348 research outputs found

    N=1 Super QCD and Fractional Branes

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    We show how to get the one-loop beta function and the chiral anomaly of N=1 Super QCD from a stack of fractional N D3-branes localized inside the world-volume of 2M fractional D7-branes on the orbifold C^3/(Z_2 x Z_2). They are obtained by analyzing the classical supergravity background generated by such a brane configuration, in the spirit of the gauge/gravity correspondence.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX. Talk given at the IXth International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology PASCOS '03, Mumbai-India, January 3-8 2003. To appear in a special issue of Praman

    New results for AdS/CFT and beyond

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    We report on some recent results within the string/gauge theory correspondence, both in the conformal and in the non conformal cases, for a recently found class of N=1 dual pairs. These results provide the first cross check of AdS/CFT and field theory techniques like a-maximization. Moreover, they furnish new examples of cascading gauge theories and the first instance of 4d dynamical supersymmetry breaking embedded in the correspondenceComment: LateX, 11 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the RTN meeting "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and symmetries of the Universe'', Corfu, Greece, 20-26 September 200

    Gauge/gravity duality and the interplay of various fractional branes

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    We consider different types of fractional branes on a Z_2 orbifold of the conifold and analyze in detail the corresponding gauge/gravity duality. The gauge theory possesses a rich and varied dynamics, both in the UV and in the IR. We find the dual supergravity solution which contains both untwisted and twisted 3-form fluxes, related to what are known as deformation and N=2 fractional branes respectively. We analyze the resulting RG flow from the supergravity perspective, by developing an algorithm to easily extract it. We find hints of a generalization of the familiar cascade of Seiberg dualities due to a non-trivial interplay between the different types of fractional branes. We finally consider the IR behavior in several limits, where the dominant effective dynamics is either confining, in a Coulomb phase or runaway, and discuss the resolution of singularities in the dual geometric background.Comment: 38 pages + appendices, 15 figures; v2: refs added and typos correcte

    Central Extensions of Finite Heisenberg Groups in Cascading Quiver Gauge Theories

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    Many conformal quiver gauge theories admit nonconformal generalizations. These generalizations change the rank of some of the gauge groups in a consistent way, inducing a running in the gauge couplings. We find a group of discrete transformation that acts on a large class of these theories. These transformations form a central extension of the Heisenberg group, generalizing the Heisenberg group of the conformal case, when all gauge groups have the same rank. In the AdS/CFT correspondence the nonconformal quiver gauge theory is dual to supergravity backgrounds with both five-form and three-form flux. A direct implication is that operators counting wrapped branes satisfy a central extension of a finite Heisenberg group and therefore do not commute.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds and Heun equations

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    Symplectic potentials are presented for a wide class of five dimensional toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds, including L^{a,b,c} which was recently constructed by Cvetic et al. The spectrum of the scalar Laplacian on L^{a,b,c} is also studied. The eigenvalue problem leads to two Heun's differential equations and the exponents at regular singularities are directly related to toric data. By combining knowledge of the explicit symplectic potential and the exponents, we show that the ground states, or equivalently holomorphic functions, have one-to-one correspondence with integral lattice points in the convex polyhedral cone. The scaling dimensions of the holomorphic functions are simply given by scalar products of the Reeb vector and the integral vectors, which are consistent with R-charges of BPS states in the dual quiver gauge theories.Comment: 26 pages, no figures; references added; v3: revised version, to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Anomalies and Tadpoles in Open/Closed String Duality

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    We discuss the role played by the divergences appearing in the interaction between a fractional D3 brane dressed with an SU(N) gauge field and a stack of N fractional D3 branes on the orbifolds C^2/Z_2 and C^3/(Z_2 x Z_2). In particular we show that the logarithmic divergences in the closed string channel, interpreted as due to twisted massless tadpoles, are mapped, under open/closed string duality, in the logarithmic ones in the open string channel, due to the massless states circulating in the annulus diagram and corresponding to the one-loop divergences that one finds in the gauge theory living in the world volume of the brane. This result provides a quantitative evidence of why the chiral and scale anomalies of the supersymmetric and non conformal gauge theories supported by the world volume of the branes can be inferred from supergravity calculations.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages. Contribution to the proceedings of the workshop of the RTN Network "The quantum structure of space-time and the geometric nature of fundamental interactions", Copenhagen, September 200

    Supersymmetry Breaking from a Calabi-Yau Singularity

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    We conjecture a geometric criterion for determining whether supersymmetry is spontaneously broken in certain string backgrounds. These backgrounds contain wrapped branes at Calabi-Yau singularites with obstructions to deformation of the complex structure. We motivate our conjecture with a particular example: the Y2,1Y^{2,1} quiver gauge theory corresponding to a cone over the first del Pezzo surface, dP1dP_1. This setup can be analyzed using ordinary supersymmetric field theory methods, where we find that gaugino condensation drives a deformation of the chiral ring which has no solutions. We expect this breaking to be a general feature of any theory of branes at a singularity with a smaller number of possible deformations than independent anomaly-free fractional branes.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, latex, v2: minor changes, refs adde

    Flavour changing neutral currents and CP violating processes in generalized supersymmetric theories

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    We consider supersymmetric extensions of the standard model with general non-universal soft breaking terms. We analyse in a model-independent way the constraints on these terms at the electroweak energy scale coming from gluino mediated flavour (F) changing neutral current and CP-violating processes. We have computed the complete ΔF=1\Delta F=1 and ΔF=2\Delta F=2 effective hamiltonian for gluino mediated processes, including for the first time the effect of box diagrams in the evaluation of ϵ′/ϵ\epsilon^{\prime}/\epsilon. We present numerical results for the constraints on these non-universal soft breaking terms for different values of the parameters, extending the analysis also to the leptonic sector. A comparison with previous results in the literature is given.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 3 uuencoded figure

    New checks and subtleties for AdS/CFT and a-maximization

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    We provide a cross-check of AdS/CFT and a-charge maximization for a four dimensional NN=1 SCFT with irrational R-charges. The gauge theory is the low energy effective theory of N D3-branes at the tip of the complex cone over the first del Pezzo surface. By carefully taking into account the subtle issue of flavor symmetry breaking at the fixed point, we show, using a-maximization, that this theory has in fact irrational central charge and R-charges. Our results perfectly match with those inherited from the recently discovered supergravity dual background. Along analogous lines, we make novel predictions for the still unknown AdS dual of the quiver theory for the second del Pezzo surface. This should flow to a SCFT with irrational charges, too. All of our results differ from previous findings in the literature and outline interesting subtleties in a-maximization and AdS/CFT techniques overlooked in the past.Comment: Latex, 16 pagex, 2 figures; v2, comments and a reference added; v3, typos correcte

    Renormalization Group Invariant Matrix Elements of DS = 2 and DI = 3/2 Four-Fermion Operators without Quark Masses

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    We introduce a new parameterization of four-fermion operator matrix elements which does not involve quark masses and thus allows a reduction of systematic uncertainties. In order to simplify the matching between lattice and continuum renormalization schemes, we express our results in terms of renormalization group invariant B-parameters which are renormalization-scheme and scale independent. As an application of our proposal, matrix elements of DI=3/2 and SUSY DS =2 operators have been computed. The calculations have been performed using the tree-level improved Clover lattice action at two different values of the strong coupling constant (beta=6/g^2=6.0 and 6.2), in the quenched approximation. Renormalization constants and mixing coefficients of lattice operators have been obtained non-perturbatively. Using lowest order ChiPT, we also obtain ^{NDR}_{I=2} = (0.11\pm 0.02) GeV^4 and <Pi Pi| O_8|K >^{NDR}_{I=2} = (0.51\pm 0.05) GeV^4 at mu=2 GeV.Comment: LATEX, 17 pages, 1 figure include
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