27 research outputs found

    Exploiting web technologies to build autonomic wireless sensor networks

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    Most of the current wireless sensor networks are built for specific applications, with a tight coupling between them and the underlying communication protocols. We present a more flexible architectural approach for building WSNs, in which application-specific features are decoupled from the underlying communication infrastructure, although affecting the network behavior. We propose a framework based on Web technologies that provides a standard interface for accessing the network and configurable service components tailored to meet different application requirements, while optimizing the network scarce resources. Also, a set of ontologies is defined as part of the framework for representing shared knowledge of the WSN domain.8th IFIP/IEEE International conference on Mobile and Wireless CommunicationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Data-Centric Resource Management in Edge-Cloud Systems for the IoT

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    A major challenge in emergent scenarios such as the Cloud-assisted Internet of Things is efficiently managing the resources involved in the system while meeting requirements of applications. From the acquisition of physical data to its transformation into valuable services or information, several steps must be performed, involving the various players in such a complex ecosystem. Support for decentralized data processing on IoT devices and other devices near the edge of the network, in combination with the benefits of cloud technologies has been identified as a promising approach to reduce communication overhead, thus reducing delay for time sensitive IoT applications. The interplay of IoT, edge and cloud to achieve the final goal of producing useful information and value-added services to end user gives rise to a management problem that needs to be wisely tackled. The goal of this work is to propose a novel resource management framework for edge-cloud systems that supports heterogeneity of both devices and application requirements. The framework aims to promote the efficient usage of the system resources while leveraging the Edge Computing features, to meet the low latency requirements of emergent IoT applications. The proposed framework encompasses (i) a lightweight and data-centric virtualization model for edge devices, (ii) a set of components responsible for the resource management and the provisioning of services from the virtualized edge-cloud resources

    Autonomic Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Autonomic computing (AC) is a promising approach to meet basic requirements in the design of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and its principles can be applied to efficiently manage nodes operation and optimize network resources. Middleware for WSNs supports the implementation and basic operation of such networks. In this systematic literature review (SLR) we aim to provide an overview of existing WSN middleware systems that address autonomic properties. The main goal is to identify which development approaches of AC are used for designing WSN middleware system, which allow the self-management of WSN. Another goal is finding out which interactions and behavior can be automated in WSN components. We drew the following main conclusions from the SLR results: (i) the selected studies address WSN concerns according to the self-* properties of AC, namely, self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection; (ii) the selected studies use different approaches for managing the dynamic behavior of middleware systems for WSN, such as policy-based reasoning, context-based reasoning, feedback control loops, mobile agents, model transformations, and code generation. Finally, we identified a lack of comprehensive system architecture designs that support the autonomy of sensor networking

    SATYA: A Reputation-based Approach for Service Discovery and Selection in Service Oriented Architectures

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    ABSTRACT We present SATYA, a system that computes a reputation value for Web service providers in order to enhance the service discovery and selection process increasing reliability in SOA transactions. In this work, objective values of service evaluations supplied by monitoring entities are used along with subjective evaluations supplied by service consumers. The objective and subjective values are compared in order to: (i) validate subjective evaluations; (ii) minimize the degree of subjectivity of computed reputation values; and (iii) discover consumers' preferences in terms of QoS metrics. By assigning Web services a trustable reputation value, SATYA enhances the service descriptions provided by registries with additional information to be used during the service discovery phase

    Agente Fenix: sistema de filtragem personalizada de informações

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    Nowadays Internet offers such an extensive amount of information, that it becames very difficult for the users to take advantage of it. Searching of a solution, the present work proposes a methodology of implementation of an Intelligent Agent for the personalized information filtering. The idea is to develop a set of autonomous, non-mobile, adaptative agents.The learning mechanism adopted by the agents is "relevance feedback". The search space where the infomlation will be recoveredfrom are the articles and works found in the WWW pages, selected and classified in agreement with subjects of interest. The system was developed to help the academic public, composed by teachers, graduation and masters degreé students. The initial results were quite promising. The proposed agent demonstrated to be a powerful tool of information filtering, reducing the time wasted in that activity.Atualmente, a Internet disponibiliza uma extensa quantidade de informações, para uma vasta gama de usuários, tornando-se difícil de manipular. Inspirado nesta dificuldade, o presente trabalho propõe o uso de Agentes Inteligentes para a filtragem personalizada de informações. A idéia é desenvolver um conjunto de agentes autônomos, fixos e adaptativos, com o objetivo de satisfazer as necessidades de informação do usuário. Para a representação das informações, será adotado o modelo vetor espacial [Salton83], e o mecanismo de aprendizagem dos agentes será o feedback de relevância [Frakes92] .Esse artigo apresenta a descrição do sistema e os resultados de uma primeira etapa, onde foram feitos testes em um ambiente simulado. Em uma próxima etapa, serão conduzidos testes com usuários reais. O espaço de busca por onde serão recuperadas as informações são documentos existentes nas páginas da WWW. O sistema foi desenvolvido para ambientes mono-usuários, e o público-alvo serão professores, alunos e funcionários de uma Universidade

    Exploiting web technologies to build autonomic wireless sensor networks

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    Most of the current wireless sensor networks are built for specific applications, with a tight coupling between them and the underlying communication protocols. We present a more flexible architectural approach for building WSNs, in which application-specific features are decoupled from the underlying communication infrastructure, although affecting the network behavior. We propose a framework based on Web technologies that provides a standard interface for accessing the network and configurable service components tailored to meet different application requirements, while optimizing the network scarce resources. Also, a set of ontologies is defined as part of the framework for representing shared knowledge of the WSN domain.8th IFIP/IEEE International conference on Mobile and Wireless CommunicationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Middleware orientado a serviços para redes de sensores sem fio

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    There is a wide range of applications for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with different needs. The WSN infrastructure and protocols change according to the application needs. To achieve the best performance of the WSN, its operation should be adapted to the application needs. We propose a middleware for WSNs that provides a layer between applications and the network. The middleware offers a standard mechanism for representing user queries, sensor tasks and data. It also provides an automatic choice of the best network configuration and data dissemination strategy. Users are able to access the WSN without worrying about the underlying infrastructure and software. From the WSN perspective, the system provides the best match between communication protocols and application requirements.Há uma ampla gama de aplicações para redes de sensores sem fio (RSSF)s, com diferentes necessidades. A infraestrutura e o protocolo de disseminação de dados da rede variam de acordo com a aplicação. Para o melhor desempenho quanto ao consumo de energia e à qualidade do serviço fornecido pela rede, seu funcionamento deve ser adaptado às necessidades da aplicação. Este trabalho propõe um middleware que oferece uma camada entre aplicações e a rede de sensores e oferece um mecanismo padrão para representar consultas, tarefas e dados. Além disso, fornece a escolha automatizada da configuração da rede e da estratégia de disseminação de dados usada, permitindo ao usuário acessar a rede sem tomar conhecimento de infraestrutura e software subjacentes. Do ponto de vista da rede, o sistema visa obter a melhor combinação entre protocolos de comunicação e requisitos da aplicação

    Towards a View-Based Process for Designing and Documenting RESTful Service Architectures

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    International audienceRepresentational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style for service-based design. Regarded to be used in massively distributed and loosely coupled hypermedia systems, REST has been the de facto architecture style for REST-based web services (called RESTful services). Besides business functionality, RESTful services should address quality attribute requirements, which are commonly described in scenarios (textual descriptions of how to achieve such attribute in the system's context). However, to properly mapping scenarios into architectural elements is a non-trivial task. Furthermore, architects often fail to document adequately the design decisions taken during such mapping. These issues can result in low-quality RESTful services. In this paper, we present a view-based process that provides mechanisms to represent quality attribute scenarios as concrete design decisions that can be later used in the design of RESTful service architectures

    CrossMDA: a Model-driven Approach for Aspect Management

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    Nowadays, the complexity of software applications has brought new challenges to developers, having to deal with a large number of computational requirements. Among these requirements, those known as crosscutting concerns transpass components boundaries, leading to maintainability and comprehension problems. This paper presents CrossMDA, a framework that encompasses a transformation process to integrate crosscutting concerns in model-oriented systems. It uses the concepts of horizontal separation of concerns from AOP to create independent business and aspect models, integrating those models through MDA transformations (vertical separation of concerns). CrossMDA comprises a development process, a set of services and support tools. The main advantages of this approach are to raise the abstraction level of aspect modeling, to promote the reuse of crosscutting concerns modeled as PIM elements, besides automating the process of mapping the relationship of crosscutting concerns and business models through the process of MDA transformations

    Fenix: personalized information filtering system for www pages

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    Nowadays the Intemet offers a large amount of infonmation to a wide range of users, making it difficult to deal with. The present work suggests the use of intelligent agents for the personallzed flltering of Web pages. A set of autonomous, non-mobile and adaptive agents was developed, aiming to satisfy the user's need for infonmation. The agents learn from the users' feedback and attempt to produce better preferences results over time. This work presents the system description and the promising results of tests performed in a simulated environment. The proposed system has proven to be a useful tool in reducing the amount of information with which the user has to deal