46 research outputs found

    El género Evax Gaertn. (Compositae) en Galicia (España)

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    Se presenta una revisión del género Evax en Galicia. Se aporta la descripción de los táxones presentes y una clave para diferenciarlos. Se realiza un estudio biométrico de los aquenios de Evax pygmaea para diferenciar las subespecies. Se incluyen fotografías de sus aquenios y mapas de distribución en el área estudiada. Las poblaciones de E. pygmaea en Galicia son fundamentalmente costeras y se adscriben a la subsp. ramosissima mientras que E. lasiocarpa parece acantonarse en las montañas del SE de la región. Se reivindica la prioridad del nombre E. lasiocarpa Lange ex Cutanda sobre E. carpetana Lange.This is a revision of the genus Evax in Galicia. It is provided a description of the taxa in the region and a key to differentiate them. It becomes a study of biometric achenes of Evax pygmaea to differentiate subspecies. It includes photographs of their achenes and maps of their distribution in the study area. The populations of E. pygmaea in Galicia are mainly coastal and belong to the subsp. ramosissima while E. lasiocarpa seems to be located in the mountains of SE in the region. It claims the priority of the name E. lasiocarpa Lange ex Cutanda on E. carpetana Lange

    Aportaciones a la flora de Galicia, X

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    In this study mentioned 79 different plants with interest to the flora of Galicia and other territories of the Iberian Peninsula. One of them are new records for Spain flora (Watsonia bulbillifera), 24 are regional novelties (Crassula arborescens, Teline monspessulana, Hippocrepis comosa, Chamaesyce polygonifolia, Myosotis congesta, Verbena bonariensis, Senecio pyrenaicus, Taraxacum acutangulum, T. braun-blanquetii, T. cantabricum, T. ekmanii, T. fulgidum, T. hispanicum, T. lambinonii, T. maculosum, T. pinto-silvae, T. rubicundum, T. sundbergii, Agropyrum cristatum subsp. pectinatum, Bromus inermis, Pennisetum clandestinum, Eragrostis mexicana var. virescens, Iris planifolia, Chasmanthe floribunda), 26 novedades provinciales (Ranunculus peltatus subsp. peltatus var. peltatus, Modiola caroliniana, Sedum dendroideum, Paraserianthes lophantha, Geranium purpureum, Calystegia silvatica subsp. disjuncta, Echium vulgare subsp. pustulatum, Linaria aguillonensis, Linaria lamarckii, Glechoma hederacea, Asperula aristata subsp. scabra, Taraxacum drucei, T. gallaecicum, T. marklundii, T. nordstedtii, Luzula lactea, Commelina communis, Canna indica, Cyperus involucratus, Paspalum notatum, Asphodelus fistulosus, Muscari neglectum, Veratrum album, Iris foetidissima and Hedychium gardnerianum, Passiflora caerulea). Also 15 of them are commented by its taxonomic, ecologic or chorological interest. Clypeola jonthlaspi, Alchemilla transiens, Asperula cynanchica subsp. cynanchica, Valeriana tripteris subsp. tripteris, Luzula sudetica and Rhynchos pora modesti-lucennoi are confirmed for the Galician flora. Morever, in the light of further information, we remove 6 plants from the catalog of the vascular flora of Galicia (Iberis amara, I. linifolia, Sedum sediforme, Anarrhinum laxiflorum, Asperula aristata subsp. aristata and Taraxacum palustre) and Carex vesicaria from the catalog of the Parque Nacional de las Illas Atlánticas.En este trabajo se mencionan 79 plantas de diverso interés para la flora de Galicia y otras zonas de la Península ibérica. Se incluyen 1 novedades para España (Watsonia bulbillifera), 24 novedades regionales (Crassula arborescens, Teline monspessulana, Hippocrepis comosa, Chamaesyce polygonifolia, Myosotis congesta, Verbena bonariensis, Senecio pyrenaicus, Taraxacum acutangulum, T. braun-blanquetii, T. cantabricum, T. ekmanii, T. fulgidum, T. hispanicum, T. lambinonii, T. maculosum, T. pinto-silvae, T. rubicundum, T. sundbergii, Agropyrum cristatum subsp. pectinatum, Bromus inermis, Pennisetum clandestinum, Eragrostis mexicana var. virescens, Iris planifolia, Chasmanthe floribunda), 26 novedades provinciales (Ranunculus peltatus subsp. peltatus var. peltatus, Modiola caroliniana, Sedum dendroideum, Paraserianthes lophantha, Geranium purpureum, Calystegia silvatica subsp. disjuncta, Echium vulgare subsp. pustulatum, Linaria aguillonensis, Linaria lamarckii, Glechoma hederacea, Asperula aristata subsp. scabra, Taraxacum drucei, T. gallaecicum, T. marklundii, T. nordstedtii, Luzula lactea, Commelina communis, Canna indica, Cyperus involucratus, Paspalum notatum, Asphodelus fistulosus, Muscari neglectum,Veratrum album, Iris foetidissima y Hedychium gardnerianum, Passiflora caerulea) y otras 15 de interés diverso, bien ecológico, corológico o taxonómico. Se confirma la presencia de Clypeola jonthlaspi, Alchemilla transiens, Asperula cynanchica subsp. cynanchica, Valeriana tripteris subsp. tripteris, Luzula sudetica y Rhynchospora modesti-lucennoi. También, y a la luz de la información obtenida, eliminamos del catálogo de la flora vascular de Galicia 6 taxones (Iberis amara, I. linifolia, Sedum sediforme, Anarrhinum laxiflorum, Asperula aristata subsp. aristata y Taraxacum palustre) y Carex vesicaria del Parque Nacional de las Illas Atlánticas

    Early survival and growth plasticity of 33 species planted in 38 arboreta across the European Atlantic area

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    To anticipate European climate scenarios for the end of the century, we explored the climate gradient within the REINFFORCE (RÉseau INFrastructure de recherche pour le suivi et l’adaptation des FORêts au Changement climatiquE) arboreta network, established in 38 sites between latitudes 37 and 57 , where 33 tree species are represented. We aim to determine which climatic variables best explain their survival and growth, and identify those species that are more tolerant of climate variation and those of which the growth and survival future climate might constrain. We used empirical models to determine the best climatic predictor variables that explain tree survival and growth. Precipitation-transfer distance was most important for the survival of broadleaved species, whereas growing-season-degree days best explained conifer-tree survival. Growth (annual height increment) was mainly explained by a derived annual dryness index (ADI) for both conifers and broadleaved trees. Species that showed the greatest variation in survival and growth in response to climatic variation included Betula pendula Roth, Pinus elliottii Engelm., and Thuja plicata Donn ex D.Don, and those that were least affected included Quercus shumardii Buckland and Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold. We also demonstrated that provenance differences were significant for Pinus pinea L., Quercus robur L., and Ceratonia siliqua L. Here, we demonstrate the usefulness of infrastructures along a climatic gradient like REINFFORCE to determine major tendencies of tree species responding to climate changesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Las plantas endémicas y subendémicas de Galicia

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    "Centaurea ultreiae" Silva Pando, sp. nov. ("Compositae") del noroeste de España

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    A new species of the genus Centaurea L. is described from the N.W. of Spain and the differences separating it from other species of the section Chamaecyanus and C. borjae are pointed out.Se describe una nueva especie del género Centaurea L. del noroeste de España y se señalan sus diferencias con diversas especies de la sección Chamaecyanus y con C. borjae

    El Género Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) en Galicia: Claves y descripción

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    This review focuses on the species of genus Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) that are forest interested, planted or naturalized in Galicia, excluding those that only flourish in parks and gardens. Besides using poor herbarium material, we carried out recollections based on data provided by the forest districts, organizations and individuals as well as field trips by different areas of Galicia. Based on the morphological characteristics, 40 taxa (37 species and 3 subspecies), including several hybrids, have been identified. We have also included two keys to help in identification, which are the number of flowers per peduncle and the type of bark. In this review, we provide an overview of the present knowledge on the identification, description and distribution of each of the taxa.Se ha realizado una revisión de las especies de interés forestal, plantadas o asilvestradas, del género Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) en Galicia, excluyendo aquellas que sólo se desarrollan en parques y jardines. Además del escaso material de herbario, nos hemos basado en herborizaciones basadas en datos aportados por los distritos forestales, organizaciones forestales y particulares, así como recorridos por distintas zonas de Galicia. En base a los caracteres morfológicos, se han identificado 40 taxa (37 especies y 3 subespecies) incluyendo varios híbridos. Se han confeccionado 2 claves de identificación, basadas en el número de flores por pedicelo o por el tipo de corteza. Aportamos una iconografía para facilitar la identificación, así como una descripción de cada uno de los taxa identificados y algunos datos sobre su distribución

    Aportaciónes a la flora de Galicia, I

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    In this work we give chorological and ecological notes on 25 taxa from Galicia. Among them, the following are new records for the regional floristic catalogue: Cistus laurifolius, Prunus lusitanica and Lamarckia aurea, and the following are second regional records: Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, Ulmus glabra, Allium guttatum subsp. sardoum and Trisetum hispidum. The type inventory of the new subassociation Ulici europaei-Ericetum cinereae ericetosum scopariae is also included.En el presente trabajo damos notas corológicas y ecológicas para 25 táxones dentro de la región gallega. Se citan como novedades para la flora regional: Cistus laurifolius, Prunus lusitanica y Lamarckia aurea y son segundas citas regionales: Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, Ulmus glabra, Allium guttatum subsp. sardoum y Trisetum hispidum. Igualmente se da el inventario tipo de la nueva subasociación Ulki europaei-Ericetum cinereae ericetosum scopariae