355 research outputs found

    The impact of media coverage of the end of ETA on Basque public opinion: From the 2006 ceasefire to the definitive cessation of 2011

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    El presente artículo centra su estudio en el análisis de la cobertura periodística otorgada al alto el fuego de ETA de mayo de 2006 y de octubre de 2011. El objetivo es analizar, por un lado, el tratamiento que sobre ambos acontecimientos se pretendió trasladar a la opinión pública y, por el otro, determinar si existió algún tipo de analogía entre las fluctuaciones de los juicios de la ciudadanía vasca recogidos en las encuestas del Euskobarómetro y el discurso mediático emitido con respecto a la irreversibilidad de ambos ceses de la violencia. El estudio demuestra la existencia de ciertos paralelismos entre los datos recogidos en este sondeo y la argumentación sostenida por el diario El Correo sobre la fiabilidad concedida a estos alto el fuego.This paper focuses its study on the analysis of the journalistic coverage occurred during the ETA ceasefire of May 2006 and October 2011. The aim is analyzing, on the one hand, the treatment that both events were intended to transfer to public opinion and, on the other, determining if there was any kind of analogy between the fluctuations of the opinions of Basque citizens collected by Euskobarometro surveys and the media discourse employed to inform about the irreversibility of both cessations of violence. The paper shows the existence of certain parallelisms between the data collected on this survey and the argument supported by the newspaper El Correo about the reliability given to these ceasefires.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Bridging the gender gap: how to address low levels of political interest among women

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    Survey evidence suggests that women in many European countries have a lower level of interest in politics on average than men do. Based on a recent study, Marta Fraile and Raul Gómez highlight that the degree of overall gender equality in a country can have a substantial impact on this ‘gender gap’ in political interest. However, this effect is largely confined to older citizens, suggesting that socialisation processes can still result in women being less interested in politics in younger age groups even in countries with high levels of gender equality

    Why Does Alejandro Know More about Politics than Catalina? Explaining the Latin American Gender Gap in Political Knowledge

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    This article tests contextual and individual-level explanations of the gender gap in political knowledge in Latin American countries. It suggests that this gap is impacted by political and economic settings through two interrelated mechanisms: gender accessibility (that is, the extent of available opportunities for women to influence the political agenda) and gender-bias signaling (that is, the extent to which women play important roles in the public sphere). Analyzing data from the 2008 Americas Barometer survey, this study shows that the gender gap in political knowledge is smaller among highly educated citizens, in rural areas (where both men and women know little about politics) and in bigger cities (where women’s levels of political knowledge are higher). More importantly, the magnitude of the gap varies greatly across countries. Gender differences in income, party system institutionalization and the representation of women in national parliaments are all found to play a particularly important role in explaining the magnitude of the gender gap in political knowledge across Latin America

    Educación para la ciudadanía, medios de comunicación y nuevas tecnologías

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    El trabajo social como puente para la participación socioeducativa

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    El presente documento nos permite reflexionar críticamente sobre el panorama educacional en nuestros días desde la óptica del Trabajo Social. Para ello, en primer lugar, consta de una aproximación teórico-legislativa a los diferentes elementos que se encuentran interrelacionados con el ámbito educativo, haciendo especial hincapié en el papel de las y los profesionales del Trabajo Social dentro del Sistema Educativo Español. Asimismo, presenta una propuesta de intervención sociocomunitaria organizada desde y para la escuela y cimentada, principalmente, en los valores básicos de la participación educativa y la intervención social comunitaria, a fin de favorecer la movilización de todos los agentes de la comunidad educativa.Grado en Trabajo Socia

    Revisión sistemática de las alteraciones de la comunicación en pacientes con demencia asociada a la enfermedad de Parkinson

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    El Párkinson es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa de etiología desconocida que afecta al sistema extrapiramidal por degeneración de las neuronas dopaminérgicas, dando lugar a síntomas motores y no motores. Dentro de la sintomatología no motora cabe destacar la existencia del deterioro cognitivo que puede desembocar en una demencia asociada, hecho importante a la hora de intervenir en dichos pacientes. En este trabajo se realiza una diferenciación entre la evolución de la enfermedad de Parkinson con y sin demencia asociada, teniendo en cuenta las herramientas existentes para evaluar el estado cognitivo del paciente y proponiendo la terapia de reminiscencia para su intervención. También se afirma la importancia de que exista un logopeda dentro del grupo de intervención multidisciplinar.Grado en Logopedi

    A cow-calf farming system fully adapted to elevation and harsh conditions in Andorra (Europe)

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    The use of natural resources is an important topic to optimize the efficiency of cattle production. The purpose of this work is to describe the project of the Bruna d'Andorra; a local cow breed under an extensive cow-calf system in Andorra (Europe), as an example of local farming and marketing of its meat products in an area with adverse environmental conditions. This breed is located in Andorra, a microstate that consists predominantly of rugged mountains and harsh weather conditions. The cow-calf Bruna d'Andorra extensive system is thoroughly described and productive and reproductive performance, compiled over 21 years (2000-2020), has been analyzed by years with the Chi-square test or ANOVA to compare proportions or means, respectively, and regression analysis was used to decipher evolution across years. The results show a population with a census large and stable enough to avoid inbreeding. Moreover, a sustained improvement of the productive performance and maternal fitness has been observed along the studied period for Bruna d'Andorra. The work concludes that local breeds can achieve sustainable animal production, especially when farmers, public administration and commercial circuits in the area agree to cooperate on such projects. The study also concludes that the Bruna d'Andorra cow breed can still improve in meat and reproductive performance

    Scotland or Catalonia? The Spanish newspapers about the Scottish referendum for 2014

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    El presente artículo analiza los discursos que se esgrimieron en las principales cabeceras de la prensa española sobre el referéndum por la independencia de Escocia. Utilizando como técnica el análisis de contenido cualitativo, el objetivo primordial de este estudio es examinar cómo fue representado el debate que generó el 18 de septiembre, así como las comparaciones argumentales que los diarios realizaron entre la cuestión independentista escocesa y catalana. La investigación que se presenta explora un campo novedoso y abre nuevas áreas de trabajo sobre el nacionalismo, el independentismo y el papel de los medios en la conformación de opiniones.The present paper analyses the discourses that were held in the main Spanish newspapers about the Scottish referendum for the independence. Using a qualitative content analysis technique, the aim of this paper is to examine the debate generated the 18th September and the comparisons that they made between the Scottish and Catalan independence issue. This paper explores a new and current topic in order to open new research areas of nationalism, independence and the role of the media in the public opinion

    Adult roles and the gender gap in political knowledge: a comparative study

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    The unusual size and persistence of the gender gap in political knowledge is perplexing in comparison to other dimensions of politics. Building on situational explanations of political engagement, this article claims that women's and men's specific adult roles lead to an enlargement of the gender gap in knowledge. The present study analyses men and women's levels of political knowledge at different life stages by means of two unique datasets specifically collected to measure what people know about politics. Findings show that adult roles provide more opportunities for men to gain political knowledge than for women. Furthermore, the comparison of levels of political knowledge in two such dissimilar countries as Finland and Spain suggests that while gender equality policies are successful in tearing down some of the obstacles that hinder women's contact with the political world, they are still insufficient to completely bridge the gender gap in political knowledge during adulthood