2,779 research outputs found

    Lyapunov design of a simple step-size adaptation strategy based on success

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    A simple success-based step-size adaptation rule for singleparent Evolution Strategies is formulated, and the setting of the corresponding parameters is considered. Theoretical convergence on the class of strictly unimodal functions of one variable that are symmetric around the optimum is investigated using a stochastic Lyapunov function method developed by Semenov and Terkel [5] in the context of martingale theory. General expressions for the conditional expectations of the next values of step size and distance to the optimum under (1 +, λ)-selection are analytically derived, and an appropriate Lyapunov function is constructed. Convergence rate upper bounds, as well as adaptation parameter values, are obtained through numerical optimization for increasing values of λ. By selecting the number of offspring that minimizes the bound on the convergence rate with respect to the number of function evaluations, all strategy parameter values result from the analysis

    Unidades de Conservação e Comunidades remanescentes de quilombo no Alto Trombetas: a busca de sSoluções para conflitos territoriais

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    The Trombetas river valley, west side from Pará, Brazil, is occupied secularly by quilombos population. Back in 1979 and 1989 were created in this region, respectively, the Trombetas River Biological Reserve (TRBR) and the Saracá-Taquera National Forest (STNF), stablishing conflicting rules with the local reality. The enactment of article 68º from the Transitory Constitutional Disposition Act (TCDA) in 1988 secured the property rights from the lands occupied by quilombolas communities, starting in the nineties a dispute by the domain of the space. By the Conflicts Resolution approach this study has as an objective to comprehend the conflicts generated by the Conservation Units management and to propose alternatives to its solution. Using documental research and direct observation techniques, it was possible to investigate the interests and positions of the conflict parts. By the collected data it was detected four shared interests, three specific interest from the management institution and eleven community interests. This result was discussed on the basis of scenarios for resolution of conflicts, which are: i) Ressetlement; ii) Reduction in the TRBR boundaries and Quilombola Territory (QT) titulation; iii) Reduction in the TRBR boundaries and the creation of a Sustainable Development Reserve (SDR); iv) Commitment Term (CT); v) Reduction in the STNF boundaries and Quilombola Territory (QT) titulation; vi) Recategorisation of the STNF to SDR. The resettlement collides with the Quilombola´s rights, it has a high financial costs and can not bring the expected result. The second scenario collides with sharing interests and hinders the RBRT as conservation units (UC). The third alternative permits dual stiltedness and seems suitable to occupied areas with housing. The CT was presented as a good alternative to areas without housing, to the satisfaction of specified conflict interests, witch solutions may be obtained in a long term period. The fifth alternative is necessary to enable possible drawbacks of quilombola´s interests in the TRBR. In the end, the STNF recategorisation presented some difficulties due the community interests. In conclusion the study showed that the resolution of these conflicts without harming the essential core of the rights entails setbacks position, defining priority areas based on conservation targets, bargains and implementation of new institutional arrangements that encourage cooperation through shared interests.O vale do rio Trombetas, oeste do estado do Pará, Brasil, é secularmente ocupado por populações remanescentes de quilombos. Em 1979 e 1989 foram criadas nesta região, respectivamente, a Reserva Biológica do Rio Trombetas (RBRT) e a Floresta Nacional Saraca- Taquera (FNST), estabelecendo regras conflitantes com a realidade local. A promulgação do Art. 68 do Ato das Disposições Constitucionais Transitórias (ADCT) em 1988 assegurou o direito de propriedade das terras ocupadas pelas comunidades remanesceste de quilombo, iniciando desde então uma disputa pelo espaço. Partindo-se da abordagem da Resolução de Conflitos delineou-se como objetivo do estudo compreender os conflitos gerados a partir das Unidades de Conservação e propor alternativas para sua solução. Por meio de pesquisa documental e observações diretas foi possível investigar as posições e interesses das partes em conflitos. Verificou-se a partir dos dados coletados a existência de três interesses específicos do órgão gestor, onze interesses comunitários e quatro interesses compartilhados. Este resultado foi discutido em função dos cenários para solução dos conflitos, que são: i) Reassentamento; ii) Desafetação da RBRT e Titulação de Território Quilombola (TQ); iii) Desafetação da RBRT e criação de Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (RDS); iv) Termo de Compromisso (TC); v) Desafetação da FNST e titulação de TQ; vi) Recategorização da FNST como RDS. O reassentamento choca-se com o direito quilombola e pode não trazer o resultado esperado. O segundo cenário choca-se com interesses compartilhados e inviabiliza a RBRT como unidade de conservação (UC). A terceira alternativa permite dupla afetação (UC e TQ no mesmo espaço) e mostrou-se apropriada para satisfazer interesses compartilhados em algumas áreas. O TC mostrou-se como boa alternativa para áreas ocupadas com usos, sem moradias, cuja solução do conflito pode ser obtida num longo prazo. A quinta alternativa mostrou-se necessária para viabilizar recuos de interesses quilombolas na RBRT, satisfazer interesses relacionados a maior autonomia e corrigir o fato da FNST ter sido criada após o Art. 68 do ADCT. Por fim, não houve interesse comunitário na recategorização da FNST, inviabilizando este cenário. Como conclusão o estudo mostrou que a resolução destes conflitos sem prejudicar o núcleo essencial dos direitos enseja recuos de posição, definição de áreas prioritárias com base em alvos de conservação, barganhas e implementação de novos arranjos institucionais que fomentem cooperação por meio de interesses compartilhados

    Análisis de la violencia de género, dentro del panorama nacional e internacional

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    Análisis de la violencia de género, efectividad de las medidas de protección y responsabilidad que tiene el estado en cumplir con las medidas de protección que tiene como fin prevenir y erradicar las violencias basadas en género que atentan y vulnera los derechos de las mujeres , a la vida, a tener una vida tranquila, a su vez, saber que responsabilidad tiene la fiscalía en no atender y proteger aquellas mujeres víctimas de cualquier tipo de violencia (psicológica, física, verbal, económica, etc.), esta protección no solo rige de manera nacional, tiene su fuente principal en la declaración de los derechos del hombre, derechos humanos e internacional humanitario y convenciones como la Belém do Pará.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales -- Especialización en Derecho AdministrativoAnalysis of gender violence, effectiveness of protection measures and the responsibility of the state to comply with protection measures whose purpose is to prevent and eradicate gender-based violence that threatens and violates the rights of women, to life, to have a quiet life, in turn, to know what responsibility the prosecutor's office has in not attending to and protecting those women victims of any type of violence (psychological, physical, verbal, economic, etc.), this protection not only applies Nationally, it has its main source in the declaration of human rights, human rights and international humanitarian law and conventions such as Belém do Pará

    Dermatitis Associated with the Intake of Defatted Rice Bran by Cattle in the Southern Region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

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    Background: Dermatitis associated with defatted rice bran (DRB) seems to be an underdiagnosed disease in Brazilian confined herds, characterized by localized skin lesions that develop mainly on hind limbs, and can affect any animal category. In this context, the goal of the present study was to describe an outbreak of dermatitis associated with the consumption of defatted rice bran on a property in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, demonstrating the clinical, hematological and epidemiological characteristics of the animals, as well as alternatives for the definitive diagnosis.Cases: Clinical and epidemiological data were obtained by anamnesis with the technician responsible for the property. Aberdeen Angus and crossbred males, with 24 to 36 months of age, with an average of 413 kg, from a property in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul were analyzed. From a batch of 45 cattle, from 24 to 36 months of age, 20 presented lesions on hind limbs 8-17 days after supplementation of a commercial feed containing defatted rice bran. To assist in the diagnosis, blood samples were drawn into vacuum tubes with 10% EDTA, for a complete blood count with the investigation of hemoparasites, and without anticoagulant, for liver function tests. In addition, lesion tissue samples were also collected for bacteriological, mycological and histopathological examination and the ration offered to the animals, for intradermal tests. There were no significant hematological and biochemical changes in animals that developed DRB dermatitis, except when they have an associated secondary infection. The fungal research was negative. The bacterial culture revealed a growth of Staphylococcus aureus, possibly due to secondary infection resulting from the lesions. In histopathological examination, lesions were characterized by areas of alopecia, thickening of the epidermis, forming dry, thick crusts, and some ulcerative and serosanguineous lesions. Histologically, lesions were characterized by marked hyperkeratosis, ulceration, and in the superficial dermis, intense inflammatory infiltrate of eosinophils and lymphocytes.Histologic changes, although not pathognomonic, are typically described in this disease. The intradermal test was performed to contribute to the diagnosis of the disease, where a significant increase in volume was found between measurements on animals that developed the disease. It is believed that the disease is produced due to a food hypersensitivity as a consequence of the high protein level in DRB. The results of the intradermal test indicate that the animals developed hypersensitivity and reaction to proteins, and further research is required to determine the protein fraction leading to hypersensitivity reactions.Discussion: In the present study, acute lesions in hind limbs in a significant number of animals of the same batch in a short period of time after supplementation with a diet containing defatted rice bran, enabled a clinical diagnosis suggestive of dermatitis associated with DRB consumption. Through epidemiological data, reactive intradermal test, associated with the findings of the histopathological exam, which showed characteristic lesions of the disease (alopecia, erythema, epidermis thickening, with the formation of thick crusts, usually on hind limbs in the region of the hoof coronary band, progressing to pastern and fetlock), it was possible to establish the clinical-pathological diagnosis of dermatitis associated with the consumption of defatted rice bran. Keywords: dermatitis, cattle, supplementation, defatted rice bran.Descritores: dermatite, bovinos, suplementação, farelo de arroz desengordurado.Título: Dermatite associada ao consumo de farelo de arroz desengorduradoem bovinos na região sul do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

    Estudio de Percepción sobre Energía Limpia y Auto Sostenible

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    The objective of this article, is to identify the perceived benefits from the implementation of solar panels to generate clean, economical and sustainable energy at the Arcesio Caliz Amador School. Initially, the community supported the promotion of alternative energy sources and assessed different types of natural and artificial energy sources. A prototype solar panel was developed and awareness-raising efforts were made in the community to promote the use of alternative energy sources and caring for the environment. This study is quantitative and experimental. The study uses the technique of structured interviews with a sample of 50 students from the Arcesio Caliz Amador School. The main finding is that the students recognize that the use and implementation of this type of energy offers environmental, educational, economic and social benefits.El presente artículo permite estudiar la energía solar; considerada la fuente de energía renovable disponible más abundante y limpia. El objetivo entonces de la presente investigación identificar los beneficios de la implementación de paneles solares para generar energía limpia económica y auto sostenible en la IETD Arcesio Caliz Amador. Inicialmente, se logró apropiar a la comunidad para el fomento del uso de energías alternativas; se identificaron los tipos de energía, natural o artificial, se diseñó un prototipo de panel solar y finalmente se creó conciencia sobre el uso de las energías alternativas, fomentando el cuidado del medio ambiente. El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, experimental. Como técnica de recolección se empleó la entrevista estructurada a una muestra de (50) estudiantes de la IETD Arcesio Caliz Amador. Como conclusiones se puede decir que los estudiantes reconocen que uso e implementación de esta energía trae consigo beneficios tanto medioambientales, educativos, económicos y sociales

    Perfil hematológico de niños colombianos de zonas palúdicas y su relación con desnutrición crónica y parásitos intestinales patógenos en Urabá, Colombia, 2012

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    Introduction: reports on the hematological profile of Colombian children living in malarious areas are scarce in Colombia; in these areas, coexisting pathogenic intestinal parasites and chronic malnutrition. Objective: to determine the hematological profile of children in Urabá Antioqueño and explore its relationship with pathogenic intestinal parasites and chronic malnutrition. Materials and methods: prevalence survey in 1.600 children. Results: chronic malnutrition is at 25%; intestinal parasites in 83%; chronic malnutrition or intestinal parasites in 89%. The average hemoglobin indicates iron deficiency anemia in 100%. Serum retinol is deficient in 71%. The mean ferritin is normal in all. Hemoglobin has significant difference by sex, age, chronic malnutrition and chronic sex strata malnutrition. Anemia has these frequencies: 71% hypochromic microcytic; normochromic microcytic 27%. Conclusions: because pathogenic intestinal parasites and chronic malnutrition alter immune function, it seems fair to conclude that these children must be altered such function and do not know the impact this can have on your current and future health. It is urgent to implement and maintain the recommendations and public health policies that Colombia has signed and which relate to the provision of food aid, vitamin A supplementation and periodic mass deworming. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(2):195-208.Key words: Anemia. Malnutrition. Intestinal diseases, Parasitic. Vitamin A. Ferritins. C-reactive protein. Child. Colombia.Introducción: los informes sobre perfil hemático de niños residentes en zonas donde coexisten paludismo, parásitos intestinales patógenos y desnutrición crónica son escasos en Colombia y no se conoce ninguno actualizado. Objetivo: conocer el perfil hemático de niños sin malaria del Urabá Antioqueño y explorar su relación con parásitos intestinales patógenos y desnutrición crónica. Materiales y métodos: encuesta prospectiva de prevalencia en 1600 niños. Resultados: desnutrición crónica está en 25%; parásitos intestinales patógenos en 83%; hay desnutrición crónica o parásitos intestinales patógenos en 89%. El promedio de hemoglobina indica anemia ferropénica en 100%. Hay deficiencia de retinol sérico 71%. El promedio de la ferritina es normal en todos. La hemoglobina tiene diferencia significativa según sexo, edad, desnutrición crónica y estratos desnutrición crónica sexo. La anemia tiene estas frecuencias: microcítica hipocrómica 71%; microcítica normocrómica 27%. Conclusiones: debido a que los parásitos intestinales patógenos y la desnutrición crónica alteran la función inmune, parece correcto concluir que estos niños deben tener alterada tal función y no se conocen las repercusiones que esto puede tener en su salud actual y futura. Urge aplicar y mantener las recomendaciones y políticas de salud pública que Colombia ha suscrito y que se refieren al suministro de ayuda alimentaria, de suplementos de vitamina A y desparasitación masiva periódica. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(2):195-208.Palabras clave: Hemograma. Desnutrición. Parasitosis intestinales. Vitamina A. Ferritinas. Proteína C-reactiva. Niños. Colombia.Hematological profile of Colombian children in malarious areas and its relationship with malnutrition and pathogen intestinal parasites in Urabá, Colombia, 201

    Effect of periodic albendazole and vitamin a treatment on intestinal helminths and anemia in children from Urabá (Antioquia, Colombia)

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    Problema: En Colombia no hay informes sobre efectos en humanos del tratamiento periódico antihelmíntico-vitamina A. Objetivo: Evaluar efectos de albendazol/pamoato de pirantelvitamina A trimestrales sobre Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Necator americanus y sobre niveles séricos de retinol y hemoglobina, en niños del Urabá antioqueño. Metodología: Estudio clínico, aleatorio, con grupos paralelos, cerrado, intervenidos y evaluados cada 3-4 meses por 4 veces, seguidos 12 meses. Intervención: suministro de pamoato de pirantel (pamoato) (< 2 años) o albendazol (≥ 2 años), con o sin vitamina A oral. Resultados: Ingreso: 25% presentó desnutrición crónica y hemoglobina (g/L), 106 g/L en < 2 años y 115 g/L en ≥ 2 años. A) Prevalencias: estrongiloides 7%, uncinarias 29%, áscaris 45%, tricocéfalos 45%. Cambios postratamiento: pamoato únicamente causó reducción de áscaris y, en general, aumentó tricocéfalos y uncinarias. Albendazol: redujo cada helminto, como lo hicieron tratamientos sin este medicamento, pero fue mayor con albendazol. B) Cambio en carga parasitaria: únicas diferencias significativas fueron para tricocéfalos con pamoato-vitamina y albendazolvitamina, por aumento, y áscaris con albendazolvitamina, por reducción. No hubo diferencia significativa entre ingreso y egreso en niveles de hemoglobina ni retinol en ninguno de los cuatro tratamientos. Conclusiones: En general, no hubo efecto del albendazol sobre la carga helmintiana, pero sí efecto moderado sobre la prevalencia de uncinarias, áscaris y tricocéfalos. Quizás la desparasitación de solo parte de la población < 15 años, sin tratar el resto de convivientes, y el mantenimiento de muy deficientes condiciones de vida expliquen estos resultados.Problem:, There are no reports about the effect of periodic anthelminthic-vitamin A treatment in humans In Colombia. Objective: To evaluate effects of albendazole/ pamoate pyrantel-vitamin A administered quarterly on Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Necator americanus, and on serum retinol and hemoglobin levels in children from Urabá (Antioquia, Colombia). Methodology: Clinical, randomized, controlled trial with parallel groups intervened and evaluated each 3-4 months for 4 times, followed 12 months. Intervention: administration of pyrantel pamoate (pamoate) (< 2 years) or albendazole (≥ 2 years), with or without oral vitamin A. Results: Entry: 25% presented chronic malnutrition and hemoglobin, 10.6 g/L (< 2 years) and 11.5 g/L (≥ 2 years). A) Prevalence: strongyloides 7%, uncinaria 29%, ascaris 45%, whipworms 45%. Post-treatment changes: pamoate only caused reduction of ascaris and, in general, increased whipworms and uncinarias. Albendazole: reduced the prevalence of each helminth, as treatments without this medication did, but it was higher in treatments with albendazole.. B) Change in parasite load: only significant differences were for whipworms with pamoate-vitamin and albendazole-vitamin, because of increase, and ascaris with albendazole-vitamin, because of reduction. No significant difference between entry and leave in hemoglobin or retinol levels in any of the four treatment groups. Conclusions: Overall, there was no effect of albendazole on helminth communities, but there was moderate effect on prevalence of uncinaria, ascaris and whipworms. Possibly deworming only part of the population < 15 years without treating the rest of cohabitants, and the maintenance of very poor living conditions can explain these results

    Parasitas intestinais e desnutrição em crianças em Urabá (Colômbia) interpretados de acordo com as condições de vida do pais: solidão e esquecimento

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    BackgroundIntestinal parasites, hunger and malnutrition are manifestations of prevalent health inequalities, determined by social, economic and political inequities. Indeed, such public health problems are evident worldwide and few measures are being taken to overcome them, despite the existence of the scientific knowledge and technological tools to address them.ObjectiveTo measure the prevalence of malnutrition and pathogenic intestinal parasites in children of the Urabá region of Antioquia, Colombia, and to relate these factors to prevailing living conditions.MethodologyThe study was carried out in Turbo (Urabá), among children <15 years of age, applying a prospective descriptive design (prevalence survey). Children were recruited at home or at school. Tests were performed for the following: stool examination, hemogram, ferritin, retinol and C-reactive protein (CRP).ResultsA total of 1600 children were evaluated, with the following findings: 25% had chronic malnutrition; 45% had a detected hemoglobin value <11 g/dL; 20% low ferritin levels; 26% low retinol levels; and 87% had confirmed pathogenic intestinal parasites.ConclusionsThese findings confirm the poor living conditions of children and their families in Urabá, compared to those generally reported in Antioquia and the rest of Colombia. There are high levels of malnutrition, anemia, and iron and vitamin A deficiencies. In Urába, hunger, malnutrition and parasites co-exist in children <15 years of age. Living conditions prevalent in Urabá generate and perpetuate this situation, while the necessary resolution of the underlying problems is not being tackled.AntecedentesLas parasitosis intestinales y el hambre y la desnutrición son manifestación de las desigualdades prevalecientes en salud, determinadas por inequidad social, económica y política. Estos problemas de salud pública tienen elevada frecuencia mundial y poco se hace por resolverlos, a pesar de existir los conocimientos y herramientas científico-tecnológicos para hacerlo.ObjetivoMedir las prevalencias de desnutrición y parásitos intestinales patógenos en niños del Urabá Antioqueño, en Colombia, y analizarlas según las condiciones de vida imperantes.MetodologíaEl estudio se hizo en Turbo (Urabá), en menores de 15 años, con diseño descriptivo prospectivo (encuesta de prevalencia). Los niños se captaron en sus casas o escuelas. Se hicieron exámenes coprológico, hemograma, ferritina, retinol, proteína C reactiva.ResultadosSe evaluaron 1600 niños y hallamos: desnutrición crónica en 25%; hemoglobina menor de 11 g/dL en 45%; ferritina y retinol bajos en 20% y 26%, respectivamente; parásitos intestinales patógenos en 87%.ConclusionesLos hallazgos, analizados en función de información disponible, revelan peor situación sanitaria y social de los niños y familias de Urabá, comparada con el panorama general de Antioquia. Desnutrición, anemia y deficiencias de hierro y vitamina A están presentes en una proporción muy alta. Parásitos, hambre y desnutrición coexisten en los menores de 15 años de Urabá. Las condiciones de vida vigente en Urabá generan y mantienen las condiciones descritas, al tiempo que impiden mejorarlas y resolver los problemas.AntecedentesAs parasitoses intestinais, a fome e a desnutrição são manifestações da desigualdade em saúde, determinadas pela falta de equidade social, económica e política. Estes problemas de saúde pública são evidentes em todo o mundo mas pouco é feito para os resolver, apesar da existência dos conhecimentos e recursos técnico-científicos necessários.ObjetivoMedir a prevalência da desnutrição e das parasitoses intestinais em crianças de Urabá em Antioquia, Colômbia, e relacioná-la com as suas condições de vida.MetodologiaO estudo descritivo prospetivo (estudo de prevalência) foi desenvolvido em Turbo (Urabá) com crianças menores de 15 anos. As crianças foram abordadas nas suas casas ou em escolas. Foram efetuados para todas as crianças os seguintes exames:parasitológico de fezes, hemograma, ferritina, retinol e proteína c-reativa.ResultadosForam estudadas 1600 crianças. Foi encontrada desnutrição crónica em 25% e hemoglobina <11 g/dL em 45%. Os níveis de ferritina e retinol foram baixos em 20% e 26%, respetivamente. 87% foram positivas para parasitas intestinais.ConclusõesOs resultados obtidos mostram que a situação sanitária e social das crianças e famílias de Urabá são piores que as apresentadas quer pela região de Antioquia quer pela República da Colômbia. Uma grande percentagem da população apresenta anemia, desnutrição e deficiências de ferro e vitamina A. A presença de parasitas intestinais, fome e desnutrição coexistem em crianças menores de 15 anos. As condições de vida próprias de Urabá favorecem e perpetuam a presença dos problemas encontrados, enquanto as causas não forem solucionadas na sua génese