21 research outputs found

    Juraj Križanić o vanjskoj politici ruske države

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    Ova tema nije zauzimala važno mjesto u istraživanjima života i djela Jurja Križanića. Istraživače 19. st. hrvatski mislilac obično je zanimao s dva aspekta: kao predstavnik »slavenske ideje« i kao smjeli kritičar života ruskoga društva. Osobito ih je zanimalo pitanje da li je Križanić bio slavenski patriot ili katolički misionar, a manje sustav njegovih pogleda. Autor se kritički osvrće na ta istraživanja, a svom radu postavlja cilj: rekonstruirati {u svim njihovim proturječnostima i složenosti) poglede Jurja Križanića na zadaću ruske države u drugoj polovici 17. st. i konkretne putove koji vode ostvarenju te zadaće. Posebno je posvećena .pažnja motivima \u27ko(ji su hrvatskog mislioca naveli da predlaže ruskoj vladi ove ili one zadaće i mjere. U radu se razmatra odnos Rusije s glavnini zapadnim i južnim susjedima: Švedskom, Turskom i Poljskom. Križanić savjetuje da se čuvaju mir i dobrosusjedski odnosi. Često zapada u proturječnosti. Govoreći o nužnosti mira sa Šveđanima, istovremeno tvrdi da je udaljenost od Baltičkog mora ozbiljna prepreka na putu historijskog razvoja slavenskih naroda. Ta se proturječnost može lako objasniti ako se ima ina umu da je Križaniću, hrvatskom rodoljubu, glavna borba s Turskim Carstvom, ali je političaru Križaniću jasno da je nemoguće voditi borbu na više frontova. Glavno mjesto u vanjskopolitičkoj koncepciji Jurja Križanića zauzima ideja o rusko-poljskom savezu koji bi mogao dovesti do unije. O tome raspravlja na više mjesta u Politici. Taj je savez Križanić vidio kao dio antiosmanske koalicije evropskih država. Obje te države u tijesnom vojno-političkom savezu trebale bi biti centrom prosvjećivanja slavenskih naroda i osloncem njihove oslobodilačke borbe protiv »inozemaca« (»čužezemaca«) i protiv tuđinskog jarma. Pitanje odnosa Križanićevih pogleda i koncepcija njegovih ruskih suvremenika predmet je posebnog istraživanja

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars. XV

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital radial velocity variations are presented for the last eight close binary systems analyzed the same way as in the previous papers of this series: QX And, DY Cet, MR Del, HI Dra, DD Mon, V868 Mon, ER Ori, and Y Sex. For another seven systems (TT Cet, AA Cet, CW Lyn, V563 Lyr, CW Sge, LV Vir and MW Vir) phase coverage is insufficient to provide reliable orbits but radial velocities of individual components were measured. Observations of a few complicated systems observed throughout the DDO close-binary program are also presented; among them an especially interesting is the multiple system V857 Her which - in addition to the contact binary - very probably contains one or more sub-dwarf components of much earlier spectral type. All suspected binaries which were found to be most probably pulsating stars are briefly discussed in terms of mean radial velocities and projected rotation velocities (v sin i) as well as spectral type estimates. In two of them, CU CVn and V752 Mon, the broadening functions show a clear presence of non-radial pulsations. The previously missing spectral types for the DDO I paper are given here in addition to such estimates for most of the program stars of this paper.Comment: submitted to A

    Four-colour photometry of eclipsing binaries. XLI uvby light curves for AD Bootis, HW Canis Majoris, SW Canis Majoris, V636 Centauri, VZ Hydrae, and WZ Ophiuchi

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    CONTEXT: Accurate mass, radius, and abundance determinations from binaries provide important information on stellar evolution, fundamental to central fields in modern astrophysics and cosmology. AIMS: Within the long-term Copenhagen Binary Project, we aim to obtain high-quality light curves and standard photometry for double-lined detached eclipsing binaries with late A, F, and G type main-sequence components, needed for the determination of accurate absolute dimensions and abundances, and for detailed comparisons with results from recent stellar evolutionary models. METHODS: Between March 1985 and July 2007, we carried out photometric observations of AD Boo, HW CMA, SW CMa, V636 Cen, VZ Hya, and WZ Oph at the Str"omgren Automatic Telescope at ESO, La Silla. RESULTS: We obtained complete uvby light curves, ephemerides, and standard uvby\beta indices for all six systems.For V636 Cen and HW CMa, we present the first modern light curves, whereas for AD Boo, SW CMa, VZ Hya, and WZ Oph, they are both more accurate and more complete than earlier data. Due to a high orbital eccentricity (e = 0.50), combined with a low orbital inclination (i = 84.7), only one eclipse, close to periastron, occurs for HW CMa. For the two other eccentric systems, V636 Cen (e = 0.134) and SW CMa (e = 0.316), apsidal motion has been detected with periods of 5270 +/- 335 and 14900 +/- 3600 years, respectively.Comment: Only change is: Bottom lines (hopefully) not truncated anymore. Accepted for publication in Astonomy & Astrophysic

    CoRoT photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of the interacting eclipsing binary AU Mon

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    Analyses of very accurate CoRoT space photometry, past Johnson V photoelectric photometry and high-resolution \'echelle spectra led to the determination of improved and consistent fundamental stellar properties of both components of AU Mon. We derived new, accurate ephemerides for both the orbital motion (with a period of 11.113d) and the long-term, overall brightness variation (with a period of 416.9d) of this strongly interacting Be + G semi-detached binary. It is shown that this long-term variation must be due to attenuation of the total light by some variable circumbinary material. We derived the binary mass ratio MG/MBM_{\rm G}/M_{\rm B} = 0.17\p0.03 based on the assumption that the G-type secondary fills its Roche lobe and rotates synchronously. Using this value of the mass ratio as well as the radial velocities of the G-star, we obtained a consistent light curve model and improved estimates of the stellar masses, radii, luminosities and effective temperatures. We demonstrate that the observed lines of the B-type primary may not be of photospheric origin. We also discover rapid and periodic light changes visible in the high-quality residual CoRoT light curves. AU Mon is put into perspective by a comparison with known binaries exhibiting long-term cyclic light changes.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Положение православного населения смоленщины в составе Речи Посполитой (20-е - 40-е годы XVII в.)

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    Florja B. N. Положение православного населения смоленщины в составе Речи Посполитой (20-е - 40-е годы XVII в.). In: Revue des études slaves, tome 70, fascicule 2, 1998. pp. 333-345

    Design of a slab waveguide multiaperture spectrometer for field observations

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    The concept and design of a new type of waveguide device, a multiaperture Fourier-transform planar waveguide spectrometer, implemented as a prototype instrument is presented. The spectrometer's objective is to demonstrate the ability of the new slab waveguide technology for application in remote-sensing instruments. The spectrometer will use a limb-viewing configuration to detect the 1.36\u3bcm waveband allowing the concentrations of water vapor in Earth's atmosphere to be measured. The most challenging aspects of the design, assembly, and calibration are presented. Focus will be given to the effects of packaging the spectrometer and interfacing to the detector array. Stress-induced birefringence will affect the performance of the waveguides, therefore, the design of a stress-free mounting over a range of temperatures is important. Spectral retrieval algorithms will have to correct for expected fabrication errors in the waveguides. Data-processing algorithms will also be developed to correct for nonuniformities of input brightness through the array, making use of multimode interference output couplers to capture both the in-phase and anti-phase interferometer outputs. A performance assessment of an existing breadboard spectrometer will demonstrate the capability of the instrument. \ua9 2011 CASI.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye