705 research outputs found

    Incentives for prosocial behavior under reputation persistence and policy lags

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    In this paper we show that a policy based on incentives to promote prosocial activities can be counterproductive in a context where the agents’ reputation exhibits persistence over time and there exists a time lag between announcement of the policy and implementation. Reputation persistence in our model means that the reputation gained in past periods constrains the possibilities of changing reputation in the future. We present a two-period model in which agents use prosocial activities to signal their degree of altruism. If a subsidy is established for the second period, the set of agents that undertake social activities in that period enlarges. This worsens the reputation of the most altruistic agents, some of whom then react by decreasing their involvement in prosocial activities in the first period. We identify a condition under which subsidies cause a decrease in the global supply of pro-social activities

    Milk production estimation in goats by the Fleischmann method

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    Four adaptations of Fleischmann"s method, utilized for the calculus of accumulated milk production at complete lactation are compared. 551 lactations of the Florida breed goat were employed from the first to the tenth lactation with monthly controls. The mean reference productions obtained with the adaptations were different (p<0.05). These differences obey to a different way in which the milk production is calculated principally from calving to first control and, from the last control to drying.Se comparan cuatro adaptaciones del método Fleischmann para el cálculo de la producción de leche acumulada a lactación completa. Se emplearon 551 lactaciones de cabras de raza Florida de primera a décima lactación con controles mensuales. Las producciones medias de referencia obtenidas con las adaptaciones fueron diferentes (p<0,05) debido a la distinta manera de plantear el cálculo de la producción de leche, principalmente desde el parto al primer control y del último control al secado

    Síntesis y caracterización de nanopartículas de oro en solución utilizando quitosán como agente reductor

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    Currently the metallic nanoparticles, in particular of noble metals like gold are gaining importance due to their potential applications in various fields, as their physicochemical properties and their low toxicity the materials become of great importance. In this paper the synthesis of gold nanoparticles was carried out in solution using a reducing agent as is the biomolecule chitosan as reducing agent and were also characterized by a spectrophotometric technique as ultraviolet visible to verify the efficiency of the synthesis process, the spectrum showed that the synthesized nanoparticles have an absorption band at 525 nm. characteristic of gold particles to nanometric size.En la actualidad las nanopartículas metálicas, en especial, las de metales nobles como el oro, han cobrado importancia debido a sus potenciales aplicaciones en diversas ramas, ya que sus propiedades fisicoquímicas y su bajo grado de toxicidad las convierten en materiales de gran importancia.&nbsp; En este trabajo, se realizó la síntesis de nanopartículas de oro en solución, utilizando como agente reductor la biomolécula quitosán. Además, las nanopartículas fueron caracterizadas por una técnica espectrofotométrica ultravioleta visible, para verificar la eficacia del proceso de síntesis. El espectro mostró que las nanopartículas sintetizadas presentan una banda de absorción centrada en 530 nm, característica propia de partículas de oro de tamaño nanométrico

    Shipbuilding 4.0 Index Approaching Supply Chain

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    The shipbuilding industry shows a special interest in adapting to the changes proposed by the industry 4.0. This article bets on the development of an index that indicates the current situation considering that supply chain is a key factor in any type of change, and at the same time it serves as a control tool in the implementation of improvements. The proposed indices provide a first definition of the paradigm or paradigms that best fit the supply chain in order to improve its sustainability and a second definition, regarding the key enabling technologies for Industry 4.0. The values obtained put shipbuilding on the road to industry 4.0 while suggesting categorized planning of technologies

    Eigenvectors of a kurtosis matrix as interesting directions to reveal cluster structure

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    In this paper we study the properties of a kurtosis matrix and propose its eigenvectors as interesting directions to reveal the possible cluster structure of a data set. Under a mixture of elliptical distributions with proportional scatter matrix, it is shown that a subset of the eigenvectors of the fourth-order moment matrix corresponds to Fisher's linear discriminant subspace. The eigenvectors of the estimated kurtosis matrix are consistent estimators of this subspace and its calculation is easy to implement and computationally efficient, which is particularly favourable when the ratio n/p is large.Publicad

    Lineamientos para la adopción de NIIF/NIC, un aporte a las medianas empresas de la industria de ingeniería eléctrica, para la preparación de los estados Financieros.

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    El Salvador, uno de tantos países que se está integrando a la globalización y las economías desarrolladas a través de los tratados de libre comercio se ve en la necesidad de fortalecer los lazos comerciales, consecuentemente en la obligación de contar con información financiera uniforme, comparativa y en armonía con la presentada por los diferentes países. Razón que ha impulsado a investigar sobre las actuales normas contables para la preparación de información financiera en las medianas empresas que prestan servicios de ingeniería eléctrica. Las empresas de ingeniería eléctrica constituyen un importante sector dentro de la economía nacional y dentro de los planes de desarrollo y modernización impulsados por el gobierno. Actualmente existe incertidumbre y desconocimiento en cuanto a la aplicación de la nueva normativa contable, esto por ser un tema bastante reciente y la dificultad en el entendimiento de las mismas. Considerando además los antecedentes del marco contable anteriormente aplicado; que era impuesto por los diferentes gremiales contables e instituciones gubernamentales, lo cual daba como resultado una combinación de normativa técnica contable y aplicaciones por disposiciones legales. La filosofía de los profesionales en el sentido de una negativa a la actualización, acomodamiento y costumbre de las prácticas conocidas y ambiguas representa una barrera en cuanto a la presentación de la información financiera en base a NIIF/NIC. Es por ello que se elabora el presente trabajo de investigación el cual tiene como objetivos: contribuir con las medianas empresas de ingeniería eléctrica en la preparación de sus primeros Estados Financieros en base a NIIF/NIC, facilitar al profesional de la contaduría pública un documento que sirva de material de estudio y herramienta que lo guíe en el proceso de adopción de NIIF/NIC, lograr una mayor aceptabilidad de los Estados Financieros de acuerdo a NIIF/NIC por los diferentes usuarios de los mismos. El trabajo de investigación consta de cuatro capítulos los cuales se integran entre si. El capítulo I, representa la estructura conceptual y base de la investigación en donde se revocará la investigación sobre lo conceptos vertidos durante su desarrollo. Y ha sido obtenida a través de una investigación bibliográfica. En el capítulo II se desarrollan las técnicas e instrumentos adecuados para recopilar los datos que sirven de base para conocer la realidad actual de las empresas de ingeniería eléctrica, y así identificar los problemas y determinar las alternativas de solución que la nueva normativa contable establece para hacerle frente a los problemas identificados. El Capítulo III. Aquí se retoma el problema que las empresas de ingeniería eléctrica tienen, el cual fue identificado en el diagnóstico del Capítulo II. Una vez se ha retomado se desarrolla un caso práctico en donde se van aplicando en forma detallada según las partes de los estados financieros y políticas contables a la fecha en base a PCGA, cada uno de los lineamientos establecidos en las NIIF/NIC hasta concluir con un juego de estados financieros completo y en base a los lineamientos anteriormente señalados. El capítulo IV, presenta las conclusiones y recomendaciones obtenidas y basadas en el resultado de las investigación y las que serán presentadas a los diferentes usuarios a fin de ser tomados en cuenta y que faciliten su actividad empresarial

    Clustering Big Data by Extreme Kurtosis Projections

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    Clustering Big Data is an important problem because large samples of many variables are usually heterogeneous and include mixtures of several populations. It often happens that only some of a large set of variables are useful for clustering and working with all of them would be very inefficient and may make more difficult the identification of the clusters. Thus, searching for spaces of lower dimension that include all the relevant information about the clusters seems a sensible way to proceed in these situations. Peña and Prieto (2001) showed that the extreme kurtosis directions of projected data are optimal when the data has been generated by mixtures of two normal distributions. We generalize this result for any number of mixtures and show that the extreme kurtosis directions of the projected data are linear combinations of the optimal discriminant directions if we knew the centers of the components of the mixture. In order to separate the groups we want directions that split the data into two groups, each corresponding to different components of the mixture. We prove that these directions can be found from extreme kurtosis projections. This result suggests a new procedure to deal with many groups, working in a binary decision way and deciding at each step if the data should be split into two groups or we should stop. The decision is based on comparing a single distribution with a mixture of two distribution. The performance of the algorithm is analyzed through a simulation study

    Fracturas diafisarias de húmero : enclavijamiento intramedular con agujas de Hackethal por vía epicondílea lateral

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    Presentamos un estudio de 58 pacientes con fracturas diafisarias de húmero tratados mediante enclavijamiento intramedular con agujas de Hackethal por la vía epicondílea lateral. Se analizan las indicaciones quirúrgicas y la técnica empleada y se valoran los resultados finales tanto clínica como radiológicamente, obteniendo buenos resultados en el 85% de los casos y malos en el 15%. La causa principal de estos malos resultados fue la aparición de pseudoartrosis, relacionándose ésta con diástasis del foco de fractura después de la reducción y la existencia de fuerzas distractoras y rotacionales en los métodos de inmovilización postquirúrgica.This study was based on 58 patients with diaphyseal fractures of the humerus, treated by Hackethal fascicular intramedullary pinning inserted at the lateral humeral epicondyle. We analysed the indications for the operation using the modified Hackethal technique. We evaluated the final clinical and radiological results, obtaining 85% good results and 15% poor results. The main cause for these poor results was the appearance of no-union due to diastasis of the fracture focus after reduction and the presence of traction and rotational forces in the postoperative inmobilization methods

    Intention to purchase sustainable craft products: a moderated mediation analysis of the adoption of sustainability in the craft sector

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    In the modern world, the management of companies has evolved from a model characterized by the extraction, transformation, and generation of waste towards a more sustainable model. This transition affects even more traditional sectors, such as crafts. A key aspect of the transition towards more sustainable models is knowledge of the disposition of consumers with respect to these new artisan products. To date, few works have addressed this research problem, so this paper analyses consumer behaviour towards sustainable craft products empirically. To accomplish this goal, the effect of the image of sustainable craft products as perceived by consumers on their purchase intention is studied. Attitudes towards sustainable crafts, purchase intention, degree of consumer involvement and degree of knowledge concerning sustainability are considered as moderating variables. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of handicraft consumers, and confirmatory factor analysis and an ordinary least squares regression model were used to study the data thus obtained. The results showed that the image of sustainable craft products as perceived by consumers influences their purchase intentions. In addition, this influence is increased when consumer attitudes towards and involvement with sustainable craft products increase. The results of this study can be useful for the sustainable crafts sector with respect to incorporating more sustainable products and designing marketing and communication strategies to help consumers learn about sustainability

    Approach of the naval industry towards industry 4.0

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    One of the most relevant industrial sectors worldwide is the naval sector, being involved in multiple commercial activities. According to data from UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) [1], it is important to have a large enough naval fleet to meet maritime needs. This includes the shipbuilding sector, which is responsible for the manufacture and repair of the different types of ships and structures in order to respond to the commercial activities that make up this industry