60 research outputs found

    El uso de Facebook como herramienta de comunicación turística en los grandes destinos urbanos internacionales

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    El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es el análisis de la estrategia de comunicación que aplican diferentes destinos turísticos en Facebook. En concreto se examina la actividad, la capacidad de generar comunidad e interacción; qué temas contribuyen a ello y qué formatos predominan. Se parte de la hipótesis de que los territorios pueden lograr un mayor rendimiento de su presencia en los medios sociales. Como técnica metodológica, se propone el análisis de contenido de las páginas oficiales de los destinos incluidos en el estudio ‘City Tourism Performance Research’ (UNWTO y WTCF, 2017), que recoge casos de éxito en el turismo urbano, a los que se suma Málaga, por el ser el destino urbano de España que más crece. En total, se analizan 2.217 posts compartidos entre febrero y abril de 2019 en las páginas de las ciudades de Amberes, Berlín, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Copenhague, Ciudad del Cabo, Hangzhou, Linz, Málaga, Marrakech, Pekín, Seúl, Sapporo, Tianjin, Tokio y Turín. Se concluye que los temas que generan más reacciones son aquellos que se corresponden con los elementos visuales y con los atributos diferenciadores de los destinos y se confirma que los territorios mantienen en Facebook una presencia más intuitiva que estratégica

    La comunicación de los destinos turísticos internacionales en Facebook y Twitter durante la pandemia de COVID-19

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    The object of study of this work is to analyze the communication strategy used by large urban tourist destinations on Facebook and Twitter during the first stage of the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to illustrate the different degrees of use of these social media and identify possible cases of good practices. As a methodological technique, the content analysis of the official accounts of the destinations included in the ‘City Tourism Performance Research’ study is used, which collects success stories in urban tourism. In total, 1,695 posts and 925 tweets published between the months of February and April 2020 were analyzed on the official Facebook and Twitter profiles of the Destination Marketing Organizations (OMD) of Antwerp, Berlin, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Cape Town, Hangzhou, Linz, Malaga, Marrakech, Beijing, Seoul, Sapporo, Tianjin, Tokyo and Turin. It is observed that the studied destinations drastically reduced their presence in social networks, which were used more as a means of information than as a channel of interaction. It is concluded that from the communication point of view the tourist destinations did not have a true crisis management strategy.El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es analizar la estrategia de comunicación empleada por los grandes destinos turísticos de carácter urbano en Facebook y Twitter durante la primera etapa de la crisis generada por la pandemia de COVID-19, así como ilustrar los diversos grados de uso de estos medios sociales e identificar posibles casos de buenas prácticas. Como técnica metodológica, se utiliza el análisis de contenido de las cuentas oficiales de los destinos incluidos en el estudio City Tourism Performance Research, que recoge casos de éxito en el turismo urbano. En total, se analizan 1.695 posts y 925 tuits publicados entre los meses de febrero y abril de 2020 en los perfiles oficiales de Facebook y Twitter de los Organismos de Marketing de Destino (OMD) de Amberes, Berlín, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Copenhague, Ciudad del Cabo, Hangzhou, Linz, Málaga, Marrakech, Pekín, Seúl, Sapporo, Tianjin, Tokio y Turín. Se observa que los destinos estudiados redujeron de forma drástica su presencia en las redes sociales, que fueron utilizadas más como vía de información que como canal de interacción. Se concluye que desde el punto de vista de la comunicación los destinos turísticos no contaron con una verdadera estrategia de gestión de crisis.O objeto de estudo deste trabalho é analisar a estratégia de comunicação utilizada por grandes destinos turísticos urbanos no Facebook e Twitter durante a primeira fase da crise gerada pela pandemia COVID-19, bem como ilustrar os diferentes graus de utilização destes redes sociais e identificar possíveis casos de boas práticas. Como técnica metodológica, é utilizada a análise de conteúdo dos relatos oficiais dos destinos incluídos no estudo ‘City Tourism Performance Research’, que recolhe histórias de sucesso no turismo urbano. No total, 1.695 posts e 925 tweets publicados entre os meses de fevereiro e abril de 2020 foram analisados nos perfis oficiais do Facebook e Twitter das Destination Marketing Organizations (OMD) de Antuérpia, Berlim, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Copenhague, Cidade do Cabo, Hangzhou, Linz, Málaga, Marrakech, Pequim, Seul, Sapporo, Tianjin, Tóquio e Turim. Observa-se que os destinos estudados reduziram drasticamente sua presença nas redes sociais, que eram utilizadas mais como meio de informação do que como canal de interação. Conclui-se que do ponto de vista da comunicação os destinos turísticos não possuíam uma verdadeira estratégia de gestão de crises

    Verification platforms against hoaxes in the tourism sector

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    Tourism has become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world thanks, among other factors, to the development of the Internet and social media, which help to facilitate the dissemination of the tourist attractions of destinations, although they also allow the proliferation of false news or fake news. To fight against disinformation, fact-checking platforms, or data verification, have become suitable tools to fight against this false information. The objective of this research is to analyze the characteristics of fake news about tourism that have been verified by a total of eleven verification platforms in Spain and Latin America in the period between January 1 and July 31, 2022, through an analysis of contents. The results show that Facebook is the social medium in which false news about tourism proliferates the most. The predominant theme of tourist hoaxes has been economic issues and most have attributed falsehoods to institutions in order to deceive users. It is concluded that fact-checking still has a long way to go to verify tourism news and that there are many academic fields in which this phenomenon can be investigated.El turismo se ha convertido en uno de los sectores económicos que más crecen en todo el mundo gracias, entre otros factores, al desarrollo de Internet y los medios sociales, que contribuyen a facilitar la difusión de los atractivos turísticos de los destinos, aunque también permiten la proliferación de noticias falsas o fake news. Para luchar contra la desinformación, las plataformas de fact-checking o de verificación de datos se han convertido en unas herramientas adecuadas para luchar contra estas informaciones falsas. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las características de las noticias falsas sobre turismo que han verificado un total de once plataformas de verificación de España e Iberoamérica en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de julio de 2022, mediante un análisis de contenido. Los resultados evidencian que Facebook es el medio social en el que más proliferan las noticias falsas sobre turismo. La temática predominante de los bulos turísticos han sido los asuntos económicos y la mayoría han atribuido las falsedades a las instituciones con el fin de engañar a los usuarios. Se concluye que el fact-checking tiene aún un largo recorrido para la verificación de las noticias de turismo y que son muchos los campos académicos en los que se puede investigar este fenómeno

    Verification platforms against hoaxes in the tourism sector

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    Tourism has become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world thanks, among other factors, to the development of the Internet and social media, which help to facilitate the dissemination of the tourist attractions of destinations, although they also allow the proliferation of false news or fake news. To fight against disinformation, fact-checking platforms, or data verification, have become suitable tools to fight against this false information. The objective of this research is to analyze the characteristics of fake news about tourism that have been verified by a total of eleven verification platforms in Spain and Latin America in the period between January 1 and July 31, 2022, through an analysis of contents. The results show that Facebook is the social medium in which false news about tourism proliferates the most. The predominant theme of tourist hoaxes has been economic issues and most have attributed falsehoods to institutions in order to deceive users. It is concluded that fact-checking still has a long way to go to verify tourism news and that there are many academic fields in which this phenomenon can be investigated.El turismo se ha convertido en uno de los sectores económicos que más crecen en todo el mundo gracias, entre otros factores, al desarrollo de Internet y los medios sociales, que contribuyen a facilitar la difusión de los atractivos turísticos de los destinos, aunque también permiten la proliferación de noticias falsas o fake news. Para luchar contra la desinformación, las plataformas de fact-checking o de verificación de datos se han convertido en unas herramientas adecuadas para luchar contra estas informaciones falsas. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las características de las noticias falsas sobre turismo que han verificado un total de once plataformas de verificación de España e Iberoamérica en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de julio de 2022, mediante un análisis de contenido. Los resultados evidencian que Facebook es el medio social en el que más proliferan las noticias falsas sobre turismo. La temática predominante de los bulos turísticos han sido los asuntos económicos y la mayoría han atribuido las falsedades a las instituciones con el fin de engañar a los usuarios. Se concluye que el fact-checking tiene aún un largo recorrido para la verificación de las noticias de turismo y que son muchos los campos académicos en los que se puede investigar este fenómeno

    El uso de Twitter como instrumento de comunicación en los destinos turísticos de España y Portugal durante la crisis de COVID-19 = The use of Twitter as a communication instrument in tourist destinations in Spain and Portugal during the COVID-19 crisis

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    ES: Esta investigación busca analizar la actividad, los temas más usados y la capacidad para generar interacción de una docena de destinos turísticos de España y Portugal a través de la red social Twitter en los meses de noviembre y diciembre de 2020, coincidiendo conla tercera oleada de la crisis generada por la pandemia de COVID-19, que afectó de forma significativa a los dos países. La muestra está formada por un total de seis destinos turísticos españoles y seis portugueses, que se corresponden con áreas Nielsen, zonas geográficas divididas por esta empresa de investigación de mercados en función de sus características mercadológicas homogéneas. Así, en la muestra constan cinco tipos de destino por cada país: región o comunidad autónoma (Andalucía, Algarve), gran destino litoral (Baleares, Azores), gran municipio (Madrid, Lisboa), ciudad media (Málaga, Oporto) y destino de interior (Castilla y León, Centro de Portugal), a los que suman las cuentas nacionales de Turismo de España y Portugal (Turespaña y Visit Portugal). Para conseguir este objetivo, se ha realizado un análisis de contenido de los 1.382 tuits publicados por las cuentas oficiales de estos destinos. Se concluye que la pandemia no provocó un cambio significativo en los contenidos incluidos en Twitter yque los destinos no usaron todas las potencialidades que esta red social ofrece como vía de información.This research seeks to analyze the activity, the most used topics, and the ability to generate interaction of a dozen tourist destinations in Spain and Portugal through the social network Twitter in November and December 2020, coinciding with the third wave of the crisis generated by the COVID-19pandemic, which significantly affected both countries. The sample is made up of a total of six Spanish and six Portuguese tourist destinations, which correspond to Nielsen areas, geographical areas divided by this market research company based on their homogeneous marketing characteristics. Thus, in the sample,there are five types of destinations for each country: region or autonomous community (Andalusia, Algarve), large coastal destination (Balearic Islands, Azores), large municipality (Madrid, Lisbon),medium-sized city (Málaga, Oporto) and destination inland (Castilla y León, Central Portugal), to which are added the national Tourism accounts of Spain and Portugal (Turespaña and Visit Portugal). To achieve this goal, a content analysis of the 1,382 tweets published by the official accounts of these destinations has been carried out. It is concluded that the pandemic did not cause a significant change in the content included on Twitter and that the destinations did not use all the potential that this social network offers as a means of information

    Anticoagulantes orales directos frente a antagonistas de la vitamina K en pacientes del «mundo real» con fibrilación auricular no valvular: estudio FANTASIIA

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    Observational study[Abstract] Introduction and objectives: To compare the long-term results of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) vs vitamin K antagonists (VKA) in real-world-patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) in a nationwide, prospective study. Methods: The FANTASIIA registry prospectively included outpatients with AF anticoagulated with DOAC or VKA (per protocol, proportion of VKA and DOAC 4:1), consecutively recruited from June 2013 to October 2014 in Spain. The incidence of major events was analyzed and compared according to the anticoagulant treatment received. Results: A total of 2178 patients were included in the study (mean age 73.8±9.4 years), and 43.8% were women. Of these, 533 (24.5%) received DOAC and 1645 (75.5%) VKA. After a median follow up of 32.4 months, patients receiving DOAC vs those receiving VKA had lower rates of stroke-0.40 (95%CI, 0.17-0.97) vs 1.07 (95%CI,0.79-1.46) patients/y, P=.032-, severe bleedings-2.13 (95%CI, 1.45-3.13) vs 3.28 (95%CI, 2.75-3.93) patients/y; P = .044-, cardiovascular death-1.20 (95%CI, 0.72-1.99) vs 2.45 (95%CI, 2.00-3.00) patients/y; P = .009-, and all-cause death-3.77 (95%CI, 2.83-5.01) vs 5.54 (95%CI, 4.83-6.34) patients/y; P = .016-. In a modified Cox regression model by the Andersen-Gill method for multiple events, hazard ratios for patients receiving DOAC were: 0.42 (0.16-1.07) for stroke; 0.47 (0.20-1.16) for total embolisms; 0.76 (0.50-1.15) for severe bleedings; 0.67 (0.39-1.18) for cardiovascular death; 0.86 (0.62-1.19) for all-cause death, and 0.82 (0.64-1.05) for the combined event consisting of stroke, embolism, severe bleeding, and all-cause death. Conclusions: Compared with VKA, DOAC is associated with a trend to a lower incidence of all major events, including death, in patients with NVAF in Spain.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. Comparar los resultados a largo plazo de los anticoagulantes orales directos (ACOD) frente a los antagonistas de la vitamina K (AVK) en pacientes del mundo real con fibrilación auricular no valvular (FANV) en un estudio nacional prospectivo. Métodos. El estudio FANTASIIA incluyó consecutivamente a pacientes ambulatorios con FANV anticoagulados con ACOD o AVK desde junio de 2013 hasta octubre de 2014. Se compararon las tasas de eventos según el anticoagulante administrado. Resultados. Se incluyó a 2.178 pacientes (edad, 73,8 ± 9,4 años; el 43,8% mujeres); de ellos, 533 (24,5%) recibían ACOD y 1.645 (75,5%), AVK. Tras una mediana de seguimiento de 32,4 meses, los pacientes con ACOD tuvieron tasas más bajas de ictus —0,40 (IC95%, 0,17-0,97) frente a 1,07 (IC95%, 0,79-1,46) pacientes/año; p = 0,032—, hemorragias mayores —2,13 (IC95%, 1,45-3,13) frente a 3,28 (IC95%, 2,75-3,93) pacientes/año; p = 0,044—, muerte cardiovascular —1,20 (IC95%, 0,72-1,99) frente a 2,45 (IC95%, 2,00-3,00) pacientes/año; p = 0,009— y muerte total —3,77 (IC95%, 2,83-5,01) frente a 5,54 (IC95%, 4,83-6,34) pacientes/año; p = 0,016—. En el análisis de Cox modificado según el método de Andersen-Gill para datos con múltiples eventos, las razones de riesgos instantáneos para los pacientes con ACOD fueron 0,42 (0,16-1,07) para el ictus; 0,47 (0,20-1,16) para la embolia sistémica en general; 0,76 (0,50-1,15) para las hemorragias mayores; 0,67 (0,39-1,18) para la muerte cardiovascular; 0,86 (0,62-1,19) para la mortalidad total y 0,82 (0,64-1,05) para el combinado de ictus, embolias, hemorragias mayores y muerte. Conclusiones. El tratamiento con ACOD se asocia con una tendencia a una menor tasa de todos los eventos graves, incluida la mortalidad, en relación con los AVK en pacientes con FANV en España

    Influence of sex on long-term prognosis in patients with atrial fibrillation treated with oral anticoagulants. Results from the prospective, nationwide FANTASIIA study

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    [Abstract] Background: While many risk factors for Atrial Fibrillation (AF) have been identified, there are important differences in their relative impact between sexes. The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of sex as a long-term predictor of adverse events in “real world” AF patients treated with direct oral anticoagulants. Methods: The FANTASIIA registry is a prospective, national and multicentric study including outpatients with anticoagulated AF patients. Baseline characteristics and adverse events at 3 years of follow-up were collected and classified by sex. Cox multivariate analysis was performed to investigate the role of sex in major events and composite outcomes. Results: A total of 1956 patients were included in the study. 43.9% of them were women, with a mean age of 73.8 ± 9.4 years (women were older 76.5 ± 7.9 vs 71.7 ± 10.1, p<0.001). Women had higher rate of cardiovascular risk factors and higher mean of CHA2DS2-VASc (4.4 ± 1.4 vs 3.7 ± 1.6, p<0.001) and HAS-BLED (2.1 ± 1.0 vs 1.9 ± 1.1, p<0.001) than men. After 3 years of follow-up, rates of major events were similar in both groups with limit difference for all-cause mortality (4.4%/year in women vs 5.6%/year in men; p = 0.056). However, all the composite events were more frequent in women. We observed in the non-adjusted adverse events lower rate of all-cause mortality (HR 0.62, 95%CI 0.47–0.81; p<0.001), composite 1 outcomes (HR 0.80, 95%CI 0.65–0.98; p = 0.029) and composite 2 (HR 0.77, 95%CI 0.64–0.94; p = 0.010) in women compared with men. In multivariate Cox regression analysis observed that female sex was an independently protector factor for all-cause mortality and for the composite outcomes 1 and 2. Conclusions: In this “real world” study of anticoagulated AF patients, women could have a protective role against development of adverse events, mainly on all-cause mortality and combined events.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0068Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0010Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0069Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/006

    Usefulness of the 2MACE Score to Predicts Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation

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    [Abstract] We investigated the incidence of nonembolic adverse events in 2 cohorts of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and validated the 2MACE score ([metabolic syndrome, age ≥75] [doubled]; [myocardial infarction or revascularization, congestive heart failure {HF}, and stroke, transient ischemic attack or thromboembolism]) as predictor of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs). We recruited 2,630 patients with AF from 2 different cohorts (Murcia AF and FANTASIIA). The 2MACE score was calculated, and during a median of 7.2 years (Murcia AF cohort) and 1.01 years (FANTASIIA) of follow-up, we recorded all nonembolic adverse events and MACEs (composite of nonfatal myocardial infarction or revascularization and cardiovascular death). Receiver operating characteristic curves comparison, reclassification and discriminatory analyses, and decision curve analyses were performed to compare predictive ability and clinical usefulness of the 2MACE score against CHA2DS2-VASc. During follow-up, there were 65 MACEs in the Murcia cohort and 60 in the FANTASIIA cohort. Events rates were higher in the high-risk category (score ≥3) (1.94%/year vs 0.81%/year in the Murcia cohort; 6.01%/year vs 1.71%/year, in FANTASIIA, both p <0.001). The predictive performance of 2MACE according to the receiver operating characteristic curve was significantly higher than that of CHA2DS2-VASc (0.662 vs 0.618, p = 0.008 in the Murcia cohort; 0.656 vs 0.565, p = 0.003 in FANTASIIA). Decision curve analyses demonstrated improved clinical usefulness of the 2MACE compared with the CHA2DS2-VASc score. In conclusion, in “real-world” patients with AF, the 2MACE score is a good predictor of MACEs. A score ≥3 should be used to categorize patients at “high risk,” in identifying patients at risk of MACE.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI13/00513Instituto de Salud Carlos III; P14/00253Fundación Séneca; 19245/PI/14Instituto Murciano de Investigación Biosanitaria; IMIB16/AP/01/0

    Peripheral artery disease and clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: A report from the FANTASIIA registry

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    Observational study[Abstract] Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) and peripheral artery disease (PAD) are common conditions that increase cardiovascular risk. We determined the association between PAD and prognosis in a cohort of real-world patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy for nonvalvular AF. Methods: We prospectively included 1956 patients (mean age 73.8 ± 9.5 years, 44.0% women) receiving oral anticoagulant therapy for AF. Clinical characteristics were collected at baseline. Patients were followed for a period of 3 years. Survival analysis and multivariable regression analyses were performed to assess variables related to death, stroke, bleeding, myocardial infarction and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Results: Patients with PAD (n = 118; 6%) exhibited higher rates of cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular diseases. After 3 years of follow-up, there were a total of 255 deaths (no PAD 233, vs PAD 22), 45 strokes (43 vs 2), 146 major bleedings (136 vs 10) and 168 MACE (148 vs 20). On univariate analysis, there was a higher risk of cardiovascular mortality (2.02%/year no PAD vs 4.08%/year PAD, P = .02), myocardial infarction (0.99%/year no PAD vs 2.43%/year PAD, P = .02) and MACE (3.18%/year no PAD vs 6.99%/year PAD, P < .01). There was no statistically significant association with these events after multivariable adjustment. Conclusions: In a large cohort of anticoagulated patients with AF, the presence of PAD represents a higher risk subgroup and is associated with worse crude outcomes. The exact contribution of the PAD independently of other cardiovascular diseases or risk factors requires further investigation.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD16/11/00420Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0068Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0010Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0069Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/006

    Association of body mass index with clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: a report from the FANTASIIA Registry

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    [Abstract] Background. Obesity and atrial fibrillation (AF) frequently coexist and independently increase mortality. We sought to assess the association between obesity and adverse events in patients receiving oral anticoagulants for AF. Methods and Results. Consecutive AF outpatients receiving anticoagulant agents (both vitamin K antagonists and direct oral anticoagulants) were recruited into the FANTASIIA (Atrial fibrillation: influence of the level and type of anticoagulation on the incidence of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke) registry. This observational, multicenter, and prospective registry of AF patients analyzes the quality of anticoagulation, incidence of events, and differences between oral anticoagulant therapies. We analyzed baseline patient characteristics according to body mass index, normal: <25 kg/m2, overweight: 25–30 kg/m2, and obese: ≥30 kg/m2), assessing all‐cause mortality, stroke, major bleeding and major adverse cardiovascular events (a composite of ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and total mortality) at 3 years’ follow‐up. In this secondary prespecified substudy, the association of weight on prognosis was evaluated. We recruited 1956 patients (56% men, mean age 73.8±9.4 years): 358 (18.3%) had normal body mass index, 871 (44.5%) were overweight, and 727 (37.2%) were obese. Obese patients were younger (P<0.01) and had more comorbidities. Mean time in the therapeutic range was similar across body mass index categories (P=0.42). After a median follow‐up of 1070 days, 255 patients died (13%), 45 had a stroke (2.3%), 146 a major bleeding episode (7.5%) and 168 a major adverse cardiovascular event (8.6%). Event rates were similar between groups for total mortality (P=0.29), stroke (P=0.90), major bleeding (P=0.31), and major adverse cardiovascular events (P=0.24). On multivariate Cox analysis, body mass index was not independently associated with all‐cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, stroke, major bleeding, or major adverse cardiovascular events. Conclusions. In this prospective cohort of patients anticoagulated for AF, obesity was highly prevalent and was associated with more comorbidities, but not with poor prognosis