262 research outputs found

    Implementing competency-based approach to cabin crew safety training – renewing door test and evaluation for new entrant training course

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    Kompetenssiperusteinen koulutusmenetelmä ja kompetenssien arviointi on yleistynyt monilla aloilla viime vuosina. Näin myös lentoliikenne alalla, jossa myös matkustamomiehistön koulutuksissa pyritään tulevaisuudessa arvioimaan osallistujien kompetensseja, enemmän kuin yksittäisiä teknisiä suorituksia. Kansainvälinen siviili-ilmailujärjestö ICAO määrittelee kompetenssit tietojen, taitojen ja asenteiden muodostamaksi ominaisuuksiksi. Työtehtävissä vaadittavien kompetenssien määrittely ja arviointi tarjoaa yrityksille mahdollisuuksia paremmin suunnitella ja arvioida tarvittavia koulutuksia henkilöstölleen, sekä löytää oikeat ihmiset oikeisiin työtehtäviin. Vaikka kompetenssiperusteinen koulutusmenetelmä ja -arviointi onkin jo yleistynyt ilmailualalla, käy opinnäytetyöstä ilmi myös se, etteivät edes ICAOn määrittelemien matkustamohenkilökunnan kompetenssien arvioiminen ole täysin ongelmatonta. ICAO on keskittynyt määrittelemään kompetenssiyksiköittä ja kuvannut niihin vaadittavia suorituskriteereitä, joita voidaan käyttää matkustamomiehistön työtehtävissä vaadittavien kompetenssien arviointiin. Niiden on kuitenkin kritisoitu kuvaavan vain yksittäisiä toimintoja tietyissä lennonvaiheissa, ei yksittäisiä työtehtäviä, kuten esimerkiksi oven käyttöön liittyviä kompetensseja. Viranomaisen toimesta on matkustamohenkilökunnan ovikoulutukselle asetettu tiettyjä vaatimuksia. Euroopassa vaatimukset matkustamohenkilökunnan koulutukseen asettaa Euroopan ilmailu viranomainen, EASA ja koulutusvaatimusten toteutusta valvoo kansallinen siviili-ilmailuviranomainen, joka Suomessa on Traficom. Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan kompetenssien määritelmää ja matkustamohenkilöstön turvallisuuskoulutuksen vaatimuksia ja tuodaan ilmi myös sen, että enenevissä määrin matkustamohenkilökunnan koulutuksen tuli ottaa huomioon inhimilliset tekijät ja ominaisuudet, jotka vaikuttavat miehistöyhteistyöhön, niin matkustamohenkilökunnan kesken, kuin lentäjien kanssa. Työssö on kartoitettu matkustamohenkilökunnan turvakouluttajien kokemuksia ja mielipiteitä siitä, miten ovikoetta tulisi uudistaa ja kompetensseja arvioida. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena oli ovikokeen rakenteen uudistaminen. Uudessa koemallissa matkustamomiehistön peruskurssille osallistuvat suorittavat ovikoulutuksen osana kaksi koetta. Kirjallinen koe mittaa oppijan tietoja ja näyttökoe oppijan taitoja. Näyttökokeessa arvioidut taidot perustuvat yhtiön matkustamohenkilökunnalle asetuttuihin kompetensseihin ja arvioinnissa on myös hyödynnetty ICAOn matkustamohenkilöstön koulutuksen ohjemateriaalia. Kirjallisesta koetta arvioidaan, kuten muitakin matkustamomiehistön turvakoulutuksen kokeita, eli oppijan tulee osoittaa osaavansa vastasta vähintään 80 prosenttia oikein kokeessa. Näyttökokeessa turvakouluttaja arvioi oppilaan suoritusta ovella ja käyttää arvioinnin apuna jokaista kompetenssia ja osaamistasoa kuvaavia suorituskriteereitä. Kompetenssiperusteista arviointia voisi tulevaisuudessa soveltaa myös muihinkin koetilanteisiin matkustamohenkilöstön turvakoulutuksessa, sillä uudet teknologiset ratkaisut tuovat lisää mahdollisuuksia turvakoulutukseen ja mahdollistavat myös esimerkiksi erilaisten skenaarioiden luomisen koulutus- ja koetilanteisiin. Kun saadaan kerättyä tietoja matkustamohenkilökunnan kompetenssien tasosta, voisi koulutuksia jatkossa suunnitella paremmin vastaamaan yksilöiden tarpeita ja kehittämään matkustamohenkilökunnan osaamista vastaamaan haluttua tasoa.Julkaistusta työstä on poistettu osa liitteistä, sillä ne sisältävät tietoa, jota ei tule jakaa julkisesti. Some appendixes have been deleted before publication, because of they contain information which should not be shared publicly

    Hälfte des Milchabsatzes über LEH : Warenströme für Milchprodukte in Deutschland

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    In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gibt es rund 200000 Lieferstellen für Molkereiprodukte vom industriellen Großverbraucher bis zum Facheinzelhändler mit Milchproduktenangebot. Gut die Hälfte der gesamten Nachfrage schöpfen die Zentralläger sowie die Geschäfte des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels ab, wobei die Belieferung des LEH weitestgehend auf Strecke erfolgt. - Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Heinrich Wietbrauk von der Bundesanstalt für Milchforschung in Kiel analysiert für „dynamik im handel" die milchwirtschaftlichen Warenströme in Deutschland

    Evaluation of Possums Sleep Intervention: A Pilot Feasibility Study : A Pilot Feasibility Study

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    The first year with a child is one of the most challenging times for mothers due to repeated awakenings typical for young infants. Research has shown that persistent fragmented sleep increases a mother’s risk for low overall well-being, which can challenge the mother-infant relationship. In an effort to improve sleep for both mother and infant, healthcare providers often recommend infant behavioral sleep interventions. The primary focus of this pilot study was to assess the feasibility of the Possums Sleep Intervention, a psychoeducational group workshop for women with infants between the ages of 0-6 months. A second goal of the study was to evaluate the potential of the Possums curriculum in improving maternal and infant sleep and self-reported mother-infant emotional availability. Participants were 24 mothers with their 0-6 month old infants assessed at the start of the study and again at the completion of the 4-week workshop. Results showed improvements in the perceived emotional availability in the mother-infant relationship; however, positive effects related to maternal or infant sleep were only on a trend level.Peer reviewe

    “A window of opportunity” : Parenting and addiction in the context of pregnancy

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    Purpose of Review Maternal prenatal substance use presents a multilevel risk to child development and parenting. Although parenting interventions are increasingly integrated into substance use treatment, prenatal parenting processes have not received equal attention within these interventions. This article aims to synthesize the evidence on the specific prenatal risk factors affecting the development of early parenting of substance-using mothers, as well as interventions focusing on those factors. Recent Findings Both neurobiological and psychosocial risk factors affect the prenatal development of parenting in the context of maternal substance use. Maternal–fetal attachment, mentalization, self-regulation, and psychosocial risks are important in treatment and highly intertwined with abstinence. Although parenting interventions seem to be highly beneficial, most studies have not differentiated between pre- and postnatal interventions or described pregnancy-specific intervention elements. Summary Due to the salience of pregnancy in treating substance-using parents, interventions should begin prenatally and include pregnancy-specific parenting focus. Further research on prenatal interventions is warranted.Peer reviewe

    Maternal substance use disorder predicting children's emotion regulation in middle childhood : the role of early mother-infant interaction

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    Background: Maternal prenatal substance use disorder (SUD) represents a dual risk for child wellbeing due to teratogenic impacts and parenting problems often inherent in SUD. One potential mechanism transferring this risk is altered development of children's emotion regulation (ER). The present study examines how mother's prenatal SUD and early mother-infant interaction quality predict children's ER in middle childhood. Method: The participants were 52 polysubstance using mothers and 50 non-users and their children. First-year mother-infant interaction quality was assessed with the Emotional Availability (EA) Scales and children's ER with the Children's Emotion Management Scales (CEMS), and its parent version (P-CEMS) at 8-12 years. Results: Mother's prenatal SUD predicted a low level of children's adaptive ER strategies, whereas early mother-infant interaction problems predicted a high level of emotion dysregulation. The dyadic interaction also mediated the effect of SUD on emotion dysregulation. In the SUD group, more severe substance use predicted high emotion inhibition. Conclusion: Early mother-infant interaction quality is critical in shaping children's ER, also in middle-childhood. Interventions aimed for mothers with prenatal SUD should integrate parenting components to support the optimal development of multiply vulnerable children.Peer reviewe

    Prenatal Reflective Functioning as a Predictor of Substance-Using Mothers' Treatment Outcome : Comparing Results From Two Different RF Measures

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    Mothers with prenatal substance use disorder (SUD) often show broad deficits in their reflective functioning (RF), implying severe risk for the relationship with their baby. Two different types of prenatal maternal RF may be important for parenting: adult attachment-focused-RF (AAI-RF), regarding parent's own childhood experiences, and parenting-focused RF (PRF) regarding their own current process of becoming a parent. However, their inter-relations and potentially different roles for parenting intervention outcomes are not clear. This study examined the associations between mothers' prenatal AAI-RF and pre- and post-natal PRF, and their role in mother-infant interaction and substance use as treatment outcomes. The participants were 57 treatment-enrolled pregnant mothers with SUD and 50 low-risk comparison mothers. AAI-RF was measured with the Adult Attachment Interview. For a subsample of 30 mothers with SUD, PRF was measured with Pregnancy Interview (during pregnancy/pre-intervention), and with Parent Development Interview at 4 months (during intervention). Mother-infant interaction was measured with Emotional Availability Scales at 4 and 12 months (post-intervention), and maternal substance use by post-natal substance relapses. Prenatal AAI-RF and pre- and post-natal PRF were highly associated with each other. Only higher prenatal PRF predicted better mother-infant interaction quality at 4 months and less substance use during the child's first year. Interestingly, prenatal PRF and AAI-RF predicted opposite changes in mother-infant interaction: lower prenatal PRF, but higher AAI-RF predicting more positive change. AAI-RF was especially associated with a change in maternal intrusiveness and hostility, indicating that it represents a more general regulatory tendency. Further studies are needed in larger and lower-risk samples. Our results suggest, however, that AAI-RF and PRF are partially distinct and should be uniquely targeted in perinatal interventions.Peer reviewe

    Förutsättningar och villkor för samer med funktionsnedsättning i de samiska förvaltningskommunerna i Sverige

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    Denna studie visar att kunskap om hur förutsättningar ser ut för samer med funktionsnedsättning är knapphändig bland tjänstemän i de 19 kommuner som ingår i det samiska förvaltningsområdet i Sverige. Utbildning om samisk kultur och språk saknas generellt och den kulturella förståelsen är bristfällig i flertalet kommuner. Det finns få exempel på en organisatorisk strategi om hur man arbetar med dessa frågor i de studerade kommunerna trots att samer här har förstärkta rättigheter. Studien har genomförts som en strukturerad kvalitativ enkät- och intervju-studie. Fokus har lagts på ett urval av tjänstemän i de valda kommunerna som direkt berörs av handläggning av insatser till personer med funktionsnedsättning inom utbildning, omsorg, service och stöd. Personer med ansvar för tillgänglighet eller samiska frågor i kommunen har också inkluderats

    Preschool children’s coping and caregiver support in families with maternal substance misuse : A qualitative study

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    Maternal substance misuse affects caregiving, which influences children’s coping skills. However, little is known about how children of mothers with substance misuse describe their coping in stressful situations. We studied coping and caregiver support among 29 children 4 years of age recruited from a children’s health clinic serving families with maternal substance misuse in Finland. Children completed a revised Attachment Story Completion Task that we examined with qualitative content analysis. We identified children’s experiences with coping in stressful situations with optimal and non-optimal caregiver support. Experiences with optimal caregiver support included (a) empathy, (b) solicitude, (c) intimacy, (d) reassurance, (e) being a role model, (f) concrete help, and (g) shared joy. Ones with non-optimal caregiver support included (a) punishment, (b) abandonment, (c) unresponsiveness, (d) physical aggression, (e) aggressive protection, and (f) parentification. Children’s strategies for coping without caregiver involvement were (a) magic, (b) avoidance, (c) inappropriate laughing, (d) self-reliance, or (e) a lack of strategy. Our findings highlight that preschool children of mothers with substance misuse employ various coping strategies in stressful situations that either include caregiver support or indicate non-optimal support. Children also tended to use maladaptive coping strategies when a caregiver was not involved. Understanding children’s coping with stress in families with maternal substance misuse is essential to supporting their socioemotional development and providing adequate interventions.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Adolescent Attachment Profiles Are Associated With Mental Health and Risk-Taking Behavior

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    This person-oriented study aimed to identify adolescents’ hierarchical attachment profiles with parents and peers, and to analyze associations between the profiles and adolescent psychosocial adjustment. Participants were 449 Finnish 17–19-year-olds reporting their attachments to mother, father, best friend, and romantic partner and details on mental health (internalizing symptoms, inattention/hyperactivity, and anger control problems) and risk-taking behavior (substance use and sexual risk-taking). Attachment was measured with Experiences in Close Relationships – Relationship Structures (ECR-RS); internalizing, inattention/hyperactivity, and anger control problems with Self-Report of Personality — Adolescent (SRP—A) of the Behavior Assessment System for Children, third edition (BASC-3); substance use with the Consumption scale of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) and items from the Finnish School Health Promotion Study; and sexual risk-taking behavior with the Cognitive Appraisal of Risky Events (CARE). Latent profile analysis identified five attachment profiles: “All secure” (39%), “All insecure” (11%), “Parents insecure – Peers secure” (21%), “Parents secure – Friend insecure” (10%), and “Parents secure – Partner insecure” (19%). “All insecure” adolescents showed the highest and “All secure” adolescents the lowest levels of mental health problems and substance use. Further, parental attachment security seemed to specifically prevent substance use and anger control problems, while peer attachment security prevented internalizing problems. Our findings help both understand the organization of attachment hierarchies in adolescence and refine the role of specific attachment relationships in psychosocial adjustment, which can be important for clinical interventions in adolescence.Peer reviewe