2,897 research outputs found

    Cheeses of the Atlantic: internationalization of insulac to the German cheese market

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    Insulac, an Azorean producer and wholesaler of dairy products, namely cheese, butter, powdered milk and sweet whey powder, was driven to expand internationally due to the inherent limitations of a small domestic market. In order to recommend a target market, a country screening was developed based on macro and micro indicators. The assessment suggested Germany as being the most attractive market to export Insulac’s cheeses. This was followed by a detailed analysis of the target country, which reviewed the industry within the country. Lastly the paper proposes a potential entry mode and performs a financial and risk analysis

    As investigações estatísticas na sala de aula

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    O presente relatório, elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, encontra-se organizado em duas partes. A primeira parte dimensão reflexiva procura descrever e refletir, de forma fundamentada, sobre as práticas pedagógicas realizadas em 1.º e 2.º CEB. Nesse sentido, são apresentadas as aprendizagens realizadas, a partir de uma reflexão sistemática sobre o ciclo pedagógico. Nesta parte, reflete-se também sobre experiências pedagógicas, quer no contexto da Matemática, particularmente sobre o a forma como foi promovida a aprendizagem do perímetro do círculo e da multiplicação e divisão de números racionais, quer no contexto das Ciências Naturais, sobre as atividades práticas e o modelo 5E. A segunda parte dimensão investigativa apresenta um estudo de caso realizado no contexto de 2.º CEB, com a turma de 6.º ano de escolaridade. O ensaio investigativo focou a análise dos desempenhos e dificuldades evidenciados pelos participantes, nas várias etapas de um estudo estatístico, particularmente a apresentação dos dados. A técnica de dados privilegiada foi a observação participante, com recurso a registos audiovisuais e escritos pelos alunos, sendo que a análise de dados foi realizada através da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos revelam a dificuldade dos alunos em representar os dados, assim como na construção de representações gráficas. Perante as mesmas foi possível identificar as implicações pedagógicas inerentes ao papel do professor

    Rs266882 polymorphism analysis in KLK3 gene by RFLPPCR in cases of prostate cancer

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    Poster presented at the From Basic Sciences to Clinical Research - First International Congress of CiiEM. Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal, 27-28 November 2015"The prostate cancer (PC) is one of the most frequent neoplasia in men even though not the deadliest. Every year more than 1,1 million men are diagnose with PC worldwide. The principal risks factors are: age, diet, familiar predisposition, race and hormones. Gleason classification is use to graduate PC based upon the histologic pattern of tumoral growth. Additionally to this classification is use TNM that allow to describe the cancer severity for each individual. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has been used as biomarker of PC, however it isn´t a specific marker for cancer detection. This protein is coded by KLK3 gene (located at 19q13.41) and it is regulated by androgen receptors through ligation to consensus sequences in promoter region of KLK3 – Androgen Response Elements (ARE). In ARE-I, located at -158 position, there is a single polymorphism nucleotide (SNP) named rs266882, which consists of substitution of guanine (G) for adenine (A).

    Fuel cell and hydrogen storage development for a wheel chair

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    In this paper are presented, the recent advances of a demonstration project that focuses on the implementation of a hybrid system for a wheel chair incorporating a fuel cell and a metal hydride hydrogen storage system. Advantages regarding weight reduction and greater autonomy are emphasized, apart from the use of clean energy and the drastic reduction in charging time, when compared with the system before conversion

    Homegreens - Aquaponics System as an Educational Tool towards a Sustainable Future

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    Aquaponics is an integrated production practice that emerges from the combi-nation of two farming techniques: hydroponics and aquaculture. It consists in a simulation of a natural ecosystem that grows plants without soil substrate in the nutrient enriched waters recirculated from aquaculture systems. This type of production offers several advantages, namely economic and ecological ones. Homegreens is a project that aims to create small saltwater and freshwater aquaponic sys-tems, which can be installed in schools and serve as a didactic tool for introducing contents such as biology and sustainability to a juvenile audience. Implemented by a designers, biol-ogists and agronomists’ multidisciplinary team, the methodology was based on the develop-ment and quantitative validation of prototypes, and the installation and qualitative analyses of user’s interaction. These small scale aquaponic systems consists on a grow bed, an aquarium with a capacity for 45L, a protection barrier for the plant’s roots, aeration, biofilters and a thermostat. Sever-al simplified models were developed, presented and installed in two primary schools. Labor-atory tests were conducted to validate the use of a cork grow bed and a 3D printed polya-cid lactic (PLA) aeration and biofilter system. Children’s engagement and interaction with these simplified models, indicates that these systems will provide a biology and sustainability related group learning opportunity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A combinação de irradiação gama e aquecimento através de tratamento térmico tem se mostrado uma boa alternativa para a obtenção de novas cores em quartzo hialino, que normalmente não possuem aplicação gemológica. Buscou-se neste trabalho a aplicação de irradiação gama em diferentes doses e tratamento térmico, sob temperaturas e taxas variáveis, para a obtenção da tonalidade green gold em amostras de quartzo hialino e leitoso. Estes ensaios foram combinados com análise por Difração de Raios-X, Fluorescência de Raios-X e espectroscopia de absorção na região do infravermelho por transformada de Fourier com o objetivo de se verificar o potencial desses minerais obter esta nova cor. Os resultados obtidos sugerem taxa de dosagem e aquecimento específicos para cada uma das variedades pesquisadas


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    A combinação de irradiação gama e aquecimento através de tratamento térmico tem se mostrado uma boa alternativa para a obtenção de novas cores em quartzo hialino, que normalmente não possuem aplicação gemológica. Buscou-se neste trabalho a aplicação de irradiação gama em diferentes doses e tratamento térmico, sob temperaturas e taxas variáveis, para a obtenção da tonalidade green gold em amostras de quartzo hialino e leitoso. Estes ensaios foram combinados com análise por Difração de Raios-X, Fluorescência de Raios-X e espectroscopia de absorção na região do infravermelho por transformada de Fourier com o objetivo de se verificar o potencial desses minerais obter esta nova cor. Os resultados obtidos sugerem taxa de dosagem e aquecimento específicos para cada uma das variedades pesquisadas

    Diseño del proceso de inducción y entrenamiento, dirigido a los nuevos funcionarios de la empresa Smartec S.A.S nivel nacional

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es obtener el título de administradores de empresas mediante el recurso de opción de grado y poder brindar a la organización Smartec SAS una implementación de un diseño de un proceso de inducción y entrenamiento, dirigido a los nuevos funcionarios de la empresa a nivel nacional, ya que la empresa no cuenta con un proceso establecido para el ingreso del nuevo personal. Con el desarrollo de este proyecto, se pretende que los empleados obtengas beneficios en cuanto a los conocimientos adquiridos de la organización y pueden demostrar un buen rendimiento de sus actividades correspondientes a su lugar de trabajo, y sean trabajadores competitivos, comprometidos, eficientes y eficaces y sintiéndose orgullosos de trabajar en la organización. El método empleado para este estudio es el método cualitativo; este método consiste en identificar los procedimientos de la recolección de la información para obtener resultados y a través de que recursos son utilizados, para esto se utilizan la entrevista, conversaciones, registros, memorias entre otros, ya que con este recolectamos información actual de la empresa para poder diseñar el proceso y que la empresa lo pueda aplicar a sus nuevos empleados. Para la empresa Smartec SAS es importante contar con este diseño, ya que con este va a identificar las falencias que se tienen en el momento de hacer una inducción y entrenamiento al personal nuevo, esta investigación menciona el direccionamiento estratégico de la empresa, identificando sus procesos administrativos y muestra un resultado de los avances de la empresa en cuanto al área de gestión humana. Analiza un DOFA que muestra a la empresa la importancia de realizar las inducciones y entrenamiento al personal.The main objective of this project is to obtain the title of business administrators through the degree option resource and to be able to provide the Smartec SAS organization with an implementation of a design for an induction and training process, aimed at new company officials. at the national level, since the company does not have an established process for the entry of new personnel. With the development of this project, it is intended that employees obtain benefits in terms of the knowledge acquired from the organization and can demonstrate a good performance of their activities corresponding to their workplace, and be competitive, committed, efficient and effective workers and feeling proud to work in the organization. The method used for this study is the qualitative method; This method consists of identifying the procedures for the collection of information to obtain results and through which resources are used, for this the interview, conversations, records, memories among others are used, since with this we collect current information of the company to be able to design the process and that the company can apply it to its new employees. For the company Smartec SAS it is important to have this design, since with this it will identify the shortcomings that exist at the time of induction and training of new personnel, this research mentions the strategic direction of the company, identifying its processes administrative and shows a result of the progress of the company in the area of human management. Analyze a SWOT that shows the company the importance of conducting inductions and staff training

    SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence on the north coast of Peru: A cross-sectional study after the first wave

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    During the first wave, COVID-19 had devastating effects on developing countries like Peru, which reported more than 900,000 cases of the disease and more than 36,000 confirmed deaths from it. The informal settlements are counted in COVID-19 regional statistics, but they are very different from the rest of the region in terms of sanitation, access to water and sewage, housing conditions, and others. To make good decisions about public health, it is important to understand how the disease is spread in informal settlements. We did an observational, cross-sectional study in Puerto Pizarro, a remote port village in Tumbes, from November 11, 2020, to November 30, 2020, to assess the seroprevalence of COVID-19 after the first wave, as well as the sociodemographic factors and symptoms linked to a positive COVID-19 antibody lateral flow test. 1391 people older than 2 years old were given census and symptom questionnaires. They were also tested for the presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (IgG and IgM) in their blood. This study shows an adjusted seroprevalence of 24.82 percent (95% CI 22.49–27.25) posterior to the first wave of COVID-19 in Tumbes. Women had higher adjusted seroprevalence (28.03% vs. 21.11% [95% CI 24.83–31.41], p = 0.002). Extrapolating our adjusted prevalence of 24.82 per 100 persons to Tumbes (N = 251,541), 62,432 people were infected during the first wave, which is too high for adequate primary care in health institutions. Puerto Pizarro’s causespecific mortality rate was 198.49 per 100,000 inhabitants (deaths documented between May and December 2020), which was higher than Tumbes’ up to December 2020 (137.6 per 100,000 inhabitants). The presence of mostly symptomatic patients at health care facilities, the limited use of social networks, the scarce availability of eHealth technologies in government institutions, unused emergency telephone numbers, and the fear of dying if referred to the hospital may have led to underreporting cases. Participation of the community in epidemiological surveillance strategies is critical to assisting the Ministry of Health in the future success of the establishment of an eHealth surveillance monitoring program
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