4,417 research outputs found

    Unexpected effect of Ru-substitution in lightly doped manganites

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    In this Communication we report about the unexpected effect of ruthenium doping in sodium ligthly-doped manganites. This effect seems to be in contrast with the usual model applied to describe the effect of this magnetic ion into the manganite structure. We propose a possible compensation mechanism which seems also able to describe other peculiar features encountered in these materials.Comment: 3 pages, 2 Figures to appear in ChemCom

    El salt a l ’exterior de les empreses de nova creació

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    New international companies have come true thanks to globalization. They will be playing a major role in the 21st century, as their impact on economic and social progress is significantly larger than that of other kind of new companies. Nevertheless, their international success is subject to the adoption of a strategic approach which will provide them with the required tools to overcome future challenges, given their scarcity of resources. This paper explores the main aspects of the abovementioned strategic approach, aimed at contributing to the success of the companies in international markets.L’existència d’empreses internacionals de nova creació constitueix una realitat possible gràcies a la globalització. Aquestes noves empreses internacionals estan cridades a ocupar un paper destacat en el segle XXI, ja que la seua repercussió en el progrés econòmic i social és significativament major que la d’altres tipus de noves empreses. No obstant, l’èxit internacional d’aquestes empreses passa per l’adopció d’un enfocament estratègic que els proporcione les eines necessàries per a superar els desafiaments a què s’hauran d’enfrontar, tenint en compte les seues limitacions de recursos. En aquest treball s’exploren els principals aspectes que ha de cobrir aquest enfocament estratègic perquè efectivament contribuïsca a l’èxit d’aquestes empreses en els mercats internacionals.La existencia de empresas internacionales de nueva creación constituye una realidad posible gracias a la globalización. Estas nuevas empresas internacionales están llamadas a ocupar un papel destacado en el siglo XXI, puesto que su repercusión en el progreso económico y social es significativamente mayor que la de otros tipos de nuevas empresas. Sin embargo, el éxito internacional de estas empresas pasa por la adopción de un enfoque estratégico que les proporcione las herramientas necesarias para superar los desafíos a los que se deberán enfrentarse, habida cuenta de sus limitaciones de recursos. En este trabajo se exploran los principales aspectos que debe cubrir este enfoque estratégico para que efectivamente contribuya al éxito de estas empresas en los mercados internacionales.L ’existence d ’entreprises internationales de nouvelle création constitue une réalité possible grâce à la mondialisation. Ces nouvelles entreprises internationales son appelées à prendre une place remarquable au XXI siècle, car leur répercussion sur le progrès économique et social est significativement plus grande que celle d ’autres sortes d ’entreprises. Cependant, le succès international de ces entreprises passe par l’adoption d’une approche stratégique leur fournissant les outils nécessaires pour surmonter les dés qu’ils devront affronter, tenant compte de leurs limitations de recours. Ce travail explore les principaux aspects que cette approche stratégique doit couvrir, afin qu’elle puisse contribuer effectivement au succès de ces entreprises dans les marchés internationaux

    A Phylogenetic Study of Arecaceae Based on Seedling Morphological and Anatomical Data

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    A morphological and anatomical survey was carried out of seedlings of 62 taxa of palms representing all major groups. The data were analyzed using cladistic parsimony analysis. Seedling data were analyzed independently and combined with adult morphological data. Outgroup selection was made within the family using the calamoids and Nypa fruticans; outside the family, the monocot family Dasypogonaceae were used. The analysis with the calamoids and Nypa fruticans as outgroups resolved some of the major groups. The combined analysis, using both seedling and adult data and Dasypogonaceae as the outgroup, provided better resolution. Most of the major groups were monophyletic although the coryphoids and arecoids appeared paraphyletic

    Nueva localidad de anidación de la garza agami, Agamia agami (Pelecaniformes: Ardeidae) en Ecuador

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    The Agami heron, Agamia agami, is a rare species of the Neotropics, and even though its distribution is large, little is known about the sites where it congregates to nest. We report a new nesting site, which is the eighth reported site in the Neotropics, located in Tambococha, Yasuní National Park, Ecuador. We estimate that it is occupied by approximately 140 individuals, based on the 70 nests counted and considering the monogamous behavior of this species for at least one year. The discovery of this nesting colony is important to determine more precisely the distribution area of this species, and, in the future, monitor populations and develop studies of population genetics, migration, and behavioral movements as a basis to implement a conservation strategy for the Agami Heron in Ecuador.La garza Agamia agami es una especie rara que habita en el Neotrópico. Aunque su distribución es amplia, se sabe poco sobre los sitios donde se congrega para anidar. Reportamos un nuevo sitio de anidación, el octavo conocido en el Neotropico, ubicado en Tambococha, Parque Nacional Yasuní, Ecuador. Estimamos la presencia de aproximadamente 140 individuos, cifra que se basa en los 70 nidos contabilizados, considerando el comportamiento monógamo que presenta esta especie por lo menos en un año. El descubrimiento de esta colonia de anidación es importante para determinar con mayor precisión el área de distribución de esta especie y, en el futuro, realizar estudios genéticos poblacionales, movimientos migratorios, comportamentales y de monitoreo que sirvan de base para implementar una estrategia de conservación de la garza agami en Ecuador

    Tactile thresholds are preserved yet complex sensory function is impaired over the lumbar spine of chronic non-specific low back pain patients. A preliminary investigation

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    Objectives: To investigate impairments in sensory function in chronic non-specific low back pain patients and the relationship between any impairment and the clinical features of the condition. Design: A cross-sectional case-control study. Setting: Laboratory based study. Participants: Nineteen chronic non-specific low back pain patients and nineteen healthy controls. Main Outcome measures: Tactile threshold, two point discrimination distance and accuracy at a task involving recognizing letters drawn over the skin of the lower back (graphaesthesia) were assessed over the lumbar spine in both groups. Pain duration, pain intensity, physical function, anxiety and depression were assessed by questionnaire in the back pain group Results: We found no difference in tactile threshold between the two groups (median difference 0.00 95% CI -0.04 – 0.04). There was a significant difference between controls and back pain patients for two point discrimination (mean difference 17.85 95% CI 5.93 – 29.77) and graphaesthesia accuracy (mean difference 6.13 95% CI 1.27-10.99). Low back pain patients had a larger lumbar two point discrimination distance threshold and a greater letter recognition error rate. In the patient group, we found no relationship between clinical profile and sensory function and no relationship between the sensory tests. Conclusions: These data support existing findings of perceptual abnormalities in chronic non-specific low back pain patients and are suggestive of cortical rather than peripheral sensory dysfunction. Amelioration of these abnormalities may present a target for therapeutic intervention

    Caracterización del interfaz forestal/urbano empleando LiDAR como herramienta para la estimación del riesgo de daños por incendios forestales

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    [EN] Galicia is a region in NW Spain which is usually affected by a high number of forest fires, and it should meet the current regulations regarding the distance between forests and buildings. This paper aims to identify and characterize woodlands and classify buildings according to their fire risk, for a 36 km2 area in Forcarei (Pontevedra, Spain). We used LiDAR data to generate three spatial models (DTM: Digital Terrain Model, DSM: Digital Surface Model and nDSM: Normalized Digital Surface Model) and two statistics to characterize the forest stands (density of dominant trees per hectare and their average height). The identification of forested areas was performed using an object-based classification method using the intensity image, the height model and an orthophotograph of the area, and a kappa coefficient of 0.82 was obtained in the validation. The woodlands were reclassified according to the magnitude of a possible fire, based on the density and the average height of the woodlands. The forest stands were mapped according to the magnitude of a possible fire and it was found that 1.18 km2 would be susceptible to a low magnitude fire, 3.75 km2 to a medium magnitude fire and 2.25 km2 to a fire of a high magnitude. Afterwards, it was determined whether the buildings in the area complied with the legislation relating to minimum distance from the forested areas (30 meters). For those that did not meet this distance, the risk of damage in case of a wildfire was calculated. The result was that 43.01% of buildings in the area complied with the regulations, 9.95% were located in a very low risk area, 25.74% in a low risk location, 12.37% in a medium risk area and 8.93% were in a high or very high risk area.S

    Paradoxes of Transformative Social Innovation: From Critical Awareness towards Strategies of Inquiry

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    Society is transforming through a whirlpool of innovations. This includes technological as well as social innovations, i.e. changes in social relations involving new ways of doing, organizing, framing and knowing. Especially the potentials for transformative social innovation (TSI) are gaining the interest of progressive political actors and critical scholars. Occurring in the form of new modes of governance and alternative ways of working and living together, TSI involves the challenging, altering or replacing of dominant institutions. As documented in various strands of critical social inquiry and innovation research, TSI praxis is pervaded with contradictions, anomalies and paradoxes. This methodological contribution addresses the challenge that tends to remain: How to elaborate this general critical awareness into more operational ‘strategies of inquiry’? The paper discusses paradoxes of a) system reproduction, b) temporality, and c) reality construction. Identifying distinct kinds of contradictions and distinct empirical phenomena, this differentiation also calls attention to the associated differences between realist, processual and constructivist research philosophies. Gathering the empirical analyses, theoretical interpretations and methodological advances that have been made on these paradoxes, this contribution opens up the scope for critical and practically relevant innovation research: It is important to bridge the divide between rigorous but sterile methodological know-how, and critical-reflexive theorizing that lacks operational insights.Society is transforming through a whirlpool of innovations. This includes technological as well as social innovations, i.e. changes in social relations involving new ways of doing, organizing, framing and knowing. Especially the potentials for transformative social innovation (TSI) are gaining the interest of progressive political actors and critical scholars. Occurring in the form of new modes of governance and alternative ways of working and living together, TSI involves the challenging, altering or replacing of dominant institutions. As documented in various strands of critical social inquiry and innovation research, TSI praxis is pervaded with contradictions, anomalies and paradoxes. This methodological contribution addresses the challenge that tends to remain: How to elaborate this general critical awareness into more operational ‘strategies of inquiry’? The paper discusses paradoxes of a) system reproduction, b) temporality, and c) reality construction. Identifying distinct kinds of contradictions and distinct empirical phenomena, this differentiation also calls attention to the associated differences between realist, processual and constructivist research philosophies. Gathering the empirical analyses, theoretical interpretations and methodological advances that have been made on these paradoxes, this contribution opens up the scope for critical and practically relevant innovation research: It is important to bridge the divide between rigorous but sterile methodological know-how, and critical-reflexive theorizing that lacks operational insights