1,726 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Polish Innovation Policy

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    The innovation policy realized at present in Poland seems to be convergent with the assumptions of the EU- documents and OECD- reports. Nevertheless, numerous problems still require a solution. A key question that remains is the acknowledgement of a clear priority in the economic policy to R&D expenditure, financed both from the government's budget and the private sector. It also seems necessary to adjust the tax system and the credit policy to the needs of the innovative economy. More importantly is developing a policy of an actual support of intellectual entrepreneurship that should aim towards creating advantageous development conditions for enterprises conducting research and producing high-tech products (particularly venture capital). These activities should also contribute to increase innovativeness of the Polish economy and affect the quality and rate of future economic growth.Celem artykułu jest analiza i ocena polityki innowacyjnej, zarysowanej w dokumentach rządowych. Polityka innowacyjna realizowana w ostatnich latach odpowiada pod względem koncepcyjnym współczesnym wyzwaniom zarówno na poziomie europejskim, jak i światowym. Z analizy programów polityki innowacyjnej wynika, że jej cele są zbieżne z założeniami przyjętymi w kluczowych dokumentach unijnych i raportach OECD. Wciąż jednak wiele problemów wymaga rozwiązania. Kluczową kwestią jest zatem przyznanie wyraźnego priorytetu w polityce gospodarczej nakładom na działalność B+R, zarówno finansowanym z budżetu państwa, jak i ze środków przedsiębiorstw. Konieczne wydaje się także właściwe dostosowanie systemu podatkowego i polityki kredytowej do potrzeb gospodarki innowacyjnej oraz opracowanie polityki rzeczywistego wspomagania przedsiębiorczości intelektualnej, której celem jest stworzenie korzystnych warunków rozwoju przedsiębiorstwom prowadzącym prace badawczo-rozwojowe i wytwarzającym produkty high-tech (w szczególności venture capital). Działania te powinny przyczynić się do zwiększenia aktywności innowacyjnej gospodarki oraz wpłynąć na tempo i jakość przyszłego wzrostu gospodarczego

    Analysis of knowledge-based economy impact on economic development in the European Union countries

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    Directions of changes in the world economy occurring in recent years show the transition from industrial era economy to knowledge-based economy. Increasing investments in fixed assets is no longer a sufficient way of ensuring permanent economic growth. Research-development activity, innovation and human capital become decisive factors of development. As an essential determinant of the innovativeness level of individual economies are considered expenditures on research and development designed to conduct basic, applied research and development activities as well as effects of these research appearing in the form of innovations. The objective of the article is to analyze correlative connections between the two main variables describing knowledge-based economy, that is between the share of R&D expenditures in GDP and R&D expenditures per capita, and the remaining characteristics of knowledge - based economy. Another aim of the article is to assess the impact of these two variables on the basic macroeconomic indicators in the European Union countries, and, connected with them, to analyze the impact of knowledge-based economy on economic development of these countries.Celem artykułu jest analiza związków korelacyjnych między dwiema głównymi zmiennymi opisującymi gospodarkę opartą na wiedzy, tj. między udziałem nakładów na B+R w PKB i nakładami na B+R per capita, a pozostałymi charakterystykami GOW, jak również ocena wpływu tych dwu zmiennych na podstawowe wielkości makroekonomiczne w krajach Unii Europejskiej, a co za tym idzie analiza wpływu gospodarki opartej na wiedzy na rozwój gospodarczy tych krajów

    Analysis of Knowledge-based Economy Development in Poland in the Light of Strategic Documents

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    The aim of article is to present and assess the most important documents referring to the strategy of knowledge-based economy development in Poland.Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i ocena najważniejszych dokumentów dotyczących strategii rozwoju gospodarki opartej na wiedzy w Polsce, tj. Strategii Rozwoju Kraju 2007-2015 (SRK), Narodowych Strategicznych Ram Odniesienia 2007-2013 (NSRO) i funkcjonujących w ich obrębie programów: Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka 2007-2013 (POIG) i Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki 2007-2013 (POKL), jak również Strategii rozwoju nauki w Polsce do 2015 roku, Raportu "Polska 2030. Wyzwania Rozwojowe" i Programu Foresight, przygotowanego przez PAN

    Access to Specific Provision Employer-Provided Benefits: New Estimates

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    [Excerpt] Many employers offer some type of health or retirement package, but their provisions vary considerably from employer to employer. Knowing the details of the types of coverage available affords a better understanding of benefits in the workplace. For example, health plans may be prepaid (health maintenance organizations, or HMOs) or fee for service (such as preferred provider organizations, or PPOs), and may or may not offer dental coverage. Defined contribution plans may be structured around company matches on employer contributions or may consist of non-elective employer contributions alone. The Bureau of Labor Statistics refers to these details as plan provisions. This Beyond the Numbers article describes the prevalence with which people working for private employers in the United States are given the opportunity to enroll in health and retirement plans with various provisions—the extent to which they have access to those provisions. But note: just because a worker has access to a given plan does not mean that he or she participates in the plan. Once given access, the worker often must affirmatively enroll in the plan in order to be counted as a participant (and to receive and enjoy the plan’s benefits laid out in its provisions). The rate at which workers enroll in plans to which they are given access is known as the takeup rate. Often, the takeup rate for a plan is less than 100 percent, perhaps because enrolling in the plan requires that the worker incur some cost or because the worker also has access to several alternative plans. As a result, the participation rate—the extent to which workers in the economy participate in plans—is often lower than the corresponding access rate. The analysis that follows explores this dynamic by presenting participation and takeup rates for plan provisions alongside the access rate

    In Search of a Strategy for Innovation Policy of Polish Economy

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    The paper is divided into three parts. First deals with the characteristics of innovative potential and innovative activity of Polish economy. Second is devoted to the problem of innovation policy in Poland. Considerations presented in this part allow to come to a few conclusions concerning evaluation of innovation policy implemented in Poland. The last part discusses the issue of innovation strategy suitable for development of Polish economy in long run

    Conditions And Prospects For Development Of Innovation In EU Economies In Light Of The Europe 2020 Strategy

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    The paper consists of three parts. The first part outlines the essence and objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The second part contains an analysis of the level of innovativeness of the EU economies compared with U.S., Japan and South Korea. The third part focuses on the conditions and prospects for the development of innovative economies in the European UnionCelem opracowania jest wyjaśnienie istoty Strategii Europa 2020 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem projektów rozwojowych w dziedzinie innowacyjności, dokonanie oceny poziomu innowacyjności gospodarek unijnych na tle USA, Japonii i Korei Płd., a także odpowiedź na pytanie dotyczące warunków rozwoju innowacyjności unijnego obszaru gospodarczego w świetle celów programowych Strategii. Opracowanie składa się z trzech części. W części pierwszej przedstawione są istota i założenia Strategii Europa 2020. Część druga zawiera analizę poziomu innowacyjności gospodarek Unii Europejskiej w porównaniu z USA, Japonią i Koreą Płd. W części trzeciej rozważania koncentrują się na przedstawieniu uwarunkowań i perspektyw rozwoju innowacyjności gospodarek Unii Europejskiej

    Chosen Aspects of Modernization Processes in EU Countries and in Poland - Classical Point of View

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    The aim of this paper is an evaluation of changes in a sectoral structure of the employment in EU-countries in time. Against this background there are exposed changes in Polish economy in the period 1997-2008. There were used classical tools of the statistical analysis to illustrate and initially verification the theory of three sectors by A. Fisher, C. Clark i J. Fourastiè, orientated to the evaluation of the modernization process of EU-economies

    Differentiation of Modernization Processes in EU Countries and in Poland in Time and Space - Non Classical View

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    The aim of this paper is a typology of EU-countries from the point of view of their modernization measures, a diagnostics and an evaluation of changes in a sectoral structure of the employment in EU-countries. Against this background there are exposed changes in Polish economy in the period 1997-2008. There were used the multidimensional comparative analysis of the sequence separation of homogenous objects subsets (cluster analysis and quick cluster) and the little known in Poland, but popular in the US, measurement technique of sectoral changes in time - the shift share-technique to illustrate and verify empirically the theory of three sectors by A. Fisher, C. Clark i J. Fourastiè, orientated to the evaluation of the modernization process of EU-economies

    Food Security, Fertility Differentials and Land Degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Dynamic Framework

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    We study the impact of differential fertility levels for the food-insecure and food-secure population on the long-run values of the population distribution and resources in a descriptive model where the food security states are determined by a historically given food distribution and the endogenous food production with resources and labour as inputs. Furthermore, we assume that the resource stock is reduced by poverty-driven environmental degradation. Moreover, we incorporate nutritional effects on labour productivity and mortality. By applying local bifurcation theory, we show that the model may exhibit multiple equilibria. Furthermore, the orbits of resources and the population distribution may be characterised by quasi-periodic behaviour. Sustainable development in terms of approaching a steady state with positive values of resources and food-secure population is only promoted by low fertility levels of the food-insecure and food-secure population.

    Reference By Any Other Name

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    Librarians have been doing long-distance reference work for a very long time. Libraries have used telephones since sometime in the late 1800s or early 1900s and email since before I began my career in 1996. Even chat reference can hardly be called an emerging reference service --I first remember hearing about it at a Southern California Online Users Group conference a decade ago. Though reference via machines is not new, we seem to be at a pivotal time. There are currently so many possibilities for reaching out to our patrons that it can be hard to make sense of which options to offer.This is not made easier by a difficult fiscal environment, rapidly changing technology, and a plethora of other services that are also changing rapidly. What\u27s a librarian to do? This column is meant to make some small sense of that question, both for those of us currently offering a wide range of distance reference services and those who wish they could do more