533 research outputs found

    The therapeutic alliance : a must for clinical practice

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    The role of the therapeutic alliance in the success of interventions has been well demonstrated in areas related to speech language pathology and audiology. Based on this knowledge, the purpose of this article is to present the theoretical foundations of the therapeutic alliance, distinguishing it from the therapeutic relationship. The centra concept of shared decision making will then be presented, followed by factors that may influence the establishment and quality of the therapeutic alliance. A low-quality therapeutic alliance is associated with the possibility that the client will discontinue the intervention, hence the importance of paying special attention to this dimension. In situations where clinicians have difficulty establishing an alliance, it is their responsibility to identify how they may be contributing to this situation and reflect on their own actions in order to make the necessary corrections

    Recent advances in understanding hypertension development in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Consistent reports indicate that hypertension is a particularly common finding in black populations. Hypertension occurs at younger ages and is often more severe in terms of blood pressure levels and organ damage than in whites, resulting in a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality. This review provides an outline of recent advances in the pathophysiological understanding of blood pressure elevation and the consequences thereof in black populations in Africa. This is set against the backdrop of populations undergoing demanding and rapid demographic transition, where infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus predominates, and where under and over-nutrition coexist. Collectively, recent findings from Africa illustrate an increased lifetime risk to hypertension from foetal life onwards. From young ages black populations display early endothelial dysfunction, increased vascular tone and reactivity, microvascular structural adaptions, as well as increased aortic stiffness resulting in elevated central and brachial blood pressures during the day and night, when compared to whites. Together with knowledge on the contributions of sympathetic activation and abnormal renal sodium handling, these pathophysiological adaptations result in subclinical and clinical organ damage at younger ages. This overall enhanced understanding on the determinants of blood pressure elevation in blacks encourages (a) novel approaches to assess and manage hypertension in Africa better, (b) further scientific discovery to develop more effective prevention and treatment strategies, and (c) policymakers and health advocates to collectively contribute in creating health-promoting environments in Africa

    Historicising perceptions and the national management framework for invasive alien plants in South Africa

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    Abstract: This article offers a historical framework for understanding changes to human perceptions and efforts to manage invasive alien plants and weeds in South Africa from the mid-nineteenth century until the present. The article argues that South African legislation and policy for managing invasive alien plants and weeds has historically been limited because people have held contradictory values about plants, many private land owners have lacked resources and have not been compelled to follow government legislation, and because policy has reflected the interests of a small group of farmers or scientific experts who have had limited influence on most private land owners and traditional land users. Successful control efforts often relied on technical expertise that was applied controversially or could be implemented on government land without extensive public consultation or social conflict. The creation of a national framework for invasive alien plants through the Working for Water Programme in 1995 and National Environmental Management of Biodiversity Act (no. 10) of 2004 (NEMBA) has increased public awareness, but the Programme and NEMBA remain limited by many of the same institutional and social constraints that experts and institutions faced in the past. In conclusion, the article draws on history to provide insights to contemporary challenges

    Usage of Reference Management Software at the University of Torino

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    The present research, originally a master thesis, aims to investigate the popularity and usage of Reference Management Softwares among researchers and scholars of the University of Torino, Italy, and the role that university libraries can assume about the subject.This study, based upon a qualitative approach, is a descriptive survey composed of an online questionnaire and direct interviews addressed to the population of professors and researchers of the STM areas at the University of Torino. A qualitative analysis was made across the 187 responses from the questionnaire and the 13 interviews performed. 7 key concepts were outlined and discussed.The knowledge of Reference Manage Softwares is high among the respondents, but their adoption is not. EndNote is the most known and used software, while other alternatives are more scarcely considered. Scholars, hindered by time issues, rely on old habits and are very unlikely to discover new ways to manage the literature they need. Virtual collaboration is absent from the common research practice.The research gives light on the users' behaviour in a large Italian university, confirming the results provided by the literature. Librarians should assist scholars by providing informations and support about the proper tools to improve the research process.Il saggio, frutto di una tesi di master, si propone di indagare la popolarità e l'utilizzo del Reference Management Softwares tra i ricercatori e gli studiosi dell'Università di Torino, Italia, e il ruolo che le biblioteche universitarie possono assumere al riguardo. Lo studio, basato su un approccio qualitativo, è un'indagine descrittiva composta da un questionario online e da interviste dirette e rivolte alla comunità dei professori e ricercatori dell’area STM dell’Università di Torino. Questa ricerca evidenzia il comportamento degli utenti in una grande università italiana, confermando i risultati forniti dalla letteratura: abitudinarietà dei comportamenti che si esprime nello scarso utilizzo di Reference Management Softwares nella pratica di studio e di ricerca. Si sottolinea infine il ruolo che potrebbero rivestire i bibliotecari nell’assistere gli studiosi, fornendo loro informazioni e strumenti appropriati per migliorare il processo di ricerca

    Clustering analysis to improve total unit weight prediction from CPTu

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    Accurate estimates of soil unit weight are fundamental for correctly post process CPTu data and making use of Soil Behavior Type-based classification systems. Soil-specific and global regressions have been proposed for this purpose. However, soil-specific correlation might pose a problem of pertinence when applied at new sites. On the other hand, global correlations are easy to apply, but generally carry large systematic uncertainties. In this context, this work proposes a data clustering technique applied to geotechnical database aiming to identify hidden linear trends among dimensionless soil unit weight and normalized CPTu parameter according to some unobservable soil classes. Global correlations are then revisited according to such data subdivision aiming to improve accuracy of soil unit weight prediction while reducing transformation uncertainty. A new probabilistic criterion for soil unit weight prediction is also obtained. The potential benefits of the proposed procedure are illustrated with data from a Llobregat delta site (Spain).Postprint (published version

    The Effect of High Quality Feed Supplement on Growth Performance Post-Weaning Calves

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    This research aimed to evaluate the effect of high quality feed supplement (HQFS) in growth performance of post-weaning calves. Twenty four calves post-weaning aged 6 months old, consisting of 12 males and 12 females, randomly divided into 2 groups, each group consisting of 6 calves. Grouping male and female calves fed control feed plus HQFS, was formulated from corn grain, corn gluten meal (CGM), pollard, soybean meal (SBM), wheat flour and agromix booster (treatment diet) as first group (treatment), and the second group was fed control feed without addition of HQFS (control). This study was conducted for 6 weeks. The variables observed included feed intake (dry matter, crude protein, and TDN), weight gain, feed conversion, feed cost per gain and body size (body length, chest girth, and withers height). The treatment was in factorial 2x2 in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Growth performance of post weaning calves were analyzed as repeated measures with feed (treatment and control) and sex (male and female) as factors.  Results showed that the CP consumption, ADG and chest girth of treatment group was higher than (P<0.01) than the control group (0.42 and 0.34 kg/d, 0.95 and 0.71 kg/d, and 12.41 and 8.25 cm). TDN consumption, feed conversion, and body length of the treatment group were higher (P<0.05) than the control group (3.08 and 2.57 kg/d, 3.64 and 4.86, and 8.12 and 5.95 cm). DM consumption, chest girth and feed cost per gain of treatment and control group were not significant (3.87 and 3.69 kg/d, 7.30 and 6.72 cm, and IDR 16,280.00 and IDR 19,167.00). There was no difference between the growth of post-weaning calves between the male and female groups. There was no interaction between feed type and sex of the post-weaning calves. The conclusion of this study was that post-weaning calves fed HQFS (20.2%) produced better growth performance than controls

    Speech-language pathologists and parents perceived challenges and opportunities of telepractice

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    Tittel: Logopeder og foreldre sine opplevde utfordringer og muligheter med telehelse Forfatter: Rita Osei År: 2022 sider: 71 (uten vedlegg) Hensikt: Hensikten med denne studien er å forstå erfaringene til brukere av telehelse i Canada og Norge under pandemien og deres opplevde utfordringer og muligheter med telehelse. Telehelse har blitt identifisert som et suksessfullt verktøy for å bøte på logopedmangelen og øke tilgjengeligheten for mennesker med utviklingsmessige språkforstyrrelser. COVID-19 gjorde at flere fysiske tjenester i stedet ble nettjenester, inkludert språkstimulering. Derfor er det nyttig å undersøke hvordan foreldre og logopeder oppfattet utfordringer og muligheter med telehelse i Norge og Canada. Metode: Fire logopeder og fem foreldre som benyttet telehelsetjenester under COVID-19 pandemien fullførte et nettskjema og et dybdeintervju. En sekvensiell forklarende designstudie med blandede metoder og fenomenologisk tilnærming ble brukt til å dokumentere deltakernes opplevde utfordringer og muligheter med telehelse. Resultat: Opplevde muligheter inkluderte kontinuerlig og konsekvent støtte, mer terapeut-foreldrekontakt, terapi i kjente omgivelser, effektivt i forhold til kostnader og tid brukt til transport. Utfordringer deltakerne erfarte inkluderte stort foreldreengasjement, begrenset terapeutisk allianse, manglende fysisk kontakt, økonomiske og teknologiske barrierer, samt tekniske feil. Konklusjon: Deltakere i undersøkelsen likte telehelse på grunn av muligheter som terapeut-foreldrekontakt og effektiviteten ved å unngå transport. For foreldre kan utfordringer bli redusert med bedre kommunikasjon og veiledning fra logopeder om hva som må forventes med telehelse. Noen utfordringer for logopeder kan løses med opplæring og mentorskap fra logopeder med erfaring innen telehelse. Nøkkelord: telehelse, terapeutisk allianse, foreldreengasjement, logopeder og utviklingsmessige språkforstyrrelser (DLD)Title: Speech-language pathologists and parents perceived challenges and opportunities of telepractice Author: Rita Osei Year: 2022 Pages: 71 (excluding appendices) Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of individuals who participated in telepractice during the pandemic in Norway and Canada and their perceived challenges and opportunities of telepractice. Telepractice has been identified as a successful tool to address the shortages of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and increase access to people with language disorders. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in in-person services, including speech-language pathology, being delivered remotely, Therefore, research is warranted on parents’ and SLPs perceived challenges and opportunities of telepractice in Norway and Canada. Method: Four SLPs and five parents who took part in telepractice during the COVID-19 pandemic completed an online survey and in-depth interview. Explanatory sequential mixed-methods and phenomenological approaches were used to document participants’ perceived challenges and opportunities of telepractice. Result: Perceived opportunities of telepractice included continual and consistent support from SLPs; more therapist-parent contact; therapy in a familiar environment; efficiency in relations to travel time and cost of transport. Challenges experienced by participants included heavy parental involvement, limited therapeutic alliance, lack of physical contact, economic barriers, and technological glitches. Conclusion: The participants in this study liked telepractice because of the opportunities that telepractice offers, such as therapist-parent contact and efficiency of not having to travel. The challenges of telepractice such as heavy technological glitches and limited therapeutic relationship was a draw back for the participants. For the parents, the challenges can be reduced with better communication and explanation from their SLPs of what to expect with telepractice. For the SLPs, some of the challenges can be addressed by taking courses and seeking mentorship from SLPs with experience in telepractice. Keywords: telepractice; therapeutic alliance; parental involvement; speech-language pathologist, developmental language disorder (DLD

    An analysis of the Sunday Times and Twitter's reporting of President Mugabe's State visit to South Africa

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    Text in EnglishSocial media has taken the world by storm and keeps on evolving. This evolution poses a threat as well as an opportunity to mankind, to the livelihoods of hordes of people employed in the media industry. It also presents a unique opportunity to chart new waters. This study explores the convergence and divergence of new media and traditional media. This divergence and convergence, if properly understood, will help in understanding the future of traditional media, and thus mitigate the threats posed by the ever evolving social media and communication technologies. This study provided a test case on the legitimacy of traditional media in as much as the ‘public interest and purveyor of public opinion’ clause of the media is concerned. The media cannot afford to live by Marx doctrine of “he who owns the means of production also controls the production of ideas in that epoch’. If it is going to be a driver and custodian of democracy in a new emerging Africa, the media has a responsibility to be the voice of the voiceless. Social media plugs the gap that traditional media leaves. Thus, the two can thus complement each other, rather than compete with each other within the same space. The population in Africa is becoming younger and younger and by extension they are moving away from traditional media towards digital and social media. There is an opportunity to be seized there. This study established that the traditional media has entrenched ways of looking at news, which are normally divergent from the way that the general populace, as captured in social media does.Communication ScienceM.A. (Communication Science

    Инфламмасомы и пироптоз эпителиальных клеток кишечника: вклад в развитие болезни Крона и неспецифического язвенного колита

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    ИНФЛАММАСОМЫПИРОПТОЗКЛЕТКИ СМЕРТЬЭПИТЕЛИОЦИТЫЭПИТЕЛИАЛЬНЫЕ КЛЕТКИКИШЕЧНИКА ВОСПАЛИТЕЛЬНЫЕ БОЛЕЗНИКРОНА БОЛЕЗНЬИЛЕИТ РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫЙИЛЕИТ ТЕРМИНАЛЬНЫЙИЛЕОКОЛИТЭНТЕРИТ ГРАНУЛОМАТОЗНЫЙКОЛИТ ЯЗВЕННЫЙПРОКТОКОЛИТ ЯЗВЕННЫЙПРОКТОЛИТ ГЕМОРРАГИЧЕСКИЙРЕКТОКОЛИТ ГЕМОРРАГИЧЕСКИЙРЕКТОКОЛИТ ЯЗВЕННЫЙДанная обзорная работа посвящена описанию роли инфламмасом и пироптоза эпителиоцитов кишечника в развитии хронических воспалительных заболеваний кишечника – болезни Крона и неспецифического язвенного колита. Пироптоз – каспаза-1-зависимый вид клеточной смерти, опосредованный действием белка гасдермина D и сопровождающийся выделением во внеклеточную среду провопалительных цитокинов ИЛ-1-бета и ИЛ-18. В статье дана характеристика пироптоза с описанием факторов, которые приводят к его активации, функций, механизмов развития и регуляции процесса, а также описаны эффекты данного вида клеточной смерти, которые обуславливают усиление воспаления. Детально рассмотрен пироптоз эпителиальных клеток кишечника в норме и при патологии воспалительного генеза. Весомая роль инфламмасом и пироптоза эпителиальных клеток кишечника в патогенезе хронических воспалительных заболеваний кишечника обуславливает актуальность разработки и испытания антипироптотических препаратов.This review article deals with the role of inflammasomes and pyroptosis of intestinal epithelial cells in the development of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Pyroptosis is a caspase-1-mediated mode of cell death associated with the cleavage of gasdermin D and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1-beta and IL-18. The paper covers characteristics of pyroptosis with the description of its triggers, functions, mechanisms and regulation, as well as pro-inflammatory effects of this cell death mode. Pyroptosis of intestinal epithelial cells is described in detail under normal and pathological circumstances. The pivotal role of inflammasomes and pyroptosis in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases substantiates the great importance of the development and trial of antipyroptotic drugs

    Caregivers’ Perceptions of SLP Talk about Child Language and Literacy Disorders

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    Purpose: This study examined caregiver perceptions of their child’s language and literacy disorder as influenced by communications with their speech-language pathologist (SLP). Method: The participants were 12 caregivers of 10 school-aged children with language and literacy disorders. Employing qualitative methods, a collective case study approach was utilized in which the caregiver(s) of each child represented one case. The data came from semi-structured interviews, codes emerged directly from the caregivers’ responses during the interviews, and multiple coding passes using ATLAS.ti software were made until themes were evident. These themes were then further validated by conducting clinical file reviews and follow-up interviews with the caregivers. Results: Caregivers’ comments focused on the types of information received or not received, as well as the clarity of the information. This included information regarding their child’s diagnosis, the long-term consequences of their child’s disorder, and the connection between language and reading. While caregivers were adept at describing their child’s difficulties and therapy goals/objectives, their comments indicated that they struggled to understand their child’s disorder in a way that was meaningful to them and their child. Conclusions: The findings showed the value caregivers place on receiving clear and timely diagnostic information, as well as the complexity associated with caregivers’ understanding of language and literacy disorders. The findings are discussed in terms of changes that could be made in clinical practice to better support children with language and literacy disorders and their families