6,750 research outputs found

    Where the fruit grows, we’ll start over: Rethinking the Great Migration’s Limitless Impact

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    I. Synthesis Essay……………………………….2 II. Primary Documents and Headnotes……….20 III. Textbook Critique…………………………….33 IV. New Textbook Entry…………………………36 V. Bibliography…………………………………...19https://digitalcommons.bard.edu/history_mat/1042/thumbnail.jp

    Exploring the Feasibility and Limitations of Digital Product Passports in the Textile Industry: A Critical Assessment of Current Models

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    openThe European Commission defines the Digital Product Passport (DPP) as a structured collection of product-related data with a predetermined scope. It includes agreed-upon data ownership and access rights, facilitated by a unique identifier. This information is electronically accessible through a data carrier (Colledani and Abdalla, 2023). The DPP plays a crucial role in digitizing the industry along the value chain and has a broad impact on all life cycle stages. Its influence extends to shaping new legislative regulations, creating business opportunities, and refining strategies that contribute to a more effective circular economy. This involves determining how products are utilized, recycled, repurposed, and repaired. The data collected serves a dual purpose: aiding customers in making informed decisions and helping companies identify opportunities within their supply chain to align strategies with environmental needs. Currently, the textile sector is actively crafting a proposal for the DPP that aligns with the European Commission's requirements. This initiative aims to identify the most suitable proposal, which will subsequently pave the way for defining the next steps for the broader industry. Notably, the textile sector, recognized as one of the most environmentally impactful industries, is slated to implement DPP regulations by 2027. However, it's noteworthy that France has opted for an accelerated implementation, planning to enforce these regulations by 2024. This decision reflects a commitment to expedite the adoption of DPP regulations across the entire industry. This master thesis contributes to the ongoing discourse supporting the success of the DPP. The reader will gain insights into the DPP as both a system and a product. Additionally, the thesis delves into the definition of current data requirements for textiles, examines undefined elements, provides an overview of existing proposals and their distinctions, and proposes characteristics necessary for cohesive value propositions.The European Commission defines the Digital Product Passport (DPP) as a structured collection of product-related data with a predetermined scope. It includes agreed-upon data ownership and access rights, facilitated by a unique identifier. This information is electronically accessible through a data carrier (Colledani and Abdalla, 2023). The DPP plays a crucial role in digitizing the industry along the value chain and has a broad impact on all life cycle stages. Its influence extends to shaping new legislative regulations, creating business opportunities, and refining strategies that contribute to a more effective circular economy. This involves determining how products are utilized, recycled, repurposed, and repaired. The data collected serves a dual purpose: aiding customers in making informed decisions and helping companies identify opportunities within their supply chain to align strategies with environmental needs. Currently, the textile sector is actively crafting a proposal for the DPP that aligns with the European Commission's requirements. This initiative aims to identify the most suitable proposal, which will subsequently pave the way for defining the next steps for the broader industry. Notably, the textile sector, recognized as one of the most environmentally impactful industries, is slated to implement DPP regulations by 2027. However, it's noteworthy that France has opted for an accelerated implementation, planning to enforce these regulations by 2024. This decision reflects a commitment to expedite the adoption of DPP regulations across the entire industry. This master thesis contributes to the ongoing discourse supporting the success of the DPP. The reader will gain insights into the DPP as both a system and a product. Additionally, the thesis delves into the definition of current data requirements for textiles, examines undefined elements, provides an overview of existing proposals and their distinctions, and proposes characteristics necessary for cohesive value propositions

    Multi-scale molecular descriptions of human heart failure using single cell, spatial, and bulk transcriptomics

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    Molecular descriptions of human disease have relied on transcriptomics, the genome-wide measurement of gene expression. In the last years the emergence of capture-based technologies have enabled the transcriptomic profiling of single cells both from dissociated and intact tissues, providing a spatial and cell type specific context that complements the catalog of gene expression changes reported from bulk technologies. In the context of cardiovascular disease, these technologies open the opportunity to study the inter and intra-cellular mechanisms that regulate myocardial remodeling. In this thesis I present comprehensive descriptions of the transcriptional changes in acute and chronic human heart failure using bulk, single cell, and spatial technologies. First, I describe the creation of the Reference of the Heart Failure Transcriptome, a resource built from the meta-analysis of 16 independent studies of human heart failure transcriptomics. Then, I report the first spatial and single cell atlas of human myocardial infarction, and propose a computational strategy to identify compositional, organizational, and molecular tissue differences across distinct time points and physiological zones of damaged myocardium. Finally, I outline a methodology for the multicellular analysis of single cell data that allows for a better understanding of tissue responses and cell type coordination events in cardiovascular disease and that links the knowledge of independent studies at multiple scales. Overall my work demonstrates the importance of the generation of reliable molecular references of disease across scales

    Larval Distribution and Abundance of Carangidae (Pisces), from the Southern Gulf of Mexico, 1983-1984

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    The larval distribution and abundance of several taxa of the carangids from the southem Gulf of Mexico are analyzed, based on data from four oceanographic cruises conducted between 1983 and 1984. The material was collected with a bongo net fished to maximum depths of 200 m. The species collected were Chloroscombrus chrysurus (54.2%), Decapterus punctatus (15.8%), Trachurus Iathami (11.8%), Selene setapinnis (6.1%), Selar crumenophthalmus (6.0), Caranx hipposllatus (0.9%), Caranx crysos (0.7%) and Selene sp. (0.3%). The higher frequency of occurrence and greater abundance of larvae of all species was found over the continental shelf, and in some cases, in the oceanic zone near the slope. Almost all the species were present year-round with highest larval densities in the warm months, except for T. Iathami which occurred in greatest abundance during winter and early spring

    Adaptive runtime-assisted block prefetching on chip-multiprocessors

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    Memory stalls are a significant source of performance degradation in modern processors. Data prefetching is a widely adopted and well studied technique used to alleviate this problem. Prefetching can be performed by the hardware, or be initiated and controlled by software. Among software controlled prefetching we find a wide variety of schemes, including runtime-directed prefetching and more specifically runtime-directed block prefetching. This paper proposes a hybrid prefetching mechanism that integrates a software driven block prefetcher with existing hardware prefetching techniques. Our runtime-assisted software prefetcher brings large blocks of data on-chip with the support of a low cost hardware engine, and synergizes with existing hardware prefetchers that manage locality at a finer granularity. The runtime system that drives the prefetch engine dynamically selects which cache to prefetch to. Our evaluation on a set of scientific benchmarks obtains a maximum speed up of 32 and 10 % on average compared to a baseline with hardware prefetching only. As a result, we also achieve a reduction of up to 18 and 3 % on average in energy-to-solution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Militarización y debilidad institucional de la seguridad pública en México.

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    En las últimas décadas, la seguridad pública en México es uno de los principales problemas en la agenda gubernamental, poniendo énfasis en la amenaza múltiple del narcotráfico y el crimen organizado, el cual impacta a la salud pública (extensión de la drogadicción), la legitimidad social de algunos delincuentes (identificación de amplios sectores sociales con los narcotraficantes) frente a las organizaciones de gobierno, la seguridad pública (protección de la integridad física y/o familiar, y diversas formas de propiedad), las actividades diarias (económicas, laborales y culturales) de lo societal. Todo ello, construido sobre supuestos del mercado neoliberal que parten de la negación o debilidad de los derechos económicos y sociales, como causa de la expansión de la pobreza y la miseria, considerada una amenaza del laissez faire del neoliberalismo.La seguridad pública es uno de los principales problemas que enfrenta el gobierno mexicano en la actualidad. El problema es central al funcionamiento de la democracia en tanto incide en la confianza social, socava el desarrollo social sostenible y puede eventualmente afectar su estabilidad política. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar las estrategias de política de seguridad pública implementadas por el Estado mexicano en el periodo 2006-2020, a través del método descriptivo-analítico que permite realizar un recorrido de la narrativa en torno al uso las fuerzas armadas en la lucha contra el crimen organizado y brindar protección a la población, a fin de comprender el alcance de sus resultados en el país ante la militarización de la seguridad pública. Esto permite establecer la hipótesis de que la debilidad institucional en materia de seguridad pública en México hace que el Estado tenga como principal instrumento al poder militar para reponer la autoridad e imponer la ley en el país. La violencia generalizada es el resultado de las estrategias de política cuya narrativa de la seguridad pública se funda en el control punitivo estatal a través del incremento de las fuerzas armadas en labores policiales de seguridad, pero que no contemplan la previsión primaria, ya que el problema estructural es la cuestión social: empobrecimiento, desempleo, marginalidad, entre otras. De ahí, la idea de que el Estado mexicano ha incumplido con su obligación de garantizar la seguridad de las personas, por la existencia de un débil sistema institucional de seguridad

    Prevalencia de huevos de Toxocara sp en vegetales comercializados en la Ciudad de Talca

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    48 p.Se estudiaron 330 muestra obtenidas de diferentes vegetales de consumo humano que crecen a ras de suelo, 50 cebollas, 50 manojos de cilantros, 75 papas, 50 manojos de perejil, 55 lechugas y 50 zanahorias las cuales se comercializan en la Vega central de la ciudad de Talca con el fin de determinar la prevalencia de huevos de Toxocara sp en estos vegetales. Se encontró una prevalencia de 0% para este parásito, de 0.3 % para Ascaris lumbricoides y 1.8 % para Strogyloides stercoralis. Como conclusión, a pesar de que no se encontró huevos de Toxocara en las muestras examinadas, se pudo evidenciar que los vegetales de la región presentan un nivel de contaminación por otro tipo de parásitos en un nivel importante siendo los vegetales un medio potencial de infección para las personas que los consumen sin tomar medidas de cuidado como cocción o lavado prolijo

    La profesión desprofesionalizada: miradas femeninas sobre la vida en aulas de Santiago de Chile

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    El presente t rabajo forma par te de una invest igación más amplia que buscaba visibilizar las posibilidades efectivas de transformación curricular que poseen los y las docentes dentro del sistema educativo chileno. Para ello, se analizaron las condiciones labores que posee actualmente el profesorado chileno, lo que ha suscitado las más diversas refexiones, y se ha considerado la variable “género” que ha logrado incorporarse efectivamente dentro de los estudios realizados desde las Ciencias Sociales. En este marco, el trabajo se aboca a analizar las trayectorias profesionales de profesoras y profesores chilenos de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, con formación continua en estudios de género y con intenciones manifestas de realizar cambios curriculares en esta temática.  Para ello se optó por utilizar una metodológica cualitativa, de corte comprensivo interpretativo