29 research outputs found

    Seismic evidence for a possible deep crustal hot zone beneath Southwest Washington

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    Crustal pathways connecting deep sources of melt and the active volcanoes they supply are poorly understood. Beneath Mounts St. Helens, Adams, and Rainier these pathways connect subduction-induced ascending melts to shallow magma reservoirs. Petrogenetic modeling predicts that when these melts are emplaced as a succession of sills into the lower crust they generate deep crustal hot zones. While these zones are increasingly recognized as a primary site for silicic differentiation at a range of volcanic settings globally, imaging them remains challenging. Near Mount Rainier, ascending melt has previously been imaged ~28 km northwest of the volcano, while to the south, the volcano lies on the margin of a broad conductive region in the deep crust. Using 3D full-waveform tomography, we reveal an expansive low-velocity zone, which we interpret as a possible hot zone, linking ascending melts and shallow reservoirs. This hot zone may supply evolved magmas to Mounts St. Helens and Adams, and possibly Rainier, and could contain approximately twice the melt volume as the total eruptive products of all three volcanoes combined. Hot zones like this may be the primary reservoirs for arc volcanism, influencing compositional variations and spatial-segmentation along the entire 1100 km-long Cascades Arc

    Studies of temporal changes of heart lesions following experimental PMCV infection in Atlantic salmon

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    Kardiomyopatisyndrom (CMS) er en alvorlig hjertelidelse forårsaket av infeksjon med piscint myokarditt virus (PMCV) og affiserer oppdrettslaks i siste del i sjøfasen. CMS blir som oftest først diagnostisert etter forøket akutt dødelighet hos fisken, tett opp mot slaktetidspunktet. CMS medfører sterkt redusert velferd hos fisken, men vil også ved et utbrudd, føre til store økonomiske tap for oppdretter. Utbrudd med CMS oppstår langs hele norskekysten og er ofte sett i forbindelse med økt stressbelastning, som for eksempel ved lusebehandling. I denne oppgaven har jeg evaluert histologiske forandringer i hjertet hos atlantisk laks etter eksperimentell smitte med PMCV. Snittene har blitt gradert i henhold til gitte kriterier. Hjertets atrium og ventrikkel ble scoret, hver for seg, og gitt en score mellom 0 og 4, hvor score 4 representerer de mest uttalte forandringene. 88 snitt ble scoret. I teorien skulle 96 snitt vurderes og scores, men 8 snitt ble tatt ut av datamaterialet på grunn av avvikende kvalitet. Snittene viser økende histologisk score over tid med patologiske forandringer som først starter i atrium, for så å manifestere seg i den spongiøse del av ventrikkelen. Atrium har generelt mer uttalte forandringer over hele infeksjonsforløpet. Ved siden av scoringen av histologiske snitt, ble det samtidig utført en RT-qPCR analyse for forekomst av PMCV genom i snittene for alle individene, to paralleller pr individ og et gjennomsnitt av parallelprøvene ble grunnlaget for Ct-verdien for hvert individ. Her var målet å se om det var en eventuell sammenheng mellom Ct-verdien og hjertelesjonens alvorlighetsgrad. Studien viste en signifikant økning i histologisk score over tid etter smitte med PMCV, samt en signifikant sammenheng mellom økt mengde virus og økning i histologisk score, men vi kunne ikke se en signifikant økning i virusmengde fra 4 uker og noen av de senere tidspunktene fram til 12 uker etter smitte. Tross en relativt lav virusmengde 6 uker etter smitte med PMCV, med gjennomsnitt Ct-verdi på 25.6, som virket til å holde seg stabilt mellom 25 og 26 utover øvrige uttak, ble det likevel registrert en jevn utvikling i hjertelesjonene, som til slutt resulterte i lesjoner med generelt høy histologisk score. Høyeste histologiske score i atrium var 4, mens høyeste score i ventrikkel var en score av 3. Ved siste uttak, 12 uker etter smitte, viste 100% av fisken forandringer i hjertets atrium, og 95.7% viste samtidig forandringer i hjertets ventrikkel. Årsaksforholdene bak en gradvis økning i histologisk score, til tross for liten økning i virus over tid, er ikke klargjort, men en mulig forklaring kan være at fiskens immunrespons/inflammatoriske respons ved tilstedeværelse av PMCV over tid, gir et vesentlig bidrag til de observerte forandringene.Piscine myocarditis virus (PMCV) is the causative agent of Cardiomyopathy-syndrome (CMS) in farmed salmon. PMCV is a Toti-like virus affecting the heart and is characteristically known to cause acute death during the second year in sea. CMS-related outbreaks are for often unexpected, since CMS is not a disease that you commonly screen for, is non-reportable, and the fish seldom, clinically, show any symptoms of underlying chronic disease. Periods of induced stress have been shown to cause an increase in mortalities due to CMS. CMS is a major concern regarding animal welfare and can also present a significantly economic consequence for the fish farmers. In this study we aimed to score temporal changes and development of cardiac lesions within the atrium and spongious myocardium of the ventricle, post experimental infection with PMCV. The study also looked at plausible correlation between time passed after experimental PMCV infection and the increase in histological score, and the correlation between increased viral load and an increase in histological score. Scoring of the lesions was based on preset criteria, and the lesions was scored with number 0 – 4, whereas a score of 4, represented the most severe pathological changes. A total of 96 fish was examined, and 24 fish was taken out at a time, 4-, 6-, 8- and 12-weeks post challenge. 88 hearts were examined by histology since 8 slides was seen to be of poor quality and not given a score. Results show that there is a significant correlation between time and histological changes, also significant correlation between an increase in viral load and increase in the severity of the heart lesions. Even though the correlation between viral load and histological score, seemed to be significant, we however cannot prove a significant increase in viral load over time. Histologically the lesions seemed to start in the subendotelium of the atrium, with infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells, predominantly lymphocytes and macrophages, with an increase in lesion size and distribution over time, and successively also affecting the spongiosum of the ventricle. The atrium of the heart seems to show more severe lesions then the ventricle and maintains a higher histological score throughout the study. The highest score of 4 was given to atrium 12wpc, while a score of 3, was the highest score given to the ventricle. 12 weeks after infection with PMCV, 100% of the fish shows pathological changes within the atrium, but 4% of the fish do not show histological changes within the ventricle. The lesions observed seems to keep growing in severity throughout the study, while the replication of virus seems to be flattening out after 6 wpc. Interestingly we see that the histological score keeps rising, while the viral load maintains a stable mean Ct-value of 25 +/- 1. Causes for this observation, is not documented or studied in this study, but the immunological response/ inflammatory changes within the heart, in the presence of PMCV, are discussed to have an importance and contribution regarding the development of cardiac lesions post experimental infection with PMCV.VE

    Planeamiento estratégico para la industria de la acuicultura del Cusco

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    El estudio comprende el análisis del potencial de los recursos hídricos en la región Cusco para la explotación de las especies acuícolas de las especies más representativas y de alta demanda en el mercado nacional e internacional. Entre estas se encuentran la trucha “arco iris” (Oncorhynchus mykiss), el pejerrey (Odontesthes bonariensis), y las especies nativas amazónicas gamitana (Colossoma macropomum), paco (Piaractus brachypomum), cuchara tumba (Anodontites trapesialis) y churo (Pomacea muculata). Asimismo, el estudio implica la formación de microasociaciones de acuicultores para lograr un posicionamiento representativo en el mercado de exportadores de especies acuícolas, que busca satisfacer la demanda en crecimiento de alimentos con alto valor nutritivo, por lo que se realizó el estudio y el análisis de los diversos factores que determinarán el éxito de las asociaciones acuícolas asociadas en un Comité Regional de Acuicultura del Cusco. En el marco teórico, se describe las diversas acciones que permitirán el desarrollo de las estrategias planteadas para los objetivos. El estudio se basa en el análisis de datos proporcionados por entidades públicas y por bases de datos públicos relacionados con la industria de la acuicultura a nivel nacional, así como en información de los países representativos en la explotación y exportación de especies acuícolas. Finalmente, considerando el análisis del marco teórico desarrollado en la presente investigación, se determinó algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones para la implementación y explotación del cultivo de especies acuícolas en la región Cusco. Asimismo, a partir del análisis de la industria acuícola de la región, se proyecta que su explotación generará el crecimiento socioeconómico de las poblaciones en las que se desarrollará el proyecto acuícolaThe study includes analysis of the potential of water resources in Cusco region for the exploitation of aquaculture species of the most representative species and high demand in the domestic market and the international market, among them are trout "rainbow" Oncorhynchus mykiss, the silverside Odontesthes bonariensis and "gamitana" macropomum, "paco" Piaractus brachypomum, "spoon grave" Anodontites trapesialis and "churo" Pomacea muculata Amazonian native species; as well as the formation of micro farmers ' associations, to achieve a representative market positioning exporters aquaculture species, which seeks to meet the growing demand for food with high nutritional value, so the study and analysis will be held Various factors that determine the success of associated aquaculture associations in a Regional Aquaculture Committee of Cusco. The theoretical framework describes the various actions that will allow the development of the strategies proposed for the objectives. The study is based on the analysis of data provided by public entities and public databases related to the aquaculture industry at national level and information from representative countries on the exploitation and export of aquaculture species. Finally, considering the analysis of the theoretical framework developed in the present research has determined some conclusions and recommendations for the implementation and exploitation of aquaculture species in the Cusco region, as well as the analysis of the aquaculture industry of the region, it is recommended that exploitation will generate socio-economic growth of the populations in which the aquaculture exploitation project was developedTesi

    O-GlcNAcylation and oxidation of proteins: is signalling in the cardiovascular system becoming sweeter?

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    O-GlcNAcylation is an unusual form of protein glycosylation, where a single-sugar [GlcNAc (N-acetylglucosamine)] is added (via β-attachment) to the hydroxyl moiety of serine and threonine residues of nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins. A complex and extensive interplay exists between O-GlcNAcylation and phosphorylation. Many phosphorylation sites are also known glycosylation sites, and this reciprocal occupancy may produce different activities or alter the stability in a target protein. The interplay between these two post-translational modifications is not always reciprocal, as some proteins can be concomitantly phosphorylated and O-GlcNAcylated, and the adjacent phosphorylation or O-GlcNAcylation can regulate the addition of either moiety. Increased cardiovascular production of ROS (reactive oxygen species), termed oxidative stress, has been consistently reported in various chronic diseases and in conditions where O-GlcNAcylation has been implicated as a contributing mechanism for the associated organ injury/protection (for example, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, arterial hypertension, aging and ischaemia). In the present review, we will briefly comment on general aspects of O-GlcNAcylation and provide an overview of what has been reported for this post-translational modification in the cardiovascular system. We will then specifically address whether signalling molecules involved in redox signalling can be modified by O-GlcNAc (O-linked GlcNAc) and will discuss the critical interplay between O-GlcNAcylation and ROS generation. Experimental evidence indicates that the interactions between O-GlcNAcylation and oxidation of proteins are important not only for cell regulation in physiological conditions, but also under pathological states where the interplay may become dysfunctional and thereby exacerbate cellular injury

    Writer's Retreat

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    Writer’s Retreat is a pavilion design for a writer-in-residence in Deptford, London. Shaped by the environment to form three unique studios with different views, interiors and sound qualities, the pavilion is designed to counteract writer’s block. The site provides an opportunity to engage with the debates surrounding culture-led redevelopment, established communities and regeneration in deprived areas. With a view over Deptford High Street, the writer observes a place that, three times a week, is transformed from quiet street to bustling urban market, offering everything from toilet rolls to evening gowns. The pavilion invites the public to sit down and step away from the commercial market, whilst listening to the life of the street as a storytelling space

    Natural disaster mitigation in developing countries : the role of trade openness

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    Employing fixed effects estimations in a panel of 137 countries over 37 years, this study empirically investigates the relationship between trade openness and natural disaster fatality rates in developing countries. The findings suggest that trade openness reduces fatality rates from natural disasters in general in the developing world, and in particular losses resulting from earthquakes, storms and extreme temperature disasters. Specifically, our estimates suggest that for developing countries, increasing the trade ratio by 10% is significantly associated with a 2-3% reduction in subsequent natural disaster fatality rates. Building upon the initial findings, the analysis further suggests that the mitigating effect of trade openness on natural disaster losses arises from knowledge- and technology transfers, international collaboration, and improvements of infrastructure and investment climate. The established reduction in fatalities from trade openness is robust to various specifications; however, the extent to which trade openness mitigates losses depends on disaster type and countryspecific features such as development level, degree of democracy and the efficiency of the public sector. The central policy implication of our findings is that trade policy may be a potential tool for developing countries to mitigate natural disaster risk without compromising economic development.nhhma

    The economic lives of refugees

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    Abstract: The economic lives of refugees are often viewed as relatively homogeneous, and sources of within-group variation remain largely unexplored. We describe the socio-economic diversity of refugees in one particular region: East Africa. Drawing upon first-hand quantitative and qualitative data collected in Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia (n = 8,996), the article systematically compares 12 refugee subpopulations living in seven refugee camps and the three capital cities. In order to identify sources of variation, we examine three main questions: (1) What variation is there in socio-economic outcomes? (2) What strategies and resources do refugees rely upon, and how do these vary? (3) How are opportunities and constraints shaped by differences in institutions and identity? Overall, we show that, although the economic lives of refugees have some distinguishing and common features, they are also heterogeneous by host country, urban/camp context, nationality, and household. We explain why describing and understanding sources of within-group variation matters for research and policy

    Refugee Economies Programme: Dataset

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    Abstract: Between 2016 and 2021 we collected an original panel dataset, based on multi-country and time-series data collection, to understand and explain the variation in socio-economic outcomes for refugees. This cross-sectional dataset contains data on refugees only and covers urban and rural areas in Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia. It includes almost 9,000 refugees from across six research sites

    Refugees welcome? Inter-group interaction and host community attitude formation

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    Building upon the literature on attitudes to immigration, which mainly focuses on Europe and North America, this article explores the role of inter-group interaction in influencing host community attitudes towards refugees in East Africa. It draws upon first-hand quantitative (n = 16,608) and qualitative data collected from refugees and nearby host communities in urban and camp-like contexts in Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Focusing on the Uganda data, for which host community attitude and interaction data is available, OLS regressions reveal a small positive and significant correlation between refugee-host interaction and the perception of hosts towards refugees. This association disappears when an instrumental variable (IV) approach is used to address endogeneity issues, except when only data from the urban context is used. Combining cross-country data and qualitative data, we highlight some conditions that may shape hosts’ attitudes towards refugees, including the types of interaction, ethno-linguistic proximity, and residence in urban or camp-like contexts. In all contexts, an important part of attitude formation appears to take place at the intra-group level, within households and immediate neighbourhoods, independently of individual interaction with the out-group