9 research outputs found

    A quarter century of spectroscopic monitoring of the nearby M dwarf Gl 514. A super-Earth on an eccentric orbit moving in and out of the habitable zone

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    International audienceContext. Statistical analyses based on Kepler data show that most of the early-type M dwarfs host multi-planet systems consisting of Earth- to sub-Neptune-sized planets with orbital periods of up to ~250 days, and that at least one such planet is likely located within the habitable zone. M dwarfs are therefore primary targets to search for potentially habitable planets in the solar neighbourhood. Aims: We investigated the presence of planetary companions around the nearby (7.6 pc) and bright (V = 9 mag) early-type M dwarf Gl 514, analysing 540 radial velocities collected over nearly 25 yr with the HIRES, HARPS, and CARMENES spectrographs. Methods: The data are affected by time-correlated signals at the level of 2-3 m s−1 due to stellar activity, which we filtered out, testing three different models based on Gaussian process regression. As a sanity cross-check, we repeated the analyses using HARPS radial velocities extracted with three different algorithms. We used HIRES radial velocities and Hipparcos-Gaia astrometry to put constraints on the presence of long-period companions, and we analysed TESS photometric data. Results: We find strong evidence that Gl 514 hosts a super-Earth on a likely eccentric orbit, residing in the conservative habitable zone for nearly 34% of its orbital period. The planet Gl 514b has minimum mass mb sin ib = 5.2 ± 0.9 M⊕, orbital period Pb = 140.43 ± 0.41 days, and eccentricity eb = 0.45−0.14+0.15. No evidence for transits is found in the TESS light curve. There is no evidence for a longer period companion in the radial velocities and, based on astrometry, we can rule out a ~0.2 MJup planet at a distance of ~3-10 astronomical units, and massive giant planets and brown dwarfs out to several tens of astronomical units. We discuss the possible presence of a second low-mass companion at a shorter distance from the host than Gl 514 b. Conclusions: Gl 514 b represents an interesting science case for studying the habitability of planets on eccentric orbits. We advocate for additional spectroscopic follow-up to get more accurate and precise planetary parameters. Further follow-up is also needed to investigate the presence of additional planetary signals of less than 1 m s−1. Tables A.1-A.4 are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/666/A187</A

    The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs

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    Despite their activity, low-mass stars are of particular importance for the search of exoplanets by the means of Doppler spectroscopy, as planets with lower masses become detectable. We report on the discovery of a planetary companion around HD 180617, a bright (J = 5.58 mag), low-mass (M = 0.45M⊙) star of spectral type M2.5 V. The star, located at a distance of 5.9 pc, is the primary of the high proper motion binary system containing vB 10, a star with one of the lowest masses known in most of the twentieth century. Our analysis is based on new radial velocity (RV) measurements made at red-optical wavelengths provided by the high-precision spectrograph CARMENES, which was designed to carry out a survey for Earth-like planets around M dwarfs. The available CARMENES data are augmented by archival Doppler measurements from HIRES and HARPS. Altogether, the RVs span more than 16 yr. The modeling of the RV variations, with a semi-amplitude of K = 2.85_{-0.25}^{+0.16}\,\textrm{m\,s}^{-1}, yields a Neptune-like planet with a minimum mass of 12.2_{-1.4}^{+1.0} M⊕ on a 105.90_{-0.10}^{+0.09} d circumprimary orbit, which is partly located in the host star’s habitable zone. The analysis of time series of common activity indicators does not show any dependence on the detected RV signal. The discovery of HD 180617 b not only adds information to a currently hardly filled region of the mass-period diagram of exoplanets around M dwarfs, but the investigated system becomes the third known binary consisting of M dwarfs and hosting an exoplanet in an S-type configuration. Its proximity makes it an attractive candidate for future studies

    Charge carrier injection and trapping in the buried oxides of SOI structures

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    The electron injection processes in the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices affect strongly the reliability of device operation [1]. Usually the buried oxide (BOX)/silicon film interface shows worse structural and electrical properties than that of the gate oxide/silicon film interface [2]. This leads to enhanced charge trapping and degradation of the BOX during SOI device operation. Therefore, the promising perspectives of SOI devices for some applications (especially for high-voltage and high-temperature devices) are often limited by carrier injection processes in the BOX

    The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs: Two terrestrial planets orbiting G 264-012 and one terrestrial planet orbiting Gl 393

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    We report the discovery of two planetary systems, namely G 264-012, an M 4.0 dwarf with two terrestrial planets (Mb sin i=2.50-0.30+0.29 M and Mc sin i=3.75-0.47+0.48 M), and Gl 393, a bright M 2.0 dwarf with one terrestrial planet (Mb sini = 1.71 ± 0.24M). Although both stars were proposed to belong to young stellar kinematic groups, we estimate their ages to be older than about 700 Ma. The two planets around G 264-012 were discovered using only radial-velocity (RV) data from the CARMENES exoplanet survey, with estimated orbital periods of 2.30 d and 8.05 d, respectively.Photometric monitoring and analysis of activity indicators reveal a third signal present in the RV measurements, at about 100 d,caused by stellar rotation. The planet Gl 393 b was discovered in the RV data from the HARPS, CARMENES, and HIRES instruments. Its identification was only possible after modelling, with a Gaussian process (GP), the variability produced by the magnetic activity of the star. For the earliest observations, this variability produced a forest of peaks in the periodogram of the RVs at around the 34 d rotation period determined from Kepler data, which disappeared in the latestepochs. After correcting for them with this GP model, a significant signal showed at a period of 7.03 d. No significant signals in any of our spectral activity indicators or contemporaneous photometry were found at any of the planetary periods. Given the orbital and stellar properties, the equilibrium temperatures of the three planets are all higher than that for Earth. Current planet formation theories suggest that these two systems represent a common type of architecture. This is consistent with formation following the core accretion paradigm

    A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESS

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    We report the detection of a transiting super-Earth-sized planet (R = 1.39 ± 0.09 R⊕ ) in a 1.4-day orbit around L 168-9 (TOI-134), a bright M1V dwarf (V = 11, K = 7.1) located at 25.15 ± 0.02 pc. The host star was observed in the first sector of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission. For confirmation and planet mass measurement purposes, this was followed up with ground-based photometry, seeing-limited and high-resolution imaging, and precise radial velocity (PRV) observations using the HARPS and Magellan/PFS spectrographs. By combining the TESS data and PRV observations, we find the mass of L 168-9 b to be 4.60 ± 0.56 M⊕ and thus the bulk density to be 1.74-0.33+0.44 times higher than that of the Earth. The orbital eccentricity is smaller than 0.21 (95% confidence). This planet is a level one candidate for the TESS mission's scientific objective of measuring the masses of 50 small planets, and it is one of the most observationally accessible terrestrial planets for future atmospheric characterization

    GJ 367b: A dense, ultrashort-period sub-Earth planet transiting a nearby red dwarf star

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    Ultrashort-period (USP) exoplanets have orbital periods shorter than 1 day. Precise masses and radii of USP exoplanets could provide constraints on their unknown formation and evolution processes. We report the detection and characterization of the USP planet GJ 367b using high-precision photometry and radial velocity observations. GJ 367b orbits a bright (V-band magnitude of 10.2), nearby, and red (M-type) dwarf star every 7.7 hours. GJ 367b has a radius of 0.718 ± 0.054 Earth-radii and a mass of 0.546 ± 0.078 Earth-masses, making it a sub-Earth planet. The corresponding bulk density is 8.106 ± 2.165 grams per cubic centimeter—close to that of iron. An interior structure model predicts that the planet has an iron core radius fraction of 86 ± 5%, similar to that of Mercury’s interior

    Discovery of a hot, transiting, Earth-sized planet and a second temperate, non-transiting planet around the M4 dwarf GJ 3473 (TOI-488)

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    International audienceWe present the confirmation and characterisation of GJ 3473 b (G 50–16, TOI-488.01), a hot Earth-sized planet orbiting an M4 dwarf star, whose transiting signal (P = 1.1980035 ± 0.0000018 d) was first detected by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Through a joint modelling of follow-up radial velocity observations with CARMENES, IRD, and HARPS together with extensive ground-based photometric follow-up observations with LCOGT, MuSCAT, and MuSCAT2, we determined a precise planetary mass, Mb = 1.86 ± 0.30 M⊕, and radius, Rb = 1.264 ± 0.050 R⊕. Additionally, we report the discovery of a second, temperate, non-transiting planet in the system, GJ 3473 c, which has a minimum mass, Mc sin i = 7.41 ± 0.91 M⊕, and orbital period, Pc = 15.509 ± 0.033 d. The inner planet of the system, GJ 3473 b, is one of the hottest transiting Earth-sized planets known thus far, accompanied by a dynamical mass measurement, which makes it a particularly attractive target for thermal emission spectroscopy

    The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs

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