41 research outputs found

    The Intelligent Web

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    Many people are working on the Semantic Web with the main objective being to enhance web searches. Our proposal is a new research strategy based on the existence of a discrete set of semantic relations for the creation and exploitation of semantic networks on the web. To do so, we have defined in a previous paper (Álamo, Martínez, Jaén) the Rhetoric-Semantic Relation (RSR) based on the results of the Rhetoric Structure Theory. We formulate a general set of RSR capable of building discourse and making it possible to express any concept, procedure or principle in terms of knowledge nodes and RSRs. These knowledge nodes can then be elaborated in the same way. This network structure in terms of RSR makes the objective of developing automatic answering systems possible as well as any other type of utilities oriented towards the exploitation of semantic structure, such as the automatic production of web pages or automatic e-learning generation

    Didactic Networks and exemplification

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    After a general overview in a previous paper [AMJ10b], in which we proposed Didactic Networks (DN) as a new way for developing and exploiting web-learning content, we offer here a deeper study showing how to use them for web-learning design and content generation based on Instructional Theory with the coherence guaranty of the RST [MT99]. By using a set of expressivity patterns, it is possible to obtain different final ¿products¿ from the DNs such as different level or different aspect web-learning lessons, depending on the target, documents or evaluation tests. In parallel we are defining the Fundamental Cognitive Networks (FCN), in which we deal with the most common patterns human being uses to think and communicate ideas. This FCN set reuses the representation of Concepts, Procedures and Principles defined here, and it is the main topic of a paper we are working on for the very near future

    Didactic Networks: A proposal for e-learning content generation

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    The Didactic Networks proposed in this paper are based on previous publications in the field of the RSR (Rhetorical-Semantic Relations). The RSR is a set of primitive relations used for building a specific kind of semantic networks for artificial intelligence applications on the web: the RSN (Rhetorical-Semantic Networks). We bring into focus the RSR application in the field of elearning, by defining Didactic Networks as a new set of semantic patterns oriented to the development of eleaming applications. The different lines we offer in our research Jail mainly into three levels: • The most basic one is in the field of computational linguistics and related to Logical Operations on RSR (RSR Inverses and plurals. RSR combinations, etc), once they have been created. The application of Walter Bosma 's results regarding rhetorical distance application and treatment as semantic weighted networks is one of the important issues here. • In parallel, we have been working on the creation of a knowledge representation and storage model and data architecture capable of supporting the definition of knowledge networks based on RSR. • The third strategic line is in the meso-level, the formulation of a molecular structure of knowledge based on the most frequently used patterns. The main contribution at this level is the set of Fundamental Cognitive Networks (FCN) as an application of Novak's mental maps proposal. This paper is part of this third intermediate level, and the Fundamental Didactic Networks (FDN) are the result of the application of rhetorical theoiy procedures to the instructional theory. We have formulated a general set of RSR capable of building discourse, making it possible to express any concept, procedure or principle in terms of knowledge nodes and RSRs. The instructional knowledge can then be elaborated in the same way. This network structure expressing the instructional knowledge in terms of RSR makes the objective of developing web-learning lessons semi-automutkally possible, as well as any other type of utilities oriented towards the exploitation of semantic structure, such as the automatic question answering systems

    Descripción y análisis de las alteraciones de la mácula y capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) en pacientes con esquizofrenia

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    Introducción: nuestro estudio trata de analizar en vivo mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT), el grosor de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina (CFNR), el grosor y volumen macular así como parámetros morfométricos de la cabeza del nervio óptico en sujetos afectos de esquizofrenia para poder compararlos con un grupo control. Además, en los sujetos con esquizofrenia se buscaron correlaciones entre diferentes variables psiquiáticas y los parámetros retinianos estudiados. Material y métodos: se estudiaron 30 sujetos esquizofrénicos (edad media 44.5±10.5 años, AV mejor corregida 20/20, error refractivo entre +/-2 dioptrías y presión intraocular <20 mmHg) que fueron comparados con 30 sujetos control. Todos los sujetos fueron estudiados mediante oct donde fueron analizadas la CFNR, grosor y volumen macular y excavación del nervio óptico. En los pacientes esquizofrénicos se estudiaron posibles asociaciones entre los parámetros retinianos y la severidad y duración de la enfermedad. Resultados: los pacientes esquizofrénicos mostraron una disminución estadísticamente significativa del grosor medio de la CFNR a nivel peripapilar, grosores maculares internos y volumen macular respecto a controles sanos. La excavación del nervio óptico también se encontró significativamente aumentada en este grupo de sujetos. Los esquizofrénicos con predominio de sintomatología positiva mostraron un grosor de la CFNR estadísticamente más disminuido en el sector nasal. A medida que transcurren los años de enfermedad, el sector nasal de la CFNR a nivel peripapilar es el que resulta más adelgazado. Conclusión: nuestros resultados sugieren que el grosor de la CFNR puede ser utilizado como un marcador biológico en esta enfermedad. Son necesarios estudios prospectivos en series mayores para determinar la utilidad del OCT en la esquizofrenia

    Red de Empleabilidad y Emprendimiento en los estudiantes del Grado de Trabajo Social

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    Este proyecto sigue las líneas definidas en el Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente de la Convocatoria 2016/2017, con el nº 109, con el tema: “El impulso del emprendimiento como competencia transversal en los estudiantes del Grado de Trabajo Social”, premiado en la VII EDICIÓN de PREMIOS EMPRENDEDOR UNIVERSITARIO UCM, en la 4ª modalidad de Premio Innova docente. Al mismo tiempo se ha implementado con el inicio de la experiencia del Proyecto de Aprendizaje Servicio “UCM_MEDIMAYOR_ ALUMNI”, de formación en mediación a un grupo de mayores pertenecientes al Centro de Día Peñagrande del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. La responsabilidad social de la universidad, puede encontrase en esta función ya que se ha potenciado la adquisición de competencias profesionales

    Prevalence of dementia and major dementia subtypes in Spanish populations: A reanalysis of dementia prevalence surveys, 1990-2008

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    Background This study describes the prevalence of dementia and major dementia subtypes in Spanish elderly. Methods We identified screening surveys, both published and unpublished, in Spanish populations, which fulfilled specific quality criteria and targeted prevalence of dementia in populations aged 70 years and above. Surveys covering 13 geographically different populations were selected (prevalence period: 1990-2008). Authors of original surveys provided methodological details of their studies through a systematic questionnaire and also raw age-specific data. Prevalence data were compared using direct adjustment and logistic regression. Results The reanalyzed study population (aged 70 year and above) was composed of Central and North-Eastern Spanish sub-populations obtained from 9 surveys and totaled 12,232 persons and 1,194 cases of dementia (707 of Alzheimer's disease, 238 of vascular dementia). Results showed high variation in age- and sex-specific prevalence across studies. The reanalyzed prevalence of dementia was significantly higher in women; increased with age, particularly for Alzheimer's disease; and displayed a significant geographical variation among men. Prevalence was lowest in surveys reporting participation below 85%, studies referred to urban-mixed populations and populations diagnosed by psychiatrists. Conclusion Prevalence of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in Central and North-Eastern Spain is higher in females, increases with age, and displays considerable geographic variation that may be method-related. People suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's disease in Spain may approach 600,000 and 400,000 respectively. However, existing studies may not be completely appropriate to infer prevalence of dementia and its subtypes in Spain until surveys in Southern Spain are conductedFinancial aid was obtained from the Spanish RECSP C03-09, CIEN C03-06 and CIBERNED networks, and from the Pfizer Foundation in particularS

    Aprendizaje de las enfermedades infecciosas del cerdo mediante enseñanza virtual

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    El objetivo del proyecto es crear un curso online sobre enfermedades del cerdo dirigido a estudiantes de grado y posgrado de veterinaria, ingeniería agronómica y afines, así como a profesionales del sector porcino interesados en formación continua

    Relationship between IGF-1 and body weight in inflammatory bowel diseases: Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), represented by ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn''s disease (CD), are characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, what leads to diarrhea, malnutrition, and weight loss. Depression of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-1 axis (GH-IGF-1 axis) could be responsible of these symptoms. We demonstrate that long-term treatment (54 weeks) of adult CD patients with adalimumab (ADA) results in a decrease in serum IGF-1 without changes in serum IGF-1 binding protein (IGF1BP4). These results prompted us to conduct a preclinical study to test the efficiency of IGF-1 in the medication for experimental colitis. IGF-1 treatment of rats with DSS-induced colitis has a beneficial effect on the following circulating biochemical parameters: glucose, albumin, and total protein levels. In this experimental group we also observed healthy maintenance of colon size, body weight, and lean mass in comparison with the DSS-only group. Histological analysis revealed restoration of the mucosal barrier with the IGF-1 treatment, which was characterized by healthy quantities of mucin production, structural maintenance of adherers junctions (AJs), recuperation of E-cadherin and ß-catenin levels and decrease in infiltrating immune cells and in metalloproteinase-2 levels. The experimentally induced colitis caused activation of apoptosis markers, including cleaved caspase 3, caspase 8, and PARP and decreases cell-cycle checkpoint activators including phosphorylated Rb, cyclin E, and E2F1. The IGF-1 treatment inhibited cyclin E depletion and partially protects PARP levels. The beneficial effects of IGF-1 in experimental colitis could be explained by a re-sensitization of the IGF-1/IRS-1/AKT cascade to exogenous IGF-1. Given these results, we postulate that IGF-1 treatment of IBD patients could prove to be successful in reducing disease pathology. © 2021 The Author

    Prevalence of disability in a composite ≥75 year-old population in Spain: A screening survey based on the International Classification of Functioning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence and predictors of functional status and disability of elderly people have been studied in several European countries including Spain. However, there has been no population-based study incorporating the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework as the basis for assessing disability. The present study reports prevalence rates for mild, moderate, and severe/extreme disability by the domains of activities and participation of the ICF.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nine populations surveyed in previous prevalence studies contributed probabilistic and geographically defined samples in June 2005. The study sample was composed of 503 subjects aged ≥75 years. We implemented a two-phase screening design using the MMSE and the World Health Organization-Disability Assessment Schedule 2<sup>nd </sup>edition (WHO-DAS II, 12 items) as cognitive and disability screening tools, respectively. Participants scoring within the positive range of the disability screening were administered the full WHO-DAS II (36 items; score range: 0-100) assessing the following areas: Understanding and communication, Getting along with people, Life activities, Getting around, Participation in society, and Self-care. Each disability area assessed by WHO-DAS II (36 items) was reported according to the ICF severity ranges (No problem, 0-4; Mild disability, 5-24; Moderate disability, 25-49; Severe/Extreme disability, 50-100).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The age-adjusted disability prevalence figures were: 39.17 ± 2.18%, 15.31 ± 1.61%, and 10.14 ± 1.35% for mild, moderate, and severe/extreme disability, respectively. Severe and extreme disability prevalence in mobility and life activities was three times higher than the average, and highest among women. Sex variations were minimal, although life activities for women of 85 years and over had more severe/extreme disability as compared to men (OR = 5.15 95% CI 3.19-8.32).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Disability is highly prevalent among the Spanish elderly. Sex- and age-specific variations of disability are associated with particular disability domains.</p