par la suite, la réponse linéaire des VER contenant des polyèdres est comparée à celle des particules sphériques, démontrant un effet très limité de la géométrie des charges. L'endommagement de ces matériaux étant majoritairement dû aux décohésions matrice/particules, une loi de zone cohésive bilinéaire est implémentée avec une régularisation visqueuse et un affichage de l'état d'endommagement des interfaces. L'influence du premier ordre des paramètres de zone cohésive, tant sur le comportement global que l'endommagement local, peut alors être démontrée. Si les difficultés de convergence numérique ne permettent pas d'envisager une confrontation quantitative avec les données expérimentales, les tendances spécifiques de ces dernières sont remarquablement reproduites, que ce soit à l'échelle des particules ou du matériau. Une étude paramétrique permet de mettre en évidence l'influence des paramètres de zone cohésive sur la réponse globale. L'analyse de l'impact de la géométrie des particules sur le comportement endommagé conduit au même effet du second ordre observé précédemment. Enfin, une étude des propriétés de quasi-propergols, représentatifs des propergols les plus communs, est proposée. En suivant un processus industriel de caractérisation, leurs propriétés d’interface sont identifiées qualitativement, en s'appuyant sur les tendances suggérées par les simulations. Afin de compléter cette analyse, des caractérisations non conventionnelles sont proposées, permettant de valider sa cohérence et de fournir de nouveaux éléments d'identification des propriétés d'adhésions.The goal of this present project is the development of numerical tools for simulating damage of solid propellants, which are used for anaerobic propulsion. It should allow identifying which properties disturb their behavior. To study the effect of energetic particles shapes, 3D microstructures are generated with a random dispersion of monosized spheres or polyhedra at high volume fraction (55%). In case of spheres, the elastic properties of the representative volume elements (RVE) are confronted with an analytical model and experimental characterizations of model composites, with a remarkable coherence of the three approaches. Then, the linear behavior of REV filled with polyhedra is compared to the one in case of spheres, highlighting only a limited effect of particles shapes. Damage of those materials being mostly due to matrix/filler debounding, a bilinear cohesive zone model with a viscous regularization and posting of interfaces damage state is implemented. The first order influence of the cohesive zone parameters either on the mechanical response or on the local damage is demonstrated. If convergence troubles prevent any quantitative confrontation with experimental data, their specific trends are well reproduced at either the particles or the global scales. A parameter study highlights also the impact of each cohesive zone parameter on the global behavior. Study of the damaged behavior, depending on particles shape, leads again to a second order impact. Finally, analyses of quasi-propellants, representative of common propellants, are proposed. Following the industrial characterization process, the interfaces properties are identified qualitatively based on the trends of the simulations. This analysis is completed by non-conventional characterization techniques to validate its coherence and to offer exhaustive information on the adhesives properties

    Etude micromécanique du lien entre endommagement local et comportement macroscopique de propergols solides

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    The goal of this present project is the development of numerical tools for simulating damage of solid propellants, which are used for anaerobic propulsion. It should allow identifying which properties disturb their behavior. To study the effect of energetic particles shapes, 3D microstructures are generated with a random dispersion of monosized spheres or polyhedra at high volume fraction (55%). In case of spheres, the elastic properties of the representative volume elements (RVE) are confronted with an analytical model and experimental characterizations of model composites, with a remarkable coherence of the three approaches. Then, the linear behavior of REV filled with polyhedra is compared to the one in case of spheres, highlighting only a limited effect of particles shapes. Damage of those materials being mostly due to matrix/filler debounding, a bilinear cohesive zone model with a viscous regularization and posting of interfaces damage state is implemented. The first order influence of the cohesive zone parameters either on the mechanical response or on the local damage is demonstrated. If convergence troubles prevent any quantitative confrontation with experimental data, their specific trends are well reproduced at either the particles or the global scales. A parameter study highlights also the impact of each cohesive zone parameter on the global behavior. Study of the damaged behavior, depending on particles shape, leads again to a second order impact. Finally, analyses of quasi-propellants, representative of common propellants, are proposed. Following the industrial characterization process, the interfaces properties are identified qualitatively based on the trends of the simulations. This analysis is completed by non-conventional characterization techniques to validate its coherence and to offer exhaustive information on the adhesives properties.L'objectif de ce projet de recherche est le développement de simulations numériques de l'endommagement de propergols solides, qui sont dédiés à la propulsion anaérobique, afin d'identifier quelles propriétés affectent leur comportement. Pour étudier l'effet de la géométrie des différentes particules énergétiques, des microstructures 3D sont générées avec une dispersion aléatoire d'inclusions monomodales, sphériques ou polyédriques, à très forte fraction volumique (55%). Dans le cas des sphères, les propriétés élastiques des volumes élémentaires représentatifs (VER) sont confrontées à un modèle analytique et à des caractérisations expérimentales de composites modèles, démontrant une cohérence remarquable entre les trois approches. Par la suite, la réponse linéaire des VER contenant des polyèdres est comparée à celle des particules sphériques, démontrant un effet très limité de la géométrie des charges. L'endommagement de ces matériaux étant majoritairement dû aux décohésions matrice/particules, une loi de zone cohésive bilinéaire est implémentée avec une régularisation visqueuse et un affichage de l'état d'endommagement des interfaces. L'influence du premier ordre des paramètres de zone cohésive, tant sur le comportement global que l'endommagement local, peut alors être démontrée. Si les difficultés de convergence numérique ne permettent pas d'envisager une confrontation quantitative avec les données expérimentales, les tendances spécifiques de ces dernières sont remarquablement reproduites, que ce soit à l'échelle des particules ou du matériau. Une étude paramétrique permet de mettre en évidence l'influence des paramètres de zone cohésive sur la réponse globale. L'analyse de l'impact de la géométrie des particules sur le comportement endommagé conduit au même effet du second ordre observé précédemment. Enfin, une étude des propriétés de quasi-propergols, représentatifs des propergols les plus communs, est proposée. En suivant un processus industriel de caractérisation, leurs propriétés d’interface sont identifiées qualitativement, en s'appuyant sur les tendances suggérées par les simulations. Afin de compléter cette analyse, des caractérisations non conventionnelles sont proposées, permettant de valider sa cohérence et de fournir de nouveaux éléments d'identification des propriétés d'adhésions