101 research outputs found

    Detección por el satélite LANDSAT-4 de los efectos de la riada del 8-XI-82 en el río Segre

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    Por medio de técnicas de tratamiento de imágenes digitales se realiza un estudio de los efectos producidos por una inundación ocurrida a finales del año 1982 en el valle del río Segre, en Catalunya, a partir de la información multiespectral captada por el sensor TM del satélite LANDSAT-4. Utilizando un programa de clasificación no supervisada basado en la distancia euclídea, se diferencian cuatro tipos de suelo o de cubiertas en el área de estudio (3.8 x 2.3 km). Se efectúa un análisis cuantitativo de la calidad de los resultados, usando como referencia la información obtenida en un estudio de campo. Este análisis muestra un alto grado de correspondencia entre el mapa de campo (verdad terreno) y la cartografía realizada a partir de los datos multiespectrales

    Detección por el satélite LANDSAT-4 de los efectos de la riada del 8-XI-82 en el río Segre

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    Por medio de técnicas de tratamiento de imágenes digitales se realiza un estudio de los efectos producidos por una inundación ocurrida a finales del año 1982 en el valle del río Segre, en Catalunya, a partir de la información multiespectral captada por el sensor TM del satélite LANDSAT-4. Utilizando un programa de clasificación no supervisada basado en la distancia euclídea, se diferencian cuatro tipos de suelo o de cubiertas en el área de estudio (3.8 x 2.3 km). Se efectúa un análisis cuantitativo de la calidad de los resultados, usando como referencia la información obtenida en un estudio de campo. Este análisis muestra un alto grado de correspondencia entre el mapa de campo (verdad terreno) y la cartografía realizada a partir de los datos multiespectrales

    Effects of Nutrition on Cognitive Function in Adults with or without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials

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    New dietary approaches for the prevention of cognitive impairment are being investigated. However, evidence from dietary interventions is mainly from food and nutrient supplement interventions, with inconsistent results and high heterogeneity between trials. We conducted a comprehensive systematic search of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in MEDLINE-PubMed, from January 2018 to July 2021, investigating the impact of dietary counseling, as well as food-based and dietary supplement interventions on cognitive function in adults with or without cognitive impairment. Based on the search strategy, 197 eligible publications were used for data abstraction. Finally, 61 articles were included in the analysis. There was reasonable evidence that dietary patterns, as well as food and dietary supplements improved cognitive domains or measures of brain integrity. The Mediterranean diet showed promising results, whereas the role of the DASH diet was not clear. Healthy food consumption improved cognitive function, although the quality of these studies was relatively low. The role of dietary supplements was mixed, with strong evidence of the benefits of polyphenols and combinations of nutrients, but with low evidence for PUFAs, vitamin D, specific protein, amino acids, and other types of supplements. Further well-designed RCTs are needed to guide the development of dietary approaches for the prevention of cognitive impairment

    Electricitat i magnetisme

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    Proposem diferents activitats que posen de manifest la relació entre electricitat i magnetisme

    Experimental Models for Aging and their Potential for Novel Drug Discovery

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    An interesting area of scientific research is the development of potential antiaging drugs. In order to pursue this goal, it is necessary to gather the specific knowledge about the adequate preclinical models that are available to evaluate the beneficial effects of new potential drugs. This review is focused on invertebrate and vertebrate preclinical models used to evaluate the efficacy of antiaging compounds, with the objective to extend life span and health span. Research and online content related to aging, antiaging drugs, experimental aging models is reviewed. Moreover, in this review, the main experimental preclinical models of organisms that have contributed to the research in the pharmacol-ogy of lifespan extension and the understanding of the aging process are discussed. Dietary restriction (DR) constitutes a common experimental process to extend life span in all organisms. Besides, classical antiaging drugs such as resveratrol, rapamycin and metformin denominated as DR mimetics are also discussed. Likewise, the main therapeutic targets of these drugs include sirtuins, IGF-1, and mTOR, all of them being modulated by DR. Advances in molecular biology have uncovered the potential molecular pathways involved in the aging process. Due to their characteristics, invertebrate models are mainly used for drug screening. The National Institute on Aging (NIA) developed the Interventions Testing Program (ITP). At the pre-clinical level, the ITP uses Heterogeneous mouse model (HET) which is probably the most suitable rodent model to study potential drugs against aging prevention. The accelerated-senescence mouse P8 is also a mammalian rodent model for aging research. However, when evaluating the effect of drugs on a preclinical level, the evaluation must be done in non-human primates since it is the mammalian specie closest to humans. Research is needed to investigate the impact of new potential drugs for the increase of human quality o

    Role of JNK in neurodegenerative diseases

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/32393The c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) are members of the MAPK family and can be activated by different stimuli such as cellular stress, heat shock and ultra-violet irradiation. JNKs have different physiological functions and they have been linked to apoptosis in different cell types. Therefore, the JNK signalling pathway is an important target to prevent cell death. In the present chapter, the role of JNKs in neurodegenerative diseases will be discussed, as well as the pharmacological compounds that inhibit this signalling pathway as therapeutic intervention to prevent neuronal death

    High levels of vegetable oils in plant protein-rich diets fed to gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.): growth performance, muscle fatty acid profiles and histological alterations of target tissues

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    The feasibility of fish oil (FO) replacement by vegetable oils (VO) was investigated in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) in a growth trial conducted for the duration of 8 months. Four isolipidic and isoproteic diets rich in plant proteins were supplemented with l-lysine (0ú55 %) and soya lecithin (1 %). Added oil was either FO (control) or a blend of VO, replacing 33 % (33VO diet), 66 % (66VO diet) and 100 % (VO diet) of FO. No detrimental effects on growth performance were found with the partial FO replacement, but feed intake and growth rates were reduced by about 10 % in fish fed the VO diet. The replacement strategy did not damage the intestinal epithelium, and massive accumulation of lipid droplets was not found within enterocytes. All fish showed fatty livers, but signs of lipoid liver disease were only found in fish fed the VO diet. Muscle fatty acid profiles of total lipids reflected the diet composition with a selective incorporation of unsaturated fatty acids in polar lipids. The robustness of the phospholipid fatty acid profile when essential fatty acid requirements were theoretically covered by the diet was evidenced by multivariate principal components analysis in fish fed control, 33VO and 66VO diets

    JNK1 and JNK3: divergent functions in hippocampal metabolic-cognitive function

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    Background and aim: The appearance of alterations in normal metabolic activity has been increasingly considered a risk factor for the development of sporadic and late-onset neurodegenerative diseases. In this report, we induced chronic metabolic stress by feeding of a high-fat diet (HFD) in order to study its consequences in cognition. We also studied the effects of a loss of function of isoforms 1 and 3 of the c-Jun N-terminal Kinases (JNK), stress and cell death response elements. Methods: Animals were fed either with conventional chow or with HFD, from their weaning until their sacrifice at 9 months. Before sacrifice, body weight, intraperitoneal glucose and insulin tolerance test (IP-GTT and IP‑ITT) were performed to evaluate peripheral biometrics. Additionally, cognitive behavioral tests and analysis of spine density were performed to assess cognitive function. Molecular studies were carried out to confirm the effects of metabolic stressors in the hippocampus relative to cognitive loss. Results: Our studies demonstrated that HFD in Jnk3-/- lead to synergetic responses. Loss of function of JNK3 led to increased body weight, especially when exposed to an HFD and they had significantly decreased response to insulin. These mice also showed increased stress in the endoplasmic reticulum and diminished cognitive capacity. However, loss of function of JNK1 promoted normal or heightened energetic metabolism and preserved cognitive function even when chronically metabolically stressed. Conclusions: Downregulation of JNK3 does not seem to be a suitable target for the modulation of energetic-cognitive dysregulations while loss of function of JNK1 seems to promote a good metabolic-cognitive profile, just like resistance to the negative effects of chronic feeding with HFD.This work was supported by funds from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2017-84283-R to AC), the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR-525 to CA) and CIBERNED (Grant CB06/05/2004 to AC).S

    Involvement of JNK1 in neuronal polarization during brain development

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    The c-Jun N-terminal Kinases (JNKs) are a group of regulatory elements responsible for the control of a wide array of functions within the cell. In the central nervous system (CNS), JNKs are involved in neuronal polarization, starting from the cell division of neural stem cells and ending with their final positioning when migrating and maturing. This review will focus mostly on isoform JNK1, the foremost contributor of total JNK activity in the CNS. Throughout the text, research from multiple groups will be summarized and discussed in order to describe the involvement of the JNKs in the different steps of neuronal polarization. The data presented support the idea that isoform JNK1 is highly relevant to the regulation of many of the processes that occur in neuronal development in the CNS