358 research outputs found

    Two View Line-Based Motion and Structure Estimation for Planar Scenes

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    We present an algorithm for reconstruction of piece-wise planar scenes from only two views and based on minimum line correspondences. We first recover camera rotation by matching vanishing points based on the methods already exist in the literature and then recover the camera translation by searching among a family of hypothesized planes passing through one line. Unlike algorithms based on line segments, the presented algorithm does not require an overlap between two line segments or more that one line correspondence across more than two views to recover the translation and achieves the goal by exploiting photometric constraints of the surface around the line. Experimental results on real images prove the functionality of the algorithm

    Guest editorial: Special section on quality control by artificial vision

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    Serum Free Light Chains Removal by HFR Hemodiafiltration in Patients with Multiple Myeloma and Acute Kidney Injury. a Case Series

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    Background/Aims: Multiple myeloma (MM) represents 10% of all haematologic malignancies. Renal involvement occurs in 50% of MM patients; of them, 12-20% have acute kidney injury (AKI), with 10% needing dialysis at presentation. While hemodialysis (HD) has no effect upon circulating and tissue levels of monoclonal proteins, novel apheretic techniques aim at removing the paraproteins responsible for glomerular / tubular deposition disease. High cut-off HD (HCO-HD) combined with chemotherapy affords a sustained reduction of serum free light chains (FLC) levels. One alternative technology is haemodiafiltration with ultrafiltrate regeneration by adsorption on resin (HFR–SUPRA), employing a “super high-flux” membrane (polyphenylene S-HF, with a nominal cut-off of 42 kD). Aim of our pilot study was to analyze the effectiveness of HFR-SUPRA in reducing the burden of FLC, while minimizing albumin loss and hastening recovery of renal function in 6 subjects with MM complicated by AKI. Methods: Six HD-dependent patients with MM were treated with 5 consecutive sessions of HFR-SUPRA on a Bellco¼ monitor, while simultaneously initiating chemotherapy. Levels of albumin and FLC were assessed, calculating the rates of reduction. Renal outcome, HD withdrawal and clinical follow-up or death were recorded. Results: All patients showed a significant reduction of FLC, whereas serum albumin concentration remained unchanged. In three, HD was withdrawn, switching to a chemotherapy alone regimen. The other patients remained HD-dependent and died shortly thereafter for cardiovascular complications. Conclusion: Our study suggests that HFR-SUPRA provides a rapid and effective reduction in serum FLC in patients with MM and AKI

    Control of a PTZ camera in a hybrid vision system

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach to steer a PTZ camera in the direction of a detected object visible from another fixed camera equipped with a fisheye lens. This heterogeneous association of two cameras having different characteristics is called a hybrid stereo-vision system. The presented method employs epipolar geometry in a smart way in order to reduce the range of search of the desired region of interest. Furthermore, we proposed a target recognition method designed to cope with the illumination problems, the distortion of the omnidirectional image and the inherent dissimilarity of resolution and color responses between both cameras. Experimental results with synthetic and real images show the robustness of the proposed method

    A 3D scanner for transparent glass

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    Many practical tasks in industry, such as automatic inspection or robot vision, often require the scanning of three-dimensional shapes by use of non-contact techniques. However, few methods have been proposed to measure three-dimensional shapes of transparent objects because of the difficulty of dealing with transparency and specularity of the surface. This paper presents a 3D scanner for transparent glass objects based on Scanning From Heating (SFH), a new method that makes use of local surface heating and thermal imaging

    From medical data to simple virtual mock-up of scapulo-humeral joint

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    The surgical operations of shoulder joint are guided by various principles: osteosynthesis in the case of fracture, osteotomy in order to correct a deformation or to modify the functioning of the joint, or implementation of articular prosthesis. At the end of the twentieth century, many innovations in the domains of biomechanics and orthopedic surgery have been performed. Nevertheless, theoretical and practical problems may appear during the operation (visual field of surgeon is very limited, quality and shape of the bone is variable depending on the patient). Biomechanical criteria of success are defined for each intervention. For example, the installation with success of prosthetic implant will be estimated according to the degree of mobility of the new articulation, the movements of this articulation being function of the shape of the prosthesis and of its position on its osseous support. It is not always easy to optimize the preparation of the surgical operation for every patient, and a preliminary computer simulation would allow helping the surgeon in its choices and its preparation of the intervention. The techniques of virtual reality allow a high degree of immersion and allow envisaging the development of a navigation device during the operating act

    Scanning from heating: 3D shape estimation of transparent objects from local surface heating

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    Today, with quality becoming increasingly important, each product requires three-dimensional in-line quality control. On the other hand, the 3D reconstruction of transparent objects is a very difïŹcult problem in computer vision due to transparency and specularity of the surface. This paper proposes a new method, called Scanning From Heating (SFH), to determine the surface shape of transparent objects using laser surface heating and thermal imaging. Furthermore, the application to transparent glass is discussed and results on different surface shapes are presented

    Scena i prawda na rondzie Historii

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    Aktivitas Akulturasi Etnik (Studi fenomenologis Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi Universutas Negeri Makassar Tahun 2014)

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    Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa (1) strategi akulturasi yang digunakan, pada mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan ekonomi fakultas ekonomi Universitas Negeri Makassar angkatan tahun 2014 menggunakan strategi asimilasi dan strategi integrasi (2) akulturasi psikologis dilihat berdasarkan adaptasi individu atau penyesuaian diri individu terhadap budaya Makassar dapat ditinjau melalui aspek–aspek penyesuain diri meliputi, pertama aspek kognitif beberapa mahasiswa memahami budaya Makassar dan dapat menyesuaikan diri secara positif dengan budaya Makassar. adapula mahasiswa pada awalnya kurang memahami budaya Makassar, akan tetapi Ia berusaha untuk memahami budaya Makassar. Dari segi aspek afektif, beberapa mahasiswa lebih merasa nyaman dan bangga dengan budaya Makassar, adapula beberapa mahasiswa merasa nyaman serta bangga dengan Makassar dan budaya tempat tinggalnya. Dari segi aspek interaksi sosial, beberapa mahasiswa dapat melakukan interaksi sosial di lingkungan budaya Makassar, begitupula dalam hal melakukan partisipasi sosial dengan masyarakat budaya Makassar


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    ABSTRAK PERBEDAAN FUNGSI SEKSUAL WANITA PASKA SEKSIO SESAREA ANTARA INDIKASI DISTOSIA KALA II DENGAN INDIKASI ELEKTIF Fofi Livia Ariani, Bobby Indra Utama, Hafni Bachtiar Bagian Obstetri dan Gineklogi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang Latar Belakang. Persalinan spontan yang dilakukan secara benar dengan mengikuti syarat dan indikasi yang telah ditentukan dapat mencegah berbagai kerusakan dan komplikasi yang dapat terjadi yang berpengaruh terhadap morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu dan bayi . Persalinan yang dilakukan secara spontan dan sectio dapat membawa dampak terhadap kehidupan dan fungsi seksual wanita pasca persalinan yang mengalaminya. Persalinan dapat menyebabkan denervasi parsial pada dasar panggul, ataupun kerusakan saraf pudenda terutama saat kala II yang berlangsung lama ataupun berat badan bayi yang terlalu besar. Sedangkan Sectio sesarea dapat mengurangi tahanan perineum, mencegah kelemahan otot-otot panggul akibat mengejan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut diatas penulis ingin melakukan penelitian tentang perbedaan fungsi seksual wanita paska seksio atas indikasi distosia kala II dengan indikasi elektif. Tujuan. Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan fungsi seksual wanita paska seksio sesarea antara indikasi distosia kala II dengan indikasi elektif. Rancangan. Cross sectional comparative study Bahan dan Cara Kerja. Sampel penelitian diambil secara consecutive sampling. Dilakukan di RSUD Prof. Dr. M Hanafiah Batusangkar sejak Agustus hingga Oktober 2016 .Sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, mengisi Kuesioner FSIF. Kemudian sampel dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok paska seksio atas indikasi distosia kala II dan seksio sesarea elektif, selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran fungsi seksual.Setelah semua data terkumpul dilakukan analisis data. Sebaran data dinilai dengan uji normalitas Shapiro Wilk. Untuk mengetahui kebermaknaan perbedaan fungsi seksual pada persalinan seksio sesarea karena distosia kala II dengan elektif digunakan uji T Independent. Hasil. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan fungsi seksual yang bermakna antara seksio indikasi distosia kala II dengan indikasi elektif pada keenam domain yaitu Minat (p=0,006), Rangsangan (p=0,043), Lubrikasi (p=0,016), Orgasme (p=0,006), Kepuasan (p=0,004), Nyeri (p=0,000). Kesimpulan. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa fungsi seksual pada wanita paska seksio sesarea atas indikasi elektif lebih baik dibandingkan seksio indikasi distosia kala II Kata Kunci. Fungsi Seksual, FSIF, Seksio Sesarea, Distosia Kala I
