2,387 research outputs found

    Comparison of 7 culture methods for Salmonella serovar Enteritidis and Salmonella serovar Typhimurium isolation in poultry feces

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    The present work compared 7 different culture methods and 3 selective-differential plating media for Salmonella ser. Enteritidis (SE) and S. Ser. Typhimurium (ST) isolation using artificially contaminated poultry feces. The sensitivity (Se) and accuracy (AC) values increased when Modified Semisolid Rappaport Vassiliadis (MSRV) methods were used in place of the Tetrathionate (TT) or Tetrathionate Hajna broth (TTH) method in the enrichment step. However, there was no significant difference between the pre-enrichment incubation at 4 to 6 and 18 to 24 h for MSRV5 and MSRV24 methods, respectively. All Salmonella strains were recovered in the lowest dilutions tested for MSRV24 and 3 out of 4 for MSRV5 methods (2 to 10 cfu/25 g). The TT and TTH methods showed a detection limit between 2.2 × 101 and 1.0 × 106 cfu/25 g of fecal sample. The agreement was variable between the methods. However, there was a very good agreement between the MSRV5 and MSRV24 methods, and between tetrathionate direct (TTD, no pre-enrichment media used) and buffered peptone water 18 to 24 h Tetrathionate broth combination (TT24 method) for Salmonella strains. The 3 selective-differential plating media showed an agreement between fair and excellent. They performed a high Se and AC in the MSRV methods for Salmonella strains. There was a significant difference between center and periphery for MSRV methods, and there was a fair agreement between them for all strains. The MSRV methods are better than TT/TTH methods for the isolation of different strains of SE and ST in poultry fecal samples. The MSRV5 method can be used to reduce the time for the detection of SE and ST in these samples. Furthermore, a loopful of the periphery of the growth should be streaked onto differential-selective plating media, even in the absence of halo, to decrease the number of false negative results.Fil: Rodríguez, Francisco Isabelino. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Entre Rios. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Parana. Grupo D/genética, Mejoram. y Biotecnología Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Entre Rios. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay. Laboratorio de Sanidad Aviar; ArgentinaFil: Procura, Francisco. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Entre Rios. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay. Laboratorio de Sanidad Aviar; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Entre Rios. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Parana. Grupo D/genética, Mejoram. y Biotecnología Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bueno, Dante Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Entre Rios. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Parana. Grupo D/genética, Mejoram. y Biotecnología Vegetal; Argentina. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos; Argentin

    A study of set-sharing analysis via cliques

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    We study the problem of efficient, scalable set-sharing analysis of logic programs. We use the idea of representing sharing information as a pair of abstract substitutions, one of which is a worst-case sharing representation called a clique set, which was previously proposed for the case of inferring pair-sharing. We use the clique-set representation for (1) inferring actual set-sharing information, and (2) analysis within a top-down framework. In particular, we define the abstract functions required by standard top-down analyses, both for sharing alone and also for the case of including freeness in addition to sharing. Our experimental evaluation supports the conclusion that, for inferring set-sharing, as it was the case for inferring pair-sharing, precision losses are limited, while useful efficiency gains are obtained. At the limit, the clique-set representation allowed analyzing some programs that exceeded memory capacity using classical sharing representations.Comment: 15 pages, 0 figure

    Policía judicial y menores

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    [ES] Tras precisar qué se entiende por Policía Judicial y cuáles son sus funciones básicas, se explica el contenido del término “menores” y se ofrecen las líneas generales sobre actuaciones que, desde la perspectiva del ordenamiento jurídico español, tiene que desarrollar la Policía Judicial, su intervención en el proceso penal, su dependencia funcional y su actuación respecto a los menores de edad, junto con determinadas propuestas que permitirían perfeccionar el sistema.[EU] Epai Polizia zer den eta haren oinarrizko eginkizunak zeintzuk diren zehaztu ondoren, “adingabekoak” hitzaren esanahia azaltzen da eta Espainiako lege antolamenduaren ikuspegitik Epai Poliziak egin behar dituen jarduketen berri orokorra ematen da. Zigor prozesuan nola esku hartu behar duen, zein menpekotasun funtzional dituen eta adingabekoei buruz nola jokatu behar duen azaltzen da, eta sistema hobetuko luketen neurri batzuk proposatzen dira.[FR] Une fois déterminé le concept de Police Judiciaire et ses fonctions essentielles, l’auteur expose le contenu du terme “mineurs” et nous offre les grandes lignes d’action que la Police Judiciare doit developper d’après le règlement juridique espagnol: son intervention dans la procédure pénale, son indépendance fonctionnelle et son actuation par rapport aux mineurs, ainsi que certaines propositions qui permettraient de perfectionner le système.[EN] After specifing what can be understood by Judicial Police and which are its basic functions, it is explained the contents of the term “minors”, and, from the perspective of the juridical spanish orderment, general lines about actions taht Judicial Police has to develop, its intervention in the penal process, its functional dependence and its action respect to minors, are offered together with some proposals that would permit to improve the system

    El anteproyecto de Ley Orgánica reguladora de la justicia de menores elaborado por el Ministerio de Justicia

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    [ES] Las disposiciones que han estado vigentes en España sobre el tratamiento de los menores delincuentes no han obtenido los resultados esperados. La necesidad de promulgar una Ley reguladora de la Justicia de Menores, de cara a conseguir su recuperación social, ha desembocado en un Anteproyecto aprobado por el Consejo de Ministros el 4 de julio de 1997. Anteproyecto, cuyas líneas generales se exponen, centrándose en los aspectos sustantivos, orgánicos y procesales, así como en sus principios generales.[EU] Espainian adingabeko delitugileen tratamenduari dagokionean indarrean izan diren xedapenek ez dituzte uste ziren emaitzak eskuratu. Adingabekoen Justiziari buruzko Legea egiteko beharrizana, hau da, horien gizarteratzea eskuratzearen ondoreetarako, 1997ko uztailaren 4ko Ministroen Kontseiluan onetsi den Aurreproiektuan gauzatu da. Aurreproiektu horren gidalerro orokorrak alderdi sustantibo, organiko eta auzibidezkoetan azaltzen dira, baita oinarri orokorretan ere.[FR] Les dispositions qui ont été en vigueur en Espagne par rapport au traitement des mineurs délinquants n’ont pas rendu les résultats attendus. Le besoin de promulguer une Loi régulatrice de Justice de Mineurs, à fin d’atteindre leur récuperation sociale, a abouiti à un avant-projet aprouvé par le Conseil de Ministres le 4 juillet 1997. Les traces principales de cet avant-projet sont ici exposées, remarquant ses aspects substantifs, organiques et de procédure ainsi que ses principes généraux.[EN] The dispositions about the treatment of young offenders that have been in force in Spain have not obtained the expected effects. The need of promulgating a Regulating Law of a Justice to Minors with a view to manage their social recuperation has leaded to a Bill approved by the Council of Ministers, july 4, 1997. Bill, which general lines are exposed, centering in the substantive and procedural aspects, as well as in its general principles

    A Framework for Verification and Debugging of Resource Usage Properties

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    We present a framework for (static) verification of general resource usage program properties. The framework extends the criteria of correctness as the conformance of a program to a specification expressing non-functional global properties, such as upper and lower bounds on execution time, memory, energy, or user defined resources, given as functions on input data sizes. A given specification can include both lower and upper bound resource usage functions, i.e., it can express intervals where the resource usage is supposed to be included in. We have defined an abstract semantics for resource usage properties and operations to compare the (approximated) intended semantics of a program (i.e., the specification) with approximated semantics inferred by static analysis. These operations include the comparison of arithmetic functions (e.g., polynomial, exponential or logarithmic functions). A novel aspect of our framework is that the static checking of assertions generates answers that include conditions under which a given specification can be proved or disproved. For example, these conditions can express intervals of input data sizes such that a given specification can be proved for some intervals but disproved for others. We have implemented our techniques within the Ciao/CiaoPP system in a natural way, so that the novel resource usage verification blends in with the CiaoPP framework that unifies static verification and static debugging (as well as run-time verification and unit testing)

    Changes in Earth Cover and Relations with the Equation Universal Soil Losses in Basin of the Western Plateau of Sao Paulo

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    The expansion of sugarcane crop in watersheds located in the regions of Marilia and Presidente Prudente in the interior of S o Paulo by replacing degraded pastures is altering soil cover and influencing erosive processes This article aims to analyze the land cover changes in the basin of Confusion s stream and relate to the parameters of the factors of the Universal Soil Loss Equation The land cover charts were generated with images of CBERS s satellite dated 2009 and 2018 by supervised classification The areas of the land cover classes were related to factor C of the USLE and data estimates of secondary sources of erosivity factor R erodibility factor K and topographic factor with the data of slope LS From these parameters an estimate of soil loss was presented for the basin of Confusion s stream The soil loss in the basin of Confusion s stream was estimated by 2018 data at 2 484 t ha

    Concomitancias entre la pintura de Salvador Soria Zapater y la musica de Francisco Llacer Pla: Espacios sugerentes

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    El artículo, tras introducirnos brevemente en las figuras de Salvador Soria Zapater y de Francisco Llacer Pla, nos da las claves de la obra "Espacios sugerentes", opus 43 de Francisco Llacer Pla, inspirada en la homonima de Salvador Soria. (F.D.

    Entomopathogenic fungi from Algarve region (Portugal): studies on their natural occurrence in the soil and multitrophic interactions that shape their biocontrol potential

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    The entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) are well-known beneficial soil organisms naturally occurring in the soil. Learning about their natural distribution in representative habitats and their interactions with other soil organisms can establish the best ecological scenario for the activity as biocontrol agents. Also, the co-formulation of two entomopathogens with plant-based products can be an affordable approach for farmers. With the Algarve region (Portugal) as a research frame, the objectives of this PhD thesis were: (1) to investigate the natural distribution of EPF in soils from the Algarve in four habitats (oak, pines, palmettoes, and citrus groves) and two soil eco-regions (calcareous and noncalcareous), (2) to evaluate whether the presence of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) or/and nematophagous fungi (NF) can affect the biocontrol potential of EPF, and (3) to investigate the impact of plant-based oil adjuvants on biocontrol activity of single or combined EPF and EPN, and the impact of time and temperature in the EPN survival and activity. Firstly, we combined three isolation methods (fresh soil, dry soil, and selective media) to investigate the natural EPF distribution in the Algarve, using traditional and molecular tools for the identification. We established the assemblage of the EPF with the soil properties and EPN by using multivariate analysis. Second, we investigated the multitrophic interactions in single (EPF, EPN, NF), dual (EPN+EPF, EPF+NF, EPN+NF) and triple (EPN+EPF+NF) combinations of one EPF (Beauveria bassiana), one EPN (Steinernema feltiae), and two NF (Arthrobotrys musiformis and Purpureocillium lilacinum). Three different fungal applications (contact with mycelia, immersion, and injection) simulated different timing of fungal arrival. Also, we evaluated the interaction in the mycelia growth between EPF and NF species. We tested the impact on biocontrol of two plant-based oils (coconut and olive oils) when combined the EPF B. bassiana and the EPN Steinernema colombiense. Also, the viability and virulence of EPN incubated at five temperatures (4, 8, 14, 20, and 24°C) and five incubation times (1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 days) with both plant-based adjuvants was also evaluated. The distribution of EPF in the Algarve region was not driven by botanical group or by ecoregion (calcareous versus non-calcareous). Five EPF species were identified, with B. bassiana as the dominant EPF (34% of the localities), followed by Fusarium solani (26%), and F. oxysporum (14%), both reported as EPF for the first time in Portugal. The species P. lilacinus (8%) and Metarhizium anisopliae (2%) were minority. Soil pH, organic matter, and Mg content explained most of the variability of the EPF community and EPN species-specific distribution. Second, we observed that EPF B. bassiana limited both NF species growth and viceversa. The EPF B. bassiana dominated triple-interaction when mycelia were exposed. The EPN S. feltiae dominated the triple-interaction in immersion exposure. The NF A. musiformis caused larval mortality if vectored inside the host. Finally, the plant-based oils tested wer compatible with the EPF and EPN. The combination of EPN+EPF produced an additive effect. EPN survival was higher in coconut than olive oil and water mixtures up to 7 days at 4ºC. Moreover, olive oil supported higher larval mortality caused by EPN than coconut oil at 4-20ºC and 14 days. Overall, this thesis provides new insights on the interactions occuring in the soil that can modulate their activity of EPF as biological control agents.Os fungos entomopatogénicos (EPF) são organismos benéficos e bem conhecidos de ocorrência natural no solo. Estudar a sua distribuição natural em habitats representativos e as suas interações com outros organismos do solo pode estabelecer um melhor cenário ecológico para a atividade como agentes de biocontrolo. Além disso, a co-formulação de dois fungos entomopatogénicos com produtos à base de plantas pode ser uma abordagem acessível para os agricultores. Tendo a região do Algarve (Portugal) como quadro de investigação, os objetivos desta tese de doutoramento foram: (1) investigar a distribuição natural dos EPF em solos do Algarve em quatro habitats (carvalho, pinheiro, palmeira anã e citrinos) e duas ecorregiões de solo (calcário e não calcário), (2) avaliar se a presença de nemátodes entomopatogénicos (EPN) ou/e fungos nematófagos (NF) pode afetar o potencial biocontrolo dos EPF, e (3) investigar o impacto na atividade de biocontrole dos EPF de adjuvantes de óleo à base de plantas, EPF e EPN individual ou em combinação, e o impacto do tempo e da temperatura na sobrevivência e atividade da EPN. Em primeiro lugar, combinámos três métodos de isolamento (solo fresco, solo seco e meios selectivos) para investigar a distribuição natural dos EPF no Algarve, utilizando ferramentas tradicionais e moleculares para a identificação. Estabelecemos a relação dos EPF com as propriedades do solo e dos EPN por meio de análise multivariada. Em segundo lugar, investigamos a interações multitróficas em combinações simples (EPF, EPN, NF), duplas (EPN + EPF, EPF + NF, EPN + NF) e triplas (EPN + EPF + NF) de um EPF (Beauveria bassiana), um EPN (Steinernema feltiae) e dois NF (Arthrobotrys musiformis e Purpureocillium lilacinum). Três aplicações diferentes de fungos (contacto com micélios, imersão e injeção) simularam tempos diferentes de chegada do fungo. Além disso, avaliamos a interação no crescimento de micélios entre espécies de EPF e NF. Testamos o impacto de dois óleos vegetais (óleo de coco e azeite) no biocontrolo, quando combinados o EPF B. bassiana e o EPN Steinernema colombiense. Além disso, foi também avaliada a viabilidade e virulência do EPN incubado a cinco temperaturas (4, 8, 14, 20 e 24 ° C) e cinco tempos de incubação (1, 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias) com ambos os adjuvantes à base de plantas. A distribuição dos EPF na região do Algarve não foi determinada por grupo botânico ou ecorregião (calcário versus não calcário). Foram identificadas cinco espécies de EPF, sendo B. bassiana o EPF dominante (34% das localidades), seguida de Fusarium solani (26%) e F. oxysporum (14%), ambas reportadas como EPF pela primeira vez em Portugal. As espécies P. lilacinus (8%) e Metarhizium anisopliae (2%) foram as menos representadas. O pH do solo, a matéria orgânica e o conteúdo de Mg explicaram a maior parte da variabilidade da comunidade dos EPF e da distribuição específica das espécies dos EPN. Em segundo lugar, observámos que o EPF B. bassiana limitou o crescimento das espécies de NF e viceversa. O EPF B. bassiana dominou a interação tripla aquando da exposição dos micélios. O EPN S. feltiae dominou a interação tripla na exposição por imersão. O NF A. musiformis causou mortalidade larval quando introduzido dentro do hospedeiro. Finalmente, os óleos vegetais testados foram compatíveis com os EPF e EPN. A combinação de EPN + EPF produziu um efeito aditivo. A sobrevivência de EPN foi maior em misturas de coco do que de azeite e água por até 7 dias a 4ºC. Além disso, o azeite suportou maior mortalidade larval causada por EPN do que o óleo de coco a 4-20ºC e 14 dias. No geral, esta tese fornece novas perspetivas sobre as interações que ocorrem no solo, as quais podem modular a atividade dos EPF como agentes de controlo biológico

    User acceptance of open enterprise solution: the OSS-ERP case

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    Organizations implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with the objective of reaching operational efficiency and the incorporation to new markets through the information flow control on time of the entire organization. However, ERP systems are complex tools, mainly for the small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). For these reason, new ERP configurations have arisen for SMEs such as Open Source Software-ERP (OSS-ERP). OSS-ERP is a research topic barely analyzed by the literature. Specifically, this paper’s aim is to focus on the OSS-ERP users’ acceptance and use. The authors have developed a research model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for testing the users’ behavior toward OSS-ERP.Las organizaciones implantan Sistemas Integrados de Gestión (ERP, acrónimo de Enterprise Resource Planning) con el objetivo de alcanzar eficiencias operativas y la incorporación a nuevos mercados mediante un mayor control del flujo de información de toda la empresa a tiempo real. Sin embargo, los sistemas ERP son herramientas complejas, principalmente la pequeña y mediana empresa (PYME). Por esta razón, están surgiendo nuevas configuraciones de sistemas ERP para PYME como los sistemas ERP de código abierto (OSS-ERP). OSS-ERP es un tópico de investigación escasamente analizado en la literatura. Concretamente, este artículo se centra en el y aceptación de los usuarios a los sistemas OSS-ERP. Los autores han desarrollado un modelo de investigación basado en Metamodelo de Aceptación de la Tecnología (TAM) para testar el comportamiento de los usuarios hacia los sistemas OSS-ERP