4,242 research outputs found

    Multi-Resolution Texture Coding for Multi-Resolution 3D Meshes

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    We present an innovative system to encode and transmit textured multi-resolution 3D meshes in a progressive way, with no need to send several texture images, one for each mesh LOD (Level Of Detail). All texture LODs are created from the finest one (associated to the finest mesh), but can be re- constructed progressively from the coarsest thanks to refinement images calculated in the encoding process, and transmitted only if needed. This allows us to adjust the LOD/quality of both 3D mesh and texture according to the rendering power of the device that will display them, and to the network capacity. Additionally, we achieve big savings in data transmission by avoiding altogether texture coordinates, which are generated automatically thanks to an unwrapping system agreed upon by both encoder and decoder

    Considerations sur le contenu de spécialité qui caractérise les systÚmes du droit pénal des adolescents

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    El artículo revisa los diversos sistemas que han sido implementados en el contexto occidental para el tratamiento en la comisión de delitos cometidos por parte de adolescentes. Se revisarán las principales características del denominado modelo clásico (o del discernimiento), del modelo tutelar (o de la situación irregular) y del llamado modelo educativo, para asumir una breve caracterización del modelo de responsabilidad especial, que es el que actualmente se promueve desde los instrumentos internacionales referidos a la materia, que ofrece modalidades satisfactorias.The article reviews the various systems that have been implemented in the Occidental context for treatment in the commission of crimes committed by adolescents. The main features of the so called classical (or discernment), model, protective model (or the irregular situation model), and the so-called educational model will be reviewed, in order to take a brief special responsibility model characterization , which is currently being promoted from internationalinstruments referrals to the subject, model that offers satisfactory arrangements.La chronique analyse différents systèmes qui ont été mise en pratique dans le contexte occidental pour le traitement dans l’exécution de délits comis pour adolescents. On envisage l’analyse des caracteristiques principales du nommé modêle classique (ou du discerniment), du môdele tuttelaire (ou de la situation irrégulière) et du môdele connu sous le nom éducatif, pour mettre en place une briève caracterisation du môdele de la responsabilité spéciale dont on peut conclure il s’agit du môdele promu actuellement par les instruments internationaux dans ce domaine, qui offre modalités satisfaisantes

    ITEM: Inter-Texture Error Measurement for 3D Meshes

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    We introduce a simple and innovative method to compare any two texture maps, regardless of their sizes, aspect ratios, or even masks, as long as they are both meant to be mapped onto the same 3D mesh. Our system is based on a zero-distortion 3D mesh unwrapping technique which compares two new adapted texture atlases with the same mask but different texel colors, and whose every texel covers the same area in 3D. Once these adapted atlases are created, we measure their difference with ITEM-RMSE, a slightly modified version of the standard RMSE defined for images. ITEM-RMSE is more meaningful and reliable than RMSE because it only takes into account the texels inside the mask, since they are the only ones that will actually be used during rendering. Our method is not only very useful to compare the space efficiency of different texture atlas generation algorithms, but also to quantify texture loss in compression schemes for multi-resolution textured 3D meshes

    An alternative globaldialogue: The creation of active literary spaces as a means of political resistance in the short narrative of the twenty-first century

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    Tesis doctoral inĂ©dita leĂ­da en la Universidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid, Facultad de FilosofĂ­a y Letras, Departamento de FilologĂ­a Inglesa. Fecha de lectura: 24-06-2020Esta tesis doctoral se centra en estudiar la representaciĂłn de voces resistentes en el relato breve del siglo veintiuno, asĂ­ como en el anĂĄlisis de los mecanismos que estas emplean para la formaciĂłn de espacios alternativos de resistencia en la literatura. Dichas voces literarias (encarnadas por narradores en primera persona o personajes en las historias), se sirven de estos espacios literarios activos para lograr la construcciĂłn de sus identidades al margen de las imposiciones provenientes de ideologĂ­as dominantes. BasĂĄndome en el concepto de “espacios activos” de Doreen Massey (1995), defino estos espacios literarios activos como un lugar de resistencia que nace en la narraciĂłn, caracterizado por su liminalidad, su naturaleza dinĂĄmica, y desde el que un individuo puede adquirir libertad de agencia. Dado que la negociaciĂłn de una identidad subcultural dentro de un orden hegemĂłnico necesita de un espacio (Hall 1986) y que nuestras identidades son inherentemente territoriales (Agnew 2008), postulo que estos espacios literarios permiten expresar puntos de vista alternativos basados en las experiencias propias de personajes y narradores, con el objetivo de resistir contra actitudes fundamentalistas relativas al racismo, sexismo, homofobia, conductas xenĂłfobas y desigualdades socialesThis Ph. D dissertation focuses on the depiction of resistant voices in the short narrative of the twenty-first century, and it analyzes the mechanisms that they use for the creation of alternative spaces at a narrative level. Such literary voices (in the form of first person narrators or characters in the stories), employ these active literary spaces in order to achieve the construction of their identities aside from dominant ideological impositions. Basing myself on Doreen Massey’s concept of “active spaces” (1995), I define these literary spaces as a resistance place that emerge from the narrative, characterized by its liminality, dynamism, and from where an individual can acquire a critical voice and agency. Given that the negotiation of a subcultural identity within a hegemonic order needs to win a space (Hall 1986), and that our identities are inherently territorial (Agnew 2008), I postulate that these narrative spaces allow the literary voices to express alternative points of view, based on the narrators’ and characters’ personal experiences, with the purpose of resisting against fundamentalist attitudes concerning racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and social inequalitie

    El amor transnacional como arma contra el sistema fronterizo estatal en “La espesura de la noche”, de CĂ©sar Mba A. Abogo y “Una camarera (expatriada a cualquier lugar del mundo)” de Lien Carrazana

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    The short stories “En la espesura de la noche” (2010) and “Una camarera (expatriada a cualquier lugar del mundo)” (2011) depict the feeling of imprisonment that first-person narrators experience within the rigid borders of Equatorial Guinea and Cuba, respectively, and how they overcome this territorial oppression by loving a woman who dwells beyond the national borders they are unable to trespass. Bearing in mind that the love towards nation-states constitutes a way of perpetuating a nationalist ideology and the reinforcement of national borders over individual free agency (Morrison et al., 2021: 514), this article examines how, in both narratives, the exaltation of a transnational love over that of the nation challenges these nation-state’s “unique discourse,” based on the binary border thinking of inside/outside and us/them, in favor of individual agency and a more transnational way of understanding the world

    The underlying social dynamics of paradigm shifts

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    We develop here a multi-agent model of the creation of knowledge (scientific progress or technological evolution) within a community of researchers devoted to such endeavors. In the proposed model, agents learn in a physical-technological landscape, and weight is attached to both individual search and social influence. We find that the combination of these two forces together with random experimentation can account for both i) marginal change, that is, periods of normal science or refinements on the performance of a given technology (and in which the community stays in the neighborhood of the current paradigm); and ii) radical change, which takes the form of scientific paradigm shifts (or discontinuities in the structure of performance of a technology) that is observed as a swift migration of the knowledge community towards the new and superior paradigm. The efficiency of the search process is heavily dependent on the weight that agents posit on social influence. The occurrence of a paradigm shift becomes more likely when each member of the community attaches a small but positive weight to the experience of his/her peers. For this parameter region, nevertheless, a conservative force is exerted by the representatives of the current paradigm. However, social influence is not strong enough to seriously hamper individual discovery, and can act so as to empower successful individual pioneers who have conquered the new and superior paradigm.Fil: Rodriguez Sickert, Carlos. Universidad del Desarrollo; ChileFil: Cosmelli, Diego. Pontificia Universidad CatĂłlica de Chile; ChileFil: Claro, Francisco. Pontificia Universidad CatĂłlica de Chile; ChileFil: Fuentes, Miguel Angel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Universidad San SebastiĂĄn; Chil
