3,475 research outputs found

    Prevenção de Úlceras da face, em Pessoas Submetidas a Ventilação não invasiva, indicadores sensíveis aos cuidados de Enfermagem: Revisão sistemática de Literatura

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    ABSTRACT The Non-invasive Ventilation represents an alternative from ventilatory support, being frequently used in the treatment of respiratory failure. There are many complications associated with this technique, related to the pressure / air flow and the application of interfaces, being this one the focus of the article. The most appropriate interface selection allows a successful technique; the interface must be based on anatomical characteristics of the patient, cutaneous integrity and ventilation requirements. The Nurse plays a key role selecting the appropriate interface; technical monitoring and prevention of complications. The objective of the study is identify sensitive results to nursing care in the prevention of pressure ulcers (PPU) of the face, in adult and elderly submitted to NIV. This research was through EBSCO (CINAHL (Plus with Full Text) and MEDLINE (Plus with Full Text), with selection of full text articles between 2003-01-01 and 31.12.2013. We used the method of PI[C]O and was selected 13 articles from a total of 353. It was identified a set of specific interventions that prevent the appearing of pressure ulcer (PU), and according to Doran (2011), promotes sensitivity to nursing care results. The nursing interventions in adults with NIV have a direct impact on health outcomes, with preventing and resolving complications, with contribution in terms of effective disease control, adherence to the treatment regimen and consequent increase in life quality

    Is Peace out of Fashion? – Societal Challenges in Art Education

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    Is Peace Out of Fashion? – Societal Challenges in Art Education

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    An increasing demand of Basic Biostatistics courses following the Bologna principles: a flexible blended learning approach

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    There is a growing demand in Basic Biostatistics courses in new or reformulated curricula degrees according to theBologna Process. Basic Biostatistics is a fundamental scientific component of biomedical, public health sciences and biological research areas. Both graduate students from biomedical/biological areas or mathematical/bioengineering areas should be trained to have not only the theoretical knowledge in biostatistics but also the verbal and written skills to be effective in a team research environment. The university should be prepared to offer a course in Basic Biostatistics with some flexibility in order to be easily adapted to the different profile of the students. Following the so-called Bologna Process students should be motivated to take part of the learning process and the role of the teacher is more of facilitator and tutor of that learning process. Is based on this new principle that innovation in the training programs in biostatistics is necessary. A Virtual Learning Environment was used and activities such as forums, databases and assignments were implemented. This blended learning experience revealed to have flexibility in its adaptation to the needs of different scientific areas (Aquatic Sciences, Public Health and Mathematics) and degrees (undergraduate, master and doctoral).The success achieved by a student who could only access the on-line environment indicates that an e-learning approach could be possible. The use of assignments with the format of a scientific paper developed the writing skills; forums worked as an excellent tool for sharing information and stimulating communication between students and teacher; and databases stimulated students to research topics of the program and thereby participate in their own learning process. This training program was an opportunity to innovate the teaching and learning methodology of Basic Biostatistics. Students were trained to be able to convert data into information with a balance between knowledge of statistical methodology and training in communication. Students also developed skills and competencies necessary to the knowledge society and professional career. This training program could also be considered in more advanced biostatistics programs, distance learning programs or even other courses, according to the student market in higher education

    Mobilidade da rádio na era digital: interatividade, participação e partilha de conteúdos nas emissoras ibéricas

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    No quadro da investigação científica sobre rádio, os últimos anos têm dado a conhecer inúmeras abordagens sobre o significado de uma post-radio (Oliveira & Portela, 2011), isto é, a definição de um conjunto de questões que se colocam à inclusão da rádio contemporânea em ambientes digitais e online. Esta migração digital tem vindo a proporcionar o desenvolvimento das aplicações móveis das rádios, como o alargamento das potencialidades comunicativas (Aguado, Feijoo & Martínez, 2013), de audiências, de convergência de conteúdos interativos entre ouvintes-utilizadores. Conscientes desta oportunidade, as principais emissoras da Espanha e Portugal alargaram o universo da radiofonia à plataforma móvel, com especial atenção aos telefones inteligentes, através do desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis (apps) (Cerezo, 2010). Os smartphones, como símbolo de uma cultura em permanente mutação, sugerem não apenas uma maior facilidade no acesso e interação, mas acrescentam grandes possibilidades para a difusão de conteúdos entre audiências, o que estudos têm designado por user distributed content (Villi, 2012). O presente artigo apresenta uma análise exploratória sobre as políticas atuais das principais rádios espanholas e portuguesas nas aplicações móveis, avaliando o grau de interação e participação mobilizado nessas plataformas. Durante a observação, conclui-se, entre outros dados, que a plataforma móvel representa um canal suplementar para a rádio tradicional FM, mais que um novo meio com linguagem e expressividade próprios

    Radio mobility in the digital era: interactivity, participation and content share possibilities in Iberian broadcasters

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    In the context of the scientific research into radio, recent years have encouraged many theories about the meaning of a post-radio (Oliveira & Portela, 2011), thus enlisting several parameters regarding the inclusion of contemporary radio in the digital and online environments. This digital migration has led to the development of mobile applications for radio, broadening the communicative potential of audiences (Aguado, Feijoo & Martínez, 2013), as well as promoting convergence of interactive content among listeners-users. Aware of this opportunity, the main broadcasters in Spain and Portugal have broadened their radiophonic scope to the mobile platform, especially geared towards smartphones through the development of mobile applications, commonly known as apps (Cerezo, 2010). As a symbol of a culture in permanent changing, smartphones not only provide greater easiness in terms of access and interaction, but also afford larger opportunities for disseminating content among audiences, a phenomenon that some studies have labelled as user distributed content (Villi, 2012). This article presents an exploratory analysis of the current policies of the main Spanish and Portuguese radio broadcasters regarding mobile applications, evaluating the different levels of interaction and participation in these platforms. This observation led to the conclusion, among other findings, that the mobile platform represents a supplementary channel for traditional FM radio, rather than a new medium with its own language and expression

    Narrativas digitais no jornalismo: a interatividade encenada

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    Desde o advento da WEB2.0, o Jornalismo tem sofrido profundas alterações a vários níveis. Nesta comunicação, as autoras propõem-se focar a atenção nas mudanças retórico-textuais, patentes no aparecimento de novos suportes que têm permitido novos modelos de texto e novas formas de reportar. Com base numa análise caso, que tem como corpus um conjunto de cinco reportagens interativas, publicadas entre abril e setembro de 2015, e anunciadas pela SIC como inovadoras, pretende-se problematizar as transformações narrativas no Jornalismo, decorrentes do advento da hipertextualidade digital. Se é já sabido, como bem o tentou demonstrar João Canavilhas há uma década, que a tradicional superestrutura da notícia – a pirâmide invertida – foi progressivamente substituída no jornalismo online pela “pirâmide deitada” (CANAVILHAS, 2006 e 2007); se os estudos narrativos têm admitido, nos últimos anos, a necessidade de uma reconfiguração dos seus aparelhos analíticos e teóricos, em função da produção e consumo de narrativas hipertextuais (LITS, 2014; RYAN, 2001); se, como certos autores revelam, o jornalismo tem sido preenchido pela atividade do storytelling digital (ALEXANDER, 2011; RYAN, 2006) cremos, apesar de tudo, não ter sido ainda claramente demonstrado em que medida as narrativas jornalísticas, de facto, se alteraram. Tentar-se-á, por agora, através do estudo de caso, perceber em que medida a interatividade anunciada com entusiasmo pela SIC se concretiza nessas reportagens. Para o efeito, parte-se do conceito de interatividade, como reconhecida propriedade hipertextual, para questionar a sua prática nas reportagens do webjornalismo

    An exploratory study about the wine tasting terminology to non-expert wine drinkers

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    UID/LIN/03213/2019Wine is a product known and produced in various regions of the world for many centuries and is part of the human heritage/culture. However, despite being such a common product, studies indicate that the wine terminology used by experts (bottle label; tasting notes) several consumers do not understand it. To understand if this applies to European Portuguese, we applied a survey to European Portuguese informants. Firstly, we select terms related to color (retinto, carregado, limpo), aroma (equilibrado, frutado, leve), and flavor (frutado, austero, mineral) among others. After we created the question structure "Define, in your own words, what you understand by (insert term) wine?" The informant had no space limit to write. With this question, we wanted to see how informants defined by their words, without resorting to existing sources (such as glossaries, dictionaries) what they understood by that particular word in the specific context related to wine. Secondly, we searched the exact terms in specialized reference works (wine dictionaries/glossaries/ vocabularies) and compiled the lexicographic definitions. In a third moment, we organized the definitions of the surveys and the lexicographic definitions and confronted the results. The results of this sample allowed us to identify the following aspects: (i) Whether informants/consumers are, on the one hand, aware of what definition is and what essential characteristics should be present when defining something; (ii) What is the degree of proximity (or not) of the informant definitions to the expert definitions; (iii) Which terms have definitions closest to lexicographic definitions and which terms have definitions that are more distant. The findings may also provide clues to future methodologies on how to make lexicographical definitions about wine tasting, so the non-specialist-consumer is able to better understand the wine.publishersversionpublishe