46 research outputs found

    "A Metamorfose da estudante-professora no casulo COVID-19"

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    O presente documento surge no final do Estágio Profissional (EP), unidade curricular inserida no 2º Ciclo em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, da Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto (FADEUP). Este ciclo de formação decorreu na Escola Básica e Secundária D. Dinis (EBSDD), em Santo Tirso, com um núcleo de estágio (NE) composto por três alunos e uma professora cooperante (PC)que lecionaram uma turma de ensino profissional. Este relatório retrata toda a experiência vivida ao longo do processo de estágio, bem como as dificuldades sentidas e as estratégias utilizadas para colmatar as adversidades presentes neste ano letivo. O trajeto que me irá permitir alcançar o almejado objetivo a que me propus: ser Professora de Educação Física foi relatado ao longo deste documento que se encontra dividido em oito capítulos. No primeiro capítulo referente à Introdução, onde contextualizo e afirmo a pertinência deste documento bem como os principais objetivos do mesmo. No capítulo seguinte, faço alusão à minha "Metamorfose Pessoal" onde discorro acerca das etapas mais importantes ao longo da minha vida que me permitirem ingressar primeiro na área do desporto e posteriormente especializar-me na docência. O terceiro capítulo retrata o "Casulo Institucional" e caracteriza a comunidade escolar assim como todo o meio envolvente e a turma residente. De seguida, surge o "Crescimento Profissional da Borboleta" que enquadra a minha prática profissional e que se encontra dividido em três áreas, nomeadamente, a área de organização e gestão do ensino aprendizagem que inclui as componentes fundamentais no processo de ensino- aprendizagem. Nesta área 1 destaco as temáticas relacionadas com o choque com a realidade, o ensino profissional bem como o ensino à distância devido à importância e pertinências destes conteúdos ao longo desta metamorfose. No que concerne à área 2 esta diz respeito à participação na escola e as relações com a comunidade onde apresento todas as atividades não letivas nas quais estive envolvida. Por último a área 3, de desenvolvimento profissional, que se concretiza com a realização do estudo sobre o impacto da pandemia na realização de aulas práticas de Educação Física. Por fim, apresento algumas considerações finais acerca do meu percurso neste ano de estágio.ABSTRACT This text is presented at the end of the Professional Internship (EP), a curricular unit included in the Masters' in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and Secondary Education, at the Faculty of Sport of the University of Porto (FADEUP). The EP took place at the D. Dinis School for Basic and Secondary Education (EBSDD), in Santo Tirso, with an internship nucleus (NE) composed of three students and a cooperating teacher/mentor (PC) who taught an class of professional education. This report describes the entire experience lived throughout the internship process, as well as the difficulties felt and the strategies used to overcome the adversities encountered during this academic year. The path that will allow me to reach the desired goal I set myself: to be a Physical Education Teacher was reported throughout this document, which is divided into eight chapters. In the first chapter referring to the Introduction, where I contextualize and affirm the relevance of this document as well as its main objectives. In the next chapter, I allude to my "Personal Metamorphosis" where I talk about the most important stages in my life that will allow me to first enter the field of sport and later specialize in teaching. The third chapter portrays the "Institutional Cocoon" and characterizes the school community as well as the entire environment and the resident class. Then comes the "Professional Growth of Butterfly", which frames my professional practice and is divided into three areas, namely, the area of organization and management of teaching-learning, which includes the fundamental components of the teaching-learning process. In this area 1, I highlight the themes related to the shock with reality, professional education as well as distance education due to the importance and relevance of these contents throughout this metamorphosis. With regard to area 2, this concerns participation in the school and relations with the community where I present all the non-teaching activities in which I was involved. Finally, area 3, professional development, which is materialized with a study on the impact of the pandemic on the realization of practical classes in Physical Education. Finally, I present some final considerations about my path in this internship year

    Perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge toward advance directives: a scoping review

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    Background: Advance directives are an expression of a person’s autonomy regarding end-of-life care. Several studies have shown that the level of completion in countries where advance directives are legalised is low. To better understand this phenomenon, it is important to know the perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge that the population has about this instrument. The aim of this article was to explore a population’s perceptions and/or attitudes and/or knowledge toward advance directives. (2) Methods: A search was conducted in March 2023 in the ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, and PubMed databases using the following keywords: “advance care directives”, “advance care planning”, “perceptions”, “attitudes”, and “knowledge”. Two hundred and twentyfour (224) articles were identified, and thirteen (13) were included for analysis. (3) Results: The selected articles point to a low level of knowledge toward advance directives: they recognise a strong positive attitude of the population toward the implementation of advance directives but a low level of achievement. (4) Conclusions: Studies on perceptions/attitudes/knowledge toward advance directives are important to understand the real needs of the population regarding this issue and to implement more adequate and effective promotion and dissemination measures

    Perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge toward advance directives

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    Publicado na plataforma "Encyclopedia"Advance directives are an expression of a person’s autonomy regarding end-of-life care. An advance directive (AD) is a tool that enables the exercise of prospective autonomy. It serves as instructions for the care a person wishes to receive or refuses in the event they become incapable of expressing their preferences at the end of life

    Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the European Portuguese version of the heartland forgiveness scale

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    Background Forgiveness is linked with well-being, and social and health research has focused on the role and aspects of forgiveness that has been recently suggested as a phenomenon of public health importance. The Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS) was developed gathering three subscales to assess the forgiveness of others, forgiveness of self, and forgiveness of situation. The present study aimed to adapt the HFS into European Portuguese, and investigate its reliability and validity. Methods Translation and cross-cultural adaptation were conducted using a multistep forward-back translation process. Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to verify that the factor structure is the same as in the original HFS. The short version of the Ruminative Response Scale (RRS) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were used to examine convergent validity. Results A sample of 222 university students, selected through convenience sampling, was used to access the validity of the European Portuguese version of the HFS (EPHFS). Cronbach’s alpha for the European Portuguese HFS subscales were 0.777, 0.814 and 0.816 for Self, Others and Situation, respectively, indicating acceptable reliability. The 3-factor model of the original HFS was replicated in confirmatory factor analysis. As expected by evidence in the literature, positive and statistically significant correlations were found between SWLS and HFS and subscales. RRS showed negative and statistically significant correlations with HFS and subscales. Conclusions The European Portuguese version of the HFS presented acceptable internal consistency, construct validity and confirmed the three-factor structure of the original HFS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The hammock: a reservoir of allergens

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    INTRODUCTION: Asthma affects approximately 10% of the world's population. Sensitization to allergens is an important risk factor, and exposure to allergens is associated with disease severity. METHODS: We performed skin tests to evaluate allergen sensitization to mites, cockroaches, cats, dogs, and molds in 73 asthmatic patients. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay was used to assay the mite and cockroach allergens found in dust from the bedding, hammocks, bedroom floors, living rooms, and kitchens of 29 patients and 14 controls. RESULTS: Fifty patients (68.5%) had positive skin test responses. There were positive responses to D. pteronyssinus (52.0%), B. tropicalis (53.4%), T. putrescentiae (15.0%), E. maynei (12.3%), L. destructor (8.2%), B. germanica (20.5%), P. americana (21.9%), Felis catus (10.9%), C. herbarium (2.7%), A. alternata (4.1%), and P. notatun (1.3%). The exposure to mite and cockroach allergens was similar in the patients and the controls. The Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Group 1 levels were highest in the beds and hammocks. The Blattella germanica Group 1 levels were highest in the kitchens, living rooms and hammocks. DISCUSSION: The positive skin tests to mites, cockroaches and cats were consistent with previous studies. D pteronyssinus was the most prevalent home dust mite, and hammocks were a source of allergens. To improve asthma prophylaxis, it is important to determine its association with mite allergen exposure in hammocks

    Revista Comunicando

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    Editores/as: Bianca Persici Toniolo (LabCom - Comunicação e Artes, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal); Élmano Ricarte (Instituto de Comunicação da NOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal); Lénia Rego (Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho, Portugal); Francisca Amorim (LabCom - Comunicação e Artes, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal); Elizângela Costa de Carvalho Noronha (NOVA Institute of Communication, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal) Apoio Editorial: Marisa Mourão (Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho, Portugal); Mateus Luan Dellarmelin (Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho, Portugal); Fábio Jardelino (LabCom - Comunicação e Artes, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Service rendered to parturient at a university hospital

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    Objective: To investigate the quality of care offered to pregnant woman in a maternity ward. Method: This is a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach and basic and applied nature conducted through interviews with mothers. The sample was through the saturation of the collected data was used to thematic analysis. Results: It was observed that most of the women in the age group between 20-29 years old have a partner; all have little education and low income. Most of them underwent normal deliveries and none of the users had completed their partograph during labor. Following categories emerged: Ease in attendance; Quality of care; Humanization of care; Pre-test counseling for HIV; Respect the right of patients to have a companion, and Right to Information. Conclusion: The concept of quality in health brought by those interviewed related the proper care with interpersonal issues, technical skills and adequate infrastructure


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    This descriptive, exploratory study aimed to devise a nursing care plan for women who had undergone mastectomy, in the promotion of self-care, based on analysis of the discourses of those who had received the surgery between January and August 2009. The research was grounded in Orem’s Theory, which guides nursing care at any stage of the patient’s life, whether in maintenance of well-being, recuperation of health, prevention of illness or rehabilitation. The following themes emerged from the discourses: Educative actions centered on self-care, Care centered on the needs of mastectomized women and in active listening involving the network of social support, and Group meetings: a facilitative strategy for personal coping. These permeate the guidance and the way of providing it for promoting self-care in the post-operative phase. In the study, the authors perceived the limitations on the women’s knowledge about the care to be taken in the peri-operative period.Este estudo descritivo e exploratório teve como objetivo elaborar plano de cuidados de enfermagem à mulheres mastectomizadas na promoção do autocuidado, tendo por base a análise dos discursos daquelas que foram submetidas à cirurgia de mastectomia entre janeiro e agosto de 2009. A pesquisa foi fundamentada na Teoria de Orem, a qual norteia a assistência de enfermagem em qualquer estágio da vida do paciente, seja na manutenção do bem estar, recuperação da saúde, prevenção de doença ou reabilitação. Dos discursos emergiram as categorias temáticas Ações educativas centradas no autocuidado, Assistência centrada nas necessidades da mulher mastectomizada e na escuta ativa envolvendo a rede de apoio social, e Reuniões grupais: estratégia facilitadora ao enfrentamento pessoal. Essas permearam as orientações e a forma de fornecê-las para a promoção do autocuidado no pós-operatório. No estudo pudemos perceber a limitação do conhecimento das mulheres acerca dos cuidados a serem tomados no perioperatório de mastectomia. Este estudio descriptivo y exploratorio tuvo como objetivo elaborar un plan de cuidados de Enfermería para las mujeres mastectomizadas en la promoción del autocuidado, con base en el análisis de los discursos de aquellas que fueron sometidas a la cirugia de mastectomía entre enero y agosto de 2009. La investigación fue fundamentada en la Teoría de Orem, la cual dirige la asistencia de Enfermería en cualquier estagio de la vida del paciente, sea en la manutención del bienestar, recuperación de la salud, prevención de enfermedad o rehabilitación. De los discursos, surgieron las categorías temáticas Acciones educativas centradas en el autocuidado, Asistencia centrada en las necesidades de la mujer mastectomizada y en la escucha activa con la red de apoyo social, y Reuniones de grupo: estrategia facilitadora para afrontamiento personal. Esas permearon las orientaciones y la forma de fornecerlas para la promoción del autocuidado en el posoperatorio. En el estudio fue posible percibir la limitación del conocimiento de las mujeres acerca de los cuidados necesarios en el perioperatorio de mastectomía

    The factibility of the protocol of dysphagia in palliative care (PADICUP) / A factibilidade do protocolo de disfagia nos cuidados paliativos (PADICUP)

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    Patients in Palliative Care (PC) represent a public whose demand is great for speech therapy, and because there is no standardized instrument for assessing the swallowing of people in COP, the Protocol for Evaluation of Dysphagia in Palliative Care (PADICUP) was elaborated. However, it had not been applied in patients. This study aimed to analyze the feasibility of PADICUP in patients of a palliative care clinic in the city of Belém, PA. A quantitative cross-sectional approach was carried out with 30 participants from April to October 2019. The data obtained in the evaluations through the protocol were organized in spreadsheets and submitted to the percentage and statistical analysis using the correlation of Pearson. Among the studied public, as the main complaints observed during screening were weight loss (97%), xerostomy (77%) and clearing during feeding (68%). Regarding the evaluation with PADICUP, only 77% of the patients were able to be evaluated with oral diet in some consistency, being oral transit time decreased, vocal quality altered, reduced laryngeal elevation, multiple swallowing and oral cavity residue, the most altered manifestations. Patients with PC present significant changes in swallowing and need a qualified and assertive speech therapy support, and PADICUP is a feasible instrument to be used for this purpose, since it covers the demands and needs of patients receiving this care

    Seaweed blends as a valuable source of polyunsaturated and healthy fats for nutritional and food applications

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    Seaweeds are considered healthy and sustainable food. Although their consumption is modest in Western countries, the demand for seaweed in food markets is increasing in Europe. Each seaweed species has unique nutritional and functional features. The preparation of blends, obtained by mixing several seaweeds species, allows the obtaining of maximum benefits and ingredients with single characteristics. In this work, five seaweed blends, commercially available and produced under organic conditions in Europe, were characterized. The proximal composition included contents of ash (20.28–28.68% DW), proteins (17.79–26.61% DW), lipids (0.55–1.50% DW), and total carbohydrates (39.47–47.37% DW). Fatty acid profiles were determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), allowing quantification of healthy fatty acids, namely n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and calculation of lipid quality indices. Each blend showed a characteristic PUFA content in the lipid pool (35.77–49.43% of total fatty acids) and the content in essential and healthy n-3 PUFA is highlighted. The atherogenicity (0.54–0.72) and thrombogenicity (0.23–0.45) indices evidenced a good nutritional value of lipid fractions. As nutritional and environmentally attractive products, the consumption of the studied seaweed blends can contribute to a healthy lifestyle