1,013 research outputs found

    Emotional Intelligence Survey in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom: Teachers and Learners

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    [Abstract] Current society demands people with different attitudes and competences who are able to thrive in the global world. Since its appearance in the 1990s, the relevance of the concept of Emotional Intelligence has only grown within the education system, as it is seen by recent research as an essential competence that needs to be developed to achieve the holistic training of students. This study was conducted in a high school of Spain with the participation of the English department and 49 English learners who answered some questionnaires to examine how teachers and students from a EFL classroom context perceive issues related with Emotional Intelligence such as the perception and expression of emotion, emotional facilitation of thinking, understanding of emotion and regulation of emotion. Besides, it spotlights their potential interest in working with some projects proposed following the Project Based Learning (PBL) approach. Results showed a growing awareness of own and other’s emotions among the participants and their interest in developing the projects to work on Emotional Intelligence in the EFL classroom


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    Este artigo objetiva identificar como o Complexo Cultural da Marinha, no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, estimula o desenvolvimento da Economia Criativa carioca. Utilizou-se coleta de dados por pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e uma entrevista em profundidade, semi-aberta, com roteiro feito a partir de questões semi-estruturadas. Realizou-se ainda análise de conteúdo, resultando em três abordagens categorizadas. Analisou-se o cenário de reestruturação da região do entorno do Complexo desde a criação do Corredor Cultural; a participação dos militares na economia criativa e a interação da Força Armada com a sociedade civil por meio de equipamentos culturais. Concluiu-se que o Complexo auxilia na manutenção de cidadãos naquela região, por meio de seus equipamentos culturais. Observou-se ainda que o Complexo Cultural da Marinha preserva, valoriza e difunde o patrimônio histórico tanto da Força Armada quanto do Brasil, estímulo esse fornecido à Economia Criativa na cidade carioca, e, por consequência, ao desenvolvimento da região

    Planificación colaborativa de los equipamientos comunitarios: la experiencia de los barrios del centro de Sants-Montjuïc

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    La presente comunicación explica los aprendizajes extraídos de la redacción del Plan de equipamientos de la zona centro de Sants-Montjuïc, un documento de planificación urbana realizado de manera colaborativa por la cooperativa Raons. Este documento planifica las intervenciones a realizar en los equipamientos comunitarios a partir del análisis de parámetros cuantitativos y cualitativos. Por un lado se estudió el grado de cobertura de cada servicio y su impacto en la articulación urbana, así como la situación del suelo calificado de equipamiento. Por otro lado, el trabajo con la ciudadanía cruzó estas tres dimensiones para identificar usos cotidianos por parte de la población y canalizar reivindicaciones y propuestas de manera argumentada con las que definir las líneas de trabajo y las estrategias de actuación. Este abordaje permitió planificar las actuaciones desde una visión integral, entendiendo los equipamientos no como un conjunto de servicios independientes sino como un sistema urbano interconectado, y favoreciendo el debate ciudadano sobre el modelo urbano de sus barrios. Esta aproximación abre nuevos planteamientos a la hora de afrontar la planificación de los equipamientos comunitarios, proponiendo una metodología que permite enriquecer la medida de la cobertura de los servicios existentes, incorporar de manera crítica las reivindicaciones sociales y proponer estrategias que, basadas en la flexibilidad y la adaptabilidad, permitan la vigencia de las actuaciones en un contexto cambiante.This paper explains the lessons learned from the drafting of the urban facilities plan in the District of Sants-Montjuïc in Barcelona, an urban plan elaborated involving the citizenship by the cooperative Raons for Barcelona municipality. This document plans the interventions to be carried out in community facilities based on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative parameters. The way in which services were provided, their impact on urban quality and the available land to be developed were studied. The work with inhabitants crossed these three dimensions to identify everyday uses and to canalize social demands and proposals in an argued way with which to define strategies and concrete actions. This approach contributed to enriching the analysis of existing facilities, understanding them not as a set of independent services but as an interconnected urban system with an important social role, and encouraged debate with citizens about the urban pattern. This approach opens up new opportunities when dealing with the planning of community facilities, proposing a methodology that allows enriching the measure of coverage of existing services, critically incorporating social demands, and defining flexible and adaptable strategies that could adapt to a changing context

    Collaborative planning of community facilities: the experience of the facilities plan for the down- town area of Sants-Montjuïc in Barcelona

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    La presente comunicación explica los aprendizajes extraídos de la redacción del Plan de equipamientos de la zona centro de Sants-Montjuïc en Barcelona, un documento de planificación urbana realizado de manera colaborativa por la cooperativa Raons. El análisis de parámetros urbanísticos (grado de cobertura de cada servicio, impacto en la articulación urbana y disponibilidad de suelo calificado de equipamiento) sirvió de base para un trabajo con la ciudadanía con el cual identificar usos cotidianos y canalizar reivindicaciones y propuestas de manera argumentada para definir las líneas de trabajo y las estrategias de actuación. Este abordaje permitió planificar las actuaciones desde una visión integral, entendiendo los equipamientos no como un conjunto de servicios independientes sino como un sistema urbano interconectado. Esta aproximación propone una metodología que permite enriquecer la medida de la cobertura, incorporar de manera crítica las reivindicaciones sociales y proponer estrategias que, basadas en la flexibilidad y la adaptabilidad, permitan dar respuesta a las necesidades de la ciudadanía y facilitar su adaptación a un contexto cambiante.This paper explains the lessons learned from the drafting of the urban facilities plan in the District of Sants-Montjuïc in Barcelona, an urban plan elaborated involving the citizenship by the cooperative Raons. The analysis of urban parameters (degree of service coverage, impact on urban articulation and availability of reservedland) was used to work with the citizens to identify everyday uses, claims and proposals in an argumentative way, with which to define the working and strategies of action. This approach permitted to plan the actions from a comprehensive vision, understanding the community facilities not as a set of independent services but as an interconnected urban system. This approach proposes a methodology that allows to enrich the measure of coverage of existing services, to critically incorporate social demands and to propose strategies that, based on flexibility and adaptability, allow proceedings to continue in a changing context.Peer Reviewe


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    Objetivo: conhecer as percepções de gestantes e familiares acerca da assistência pré-natal. Metodologia: estudo de campo, descritivo, qualitativo com abordagem cultural. Os participantes da pesquisa foram cinco gestantes que realizavam o pré-natal em consulta de enfermagem e um familiar indicado por elas. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizada a entrevista semiestruturada, e também a observação participante, do tipo observador-como-participante. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com a análise temática. Resultados: atividades educativas como grupo de gestante foram ressaltadas como uma forma de aprendizado, compartilhamento de experiências e apreensão de orientações. Considerações Finais: a participação da família contribui para a qualidade da assistência, reforçando sentimentos positivos nas gestantes, como segurança e tranquilidade.Descritores: Enfermagem; Cuidado Pré-natal; Saúde da Mulher

    Evaluation of the main late endocrine effects in children and adolescents after treatment of malignancies

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    OBJETIVO: Relatar os efeitos endócrinos tardios em crianças e adolescentes após tratamento oncológico e associá-los à doença de base e ao tratamento. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas avaliações clínicas e laboratoriais visando à detecção de distúrbios endócrinos em 320 pacientes após terapia oncológica, seguidos por seis anos. RESULTADOS: Em 94 pacientes, detectaram-se: 32 pacientes apresentaram baixa estatura (nove em tratamento com hormônio de crescimento), 14 tiveram puberdade precoce (10 em uso de análogo de GnRH) e 19 revelaram ser portadores de distúrbios de tireoide (12 com hipotireoidismo, seis com nódulos de tireoide e um com tireoidite linfocitária crônica). Obesidade foi encontrada em 18 deles. Seis com diabetes insípido e cinco com puberdade atrasada, três com pan-hipopituitarismo. Houve associação entre a radioterapia e a presença de endocrinopatias. CONCLUSÃO: Noventa e quatro de 320 (30%) dos pacientes fora de terapia apresentaram alteração endócrina, o que enfatiza a importância do seguimento precoce e regular, possibilitando-lhes, com tratamento, melhor qualidade de vida.OBJECTIVE: To report the main endocrine effects after cancer treatment in children and adolescents and associate them to the disease and its treatment. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Clinical and lab evaluation for endocrinopathy was performed in 320 patients after cancer therapy have been followed for six years. RESULTS: The most prevalent endocrine late effects in patients were: 32 patients had short stature, nine of them were under growth hormone therapy. Precocious puberty was found in 14 patients, 10 of them received GnRH analog. Thyroid diseases were present in 19 patients (12 with hypothyroidism; six with thyroid nodules/cysts; one with chronic lymphocytic thyroidytis). Obesity was found in 18 patients. Six presented insipidus diabetes, five delayed puberty and three panhypopituitarism. Radiation was associated with the appearance of the aforementioned endocrinopathies. CONCLUSION: Ninety four of 320 (30%) patients presented endocrine late effects which emphasize the importance for these patients to be regularly followed-up in order to precociously diagnose endocrine late effects and provide them a better quality of life

    Main bioactive phenolic compounds in marine algae and their mechanisms of action supporting potential health benefits

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    Given the growing tendency of consumers to choose products with natural ingredients, food industries have directed scientific research in this direction. In this regard, algae are an attractive option for the research, since they can synthesize a group of secondary metabolites, called phenolic compounds, associated with really promising properties and bioactivities. The objective of this work was to classify the major phenolic compounds, compare the effectiveness of the different extractive techniques used for their extraction, from traditional systems (like heat assisted extraction) to the most advance ones (such as ultrasound, microwave or supercritical fluid extraction); the available methods for identification and quantification; the stability of the enriched extract in phenolic compounds and the main bioactivities described for these secondary metabolites, to offer an overview of the situation to consider if it is possible and/or convenient an orientation of phenolic compounds from algae towards an industrial application.The research leading to these results was funded by FEDER under the program Interreg V Spain-Portugal by POPTEC, IBERPHENOL Project (ref. 0377-Iberphenol-6-E) and by NANOEATERS Project (ref. 0181-NANOEATERS-01-E) that supports the pre-doctoral work of C. Jimenez-Lopez; by MICINN supporting the Ramón&Cajal grant for M.A. Prieto (RYC-2017-22891); by Xunta de Galicia and University of Vigo supporting the post-doctoral grant for M. Fraga-Corral (ED481B-2019/ 096), and the pre-doctoral grants for A.G. Pereira (ED481A-2019/0228) and P. García-Oliveira (ED481A-2019/295); by the company AlgaMar (www.algamar.com) and Axudas Conecta Peme (Xunta de Galicia) supporting the IN852A 2018/58 NeuroFood Project that financed the pre-doctoral grant for C. Lourenço-Lopes; Ibero-American Program on Science and Technology (CYTED - AQUA-CIBUS, P317RT0003) and UP4HEALTH Project (H2020-BBI-JTI-2019) for financial support. Lucía Cassani thanks the Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) - Fundación Carolina for a grant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Traditional applications of tannin rich extracts supported by scientific data: chemical composition, bioavailability and bioaccessibility

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    Tannins are polyphenolic compounds historically utilized in textile and adhesive industries, but also in traditional human and animal medicines or foodstuffs. Since 20th-century, advances in analytical chemistry have allowed disclosure of the chemical nature of these molecules. The chemical profile of extracts obtained from previously selected species was investigated to try to establish a bridge between traditional background and scientific data. The study of the chemical composition of these extracts has permitted us to correlate the presence of tannins and other related molecules with the effectiveness of their apparent uses. The revision of traditional knowledge paired with scientific evidence may provide a supporting background on their use and the basis for developing innovative pharmacology and food applications based on formulations using natural sources of tannins. This traditional-scientific approach can result useful due to the raising consumers’ demand for natural products in markets, to which tannin-rich extracts may pose an attractive alternative. Therefore, it is of interest to back traditional applications with accurate data while meeting consumer’s acceptance. In this review, several species known to contain high amounts of tannins have been selected as a starting point to establish a correlation between their alleged traditional use, tannins content and composition and potential bioaccessibility.The research leading to these results was funded by FEDER under the program Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal (POPTEC) 2014–2020 ref. 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E and ref. 0181_NANOEATERS_ 01_E; to Xunta de Galicia supporting with the Axudas Conecta Peme the IN852A 2018/58 NeuroFood Project and the program EXCELENCIA-ED431F 2020/12; to Ibero-American Program on Science and Technology (CYTED—AQUA-CIBUS, P317RT0003) and by the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 888003 UP4HEALTH Project (H2020-BBIJTI- 2019), the JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the Bio-Based Industries Consortium. The project SYSTEMIC Knowledge hub on Nutrition and Food Security has received funding from national research funding parties in Belgium (FWO), France (INRA), Germany (BLE), Italy (MIPAAF), Latvia (IZM), Norway (RCN), Portugal (FCT), and Spain (AEI) in a joint action of JPI HDHL, JPI-OCEANS and FACCE-JPI launched in 2019 under the ERA-NET ERA-HDHL (nº 696295). The research leading to these results was supported byMICINN supporting the Ramón&Cajal grant forM.A. Prieto (RYC-2017-22891) and the Juan de la Cierva_incorporación grant for P. Otero (IJCI-2016-27774); by Xunta de Galicia and the University of Vigo supporting the postdoctoral grant of M. Fraga-Corral (ED481B-2019/096), the pre-doctoral grant for P. García-Oliveira (ED481A-2019/295); to EcoChestnut Project (Erasmus+ KA202) that supports the work ofM. Carpena.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Post-class naps boost declarative learning in a naturalistic school setting

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    Laboratory evidence of a positive effect of sleep on declarative memory consolidation suggests that naps can be used to boost school learning in a scalable, low-cost manner. The few direct investigations of this hypothesis have so far upheld it, but departed from the naturalistic setting by testing non-curricular contents presented by experimenters instead of teachers. Furthermore, nap and non-nap groups were composed of different children. Here we assessed the effect of post-class naps on the retention of Science and History curricular contents presented by the regular class teacher to 24 students from 5th grade. Retention was repeatedly measured 3–4 days after content learning, with weekly group randomization over 6 consecutive weeks. Contents followed by long naps (>30 min), but not short naps (<30 min), were significantly more retained than contents followed by waking (Cohen’s d = 0.7962). The results support the use of post-class morning naps to enhance formal education