111 research outputs found

    Unfocussed language acquisition? The presentation of linguistic situations in biographical narration

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    'Vor dem Hintergrund der konstruktivistischen Wende, die weite Teile der Methodendiskussion bestimmt, wird die spezifische, als interaktiv zu bezeichnende Plausibilisierung der autobiographischen Erzählung rekonstruiert. Der Fokus wird dabei auf jene Sequenzen gesetzt, in denen die Erzählerin ihre Spracherwerbsprozesse darstellt. Verhaltensdaten (ihre gut ausgebauten Deutschkenntnisse, die im Interview offensichtlich sind) werden mit der Schilderung ihrer Schlüsselerlebnisse kontrastiert, bei der sie angibt, Deutsch v.a. über das Fernsehen erworben zu haben. Die spezifische Rolle des Leidens wird hervorgehoben und mit Erkenntnissen aus der Spracherwerbsforschung in Beziehung gesetzt, wo immer deutlicher wird, wie erfolgreicher Erwerb und Emotion in enger Beziehung zueinander stehen.' (Autorenreferat)'Against the background of the turn towards constructivism and its impact on the current discussion of methodology, the author of the article reconstructs the specific, interactive plausibilization that autobiographical narrative achieves. The analysis focuses on those sequences where the narrator describes her language acquisition processes. Behavioural data (her elaborate knowledge of German, which is obvious throughout the interview) are contrasted with the account of her crucial experiences where she states having acquired German mainly through the medium of television. The specific role of suffering is highlighted and connected to results from the field of language acquisition research and related to the narrator, demonstrating how closely successful acquisition and emotions are related to each other.' (author's abstract

    A multilingual network in the re-activation of Italian as the third language among German speakers: Evidence from interactions

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    The purpose of this paper is to document a number of multilingual practices in which more than two languages are used in interactions. The data were gathered in a multilingual context in the mostly German-speaking town of Basle (Switzerland). Tape recordings of sales conversations are the source for the following observations. The data were collected in the following manner: an Italian-speaking customer B I shall call her Anna in the examples below B enters a shop, asks a question or makes a request, which triggers an immediate response from a German-speaking shop-assistant. Of 160 addressees, one third answered in Italian quite fluently and without showing any particular sign of surprise; approximately one third chose to speak German or rather, most of the time, Swiss-German, and one third reacted in unexpected and varied ways

    Il multilinguismo e i meccanismi attentivi dei bambini provenienti da un contesto migratorio

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     Questo articolo intende porre l’accento sull’interazione tra il multilinguismo e i meccanismi attentivi in bambini provenienti da un contesto migratorio. L’indagine a cui si riferisce è basata sulla somministrazione dell’Attentional Network Test e di un questionario linguistico a 57 bambini in una scuola a Bolzano. Dalla correlazione dei risultati del test attentivo con i profili linguistici dei singoli partecipanti, e differenziando ulteriormente in base al contesto di provenienza, è possibile dedurre l’influsso del multilinguismo sui meccanismi attentivi.La conoscenza e consapevolezza delle implicazioni del multilinguismo a livello neurocognitivo e l’impatto che esso ha fin dall’infanzia sulle strutture cerebrali e neuronali sono fondamentali ai fini della corretta attuazione degli interventi didattici. Aggiungendo un ulteriore tassello alla ricerca, questa indagine vuole contribuire a corroborare le tesi scientifiche già formulate in questo campo e delucidarne le implicazioni ai fini della prassi didattica

    Implantação e impacto do Programa Nacional de Suplementação de Ferro no município de Viçosa - MG

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a implantação do Programa Nacional de Suplementação de Ferro no município de Viçosa/MG e seu impacto em lactentes não anêmicos de 6 a 18 meses de idade, atendidos pelas Equipes de Saúde da Família. Realizou-se entrevistas aos profissionais de nível superior e às mães/responsáveis pelas crianças. As crianças não anêmicas e que não recebiam suplementação anteriormente (n=133) foram suplementadas com xarope de sulfato ferroso por seis meses. Realizou-se dosagem de hemoglobina, avaliação antropométrica e de condições socioeconômicas, antes e após os seis meses. Classificou-se como alta adesão as crianças que ingeriram 75% ou mais da dose prescrita e como baixa adesão as demais, de acordo com o referido pelas mães. Sobre a implantação do PNSF no município, observou-se que o sistema de distribuição nem sempre foi acessível ao grupo prioritário e houve ausência de capacitação e motivação da maioria dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde; sobre o grupo prioritário observou-se ausência de divulgação para promoção do PNSF, além de sensibilização e educação somente de parte das mães; quanto ao suplemento as crianças tiveram baixa adesão e a dosagem não foi efetiva na prevenção da anemia. Portanto, a implantação do PNSF no município revelou entraves operacionais importantes.The scope of this work was to evaluate the implementation of the National Iron Supplementation Program (NISP) in Viçosa in the State of Minas Gerais and its impact on 6- to 18-month-old non-anemic infants assisted by the Family Health Teams. Interviews were conducted with the professionals and with the children's mothers/guardians. The non-anemic children who didn't receive the earlier supplementation (n=133) were given ferrous sulphate syrup for six months. Hemoglobin dosage, anthropometric evaluation and a socioeconomic survey were conducted before and after the six-month period. Children who ingested 75% or more of the prescribed dosage were classified as high adhesion, while the others were classified as low adhesion, according to the mothers' testimonials. With respect to the implementation in the city, the distribution system was not always available to the priority group and there was a lack of training and motivation on the part of most Community Health Agents. The lack of promotion of NISP among the priority group was detected, apart from a mothers' awareness drive. Regarding diet supplementation, children showed low adhesion and the dosage wasn't effective in preventing anemia. Therefore, important operational barriers to implementation were observed

    Efetividade superior do esquema diário de suplementação de ferro em lactentes

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of weekly and daily schemes of preventive supplementation with supplementary iron to prevent iron deficiency anemia in non-anemic infants. METHODS: A prospective population study with a quantitative approach and preventive intervention was performed in the city of Viçosa, Southeastern Brazil, in 2007-8. A total of 103 non-anemic children, aged between six and 18 months of age, were selected, corresponding to 20.2% of the children registered with and cared for by Equipes de Saúde da Família (Family Health Teams). Children were divided into two supplementation groups: daily dosage recommended by the Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (Brazilian Society of Pediatrics) (group 1, n=34) and weekly dosage recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health (group 2, n=69). Assessments were made in the beginning of the study and after six months, with hemoglobin dosage (portable ß-Hemoglobin-meter) and anthropometric and dietary assessments being performed and socioeconomic questionnaire applied. Impact indicators used were prevalence of anemia, hemoglobin variation, adherence to and side effects of supplements. RESULTS: Groups were homogeneous in terms of socioeconomic, biological and before-intervention health variables. After six months of supplementation, higher means of hemoglobin were found in group 1 than in group 2 (11.66; SD=1.25 and 10.95; SD=1.41, respectively, p=0.015); in addition to lower prevalences of anemia (20.6% and 43.5%, respectively, p=0.04). Only "supplementation time" influenced severe anemia (p=0.009). Statistically significant differences were not found for the "adherence to supplementation" and "side effects" variables. CONCLUSIONS: The daily dosage recommended by the Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria was found to be more effective to prevent anemia in infants, when compared to the dosage used by the Ministry of Health. The weekly dosage recommended by the Brazilian government program needs to be reviewed to increase the effectiveness of prevention of anemia in infants cared for in public health services.OBJETIVO: Evaluar la efectividad de esquemas, diario y semanal, de suplementación profiláctica de hierro medicamentoso en la prevención de anemia ferropriva en lactantes no anémicos. MÉTODOS: Estudio poblacional, prospectivo, de abordaje cuantitativo con intervención profiláctica, realizado en el municipio de Vinosa, Sureste de Brasil, en 2007/8. Fueron seleccionados 103 niños no anémicos, entre seis y 18 meses de edad, correspondiendo a 20,2% de los niños catastrados y atendidos por los Equipos de Salud de la Familia. Los niños fueron divididos en dos grupos de suplementación: dosificación diaria recomendada por la Sociedad Brasilera de Pediatría (grupo 1, n=34) y dosificación semanal establecida por el Ministerio de la Salud (grupo 2, n=69). Las evaluaciones ocurrieron en el inicio del estudio y posterior a seis meses, siendo realizadas dosificación de hemoglobina (b-homoglobinómetro portátil), evaluación antropométrica y dietética, y aplicación de cuestionario socioeconómico. Los indicadores de impacto utilizados fueron la prevalencia de anemia, variación de hemoglobina, adhesión y efectos adversos a los suplementos. RESULTADOS: Los grupos se mostraron homogéneos con relación a las variables socioeconómicas, biológicas y de salud anteriores a la intervención. Posterior a seis meses de suplementación, se observaron mayores promedios de hemoglobina en el grupo 1 con relación al grupo 2, (11,66; DP=1,25 e 10,95; DP=1,41, respectivamente, p=0,015); así como menores prevalencias de anemia (20,6% y 43,5%, respectivamente, p=0,04). Sólo el tiempo de suplementación influyó en la anemia grave (p=0,009). No fueron encontradas diferencias estadísticamente significativas para las variables adhesión al suplemento y efectos adversos. CONCLUSIONES: La dosificación diaria recomendada por la Sociedad Brasilera de Pediatría se mostró más efectiva en la prevención de la anemia en lactantes, al compararla con la dosificación utilizada por el Ministerio de la Salud. La dosificación semanal recomendada por el programa de gobierno brasilero precisa ser reevaluada para aumentar su efectividad en la prevención de anemia en niños atendidos en servicios públicos de salud.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade de esquemas, diário e semanal, de suplementação profilática de ferro medicamentoso na prevenção da anemia ferropriva em lactentes não anêmicos. MÉTODOS: Estudo populacional, prospectivo, de abordagem quantitativa com intervenção profilática, realizado no município de Viçosa, MG, em 2007/8. Foram selecionadas 103 crianças não anêmicas, entre seis e 18 meses de idade, correspondendo a 20,2% das crianças cadastradas e atendidas pelas Equipes de Saúde da Família. As crianças foram divididas em dois grupos de suplementação: dosagem diária recomendada pela Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (grupo 1, n=34) e dosagem semanal preconizada pelo Ministério da Saúde (grupo 2, n=69). As avaliações ocorreram no início do estudo e após seis meses, sendo realizadas dosagem de hemoglobina (ß-hemoglobinômetro portátil), avaliação antropométrica e dietética, e aplicação de questionário socioeconômico. Os indicadores de impacto utilizados foram a prevalência de anemia, variação de hemoglobina, adesão e efeitos adversos aos suplementos. RESULTADOS: Os grupos se mostraram homogêneos quanto às variáveis socioeconômicas, biológicas e de saúde anteriores à intervenção. Após seis meses de suplementação, observaram-se maiores médias de hemoglobina no grupo 1 em relação ao grupo 2, (11,66; DP=1,25 e 10,95; DP=1,41, respectivamente, p=0,015); além de menores prevalências de anemia (20,6% e 43,5%, respectivamente, p=0,04). Apenas o tempo de suplementação influenciou na anemia grave (p=0,009). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes para as variáveis adesão ao suplemento e efeitos adversos. CONCLUSÕES: A dosagem diária recomendada pela Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria mostrou-se mais efetiva na prevenção da anemia em lactentes, quando comparada à dosagem utilizada pelo Ministério da Saúde. A dosagem semanal recomendada pelo programa do governo brasileiro precisa ser reavaliada para aumentar sua efetividade na prevenção de anemia em crianças atendidas em serviços públicos de saúde

    Glomerular autoimmune multicomponents of human lupus nephritis in vivo: α-enolase and annexin AI

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    Renal targets of autoimmunity in human lupus nephritis (LN) are unknown. We sought to identify autoantibodies and glomerular target antigens in renal biopsy samples from patients with LN and determine whether the same autoantibodies can be detected in circulation. Glomeruli were microdissected from biopsy samples of 20 patients with LN and characterized by proteomic techniques. Serum samples from large cohorts of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with and without LN and other glomerulonephritides were tested. Glomerular IgGs recognized 11 podocyte antigens, with reactivity varying by LN pathology. Notably, IgG2 autoantibodies against α-enolase and annexin AI were detected in 11 and 10 of the biopsy samples, respectively, and predominated over other autoantibodies. Immunohistochemistry revealed colocalization of α-enolase or annexin AI with IgG2 in glomeruli. High levels of serum anti-α-enolase (>15 mg/L) IgG2 and/or anti-annexin AI (>2.7 mg/L) IgG2 were detected in most patients with LN but not patients with other glomerulonephritides, and they identified two cohorts: patients with high anti-α-enolase/low anti-annexin AI IgG2 and patients with low anti-α-enolase/high anti-annexin AI IgG2. Serum levels of both autoantibodies decreased significantly after 12 months of therapy for LN. Anti-α-enolase IgG2 recognized specific epitopes of α-enolase and did not cross-react with dsDNA. Furthermore, nephritogenic monoclonal IgG2 (clone H147) derived from lupus-prone MRL-lpr/lpr mice recognized human α-enolase, suggesting homology between animal models and human LN. These data show a multiantibody composition in LN, where IgG2 autoantibodies against α-enolase and annexin AI predominate in the glomerulus and can be detected in serum

    Beyond Paradigms in Cultural Astronomy. Proceedings of the 27th SEAC conference held together with the EAA

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    Proceedings of the 27th SEAC conference held together with the EAA.-- Editors: A. César González-García, Roslyn M. Frank, Lionel D. Sims, Michael A. Rappenglück, Georg Zotti, Juan A. Belmonte, Ivan Šprajc.Cultural Astronomy is the endeavour to understand the role of the sky in past and present societies, and how these societies incorporated the sky into their culture. This broad ranging discipline is closely related to archaeology when investigating material remains of the past. Cultural Astronomy also explores the role of the heavens from the perspectives of the anthropological sciences. In recent decades the discipline has been concerned with methodological and theoretical issues. This volume offers chapters based on presentations at the 27th SEAC meeting held in Bern (2019). These chapters provide a vivid image of front-line research in diverse areas, from Roman light and shadow effects to highlight power, to Maya city organization, Etruscan temple orientation or the ontology of the sky.Peer reviewe
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