202 research outputs found

    Narrative and performative decolonial practices in literary festivals : for a comparative analysis of Festa Literária das Periferias (FLUP) and Palestine Festival of Literature (PalFest)

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    This thesis is dedicated to the study of literary festivals, recognized as a widespread social and cultural phenomenon. In particular, it examines how this type of event has been organized in two different contexts with decolonial aims, namely in a Brazilian metropolis and in historical Palestine. The festivals in focus are FLUP, the Rio de Janeiro-based Festa Literária das Periferias, running since 2012, and PalFest, the Palestine-based Palestine Festival of Literature, running since 2008. The events, despite their differences, share a strong activist nature and overtly aim at combining literary discussions with political practices here addressed as “decolonial”. The objective of this research is at the same time to look at each festival individually, questioning how they reflect the dynamics in place in their respective literary fields, and to examine how their practices intersect and differ. As far as its structure is concerned, the thesis aims at creating a journey which moves across the festivals, the territories where they are organized, and the literary publications resulting from the events. It starts with a reflection on what festivals are, and how literary festivals can be studied; it then surveys the references that contributed to tracing the dialogue between a Palestinian and a Brazilian cultural event, before analyzing each festival in more depth; finally, it provides a comparative reading of two anthologies edited by the festivals’ organizers. Since both festivals give great importance to the act of moving through territories that are severely fragmented along colonial and/or socioeconomical divides – FLUP changes its location around the city of Rio de Janeiro every year, while PalFest travels across different cities in historical Palestine during the festival week –, this literary analysis is dedicated to the ways the festivals’ mobility is translated and represented in their respective published literature. Thus, FLUP’s anthology of short stories Eu me chamo Rio (2015), edited by Julio Ludemir and Ecio Salles, and PalFest’s tenth anniversary anthology This is Not a Border (2017), edited by Ahdaf Soueif and Omar Robert Hamilton, are read together around the representation of a common topic in each: the collective means of transport, such as the bus, that allows authors and/or characters to travel across the same territories where the festivals organize their activities.Esta tese é dedicada ao estudo de festivais literários, reconhecidos como um fenómeno social e cultural generalizado. Em particular, ela examina as formas como este tipo de evento tem sido organizado com objetivos decoloniais em dois contextos diferentes, nomeadamente, numa metrópole brasileira e na Palestina histórica. Os festivais em foco são FLUP, a Festa Literária das Periferias, organizada desde 2012 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e PalFest, o Palestine Festival of Literature, organizado desde 2008 em várias cidades palestinianas. Apesar das suas diferenças, estes eventos partilham uma forte natureza ativista e visam juntar abertamente discussões literárias com uma prática política, aqui abordada como “decolonial”. O objetivo desta pesquisa é, simultaneamente, olhar para cada festival individualmente, questionando como são recetivos às dinâmicas existentes nos seus respetivos campos literários, e examinar como as suas práticas se cruzam e diferem. No que diz respeito à sua estrutura, a tese visa criar uma viagem que atravesse os festivais, os territórios onde são organizados e as publicações literárias resultantes dos eventos. Começa com uma reflexão sobre em que consistem os festivais, o que são, e de que forma os festivais literários podem ser estudados; em seguida identifica as referências que contribuíram para traçar o diálogo entre um evento cultural palestiniano e um evento cultural brasileiro; segue-se uma análise detalhada de cada festival; e, finalmente, é realizada uma leitura comparativa de duas antologias editadas pelos organizadores dos festivais. Uma vez que ambos os festivais dão grande importância ao ato de se deslocarem por territórios que se encontram gravemente fragmentados ao longo de clivagens coloniais e/ou socioeconómicas – a FLUP muda a sua localização pela cidade do Rio de Janeiro todos os anos, já o PalFest, durante a semana do festival, viaja por diferentes cidades da Palestina histórica –, a análise literária é dedicada à forma como a mobilidade dos festivais é traduzida e representada na sua respetiva literatura publicada. Assim, a antologia de contos Eu me chamo Rio (2015), da FLUP, editada por Julio Ludemir e Ecio Salles, e a antologia do 10º aniversário do PalFest, This is Not a Border (2017), editada por Ahdaf Soueif e Omar Robert Hamilton, são lidas em conjunto partindo da representação de um tema comum: os meios de transporte coletivo, como o autocarro, que permite que os autores e/ou as personagens viajem através dos territórios nos quais os festivais organizam as suas atividades

    Impacts of a liberalization in the USA market for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice: why Florida´s producers are so afraid?

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    This study aims at examining the resource allocation and welfare implications of the reduction of barriers in the United States market for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ) imported from Brazil. The present paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents an overview of the main features of the market and current trade regime for orange juice, as well as the possible impacts of liberalization within FTAA and with the European Union; section 3 describes the partial equilibrium model of imperfect substitute goods used to estimate the impact of trade liberalization in the United States, on prices and quantities and on welfare; in section 4 two possible scenarios for liberalization are designed using the large country model. The last section summarizes the main conclusions.Commercial liberalization, reduction of trade barriers, partial equilibrium models, frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ)., Agribusiness, F13,

    Technostress: a consumer's perspective

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    Objectives: Technostress is defined as a modern disease resulting from the inability to adapt, cope and interact with new technology. The aim of this research was to identify the possible effects of the rapid technological advancement and the exposure to new technologies on consumers in modern societies. It sought to understand the characteristics of the psychological experiences of individuals when interacting with technology. Design: A qualitative design was adopted, investigating in depth the explicit and implicit aspects of the effects of the human-technology interaction. The chosen approach allows for a deeper understanding of the thoughts and feelings that lie behind this relationship. Method: Online forums, discussion boards and comment sections extracted from five different websites under the public domain were analysed using Thematic Analysis. Results: Consumers acknowledge that the increased human-machine interaction enhances efficiency and convenience to complete necessary transactions such as online shopping and bank transactions. However, they want to have the choice to keep using traditional ways rather than be forced to use this newer method. Some feel vulnerable and avoid technology while others miss the social interaction. The main three negative emotions portrayed were frustration, anger and apprehension. Conclusion The study indicates that consumers encounter difficulties when interacting with new technologies on day to day tasks and these difficulties often translate into negative emotions, behaviours and attitudes towards technology. The findings indicate that innovation is not only a matter of production and consumption but acceptance and adaptation to technology should be further studied and addressed

    Caminhos do pensamento neo-schumpeteriano: para além das analogias biológicas

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    This paper aims at contributing to the discussion of the theoretical construction of the neo-Schumpeterian approach to technical and economic change. First, the fundamentals of this approach, based on analogies to evolutionary concepts of the biological sciences, are presented. Second, we show how neo-Schumpeterian thinking in recent literature has evolved beyond such analogies by integrating the concept of self-organization as the explanatory factor of the dynamic and evolving character of economic systems. Finally, some implications of the new perspective for the new-Schumpeterian research agenda are identified

    Caminhos do pensamento neo-schumpeteriano: para além das analogias biológicas [Recent directions of neo-Schumpeterian analysis: beyond biological analogy]

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    This paper aims at contributing to the discussion of the theoretical construction of the neo-Schumpeterian approach to technical and economic change. First, the fundamentals of this approach, based on analogies to evolutionary concepts of the biological sciences, are presented. Second, we show how neo-Schumpeterian thinking in recent literature has evolved beyond such analogies by integrating the concept of self-organization as the explanatory factor of the dynamic and evolving character of economic systems. Finally, some implications of the new perspective for the new-Schumpeterian research agenda are identified.neo-Schumpeterian analysis, evolutionist approach, biological analogies, self-organization

    Il paradosso di Medea. Una lettura modale della tragedia di Euripide

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    Questo articolo non si pone un obiettivo meramente filologico, quanto piuttosto quello di mostrare come la Medea di Euripide sia un perfetto esempio di costruzione del personaggio come identità divisa, non tanto, e comunque non solo, per le proprietà anche contrastanti che definiscono l’eroina, quanto piuttosto divisa modalmente, in modi d’essere, quello della coincidenza e quello della non-coincidenza. La ferita narcisistica, determinata dall’abbandono da parte dell’amato Giasone e dall’essere stata bandita da Corinto, porta Medea all’oltrepassamento dei limiti: la sua identità è definita dalla relazione tra due estremi che non si escludono ma si annodano. Medea si trova ad oscillare tra un vertice inferiore e un vertice superiore, tra incandescenza pulsionale e intelligenza strategica. Il grande paradosso del personaggio di Medea consiste nel fatto che la decisione di rimanere fedele a se stessa e al proprio desiderio di vendetta viene a coin-cidere con la scelta terribile e necessaria dell’infanticidio, una scelta che comporta inevitabilmente l’annientamento di una parte di sé, la sua identità materna.The aim of this paper is not purely philological, but rather to show that Euripides’ Medea is a perfect example of the character’s construction as divided subject, not only for the conflicting properties that define the heroin. We have to move on from identity to modes of identity: the mode of coincidence and the mode of non-coincidence. The narcissistic injury, due to the abandonment by the beloved Giasone and the being banished from Corinto, leads Medea to surpass the limits of her own subjectivity. Her identity is defined by the relationship among two extremes which, though opposite, do not exclude each other, but intertwine with one another. Medea oscillates between a superior extreme and an inferior extreme, between pulsional force and strategic intelligence. The great Medea’s paradox lays in the decision to be faithful to herself and to her own desire for revenge comes to coincide with the terrible and necessary choice of the infanticide, a choice that inevitably involves the annihilation of a part of herself, her maternal identity


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    This article aims to demonstrate the inadequateness of the New-Keynesian microeconomic models used to estimate the potential impacts on employment of working time reduction policy. The present paper is organized as follows: the first section presents the principal consequences of the application of working time reduction policies since 1996 in France. The second section describes the main theoretical results of the application of the orthodox models, focusing on the insufficiency of these analysis that simply neglect the important influence of the expected evolution of labor productivity on the results of a working time reduction policy. Finally, evoking the marxist tradition, the last section presents an interpretation that is intended to clarify the fundamental nexus between the processes of working time reduction, intensification of work and augmentation of labor productivity.O objetivo deste artigo consiste em identificar a insuficiência das análises microeconômicas de inspiração novo-keynesiana que pretendem avaliar os impactos potenciais de uma política de redução da jornada de trabalho sobre o volume de emprego. Primeiramente, são apresentados os principais resultados colhidos, desde 1996, pela aplicação das medidas de redução da jornada de trabalho na França. A seguir, realiza-se uma síntese dos principais resultados dos modelos da ortodoxia, procurando evidenciar que a desconsideração da evolução esperada da produtividade do trabalho obscurece em muito o alcance prospectivo destes instrumentais de análise. Finalmente, a partir de uma leitura marxista, procura-se esclarecer as articulações entre os processos de redução da jornada de trabalho, intensificação do trabalho e incremento da produtividade do trabalho

    Limites das abordagens microeconômicas da redução da jornada de trabalho

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    This article aims to present some insufficiencies of the New-Keynesian models used to estimate the potential impacts on employment of a working time reduction policy. Firstly, it is presented the main characteristics of the “35 hours week” Law in France, a long historical perspective of the working time reduction process in some capitalistic countries and an understanding of themechanism that clears the way to a reduction of working time. Secondly, it is asserted the main results and the growing interest in the New-Keynesian microeconomic models used to estimate the potential effects on employment of a working time reduction policy. Finally, the last section is dedicated to provide some insights on the insufficiencies of these microeconomic models and to argue that these flaws could obscure the potential benefits of that policy.O objetivo deste artigo consiste em apresentar as insuficiências de um conjunto de análises microeconômicas que, recorrendo ao instrumental das teorias de emprego novo-keynesianas, procuram avaliar os impactos potenciais sobre o emprego da adoção de uma política de redução da jornada de trabalho. Inicialmente, descrevem-se as principais características da leidas “35 horas” na França, o movimento da duração do trabalho ao longo de um largo período de tempo nos países capitalistas e o mecanismo que franqueia o caminho para uma redução da jornada de trabalho. A seguir, evidencia-se que, apesar do interesse crescente pelos resultados dos modelos microeconômicos de inspiração novo-keynesiana na investigação dos impactos potenciais de uma política de redução da jornada de trabalho, as insuficiências das abordagens da ortodoxia obscurecem em muito os possíveis resultados benéficos desta política