11,345 research outputs found

    Classificació automàtica amb KLASS de les dades de procés d'una EDAR

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    In this study an automatic cluster is done on data froma a Waster Water Treatment Plant to obtain specific knowledge of an ill-structured domain like biological wastewater treatment process. The whole process requires the supervision of the expert of the process. This clustering is done using KLASS, which allows to deal simultaneously with numerical and symbolic variables in the description of objects. From this automatic classification, we obtain a set of clusters that can be labelled as typical operational states. All the knowledge and information acquired will be constitute the initial library of a case base reasoning system that together with expert system constitute a decision support system for this WWTP.Postprint (published version

    In Vitro Propagation Studies on the Initial and Establishment Stages of Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell. Arg.)

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    Development of in vitro methods to propagate rubber is highly desirable. Some procedures exist but they generally do not address well the initial and establishment stages. This leads to minimal arrest of two common deterrents in any micropropagation system, i.e., contamination and browning. This project attempted to study both contamination and browning phenomena with an aim of improving survival without altering regeneration of explants. Field materials of clone RRIM 600 were used. Experiments on the Initial and Establishment stages, their interactions and concluding experiments were conducted. In all experiments, explants were cultured in the standard tissue culture procedures on basic MS medium. In the Initial stage, the results showed no significant difference between chemical treatments of antibiotics and/or fungicide in the field and control. As for the physical characteristics, efficient initial measures were to use 6-week old middle portions or shoot tips. This could be improved by growing these explants in a glasshouse. In the Establishment stage, the most efficient procedure to decontaminate explants was Procedure E that included a succession of treatments with ethanol, Clorox, Rifampicin, Ampicillin, DMSO and Triton-X before culturing. Regarding debrowning treatments, the best overall responses were obtained by culturing explants in MS medium (half strength) modified by the addition of 4 mg/L silver nitrate. In the analysis of the interactions between treatments in the Initial and Establishment stages, results showed that the combination of treatments with better potential was the one that included the use of mature explants (6-week old) surface decontaminated by Procedure E

    Respuestas del ciclo del carbono del suelo al cambio global y su predicción mediante la modelización de vínculos entre procesos bióticos y abióticos clave en los ecosistemas terrestres

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Ecología. Fecha de lectura: 19-05-202

    Progression of age-related periodontitis: Literature review

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    Antecedentes: La periodontitis actualmente es definida como una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica multifactorial asociada a la desregulación de la biopelícula con el huésped susceptible, lo que puede llegar a generar daños en el tejido periodontal debido a una respuesta inmunitaria inapropiada, caracterizadas por una inflamación neutrofílica con la posterior destrucción proteolítica del tejido conectivo. Objetivo: realizar una revisión de la literatura que vincule la progresión de periodontitis asociada a la edad y determinar si a mayor edad existe mayor prevalencia de periodontitis. Materiales y Métodos : Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática en 5 bases de datos científicas: PubMed, Cochrane, Scielo, Science Direct, EBSCO de 45 artículos publicados en inglés y español en los últimos 5 años (2018-2022). Resultados: La evidencia sugiere que pacientes de edad avanzada (60 años en adelante) son más propensos a desarrollar periodontitis debido a una respuesta inmunitaria deficiente que le impide tener una respuesta inflamatoria correcta ante diversos factores, además se postula la exposición prolongada al factor etiológico. Conclusiones: La evidencia reporta que los pacientes a mayor edad presentan mayor prevalencia de periodontitis debido a que en el envejecimiento disminuye la respuesta inmunológica, la cual es la encargada de proteger al cuerpo ante diferentes factores. Finalmente, a medida que los pacientes envejecen, el estado nutricional se ve alterado por ende el proceso digestivo y la absorción de nutrientes de los alimentos, las cuales interactúan con otros factores de riesgo bien definidos para aumentar la susceptibilidad a la enfermedad periodontal.Background: Periodontitis is currently defined as a multifactorial chronic inflammatory disease associated with deregulation of the biofilm with the susceptible host, which can lead to damage the periodontal tissue due to an inappropriate immune response, characterized by a neutrophilic inflammation with subsequent destruction of proteolytic connective tissue. Objective: To carry out a literature review that links the progression of periodontitis associated with age, in addition to determining if at an older age there is higher prevalence of periodontitis. Methodology: A systematic bibliographic search was carried out in 5 scientific databases: PubMed, Cochrane, Scielo, Science Direct, EBSCO of 45 articles published in English and Spanish in the last 5 years (2018-2022). Results: Evidence suggests that elderly patients (60 years and older) are more likely to develop periodontitis due to a deficient immune response that keep them off from having a correct inflammatory response to various factors, there is also postulated a prolonged exposure to the etiological factor. Conclusions: Evidence reports that older patients have a higher prevalence of periodontitis because aging decreases immune response, which is responsible for protecting the body against different factors. Finally, as patient’s age, nutritional status is altered thereby the digestive process and nutrient absorption from food, which interact with other well-defined risk factors to increase susceptibility to periodontal disease.0000-0002-7843-967

    A Narrative Review of Protective Factors that Predict Enculturation Processes for Latinx Individuals in the U.S.

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    A Narrative Review of Protective Factors that Predict Enculturation Processes for Latinx Individuals in the U.S. Jane Sun, Dept. of Psychology, Jennifer Rodriguez, Alanna Cason, Yessica Flores, Karl Villareal, Arlenis Santana, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, & Chloe Walker, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, with Dr. Chelsea D. Williams, Dept. of Psychology According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the rise of immigration led the Latinx community to experience the largest population growth amongst all ethnic-racial groups (Sanchez et al., 2012). Enculturation is the process of preserving heritage cultural values while enduring the influence of the current, surrounding culture (Schwartz et al., 2013). Enculturation is a subcomponent in the broad spectrum of acculturation, the process through which the introduction of two differing cultures induces cultural changes (Rodriguez et al., 2002). While current research has focused on the protective factors involved in the acculturative process, minimal research has centered on the protective factors in enculturation amongst the Latinx community. The aim of the current narrative review was to identify the protective factors (e.g., language, values, generational differences, group membership) associated with enculturation of Latinx U.S. citizens. Implications will discuss the promotion of social awareness within the Latinx community.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1333/thumbnail.jp

    Reply to `Comment on ``Helmholtz Theorem and the V-Gauge in the Problem of Superluminal and Instantaneous Signals in Classical Electrodynamics" by A. Chubykalo Et Al' by J. A. Heras [FOUND. Phys. Lett. vol. 19(6) p. 579 (2006)]

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    1996 USCID water management conference

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    Presented at Competing interests in water resources - searching for consensus: proceedings from the USCID water management conference held on December 5-7, 1996 in Las Vegas, Nevada.The Mexico-United States border is a zone of shared problems for both countries. The Colorado River system stands out among their common rivers, its usefulness benefiting many people, especially if one considers its location in a desert land, the intense competition for the river water has expounded the necessity to come to agreements between both countries, started since 1944. The Colorado river system is the most important in the United States southwest; supplies water for more than 20 million users and for large extensions of agricultural land. Besides, it is a fundamental water source for Northern Mexico, especially for the irrigation of agriculture lands in the Mexicali Valley. Water is a resource of a very high economical value in the region, because of the growing and large human population of the region, the importance of agricultural crops, and in particular, to the fact that the southern part of the basin is a desert. Inasmuch as there is an intense competition for the river water, although highly controlled, the system's management is of great interest for United States as well as for Mexico, for that reason, it corresponds to both of them. All these factors make the Colorado River management an important subject that influences the neighborhood relationship between Mexico and United States. In 1944, both countries signed a treaty on the water allotment of the three river systems shared: the Colorado, Tijuana and Bravo. According to this document, Mexico obtained the right to receive an annual delivery of 1.5 million acre-feet of Colorado River water. The construction of several dams in the Colorado River basin in the United States has had great impact on the quantity and quality of the water going to Mexico. During the last three decades, the matters related to the salinity of this water have demanded a permanent attention