284 research outputs found

    Estudio del control de la respiraciĂłn y de la disnea fisiolĂłgica durante el embarazo

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 28-10-9

    Kinetic study of an autocatalytic reaction: nitrosation of formamidine disulfide

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    The reaction kinetics for the acid nitrosation of formamidine disulfide (FDS) show an autocatalytic behavior that arises from the fact that the thiocyanate ion formed as a product acts as a powerful catalyst for the nitrosation reaction. In the presence of added nucleophiles the suppression of the autocatalytic route results from competition for the nitrous acid between the added halides and the thiocyanate anion, which is formed as a reaction product. Analysis of the kinetic data enabled extraction of the bimolecular rate constants, kNO+ = (3.2 1.8) 1010 M 1 s 1; kNOSCN = (2.1 0.2) 105 M 1 s 1; kNOBr = (9.4 0.2) 106 M 1 s1 and kNOCl = (4.0 0.2) 107 M 1 s 1, for the pathways catalyzed by SCN , Br and Cl , respectively. Kinetic results are consistent with the attack on the nitrosating agent as the rate limiting step, i.e., the nitrosation of FDS behaves in a similar manner to the nitrosation of an amine. Rather different behavior is found for other substrates with an imino moiety adjacent to an amino nitrogen, such as the guanidines, which react by a mechanism in which the rate limiting step is the reorganization of the nitrosated substrate

    Validation of a new proposal to avoid donor resuscitation in controlled donation after circulatory death with normothermic regional perfusion

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    Aim The use of abdominal normothermic regional perfusion (nRP) and premortem interventions in controlled donation after circulatory death (cDCD) may represent a significant advance to increase the number and quality of grafts recovered in cDCD. The main limitation for the widespread acceptance of nRP in cDCD is the concerns of restoring circulation to the brain once death has been declared should the thoracic aorta not be adequately blocked. Methods We describe and validate a specific methodology to ensure an appropriate blocking of the thoracic aorta in a multicenter study using this technique. Results A total of 78 procedures with premortem cannulation and abdominal nRP were performed in four different hospitals. No case of heart or brain resuscitation was observed after nRP Conclusion The use of premortem interventions before nRP and the aortic occlusion balloon may increase the number of grafts recovered in cDCD. Our proposed methodology avoids the ethical problem of resuscitation by guaranteeing that circulation to the heart and brain is not restored after nRP

    Exploiting stream parallelism of MRI reconstruction using GrPPI over multiple back-ends

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    Proceeding of: 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID), Larnaca, Cyprus, 14-17 May 2019In recent years, on-line processing of data streams has been established as a major computing paradigm. This is due mainly to two reasons: first, more and more data are generated in near real-time that need to be processed; the second reason is given by the need of efficient parallel applications. However, the above-mentioned areas expose a tough challenge over traditional data-analysis techniques, which have been forced to evolve to a stream perspective. In this work we present an comparative study of a stream-aware multi-staged application, which has been implemented using GrPPI, a generic and reusable parallel pattern interface for C++ applications. We demonstrate the benefits of using this interface in terms of programability, performance, and scalability.This work was supported by the EU project “ASPIDE: Exascale Programing Models for Extreme Data Processing” under grant 80109

    Study of the Reuse of Industrial Wastewater After Electrochemical Treatment of Textile Effluents without External Addition of Chloride

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    [EN] The interference of human beings in the environment is causing rapid intense environmental damage which is particularly evident in the depletion of natural resources. Research into powerful practical treatments to decolorize and degrade colored textile wastewater is an important challenge nowadays for the textile industry due to environmental considerations, along with the potential water saving. It has been verified, in previous studies, that electrochemical oxidation-reduction treatment with doped SnO2 anodes was effective. In particular, those belonging to a trychromy (mix of three reactive dyes) achieved a significant reduction in Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC), as well as the decolorization of the treated solutions. Subsequently, the next step is to proceed to study and verify that these treated waters can be reused in subsequent dyes and that acceptable values of color equalization in the dyed fabrics can be achieved. The color differences obtained in the dyed fabrics in the four studied reuses are below the threshold of acceptance of color differences in the textile industry, which is one unit. The only electrolyte used was sodium sulphate. Chloride was not added externally in order to avoid as far as possible indirect oxidation. This allows a true test of the electrooxidantion power of the anodes. In these conditions, the Ti/SnO2-Sb-Pt DSA electrode is stable. The degree of mineralization is evaluated by measurements of TOC and COD. These data also allow the Average Oxidation State (AOS) at the end of each electrolysis, as well as information on the efficiency in each case through the Carbon Oxidation State (COS) and Average Current Efficiency (ACE) to be established. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used to study the decolorization kinetics and the evolution of the generated intermediates. Comparison of the spectra obtained by UV-Visible Spectroscopy allows the decolorization from the initial state to the end of the electrolysis to be monitored.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn (AEI) and European Union (FEDER funds) for the financial support (contract MAT2016-77742-C2-1-P). The authors wish to acknowledge Tim Vickers for help with the English revision and Texcoy S.L. company (Spain) where the dyeing processes were done.Orts Maiques, FJ.; Del RĂ­o GarcĂ­a, AI.; Molina Puerto, J.; Bonastre Cano, JA.; Cases, F. (2019). Study of the Reuse of Industrial Wastewater After Electrochemical Treatment of Textile Effluents without External Addition of Chloride. International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 14(2):1733-1750. https://doi.org/10.20964/2019.02.27S1733175014

    Electrochemical treatment of real textile wastewater: Trichromy Procion HEXL

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    [EN] The electrochemical treatment of wastewaters from the textile industry is a promising technique for not easily biodegradable compounds. This work is aimed at studying the electrochemical degradation of bifunctional reactive dyes after a real dyeing process. These are: Procion Yellow HELX®, Procion Crimson HELX® and Procion Navy HELX®, which are widely used in dyeing processes of cellulose fibers. Their structure is mainly characterized by the presence of two azo groups as chromophore group and two monochlorotriazinic groups as reactive groups. Electrolyses were carried out under galvanostatic conditions in an undivided electrolytic cell. Ti/SnO2-Sb-Pt and stainless steel electrodes were used as anode and cathode, respectively. In all cases Na2SO4 was used as electrolyte without external addition of chloride. The degree of degradation was evaluated by means of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) measurements. The decolourization kinetics and the presence of the intermediates generated due to of the electrochemical treatment were studied by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and these studies were also carried out with UV¿Visible and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopies. In all cases, a decrease in TOC and COD, and a complete decolourization were obtained after the electrochemical treatment. AOS and COS data proved the presence of oxidised intermediates in solution after the electrolyses. These results suggest the possibility of reusing the treated water in several dyeing processes.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and European Union (FEDER funds) for the financial support (contract MAT2016-77742-C2-1-P). A.I. del Rio is grateful to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia for her FPI fellowship. J. Molina is grateful to the Conselleria d'Educacio, Formacio i Ocupacio (Generalitat Valenciana) for the Programa VALi + D Postdoctoral Fellowship (APOSTD/2013/056). The authors wish to acknowledge to the Texcoy S.L. company (Spain) where the dyeing processes were done and Tim Vickers for help with the English revision.Orts Maiques, FJ.; Del Río García, AI.; Molina Puerto, J.; Bonastre Cano, JA.; Cases, F. (2018). Electrochemical treatment of real textile wastewater: Trichromy Procion HEXL. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 808:387-394. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2017.06.051S38739480

    A MapReduce Approach to Address Big Data Classification Problems Based on the Fusion of Linguistic Fuzzy Rules

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    The big data term is used to describe the exponential data growth that has recently occurred and represents an immense challenge for traditional learning techniques. To deal with big data classification problems we propose the Chi-FRBCS-BigData algorithm, a linguistic fuzzy rule-based classification system that uses the MapReduce framework to learn and fuse rule bases. It has been developed in two versions with different fusion processes. An experimental study is carried out and the results obtained show that the proposal is able to handle these problems providing competitive resultsSpanish Government TIN2011-28488Andalusian Research Plans P12-TIC-2958 P11-TIC-7765 P10-TIC-685

    A Generic Parallel Pattern Interface for Stream and Data Processing

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    Current parallel programming frameworks aid developers to a great extent in implementing applications that exploit parallel hardware resources. Nevertheless, developers require additional expertise to properly use and tune them to operate efficiently on specific parallel platforms. On the other hand, porting applications between different parallel programming models and platforms is not straightforward and demands considerable efforts and specific knowledge. Apart from that, the lack of high-level parallel pattern abstractions, in those frameworks, further increases the complexity in developing parallel applications. To pave the way in this direction, this paper proposes GRPPI, a generic and reusable parallel pattern interface for both stream processing and data-intensive C++ applications. GRPPI accommodates a layer between developers and existing parallel programming frameworks targeting multi-core processors, such as C++ threads, OpenMP and Intel TBB, and accelerators, as CUDA Thrust. Furthermore, thanks to its high-level C++ application programming interface and pattern composability features, GRPPI allows users to easily expose parallelism via standalone patterns or patterns compositions matching in sequential applications. We evaluate this interface using an image processing use case and demonstrate its benefits from the usability, flexibility, and performance points of view. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of using stream and data pattern compositions on CPUs, GPUs and heterogeneous configurations.This work has been partially supported by the EU project ICT 644235 “REPHRASE: REfactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-aware Applications” and the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” under the grant TIN2016-79673-P “Towards Unification of HPC and Big Data Paradigms.

    Paving the way towards high-level parallel pattern interfaces for data stream processing

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    The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) data stream applications has posed a number of new challenges to existing infrastructures, processing engines, and programming models. In this sense, high-level interfaces, encapsulating algorithmic aspects in pattern-based constructions, have considerably reduced the development and parallelization efforts of this type of applications. An example of parallel pattern interface is GrPPI, a C++ generic high-level library that acts as a layer between developers and existing parallel programming frameworks, such as C++ threads, OpenMP and Intel TBB. In this paper, we complement the basic patterns supported by GrPPI with the new stream operators Split-Join and Window, and the advanced parallel patterns Stream-Pool, Windowed-Farm and Stream-Iterator for the aforementioned back ends. Thanks to these new stream operators, complex compositions among streaming patterns can be expressed. On the other hand, the collection of advanced patterns allows users to tackle some domain-specific applications, ranging from the evolutionary to the real-time computing areas, where compositions of basic patterns are not capable of fully mimicking the algorithmic behavior of their original sequential codes. The experimental evaluation of the new advanced patterns and the stream operators on a set of domain-specific use-cases, using different back ends and pattern-specific parameters, reports considerable performance gains with respect to the sequential versions. Additionally, we demonstrate the benefits of the GrPPI pattern interface from the usability, flexibility and readability points of view.This work was partially supported by the EU project ICT 644235 “RePhrase: REfactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications” and the project TIN2013-41350-P “Scalable Data Management Techniques for High-End Computing Systems” from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spai
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