18 research outputs found

    Guía para o manexo ambulatorio dos problemas relacionados co consumo de alcohol

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    Psychometric properties of CAST for early detection of problematic cannabis use in Spanish adolescents

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    The high prevalence rates of cannabis use in adolescents and its early onset constitutes a major public health problem, raising the need for its early detection. The availability of validated tools to analyze early cannabis use is essential to detect problematic use at an early age. The Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST) (Legleye et al., 2007) is widely applied in Europe; however, the CAST cut-off scores vary according to the setting, the screening objective, and the correction version (CAST-f or CAST-b), creating therefore confusion in its application. Moreover, the psychometric properties of the CAST as a tool for detecting problematic cannabis use are understudied. To fill this gap, such psychometric properties have been analyzed in a sample of Spanish adolescents while using different cut-off scores for CAST-f and CAST-b. Based on our findings, the optimal cut-off scores are 2 points for CAST-b and 4 points for CAST-f. The internal reliability of CAST-f (α = 0.83) and CAST-b (KR-20 = 0.80) are satisfactory. Factorial analysis suggested the assumption of a one-dimension model. The CAST seems to be a valid and reliable tool for early screening of problematic cannabis use in Spanish adolescentsS

    First-time admissions for opioid treatment: crosssectional and descriptive study of new opioid users seeking treatment

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the profiles of the new treatment demands posed by opioid addicts between 2005 and 2010 at the addictive disorders assistance units in Galicia, Spain. Methods: A cluster analysis was performed using data from 1,655 treatment entrants. Clusters were constructed using sociodemographic and medicolegal variables. A cluster analysis was also conducted according to age. Once clusters were defined, their association with the following variables was analyzed: age at first use of opioids, years of use, frequency of opioid use in the previous month, psychiatric treatment, cocaine use, existence of a drug-dependent partner, and source of referral. Results: Four clusters were obtained in the main analysis. Cluster 1 (34.01%) consisted of young males, cluster 2 (16.19%) consisted of not-so-young males, cluster 3 (32.62%) consisted mainly of older males and a small group of females, and cluster 4 (17.18%) was made up entirely of women. With regard to age-related clusters, two clusters were obtained in those under the age of 30 years: cluster 1 (73%) without medicolegal complications and cluster 2 (27%) with medicolegal complications. For those over the age of 30 years, two clusters were obtained: cluster 1 (53.92%) with hardly any medicolegal complications and cluster 2 (46.08%) with medicolegal complications. Conclusion: Cluster analysis suggests that there have been no substantial changes in variables indicating greater severity in this new group of patients. Women are likely to seek help earlier, which reduces their duration of opioid use. The younger the patient, the shorter the duration of opioid use and the greater the likelihood of cessation of intravenous use. Public health systems should use a two-pronged treatment strategy of short but intense cessation therapies for women and younger treatment entrants and longer maintenance and replacement therapies for older treatment entrants with more psychosocial and medical complications.This study was partly supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Salud MentalS

    Education and Training in Addiction Medicine and Psychology across Europe: A EUFAS Survey

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    Introduction: Training in addiction medicine and addiction psychology is essential to ensure the quality of treatment for patients with substance use disorders. Some earlier research has shown varying training between countries, but no comprehensive study of addiction training across Europe has been performed. The present study by the European Federation for Addiction Societies (EUFAS) aimed to fill this gap. Methods: A Delphi process was used to develop a questionnaire on specialist training in addiction treatment in 24 European countries. The final questionnaire consisted of 14 questions on either addiction medicine or addiction psychology, covering the nature and content of the training and institutional approval, the number of academic professorial positions, and the estimated number of specialists in each country. Results: Information was not received from all countries, but six (Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and Romania) reported no specialized addiction medicine training, while 17 countries did. Seven countries (Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, and the Netherlands) reported no specialized addiction psychology training, while 14 countries did. Training content and evaluation methods varied. Approval was given either by governments, universities, or professional societies. Eighteen countries reported having professorships in addiction medicine and 12 in addiction psychology. The number of specialists in addiction medicine or psychology varied considerably across the countries. Discussion: The survey revealed a large heterogeneity in training in addiction medicine and addiction psychology across Europe. Several countries lacked formal training, and where formal training was present, there was a large variation in the length of the training. Harmonization of training, as is currently the case for other medical and psychology specializations, is warranted to ensure optimal treatment for this under-served patient group

    Guía de práctica clínica para el tratamiento farmacológico y psicológico de los pacientes adultos con trastorno bipolar y un diagnóstico comórbido de trastorno por uso de sustancias

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    This review synthesizes the pharmacological and psychosocial interventions that have been conducted in comorbid bipolar disorder (BD) and substance use disorders (SUDs) while also providing clinical recommendations about which intervention elements are helpful for addressing substance use versus mood symptoms in patients with these co-occurring conditions. The best evidence from randomized controlled trials was used to evaluate treatment options. The strength of recommendations was described using the GRADE approach. Very few of the randomized trials performed so far have provided consistent evidence for the management of both mood symptoms and substance use in patients with a BD. No clinical trials are available for bipolar patients using cannabis. Some treatments have shown benefit for mood symptoms without benefits for alcohol or illicit substance use. Our results suggest that 1) we can (weakly) recommend the use of adjuvant valproate or naltrexone to improve symptoms of alcohol use disorder; 2) Lamotrigine add-on therapy seems to reduce cocaine-related symptoms and is therefore recommended (moderate strength); and 3) Varenicline is (weakly) recommended to improve nicotine abstinence. Integrated group therapy is the most-well validated and efficacious approach on substance use outcomes if substance use is targeted in an initial treatment phaseEsta revisión resume las intervenciones farmacológicos y psicosociales que se han realizado en trastorno bipolar (TB) y un diagnóstico comórbido de trastorno por uso de sustancias (TUS) y además proporciona recomendaciones clínicas respecto de cuáles elementos de intervención son útiles para hacer frente a los síntomas del uso de sustancias versus los síntomas de estado de ánimo en pacientes con estas afecciones concurrentes. Se utilizó la mejor evidencia de ensayos controlados aleatorizados para evaluar las opciones de tratamiento. La fuerza de las recomendaciones se describió mediante el enfoque GRADE. Muy pocos de los ensayos aleatorizados realizados hasta la fecha han proporcionado evidencia consistente para el manejo tanto de los síntomas de estado de ánimo como del uso de sustancias en pacientes con TB. No hay disponibilidad de ensayos clínicos para pacientes con TB que utilizan el cannabis. Algunos tratamientos han mostrado beneficios para los síntomas de estado de ánimo sin beneficios para el uso de alcohol o sustancias ilícitas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que 1) podemos (débilmente) recomendar el uso de ácido valproico o naltrexona adyuvante para aliviar los síntomas del trastorno por consumo de alcohol; 2) el tratamiento complementario con lamotrigina parece reducir los síntomas relacionados con la cocaína y, por tanto, es recomendable (fuerza moderada); y 3) la vareniclina es recomendable (débilmente) para mejorar la abstinencia de la nicotina. La terapia grupal integrada es el enfoque con más validación y eficacia sobre los resultados en el uso de sustancias cuando este uso es abordado durante la fase inicial de tratamientoS

    Dual pathology? Reviewing the conceptualization of comorbidity in addictions

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    Durante los últimos años hemos asistido a un intenso debate científico en el ámbito de las adicciones: ¿tiene la presencia conjunta de un Trastorno por Uso de Sustancias (TUS) y otro trastorno mental importancia clínica suficiente para que sea considerada una entidad en sí misma?, ¿precisa este escenario clínico de un término específico?, ¿es adecuado el uso del término patología dual?, ¿qué implicaciones tiene este debate para la atención clínica a personas con adicciones? En este editorial, pretendemos revisar la evidencia científica más reciente y, sobre todo, contribuir de forma constructiva al debate científico sobre estas cuestiones

    Estudio descriptivo de los pacientes que acudieron a tratamiento en una Unidad Asistencial para problemas relacionados con el consumo de alcohol (1992-2201)

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    Se realiza un estudio descriptivo de los pacientes que presentan problemas relacionados con el consumo de alcohol, atendidos a lo largo de 10 años en nuestro dispositivo. Para ello se revisan 1.637 historias clínicas de pacientes que acudieron de forma ambulatoria a la Unidad Asistencial As Burgas. Se estudiaron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y relacionadas con la aplicación del tratamiento a cada uno de los pacientes, obteniendo así datos tales como que la mayoría de los pacientes son hombres (800o), casados (60%), que el mayor porcentaje acude al Centro derivados por su módico de cabecera o presionados por su entorno familiar (44%) y que en relación con la respuesta al tratamiento el 30% de los pacientes obtuvieron un resultado exitoso. Estos datos abren la posibilidad de realizar estudios más profundos y prospectivos de nuestro trabajo

    Psychiatric Comorbidity in Patients from the Addictive Disorders Assistance Units of Galicia: The COPSIAD Study.

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    The objective of this study is to assess the prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity in patients under treatment within the addictive disorders assistance units of Galicia (Spain).A total of 64 healthcare professionals performed clinical diagnosis of mental disorders (on DSM IV-TR criteria) in 2300 patients treated throughout March 2010 in 21 addictive disorders assistance units.56.3% of patients with substance abuse/dependency also showed some other mental disorder, 42.2% of patients suffering from at least an Axis I condition and 20.2% from some Axis II condition. Mood and anxiety disorders and borderline and antisocial personality disorders were the most frequent disorders in both axes.A high comorbidity was found between mental and substance use disorders (SUD) in patients seen at the addictive disorders assistance units of Galicia