873 research outputs found

    Modelling effective legal aid system

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    Aim: This article presents a theoretical model that enables achievement of macroeconomic efficiency of the legal aid system by means of adjusting supply to the pre-determined demand.Results: Main deterministic components of aggregate demand for legal aid are defined using a shift-share type framework. The knowledge of its parameters makes it possible to estimate expected demand for legal aid in response to various formulae of possible reforms of the system.Motivation: Estimates of demand serve to compute legal aid supply that minimizes social costs of legal aid provision. This task is accomplished by means of the so called assignment problem originating the field of operational research. Providers are divided in line with their average productivities in solving appropriate legal cases and the aggregate personal costs of legal aid provision are subject to minimization

    Makroekonomiczne uwarunkowania płodności w Polsce. Próba kwantyfikacji

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    In the paper, an attempt to quantify interrelationships between the period total fertility rate in Poland in the years 1970-2005 and socio-economic determinants has been undertaken. In that respect, several possible explanatory variables suggested in various theoretical explanations of the fertility decline have been referred to. The overview of the theories resulted in the list of potential variables to be included into a linear model with the TFR as a dependent variable. Data availability defines the final set of 20 potential explanatory variables to be used in the model. Due to the presence of strong multicollinearity, a stepwise regression was applied. That method was supplemented by economic monitoring to ensure a sound interpretability of outcomes. Consequently, the final model included only four variables that influenced on the total fertility rate in Poland over the period under study: inertia in fertility, real wages, one variable related to social inequality and one linked to the pension system (i.e. to the replacement rate and the coverage rate ). The final model exhibits desirable statistical and economic features, and has been used for some projection exercises

    Quelques remarques sur l'isotopie sémantique

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    The aim of this paper is to present a few theoretical remarks on the concept of semantic isotopy from the point of view of interpretative semantics and to add some exaraples of application of this concept in practice. In the paper we present the basie definitions of semantic isotopy (iso - identity topos - of the topie in several signification units) and describe the main classifications of this concept (systemie and discursive isotopy, intrinsic and extrinsic isotopy and others). We also discuss the fundamental semantic relations in the polyisotopic text on the levels of semes - semantic features, of sememes - words which contain these features and of isotopy of a text - in which different words contain the same semantic feature. Finally we describe the basie interpretational operations that regulate the assignment of significations to words in a context and we propose a strategy of text interpretation oriented on isotopy

    Comment (re)connaître et traduire la signification des mots d ’une langue étrangère

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    Assuming that a profound knowledge of a second language is impossible without the knowledge about the language itself, the author’s aim is to present the classical linguistic methods of meaning analysis as helpful tools in the formation and development of second language semantic competence at the advanced and intermediate levels. These methods operate on one language and decompose a word’s meaning into relevant and discrete features. They vary from the logical analysis of features common to all referents denoted by a word, through the semic analysis of words compared in semantic fields, to the componential analysis which determines the range of a word’s use in context. While all these analyses concern the semantic norm, the discursive content is the object of research of the interpretative analysis and translation, where the realization of meaning in discourse is always a function of semantic norm and where the lack of knowledge of the normative content leads directly to faulty or strange translations

    De l'enseignement des effets de sens de certains temps français

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    The paper presents an unconventional technique to teach the communicative effects (CE) induced by the use of several French tenses in the context. This technique is constructed for Polish students whose language system does not lexicalise these CE like the French system. We start from the principle of the subordinated bilingualism, when the target language acquisition is performed by means of the native language and in order to "feel" the CE of the French verbal action we propose several experiences.Ducrot, O. (1972), Dire et ne pas dire. Paris: Hermann.Florczak , J. (2002), De t'approche pragmatique de l'article, ou comment ta pragmatique peut aider à comprendre et/ou à enseigner le système de l'article français, in: Points communs; linguistique, traducmlogie, glottodidactique. Łódź, 37-56.Gross, G. (2002), Recherches théoriques et enseignement des langues, in: Points communs.-linguistique, traducmlogie, glottodidactique. Łódź, 88-101.Langacker, R. (1991), Noms et verbes, trad. C. Vandcloise, in: Communication S3. Sémantique cognitive. Paris, 103-145.Šlichauer, J. (2002), Aspect verbal - une approche contrastive est-elle pertinente, in: Points communs: linguistique, traductologie, glottodidactique. Łódź, 269-274.Tokarz , M. (1993), Elementy pragmatyki logicznej. Warszawa: PWN.Turewicz, K. (1998), Profil a kategorie gramatyczne, in: Profilowanie w języku i w tekście. Lublin, 63-77.Wilczyńska , W. ( 1989), Apprivoiser les articles et les temps. Poznań: UAM

    A Soldier\u27s-Eye View of the Homefront: Examining Domestic Military Laws through the Lens of Military Doctrine

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    The article presents information on the U.S. military domestic law enforcement and the debate related to the U.S. law and policy. The protection of individual liberty, the principles of military doctrine and the state-federal control is discussed. The need of protection form military incursion and maximizing military options, capability of federal and state military forces and balance social policy is also discussed

    Liability for Toxic Workplace Cultures

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    Title VII is meant to protect employees from discrimination and has historically been a crucial tool for creating social change in the workplace. But when considering modern-day workplace discrimination wrought by “toxic workplace cultures” defined herein, Title VII’s frameworks for confronting systemic discrimination prove outdated and ineffective. This Note proposes the codification of a new theory of discrimination under Title VII targeting toxic workplace cultures, with substantive and procedural elements working in tandem to better enable plaintiffs to collectively bring actions to hold employers accountable for fostering discriminatory environments. Part I defines toxic workplace cultures and walks through case studies of such cultures in action. Part II explains the existing frameworks of Title VII and why they do not provide recourse for victims of toxic workplace cultures. Part III proposes a solution through codifying a new cause of action for toxic workplace cultures under the statute and offers a brief case study highlighting a potential outcome were this proposal to be implemented

    The letters from Zygmunt Celichowski to Kazimierz Bartoszewicz

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    Task: Publication of English-language version of the volumes of the Przegląd Nauk Historycznych financed through contract no. 501/1/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education devoted to the promotion of scholarship