196 research outputs found

    Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Autosomal Dominant Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta, discussed in Baldridge et al. 2008 is an inherited bone fragility disorder with a wide range of clinical severity that in the majority of cases is caused by mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2, the genes that encode the two collagen type I alpha chains. Here we describe genotype-phenotype correlations in OI patients who have mutations affecting collagen type I. This paper is based on findings in a large single-centre OI population and a review of the literature

    From pediatric to adult care: strategic evaluation of a transition program for patients with osteogenesis imperfecta

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    BACKGROUND: Achieving a successful transition from pediatric to adult care for young adults with special needs, especially rare genetic diseases such as osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), is a prominent issue in healthcare research. This transition represents a challenge for patients with OI, their families, clinicians and healthcare managers because of the complex nature of the process and the lack of evaluation of existing transition programs. We evaluated a transition program for adolescents and young adults with OI from a pediatric orthopedic hospital to adult care. METHODS: Data were collected by interview, observation, and document review from April 2013 to October 2013. Participants included six patients with OI, four parents, and 15 staff, including administrators, coordinators, social workers, nurses, pediatricians, surgeons, occupational therapists and physiotherapists. A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis was performed. RESULTS: The strengths of the transition program included a solid theoretical approach based on a partnership with parents, and a comprehensive transition model based on fostering independent living and professional integration. The program’s main weaknesses were the successive organizational changes and discontinuation of certain transition activities, and the potential conflict between the transition program and participation in research protocols. Further opportunities include the implementation of a multi-site transition model with cross-site personnel and user evaluations, with the inclusion of second-generation patients. Dissatisfaction reported by some care-team members at the adult care hospital could threaten collaboration among institutions involved in the transition process, whereas dissatisfaction of some former patients may reduce their perceptions of quality of care received during the transition. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed that a “one-size-fits-all” transition model for patients with OI would be inappropriate across, or even within institutions. Opportunities should be seized to create tailored, theoretically-sound transition programs that reflect patient preferences, especially those of young adults with complex and chronic health conditions. Alignment with other organizational activities should be considered, and ongoing evaluation of transition programming may be required. This SWOT analysis and utilization-focused evaluation has led to a comprehensive new project to improve the transition program for patients with OI and other conditions requiring special follow-up

    Deleting death and dialysis: Conservative care of cardio-vascular risk and kidney function loss in chronic kidney disease (CKD)

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    The uremic syndrome, which is the clinical expression of chronic kidney disease (CKD), is a complex amalgam of accelerated aging and organ dysfunctions, whereby cardio-vascular disease plays a capital role. In this narrative review, we offer a summary of the current conservative (medical) treatment options for cardio-vascular and overall morbidity and mortality risk in CKD. Since the progression of CKD is also associated with a higher cardio-vascular risk, we summarize the interventions that may prevent the progression of CKD as well. We pay attention to established therapies, as well as to novel promising options. Approaches that have been considered are not limited to pharmacological approaches but take into account lifestyle measures and diet as well. We took as many randomized controlled hard endpoint outcome trials as possible into account, although observational studies and post hoc analyses were included where appropriate. We also considered health economic aspects. Based on this information, we constructed comprehensive tables summarizing the available therapeutic options and the number and kind of studies (controlled or not, contradictory outcomes or not) with regard to each approach. Our review underscores the scarcity of well-designed large controlled trials in CKD. Nevertheless, based on the controlled and observational data, a therapeutic algorithm can be developed for this complex and multifactorial condition. It is likely that interventions should be aimed at targeting several modifiable factors simultaneously

    Étude démographique et généalogique de deux maladies héréditaires au Saguenay

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    La population du Saguenay est depuis longtemps reconnue pour l’ampleur des problèmes génétiques auxquels elle fait face. S’agissant en particulier de maladies récessives comme la tyrosinémie, l’ataxie de Friedreich (forme Charlevoix-Saguenay), le rachitisme ou l’agénésie du corps calleux, on a imputé les fortes incidences observées à divers facteurs comme les nombreux mariages consanguins, la stabilité de la population, un effet fondateur particulièrement accentué, un modèle particulier d’immigration, etc. Cependant, les analyses que nous avons commencé à réaliser à l’aide du fichier de population construit par SOREP obligent à réviser ces énoncés. La construction des généalogies par ordinateur et l’étude des comportements démographiques à l’aide de la reconstitution automatique des familles permettent en effet des analyses rétrospectives très approfondies et livrent des aperçus qui étaient hors de portée jusqu’à ce jour. L’enquête que nous rapportons ici revêt un caractère expérimental ; c'était la première fois que nous tentions une utilisation rigoureuse du fichier de population dans cette direction. Les résultats obtenus ont d’ores et déjà des retombées sur le conseil génétique et, en outre, ils modifient substantiellement notre perception de la dynamique démographique au Saguenay.The population of the Saguenay has long been known for the magnitude of the genetic problems it faces. In particular, since the problem is one of recessive illnesses such as tyrosinemia, Friedreich's ataxia (Charlevoix-Saguenay type), rickets or agenesis of corpus callosum, the strong observed effects have been ascribed to several factors such as the numerous mariages between blood relatives, the stability of the population, a particularly strong founder effect, a specific model of immigration, etc. However, the analysis we have begun to carry out with the aid of SOREP's population data base, forces us to revise these statements. The computer construction of genealogies and the study of demographic behaviour using automatic family reconstruction allow, indeed, for very thorough retrospective analyses, and deliver insights that, to this day, were out of reach. The survey on which we report is of an experimental nature; it was the first time we attempted a rigorous use of the population data base, for such purposes. The results obtained have already had an impact on underlying assumptions in the field of genetics, and moreover, they have substantially changed our perception of the demographic dynamics of the Saguenay.Hace tiempo que la población saguenayense es reputada por la envergadura de los problemas genéticos que enfrenta. Se trata particularmente de las enfermedades recesivas como la tirosinemia, la ataxia de Friedreich (tipo Charlevoix-Saguenay), el raquitismo o la agenesia del cuerpo calloso, cuya alta frecuencia se ha atribuido a diversos factores tales como el alto numero de uniones consanguíneas, la estabilidad de la población, un efecto "fundador" especialmente acentuado, un patrón particular de migración, etc. No obstante, los análisis que hemos comenzado a realizar gracias al archivo de población elaborado por SOREP (Sociedad de Investigaciones acerca de las Poblaciones), compelen a examinar de nuevo estos enunciados. La creación de genealogías por medio del computador y el estudio de los coiportamientos demográficos a través de la reconstitución automática de las familias, permiten elaborar análisis retrospectivos refinados que ofrecen una visión que antes estaba fuera de nuestro alcance. La investigación, de la cual damos cuenta en este articulo, es de carácter experimental; por primera ocasión intentamos el uso minucioso del archivo de población en este sentido. Los resultados obtenidos tienen ya su resonancia en la orientación que prodigan los genetistas, además de que modifican substancialmente nuestra percepción acerca de la dinámica demográfica del Saguenay

    Gut microbiota generation of protein-bound uremic toxins and related metabolites is not altered at different stages of chronic kidney disease see

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by accumulation of protein-bound uremic toxins such as p-cresyl sulfate, p-cresyl glucuronide, indoxyl sulfate and indole-3-acetic acid, which originate in the gut. Intestinal bacteria metabolize aromatic amino acids into p-cresol and indole, (further conjugated in the colon mucosa and liver) and indole-3-acetic acid. Here we measured fecal, plasma and urine metabolite concentrations; the contribution of gut bacterial generation to plasma protein-bound uremic toxins accumulation; and influx into the gut of circulating protein-bound uremic toxins at different stages of CKD. Feces, blood and urine were collected from 14 control individuals and 141 patients with CKD. Solutes were quantified by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography. To assess the rate of bacterial generation of p-cresol, indole and indole-3-acetic acid, fecal samples were cultured ex vivo. With CKD progression, an increase in protein-bound uremic toxins levels was observed in plasma, whereas the levels of these toxins and their precursors remained the same in feces and urine. Anaerobic culture of fecal samples showed no difference in ex vivo p-cresol, indole and indole-3-acetic acid generation. Therefore, differences in plasma protein-bound uremic toxins levels between different CKD stages cannot be explained by differences in bacterial generation rates in the gut, suggesting retention due to impaired kidney function as the main contributor to their increased plasma levels. Thus, as fractional clearance decreased with the progression of CKD, tubular clearance appeared to be more affected than the glomerular filtration rate, and there was no net increase in protein-bound uremic toxins influx into the gut lumen with increased plasma levels

    OR13-2 Burosumab Resulted in Greater Improvement in Rickets Than Conventional Therapy in Children with X-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH)

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    XLH is characterized by excess FGF23, hypophosphatemia, skeletal deformities, and growth impairment. For the last 40 years, XLH has been treated with multiple daily doses of oral phosphate and active vitamin D (Pi/D). Burosumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody to FGF23, has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of XLH in patients ≥1 year-old. In this Phase 3 trial (NCT02915705), 61 children with XLH (1-12 years old) were randomized (1:1) to receive subcutaneous burosumab starting at 0.8 mg/kg every 2 weeks or continue Pi/D titrated and individualized for each subject by investigators. Eligibility criteria included a Total Rickets Severity Score (RSS) ≥2.0 despite prior treatment with Pi/D (>7-day washout before baseline). The primary endpoint was healing of rickets at Week 40 assessed by radiologists blinded to treatment using the Radiographic Global Impression of Change (RGI-C). The mean ± SE daily oral phosphate dose from baseline to Week 40 was 37.8 ± 3.2 mg/kg, with >99% compliance reported based on days of dosing. Compared with Pi/D, 40 weeks of burosumab resulted in a greater LS mean ± SE increase in serum phosphorus (0.92 ± 0.08 vs 0.20 ± 0.06 mg/dL), TmP/GFR (1.19 ± 0.11 vs -0.16 ± 0.05 mg/dL), and 1,25(OH)2D (30 ± 4 vs 19 ± 4 pg/mL). At Week 40, rickets improved in both groups; RGI-C global score was significantly higher in burosumab subjects than in Pi/D subjects (LS mean ± SE: +1.9 ± 0.1 vs +0.8 ± 0.1; p<0.0001). More burosumab subjects had substantial healing (RGI-C ≥+2.0), compared with Pi/D subjects (21/29, 72% vs 2/32, 6%; odds ratio of 39.1, p<0.0001). Improvement in the RGI-C lower limb deformity score was greater with burosumab than with Pi/D (+0.62 ± 0.12 vs +0.21 ± 0.12; p=0.02). Alkaline phosphatase decreased more with burosumab compared with Pi/D (-131 ± 13 vs 35 ± 19; p<0.0001). Consistent with decreases in rickets severity, burosumab improved growth and mobility. Standing height Z-score increased by a LS mean change (95% CI) of +0.15 (0.05, 0.25) for burosumab and +0.08 (-0.02, 0.19) for Pi/D. The 6 Minute Walk Test percent predicted distance increased with burosumab (Baseline to Week 40: 62% to 72%) and was unchanged with Pi/D (76% to 75%). Nephrocalcinosis score (range 0-4) shifted 0 in 20 Pi/D and 24 burosumab subjects; +1 in 3 Pi/D and 0 burosumab subjects; and -1 in 3 Pi/D and 2 burosumab subjects. Pre-defined adverse events (AEs) of interest, including hypersensitivity and injection site reactions, were higher in the burosumab group and were mild to moderate in severity overall. There were 4 serious AEs (3 burosumab, 1 Pi/D); none were treatment-related and all resolved. No subject discontinued study drug in either group. Data after 64 weeks of treatment will be available at the time of presentation. In this randomized Phase 3 trial, burosumab resulted in increases in growth and mobility, and significantly greater improvements in rickets than Pi/D in 1-12 year-old children with XLH

    Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a human monoclonal anti‐FGF23 antibody (KRN23) in the first multiple ascending‐dose trial treating adults with X‐linked hypophosphatemia

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    In X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH), serum fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) is increased and results in reduced renal maximum threshold for phosphate reabsorption (TmP), reduced serum inorganic phosphorus (Pi), and inappropriately low normal serum 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D) concentration, with subsequent development of rickets or osteomalacia. KRN23 is a recombinant human IgG1 monoclonal antibody that binds to FGF23 and blocks its activity. Up to 4 doses of KRN23 were administered subcutaneously every 28 days to 28 adults with XLH. Mean ± standard deviation KRN23 doses administered were 0.05, 0.10 ± 0.01, 0.28 ± 0.06, and 0.48 ± 0.16 mg/kg. The mean time to reach maximum serum KRN23 levels was 7.0 to 8.5 days. The mean KRN23 half-life was 16.4 days. The mean area under the concentration–time curve (AUCn) for each dosing interval increased proportionally with increases in KRN23 dose. The mean intersubject variability in AUCn ranged from 30% to 37%. The area under the effect concentration–time curve (AUECn) for change from baseline in TmP per glomerular filtration rate, serum Pi, 1,25(OH)2D, and bone markers for each dosing interval increased linearly with increases in KRN23 AUCn. Linear correlation between serum KRN23 concentrations and increase in serum Pi support KRN23 dose adjustments based on predose serum Pi concentration

    Growth characteristics in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta in North America: results from a multicenter study.

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    PurposeOsteogenesis imperfecta (OI) predisposes people to recurrent fractures, bone deformities, and short stature. There is a lack of large-scale systematic studies that have investigated growth parameters in OI.MethodsUsing data from the Linked Clinical Research Centers, we compared height, growth velocity, weight, and body mass index (BMI) in 552 individuals with OI. Height, weight, and BMI were plotted on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention normative curves.ResultsIn children, the median z-scores for height in OI types I, III, and IV were -0.66, -6.91, and -2.79, respectively. Growth velocity was diminished in OI types III and IV. The median z-score for weight in children with OI type III was -4.55. The median z-scores for BMI in children with OI types I, III, and IV were 0.10, 0.91, and 0.67, respectively. Generalized linear model analyses demonstrated that the height z-score was positively correlated with the severity of the OI subtype (P &lt; 0.001), age, bisphosphonate use, and rodding (P &lt; 0.05).ConclusionFrom the largest cohort of individuals with OI, we provide median values for height, weight, and BMI z-scores that can aid the evaluation of overall growth in the clinic setting. This study is an important first step in the generation of OI-specific growth curves

    Soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 and 2 predict outcomes in advanced chronic kidney disease : a prospective cohort study

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    Background : Soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors 1 (sTNFR1) and 2 (sTNFR2) have been associated to progression of renal failure, end stage renal disease and mortality in early stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), mostly in the context of diabetic nephropathy. The predictive value of these markers in advanced stages of CKD irrespective of the specific causes of kidney disease has not yet been defined. In this study, the relationship between sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 and the risk for adverse cardiovascular events (CVE) and all-cause mortality was investigated in a population with CKD stage 4-5, not yet on dialysis, to minimize the confounding by renal function. Patients and methods : In 131 patients, CKD stage 4-5, sTNFR1, sTNFR2 were analysed for their association to a composite endpoint of all-cause mortality or first non-fatal CVE by univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards models. In the multivariate models, age, gender, CRP, eGFR and significant comorbidities were included as covariates. Results : During a median follow-up of 33 months, 40 events (30.5%) occurred of which 29 deaths (22.1%) and 11 (8.4%) first non-fatal CVE. In univariate analysis, the hazard ratios (HR) of sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 for negative outcome were 1.49 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.28-1.75) and 1.13 (95% CI: 1.06-1.20) respectively. After adjustment for clinical covariables (age, CRP, diabetes and a history of cardiovascular disease) both sTNFRs remained independently associated to outcomes (HR: sTNFR1: 1.51, 95% CI: 1.30-1.77; sTNFR2: 1.13, 95% CI: 1.06-1.20). A subanalysis of the non-diabetic patients in the study population confirmed these findings, especially for sTNFR1. Conclusion : sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 are independently associated to all-cause mortality or an increased risk for cardiovascular events in advanced CKD irrespective of the cause of kidney disease