450 research outputs found

    A stream-to-sea experiment reveals inhibitory effects of freshwater residency on organic-matter decomposition in the sea

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    One billion tons of carbon are annually transported to the global ocean, and the fate of this carbon hinges not only on marine processing rates, but also on freshwater processing during downstream transport. Using a cotton-strip assay, we assessed the decomposition of organic matter in marine and freshwater sites and simulated its downstream transport from freshwater to the sea by translocating cotton strips approximately half-way through the freshwater incubation period. We observed faster decomposition in the sea relative to the stream and interestingly, an inhibitory effect of stream incubation on subsequent decomposition in the sea. Total nitrogen content and ∂15N in the cotton strips were both greater in the strips incubated entirely in the sea, suggesting greater microbial activity in the marine habitat. Our results lend needed insights into global carbon cycling, the factors that govern organic-carbon processing, and highlight the importance of connections that exist among some of Earth's major ecosystems

    Motivos de adesão à prática de atividades físicas e esportivas no Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Florianópolis, 2017.A motivação, de modo geral, é compreendida como um processo ativo, que intensifica um comportamento ou um esforço intencional dirigido a um objetivo ou meta, o qual depende da interação de fatores pessoais e ambientais. Pesquisas que objetivam investigar os motivos de adesão à prática de atividade física e esportiva, tradicionalmente são elaboradas como subsídios teóricos à compreensão do papel da motivação na atividade das pessoas. A Teoria da Autodeterminação foi formulada na tentativa de alicerçar procedimentos de mensuração da motivação em vários contextos, inclusive na psicologia do esporte e do exercício, contribuindo na formação de políticas públicas para a promoção da saúde, prevenção do sedentarismo e diminuição do número de pessoas obesas ou acima do peso. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é avaliar motivos de adesão à prática de atividade física e esportiva em contexto brasileiro. Foi realizada a adaptação da Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) para o contexto brasileiro e buscou-se evidências de validade e precisão da PALMS, com base em uma pesquisa de campo do qual participaram 640 praticantes de atividade física e ou esportivas regulares em diferentes locais do Brasil. Aplicou-se a versão adaptada da PALMS e um formulário para a obtenção do perfil sociodemográfico e funcional dos participantes. Os resultados indicaram uma boa consistência interna da PALMS (a de Cronbach no escore geral de 0,88 e ?6 de Guttman de 0,86). Foram identificados 7 fatores que explicam 58% da variância total explicada cumulativa e, de maneira geral, os fatores resultantes da análise fatorial tiveram uma boa discriminação dos itens. Foram encontradas associações entre motivos de adesão e algumas variáveis sociodemográficas (teste t independente e ANOVA) e identificadas correlações positivas significativas e moderadas em todas as subescalas e observou-se correlações positivas, mas fracas entre as variáveis faixa etária, escolaridade e tempo de prática de atividades físicas e esportivas e os escores gerais das subescalas da PALMS. Os bons indicadores de validade e precisão encontrados na PALMS e sua relação com variáveis sociodemográficas e funcionais mostram evidências importantes para a mobilização de políticas saúde pública voltadas aos praticantes de atividades físicas e esportivas. Sugere-se realizar estudos futuros visando confirmar o ajuste do modelo proposto na versão original, dentre outros estudos de validade permitindo um acúmulo de evidências para uso adequado da escala adaptada para a população brasileira.Abstract : Motivation, in general, is understood as an active process, which intensifies a behavior or an intentional effort directed at a goal or goal, which depends on the interaction of personal and environmental factors. Research that aims to investigate the reasons for adherence to the practice of physical and sports activity, are traditionally elaborated as theoretical subsidies to the understanding of the role of motivation in the activity of people. The Self-Determination Theory was formulated in an attempt to establish procedures to measure motivation in various contexts, including sports and exercise psychology, contributing to the formation of public policies for health promotion, prevention of sedentary lifestyle and reduction of obese people or overweight. The general objective of the research is to evaluate reasons for adherence to the practice of physical and sports activity in a Brazilian context. The adaptation of the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) to the Brazilian context was carried out and evidence of PALMS validity and precision was obtained, based on a field survey in which 640 participants participated in physical activity and / or regular sports in Different places in Brazil. The adapted version of the PALMS was applied and a form to obtain the sociodemographic and functional profile of the participants. Good internal consistency of PALMS (Cronbach's a in the general score of 0.88 and Guttman's ?6 of 0.86) was obtained. It was be identified 7 factors that explain 58% of the total cumulative explained variance and, in general, the factors resulting from the factor analysis had a good item breakdown. Significant differences were found between adherence motives and some sociodemographic variables (independent t-test and ANOVA) and significant and moderate positive correlations were identified in all subscales and positive, but weak correlations were observed between variables age, schooling and practice time of physical and sports activities and the general scores of PALMS subscales. The good indicators of validity and reliability found in the PALMS and its relationship with sociodemographic and functional variables show important evidence for the mobilization of public health policies aimed at practitioners of physical and sports activities. It is suggested to carry out future studies to confirm the adjustment of the model proposed in the original version, among other validity studies allowing an accumulation of evidence for adequate use of the scale adapted for the Brazilian population

    Advocating for free-to-read and free-to-publish science journals amid a need to change a broken evaluation system

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    Abstract Publishing is an important step for the work of any scientist. Unfortunately, academia has been using publication metrics, particularly the journal impact factor, as one of the main criteria for assessing researchers CVs when hiring and promoting researchers and evaluating grant proposals, among others. This goes against the advice of several researchers and institutions who notice a harmful effect of focusing on such publication-based metrics for the development of science itself. In addition, most journals with high impact factor have been moving to a highly commercialized form of open access publication, where readers do not pay to access those papers, but the authors do. Journals ranked high in those publication-based metrics also charge very high publications fees. Thus, those journals have become too expensive for most scientists, creating a too-large financial gap between those who can afford publishing in high-ranked journals and those who cannot. Science ranking based on publication metrics is thus no longer a question of science quality, impact, or relevance, but of the researchers’ financial conditions to publish their science. Luckly, there are thousands of journals that offer the so-called diamond (or platinum) alternative that do not charge any fees from readers and writers alike. Here, I advocate that scientists should focus on those non-commercialized forms of science publication while working to change the criteria for evaluating science production currently at place in academia


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    Este trabalho aborda a construção discursiva do gênero na publicidade. Nosso objetivo será analisar as relações de gênero em anúncios publicados em revistas, verificando as feminilidades em relação às masculinidades

    Primavera ou inverno pastoral?: uma análise sociológica das transformações na Pastoral da Juventude em Santa Catarina

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política, Florianópolis, 2015.O presente trabalho reflete sobre as transformações sofridas na Pastoral da Juventude (PJ) catarinense no período entre 2007 e 2013, diante de novas orientações evangelizadoras da Igreja Católica (IC) no Brasil. Nascida na década de 1970 e inspirada na Teologia da Libertação, a PJ foi o modelo hegemônico na evangelização dos jovens até 2007, quando a IC passou a sugerir uma nova forma de organização: o Setor Juventude, que se especializa, tornando-se Pastoral Juvenil, um projeto com características globalizantes que abarca uma diversidade de grupos evangelizadores de jovens e tem como objetivo aperfeiçoar a atuação institucional no cenário religioso brasileiro, diante da diminuição de fiéis e sem ferir sua unidade. A problemática que se apresenta na pesquisa é o clássico debate sociológico sobre a relação entre estrutura e agência, procurando compreender como os participantes da PJ de SC reagem diante das novas diretrizes apresentadas pela IC e interpretar o sentido de suas ações racionalizadas em busca de legitimidade na instituição. A relevância está em perceber a religião como uma esfera da vida que oferece sentidos e atrai a juventude, bem como reconhecer os significados do jovem para a IC pela sua potencial função social de renovar ou conservar. Para oferecer respostas ao problema pesquisado, empreendeu-se um método qualitativo, com estudo de caso de duas dioceses catarinenses: Joinville e Chapecó. Também foi adotada uma ferramenta metodológico-analítica desenvolvida pela abordagem neoweberiana e debates teóricos acerca da sociologia da religião e da juventude foram mobilizados. A pesquisa indicou que diante das orientações da IC brasileira a PJ reage de modo distinto e que revê seus projetos considerando o contexto em que se encontra. Se em Joinville não há resistência em relação às novidades, Chapecó cria estratégias para garantir sua hegemonia. Num plano geral, nota-se que não há investidas cismáticas e que a PJ reformula suas estratégias de ação de modo passivo, justamente para ser legitimada pela IC. Percebeu-se também que há preocupação em valorizar sua identidade e a novidade estratégica da PJ está na retomada à militância fora da IC sem descartar o cuidado com a dimensão da espiritualidade.Abstract : This paper reflects on the transformations undergone in Pastoral da Juventude (PJ) Santa Catarina between 2007 and 2013, before new guidelines evangelizing the Catholic Church (IC) in Brazil. Born in the 1970s and inspired by Liberation?s Theology, PJ was the hegemonic model in the evangelization of young people by 2007, when the IC began to suggest a new form of organization: the Youth Sector, specializing, becoming Pastoral Juvenil, a project with globalizing features that embraces a diversity of evangelizing youth groups and aims to improve institutional performance in the Brazilian religious scenario, given the decrease of faithful and without hurting your unit. The problem that presents itself in the research is the classic sociological debate on the relationship between structure and agency, trying to understand how the SC PJ participants react to the new guidelines put forward by the IC and interpret the meaning of their rationalized actions seeking legitimacy in institution. The relevance is to perceive religion as a sphere of life that offers directions and attracts the youth, as well as recognizing the meanings of the young to the IC for its potential social function to renew or retain. To provide answers to the problem researched, was undertaken a qualitative method with case study of two dioceses Santa Catarina: Joinville and Chapecó. Also a methodological and analytical tool developed by neoweberiana approach and theoretical debates about the sociology of religion and youth were mobilized was adopted. Research has indicated that before the Brazilian IC guidelines PJ reacts differently and reviewing their projects considering the context in which it is. In Joinville there is resistance in relation to news, Chapecó creates strategies to ensure its hegemony. On a general level, it is noted that there is no schismatic invested and that the PJ reformulates their passive mode of action strategies, just to be legitimized by the IC. It is also realized that there is concern in valuing their identity and strategic novelty PJ is the resumption of militancy outside the IC without discarding the care of the dimension of spirituality

    The Importance of Ecological Networks in Multiple-Stressor Research and Management

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    Multiple stressors are increasingly affecting organisms and communities, thereby modifying ecosystems' state and functioning. Raising awareness about the threat from multiple stressors has increased the number of experimental and observational studies specifically addressing consequences of stressor interactions on biota. Most studies measure the direct effects of multiple stressors and their interactions on biological endpoints such as abundance, biomass, or diversity of target organisms. This yields invaluable information for the management and restoration of stressed ecosystems. However, as we argue in our perspective paper, this common approach ignores a fundamental characteristic of communities and ecosystems, i.e., that organisms in ecosystems are interlinked by biotic interactions in ecological networks. Examples from the literature show that biotic interactions can modify stressor effects, transfer stressor effects to distant groups of organisms, and create new stressor interactions. These examples also suggest that changes in biotic interactions can have effects of similar or greater magnitude than direct stressor effects. We provide a perspective on how to include network characteristics and biotic interactions into analyses of multiple-stressor effects on ecosystems. Our approach can also make use of biomonitoring data produced with established and intercalibrated methods, and can combine it with novel metrics used to describe the functioning of ecosystems, such as trait information or stable-isotope measurements. The insights on network-mediated effects gained via the approach we propose can substantially increase mechanistic understanding of multiple-stressor effects, and in turn, the efficiency of ecosystem management and restoration


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    O Atletismo, como importante esporte-base para diversas modalidades esportivas, e fundamental no desenvolvimento físico e motor dos indivíduos que o praticam, em geral, se verifica a importância desse somente quando acontecem os Jogos Olímpicos, não só pelas provas de pista e a maratona que encerra o evento, mas, principalmentepela grandiosidade dos jogos e impacto provocado pela cobertura da mídia mundial. Estaremos apresentando durante da MEPEC o Mini-Atletismo, que visa atingir a comunidade circunscrita ao local e os estudantes do IFC. Tem como público-alvo estudantes de 13 a 18 anos, de ambos os sexos. Trata-se de um projeto que tem como objetivodar a oportunidade aos adolescentes de ter contato com o Atletismo, na sua forma lúdica e desinteressada, proporcionando prazer e alegria aos seus participantes. A metodologia do trabalho atenderá aos anseios do mesmo, sendo que os alunos terão sua prática por meio das provas do Mini-Atletismo, em estações, realizadas no ginásio do IFC Campus de Blumenau. Eles participarão individualmente, mas a somatória dospontos se dará em grupo de até 5 pessoas. Estes realizarão 8 provas do Mini-Atletismo de forma simultânea. Ao final, vencerá a equipe que fizer a maior pontuação final. Essa atividade dura em média 1 hora

    Ecological effects of mosquito control with Bti: evidence for shifts in the trophic structure of soil- and ground-based food webs

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    The microbial control agent Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) has been successfully used worldwide to reduce abundances of biting Nematocera (Diptera), often with little direct impact on non-target organisms observed. However, the potential for additional indirect effects on other ecosystem properties, including on trophic linkages within food webs, is poorly known. We investigated the effects of multiple-year mosquito control treatments using the Bti product VectoBac((R))-G on the stable isotope composition of epigeal and soil-based consumers inhabiting replicate floodplains along the River Dalalven, Sweden. We observed significant changes in the isotopic composition of detritivores feeding at the base of floodplain food webs. Enchytraeid worms were characterised by 3.5% higher delta C-13 values in treated floodplains, suggesting increased consumption of delta C-13-enriched food. The overall range of community-wide delta N-15 values was 56% greater in the treated floodplains, whilst delta N-15 values of oribatid mites were elevated by 97%. These results suggest extra fractionation in the transfer of nitrogen through floodplain food chains. We conjecture that the ecological mechanisms driving these food web shifts are (1) the mass mortality of high delta C-13 A. sticticus larvae, which leaves high concentrations of dead mosquito biomass deposited on soils at local scales, after the floodwaters have receded and (2) incorporation of the very high delta C-13-enriched corn particles comprising the bulk of the VectoBac((R))-G product into floodplain food webs. Our results suggest that repeated applications of Bti might have wider, still largely unknown implications for nutrient and energy cycles within floodplain ecosystems