
Didactic Networks and exemplification


After a general overview in a previous paper [AMJ10b], in which we proposed Didactic Networks (DN) as a new way for developing and exploiting web-learning content, we offer here a deeper study showing how to use them for web-learning design and content generation based on Instructional Theory with the coherence guaranty of the RST [MT99]. By using a set of expressivity patterns, it is possible to obtain different final ¿products¿ from the DNs such as different level or different aspect web-learning lessons, depending on the target, documents or evaluation tests. In parallel we are defining the Fundamental Cognitive Networks (FCN), in which we deal with the most common patterns human being uses to think and communicate ideas. This FCN set reuses the representation of Concepts, Procedures and Principles defined here, and it is the main topic of a paper we are working on for the very near future

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