168 research outputs found

    Post-mortem digital forensics analysis of the Zepp Life android application

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    CIIC partially supported this research under the project UIDB 04524/2020 by FCT/MCTES and EU funds under the project UIDB/EEA 50008/2020.This paper studies the post-mortem digital forensic artifacts left by the Android Zepp Life (formerly Mi Fit) mobile application when used in conjunction with a Xiaomi Mi Band 6. The Mi Band 6 is a low-cost smart band device with several sensors that allow for health and activity monitoring, collecting metrics such as heart rate, blood oxygen saturation level, and step count. The device communicates via Bluetooth Low Energy with the Zepp Life application, which displays its data, provides some controls, and acts as a bridge to the Internet. We study, from a digital forensics perspective, the Android version of the mobile application in a rooted smartphone. For this purpose, we analyze the data repositories, namely its databases and XML files, and correlate the data on the smartphone with the corresponding usage of the Mi Band device. The paper also presents two open-source scripts we have developed to ease the task of forensic practitioners dealing with Zepp Life/Mi Band 6: ZL_std and ZL_autopsy. The former refers to a Python 3 script that extracts high-level views of Zepp Life data through the command-line, whereas the latter is a module that integrates ZL_std functionalities within the popular open-source Autopsy digital forensic software. Data stored on the Android companion device of a Mi Band 6 might include GPS coordinates, events and alarms, and biometric data such as heart rate, sleep time, and fitness activity, which can be valuable digital forensic artifacts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Post-mortem digital forensic artifacts of TikTok Android App

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    TikTok is a social network known mostly for the creation and shar ing of short videos and for its popularity for those under 30 years old. Although it has only appeared as Android and iOS apps in 2017, it has gathered a large user base, being one of the most downloaded and used app. In this paper, we study the digital forensic artifacts of TikTok’s app that can be recovered with a post mortem analysis of an Android phone, detailing the databases and XML with data that might be relevant for a digital forensic practitioner. We also provide the module tiktok.py to extract several forensic artifacts of TikTok in a digital forensic analysis of an Android phone. The module runs under Autopsy’s Android Analyzer environment. Although TikTok offers a rich set of features, it is very internet-dependent, with a large amount of its inner data kept on the cloud, and thus not easily accessible in a post mortem analysis. Nonetheless, we were able to recover messages exchanged through the app commu nications channels, the list of TikTok users that have interacted with the TikTok account used at the smartphone, photos linked to the app and in some circumstances, TikTok’s videos watched by the smartphone’s user.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este artigo aborda a história de Angola, ressaltando que a violência no período colonial levou o país africano a um colapso social, econômico e institucional. Aponta-se que o principal mecanismo empregado pela metrópole portuguesa para espoliar o povo angolano foi a violência, mecanismo por meio do qual a opressão colonial legou um quadro de desigualdades, contradições e sujeições dos indivíduos. No entanto, esse povo africano encontrou, tanto na luta armada quanto nos rituais funerários (quando se acreditava na possibilidade de se reencontrar com a ancestralidade através da fé), um meio de resistência e mesmo de lenitivo ante ao sofrimento


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    Este artigo aborda a história de Angola, ressaltando que a violência no período colonial levou o país africano a um colapso social, econômico e institucional. Aponta-se que o principal mecanismo empregado pela metrópole portuguesa para espoliar o povo angolano foi a violência, mecanismo por meio do qual a opressão colonial legou um quadro de desigualdades, contradições e sujeições dos indivíduos. No entanto, esse povo africano encontrou, tanto na luta armada quanto nos rituais funerários (quando se acreditava na possibilidade de se reencontrar com a ancestralidade através da fé), um meio de resistência e mesmo de lenitivo ante ao sofrimento

    References genes for qRT-PCR in guaraná (Paullina cupana var. sorbilis)

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    Gene expression has been extensively studied in plant science research, mainly for the assessment of plant stress responses. Real-time-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) is an important tool for obtaining this information because it is a quick and easy technique to acquire a large amount of molecular data for both model and non-model plants. For a successful RT-qPCR analysis, gene expression should be carefully normalised. Genes involved in essential biological processes that exhibit constitutive expression are commonly selected as internal standards to normalise RT-qPCR experiments. In this study, the transcription profiles of 13 candidate reference genes for RT-qPCR were evaluated in three guarana cultivars (BRS-Amazonas, BRS-Maués and BRS-Luzéia) using different tissues (vegetative and fruit) in varying developmental stages. Two different algorithms, NormFinder and GeNorm, were utilised to assess gene stability. In general, the two algorithms did not select the same pairs of genes for all analysed conditions. For the largest group (the fruits of all cultivars), NormFinder selected the pair EF1A/UBQ, whereas GeNorm chose ACT/GAPDH as the best normalising genes. Thus, we recommend the use of at least four reference genes for the normalisation of gene expression in guarana plant studies. © 2015, Botanical Society of Sao Paulo

    Comportamento de formas sangüícolas do Trypanosoma cruzi obtidas de camundongos utilizados como filtros biológicos, em cultura e em triatomíneo

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    The study of the behaviour of T. cruzi strains in animals as in human beings, runs into great difficulties when the attempt is made to relate the morphology of this parasite to its biological behaviour. The thin forms are able to penetrate vertebrate cells faster than the broad forms. So, faced with the biological complexity of the T. cruzi strains and substrains it was decided to investigate the behaviour of its blood forms obtained from normal mice as biological filters. These mice were endovenously inoculated with blood trypomastigotes from derivated RCL of the T. cruzi RC strain. Forty-eight hours later, the animals went through xenodiagnosis and heart punch in order to sow the blood in Warren's medium. The trypomastigotes became round (spheromastigotes and/or amastigotes) in the stomach of the triatomines and cultures at 28°C. The behaviour of the broad forms has been frequently observed and leads to the conclusion that the biology of the T. cruzi is not only related to the strain, but, sometimes, to the parasite population.Camundongos normais, utilizados como filtros biológicos, foram inoculados endovenosamente, com tripomastigotas sangüícolas da derivada RCL da cepa RC do T. cruzi. Decorridas 48 horas, os animais foram submetidos ao xenodiagnóstico e à punção cardíaca para semeadura do sangue em meio de Warren. No estômago dos triatomíneos e em cultura a 28°C, os tripomastigotas diferenciaram-se em formas arredondadas (esferomastigotas e/ou amastigotas). Esse comportamento das formas sangüícolas largas tem sido observado com freqüência e nos leva a inferir que a biologia do T. cruzi não estaria apenas relacionada com a cepa, mas, eventualmente, com populações do parasita

    Foam mat drying of Tommy Atkins mango: Effects of air temperature and concentrations of soy lecithin and carboxymethylcellulose on phenolic composition, mangiferin, and antioxidant capacity

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    In this study, foam mat drying was applied to Tommy Atkins mango. Using a multifactorial design, the effect of soy lecithin (L) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) used as foam stabilizers (0–1.50 g/100 g), as well as temperature (T) (53–87 °C), on phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of mango were eval- uated. Mango pulp contains antioxidant, such as mangiferin, that can be utilized in foods to enhance their functional properties. Our results indicated that L and T had negative effects (p < 0.05) on the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity, whereas CMC had a positive effect (p < 0.05). Increasing the total amount of phenolic compounds present in dried mango contributed to the higher antioxidant capacity after the drying process. This study concluded that a drying T of 80 °C, and a concentration of 0.30 g/100 g of CMC and L are optimal for increased retention of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity.Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)-E-26/111.710/201

    Estudo comparativo do comportamento da infecção de camundongos, através da inoculação subcutânea e intraperitoneal, utilizando-se duas cepas do Trypanosona cruzi

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    By means of comparative studies of the infection of mice with T. cruzi using intraperitoneal and subcutaneous inoculation, it was concluded that more uniform and virulent infections are obtained after subcutaneous inoculation. This is due to an immediate cellular response, when intraperitoneal inoculations are used. With the aim of making comparative studies as between the two methods of inoculation, the intraperitoneal using two, morfologically distinct, strains of T. cruzi: Y with predominance of thin forms and Bolivia with predominance of broad forms. White mice of approximately 18g were required for these tests. The groups of animals received 2 x 10³, 2 x 10(4) and 2 x 10(5) trypanossomes per animal, and the course of the infection was subsequently observed. The results revealed that after subcutaneous inoculation when the Y strain was used in the tests, some significant differences appear, with more virulent and uniform infections. However, these did not appear when the Bolivia strain was used, because the animals showed the same standard parasitemy and other morpho-biological features, whether by subcutaneous or intraperitoneal inoculation. This incident suggests the existence of interrelation between the factors: method of inoculation represented by a greater or lesser presence of macrophages in the inoculated area, and the morphology of the blood forms represented by a greater or lesser capacity for cellular penetration.Foram utilizados camundongos brancos, pesando em média 18g e duas cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi, morfologicamente distintas: Y com predominância de formas sangüíneas delgadas e Bolívia com predomínio de formas largas. Os lotes de animais receberam 2 x 10³, 2 x 10(4) e 2 x 10(5) tripanossomos por animal e as vias de inoculação utilizadas foram a intraperitoneal e a subcutânea. Nos animais foi observado o curso de infecção. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que, nos experimentos em que se utilizou a cepa Y, existem algumas diferenças significantes, com infecções mais uniformes e virulentas, após inoculação subcutânea de 2 x 10³ e 2 x 10(4) formas sangüíneas de T. cruzi. Entretanto, isto não ocorreu com a cepa Bolívia, pois os animais apresentaram o mesmo padrão de parasitemia e os demais caracteres morfológicos, quer se utilizasse a via subcutânea ou intraperitoneal. Tal fato permite sugerir a existência de interrelação entre os fatores via de inoculação traduzida pela maior ou menor presença de macrófagos no sítio de inoculação, e a morfologia das formas sangüíneas representada pela maior ou menor capacidade de penetração celular


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    Tradicionais produtoras de uvas finas para mesa, as regiões de Pilar do Sul e São Miguel Arcanjo requerem estudos relacionados à evolução da maturação a fim de garantir a colheita de frutos que atendam as exigências de mercado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a maturação da uva ‘Benitaka’ cultivada em clima subtropical. O experimento foi realizado em um vinhedo comercial da uva ‘Benitaka’ enxertada no porta-enxerto 420-A, em sistema de condução do tipo pérgola, no sétimo ano de produção, localizado em Pilar do Sul, SP, Brasil (23º 48’ S, 47º 42’ O e altitude de 689 m), no ciclo produtivo de 2014/15. A partir do início da maturação, aos 114 dias após a poda (DAP), realizou-se amostragem semanal das bagas para a determinação dos teores de sólidos solúveis (SS), pH, acidez titulável (AT), relação SS/AT e açúcares redutores (AR), se estendendo a amostragem de bagas até a colheita (156 DAP). A uva ‘Benitaka’ cultivada em região subtropical apresentou boas características físico-químicas aos 156 dias após a poda, com valores de SS de 15,99 ºBrix, AT de 0,49 % de ácido tartárico, pH 3,73, relação SS/AT de 32,68 e AR de 14,10 %