12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of microextractions techniques and nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis (NACE) for the determination of antidepressants in plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring

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    A monitorização terapêutica tem sido descrita como um recurso clínico valioso, na individualização do regime de dosagem, de acordo com a concentração do fármaco em amostras de plasma ou soro. O objetivo da monitorização terapêutica é assegurar a eficácia clínica e minimizar os efeitos adversos dos fármacos prescritos na clínica. A química analítica moderna tem sido direcionada para a simplificação dos métodos através da miniaturização dos sistemas analíticos, minimização do consumo de solvente orgânico e do volume da amostra. Neste contexto, metodologias analíticas utilizando as técnicas de microextração, extração sortiva em barra de agitação (SBSE) e microextração em sorvente empacotado (MEPS), juntamente com a eletroforese capilar em solução não-aquosa (NACE) foram desenvolvidas para fins monitorização terapêutica de antidepressivos inibidores seletivos da recaptação de serotonina (ISRSs: fluoxetina, sertralina, paroxetina e citalopram) em amostras de plasma de pacientes em terapia com ISRSs. Inicialmente foram padronizadas as condições eletroforéticas com detecção espectrofotométrica (UV) para análise simultânea dos ISRSs em amostras de plasma. Dentre as condições avaliadas (diferentes soluções de eletrólitos em meio aquoso e não aquoso, cromatografia eletrocinética micelar e NACE), a técnica NACE-UV foi a única que apresentou resolução dos fármacos adequada. Em seguida, otimizou-se as variáveis inerentes das técnicas de microextração (SBSE e MEPS), visando minimizar o tempo de análise e aumento da sensibilidade analítica. Para o método SBSE/NACE, as variáveis tempo e temperatura de extração, pH da amostra biológica e processo de dessorção foram otimizadas, já para o método MEPS/NACE, as variáveis, pH da amostra biológica, volume da amostra e número dos ciclos aspirar/dispensar foram otimizadas. A validação analítica foi realizada segundo as normas preconizadas pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), com adição de padrão de padrão interno às amostras de plasma enriquecidas com os antidepressivos em diferentes concentrações plasmáticas que contemplam o intervalo terapêutico dos ISRSs. Para avaliar a aplicabilidade das metodologias padronizadas, amostras de plasma de pacientes em terapia com os ISRSs foram analisadas. Os métodos padronizados (SBSE/NACE e MEPS/NACE) foram comparados ao método de referência (LLE/NACE), utilizando a extração líquido-líquido. As técnicas de microextração, quando comparadas à LLE, apresentaram as seguintes vantagens: a reutilização das fases extratoras, procedimentos de extração com reduzido número de etapas, menores volumes de amostras biológicas e de solventes orgânicos. Segundo os parâmetros de validação avaliados, os métodos SBSE/NACE e MEPS/NACE padronizados podem ser empregados nas análises dos antidepressivos (ISRSs) em amostras de plasma, para fins de monitorização terapêutica.Therapeutic monitoring allows individualization of the dose regimen and has been indicated for the monitoring of well-established therapeutic intervals. In psychiatric disorders, most of the patients require that the plasmatic concentrations to be within a fixed range, so the disorders are kept under control and the adverse effects are acceptable. The aim of the therapeutic monitoring is ensure clinical effectiveness and minimization of adverse effects of drugs prescribed at the clinic. New trends in analytical chemistry have been directed towards simplification and miniaturization of analytical systems, and minimization of organic solvents and sample volume. In this work, analytical methodologies using microextraction techniques, such as stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS), in conjunction with capillary electrophoresis in a nonaqueous background electrolyte (NACE) were developed for therapeutic drug monitoring of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs: fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine and citalopram) in plasma sample of patients in therapy with SSRIs. First, the optimization of electrophoretic separation of the SSRIs was carried out to obtain simultaneous analysis of all antidepressants. Among the conditions evaluated (different background electrolytes in aqueous and nonaqueous medium, micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, and NACE), NACE-UV gave the best results. In the sequence, the optimization of the inherent variables of microextraction techniques (SBSE and MEPS)aiming analyses time minimization and increase of analytical sensibilitywas carried out. For SBSE/NACE methodology development the variables such as time of extraction, temperature of extraction, and matrix pH were optimized. For MEPS/NACE methodology the variables matrix pH and the volume of draw-eject cycles were optimized. Analytical validation was carried out in agreement with the norms of National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) for both of the proposed methods, in different plasmatic concentrations, which completed the therapeutic interval. The developed methods (SBSE/NACE e MEPS/NACE) were compared to the reference method, using liquid-liquid extraction (LLE/NACE). Microextraction techniques, compared to LLE, gave the following advantages: reutilization of the extraction phase, fewer numbers of steps for extraction, reduction of sample volume, and less consumption of organic solvents. According to the evaluated validation parameters, the standardized methods SBSE/NACE and MEPS/NACE can be used in the analyses of antidepressants (SSRIs) in plasma sample for therapeutic drug monitoring purposes

    dGMP-BPDE DNA adduct investigation in environmentally exposed rural workers by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection

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    An alternative method to 32P-postlabeling has been proposed for sensitive detection and quantitation of deoxyguanosine monophosphate - benzo[a]pyrenediol epoxide (dGMP-BPDE), a biomarker for human exposure to carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection (CE-LIF). A modified CE-LIF instrument was adjusted to operate with a He/Cd UV laser (325 nm) for native fluorescence detection from BPDE adducts. The method was linear over three decades in concentration, with the detection limit of 2.5 × 10-9 mol L-1 at the signal-to-noise ratio of three after consecutive dilution of the dGMP-BPDE standard. At this level, recovery of 1 adduct per 10(7) normal nucleotides was possible. The RSD values for inter- and intra-day determination were better than 7% and recovery studies at three different levels yielded values around 50%. This method has been validated and for the first time applied to determination of dGMP-BPDE in blood samples from Brazilian rural workers, which were exposed to PAH in sugar-cane plantation harvesting and charcoal-production ovens

    Fast separation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressants in plasma sample by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis

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    A simple, fast, and sensitive liquid-liquid extraction method followed by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis (LLE/NACE) was developed and validated for Simultaneous determination of four antidepressants (fluoxetine, sertraline, citalopram and paroxetine) in human plasma. Several experimental separation conditions using aqueous and nonaqueous media separation were tested by varying the electrolyte pH value (for aqueous medium) and the ionic strength concentration considering the similar mobility of the compounds. High-resolution separation was achieved with a mixture of 1.25 mol L(-1) of phosphoric acid in acetonitrile. The quantification limits of the LLE/CE method varied between 15 and 30 ng mL(-1), with a relative standard deviation (RSD) lower than 10.3%. The method was successfully applied in therapeutic drug monitoring and should be employed in the evaluation of plasma levels in urgent toxicological analysis. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo-FAPESP[06/04633-4]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP